Menstrual pain in the lower abdomen and nipples. Stomach and nipple pain during pregnancy: is this normal? Chest pain and abdominal pain

Women Health It is very fragile, so it must be protected and responded to changes in a timely manner. Women may go to the doctor complaining that their lower abdomen is aching and their nipples are sore. Most often, girls and young women face this problem.

A common cause of such changes in the body is hormonal imbalances. Mostly the nipples and lower abdomen hurt before menstruation or during pregnancy. Let's talk about possible reasons unpleasant sensations and figure out how to eliminate them.

How are the chest and abdomen connected?

Oddly enough, but the connection really exists. The connecting link is the sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Depending on the day menstrual cycle the concentration of these hormones changes, and the sensitivity of body tissues to them also changes.

The internal genital organs are located at the bottom abdominal cavity. If in reproductive sphere malfunctions occur, this manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower abdomen

Pain can be the result of hormonal changes, namely:

  • excess production of the sex hormone or, conversely, its lack;
  • increased sensitivity of receptors;
  • puberty;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle after disruptions.

Eg, increased level estrogen or progesterone causes the nipples to swell, the breasts to increase in size and become too sensitive to touch. The pain can be so severe that even analgesics do not help.

In some cases, a delay in menstruation can cause unpleasant symptoms. Pain in the abdomen and nipples is not a guarantee of pregnancy. In any case, you should consult a gynecologist. During pregnancy, women may experience characteristic features: pulling in the lower abdomen and lower back pain, white discharge appears from the nipples.

Myotropic antispasmodics will help relieve spasms: No-shpa, Papaverine. They effectively relieve spasms smooth muscle muscles. At unbearable pain Ketorol and Ibuprofen are used. If the pain is associated with hypersensitivity mammary gland, then they can help the following recommendations:

  • stop wearing a bra for a while;
  • replace tight clothes with looser ones;
  • sleep on your back, not on your stomach;
  • apply a warm heating pad to your chest.

Sometimes two symptoms occur by chance. In this case, symptoms may appear that cannot in any way be related to hormonal imbalance: nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia, diarrhea, rash, bloating.

Your stomach may ache before your period

Why does my chest hurt and my lower abdomen feel tight?

Let us highlight the main reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms:

Every month, the female body prepares to fertilize the egg and bear the fetus. Hormonal changes occur throughout the menstrual cycle. If conception does not occur, menstruation occurs.

The next hormonal surge is the period of ovulation, during which breasts may swell and appear nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

According to statistics, ninety percent of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome. During this period, your body temperature may even rise and you may experience a severe headache. Women often complain of dizziness, nausea and increased sensitivity to smells.

In some cases, consulting a doctor is not required. If you know that menstruation is due to begin any day, then, most likely, pain in the abdomen and mammary glands is its harbinger. If the critical days have already passed, and the next ones are still far away, then it is better to consult a doctor.

Doctors call painful periods algomenorrhea. There are several reasons for its occurrence. Deterioration of blood flow from the uterus may occur due to stressful situations, overwork. Secondary process can cause diseases genitourinary area. In this case, algomenorrhea is only a symptom, which can only be eliminated by getting rid of the root cause.

More often painful symptoms associated specifically with the onset of menstruation. The mammary glands swell a little earlier, but pain in the lower abdomen appears immediately before the onset of menstruation. If the cause of the pain is unknown, it is important to undergo tests to determine accurate diagnosis.

Algomenorrhea is a common cause of chest and abdominal pain

Chest and stomach pain during pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman is completely rebuilt, preparing for bearing a child and feeding after childbirth. Abdominal pain may be nagging, and the breasts may increase in size. Even before birth, milk may begin to be released from the mammary glands.

Let's consider the main causes of pain during pregnancy:

  • fetal growth provokes abdominal discomfort. Using a bandage or a special belt will help ease the pain outbreak;
  • at repeated births in women suffering from algomenorrhea. Usually, the pain goes away on its own over time;
  • softening of ligaments and discs;
  • increased tone uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • risk of miscarriage.

More often painful sensations arise on early stages pregnancy. This is due to the process of implantation of the embryo into the endometrium. For more later discomfort is explained by an increase in the size of the uterus and the growth of the fetus.

During pregnancy, the main task is vital important systems the body is the full formation of the fetus and providing it with everything necessary both during intrauterine development, and after childbirth. A pregnant woman's breasts prepare for milk production and feeding, causing them to increase in size and become more sensitive.

Ovulation as a cause of the syndrome

Ovulation is a necessary process in reproductive system every woman. It happens with a certain frequency. Unpleasant sensations during this period are most often minor, which is why many women simply do not pay attention to their appearance. But there are cases when painful outbreaks have a pronounced character.

During this period, the quantity, color and consistency changes. vaginal discharge. Women's sex drive increases. Pain in the lower abdomen may be different duration. For some women it lasts only a few minutes, while for others it does not go away for several days. It's connected with physiological characteristics body.

Still, some symptoms may be alarming. Let's consider situations in which it is shown immediate appeal see a specialist: the pain in the lower abdomen is so strong that the woman cannot move, loss of consciousness from pain syndrome, heat, discomfort repeat from month to month.

In order to exclude the possibility serious illnesses, you should contact a specialist

The following recommendations will help relieve cyclical pain during ovulation:

  • sufficient consumption natural water. Dehydration will only make the condition worse;
  • thermal procedures. For example it could be warm bath With essential oils. At the same time, do not forget that such procedures can be carried out only if you are absolutely sure that ovulation was the cause of the pain. If the pain outbreak was provoked by inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, then such procedures will harm you even more;
  • avoid stressful situations, do not take negative moments in life to heart;
  • For severe pain, take an analgesic.

Diseases that cause pain

Not in all cases, discomfort in the mammary glands and abdomen is associated with ovulation or critical days. Sometimes serious pathological processes can be to blame. Which?

Inflammation of the ovaries

The causes of oophoritis can be the following pathogens: chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, staphylococcus, coli and other. In other cases, inflammation can be caused by banal hypothermia, injury, childbirth, surgery. Most often, oophoritis is not the root cause, but a consequence of other pathological processes.

An acute process is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

Treatment is prescribed depending on the nature of the pathological process, its causes and stage. At acute process shown bed rest. The woman is assigned antibacterial agents, analgesics and restorative drugs.

Often the cause of pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by discomfort in the nipples, is gynecological diseases

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic disease is hormonal disorder, which is based on the absence of ovulation. Experts highlight a large number of provoking factors of the disease: hereditary predisposition, stress, irregular sex life, mastopathy. Polycystic ovary syndrome threatens infertility.

Manifests pathological process as the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • swelling of the mammary glands, nipple hypersensitivity and soreness;
  • irritability, depressive states;
  • acne, seborrhea;
  • obesity;
  • menstrual irregularities.

The disorder is treated with hormonal drugs, but in some cases surgery will be required.

So, nipple pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen is an unpleasant symptom that may be associated with physiological processes or be a manifestation of some kind of violation. Normally, pain occurs during ovulation, before menstruation and during pregnancy.

Yet the appearance unpleasant symptom May be serious reason consult a doctor. Pain in the mammary glands and abdomen may be a consequence hormonal imbalance, oncological processes, diseases genitourinary system and another.

What brings relief to one person may not necessarily help you. In each case, the cause of the pain may be different, and accordingly, diametrically opposite measures of control are used. After an examination, your doctor will help you understand the root cause of your condition and effectively relieve pain.

Pain at the peak of ovulation itself is quite natural. Their nature can be different: cramping, cutting, pulling or stabbing. Pain immediately after ovulation occurs for an hour. Some women say that such pain may not leave them even 2-3 days after ovulation. What can pain after ovulation mean?

Breast pain after ovulation

Every month, the body carefully prepares for the expected pregnancy if ovulation occurs. And of course, a woman's breasts are also preparing to breastfeed a baby. Even when it doesn’t happen, the body still prepares the breasts for lactation. After ovulation, progesterone begins to fulfill its tasks, preparing the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Breasts become more sensitive during ovulation. When the mammary glands swell, this indicates that the glandular tissue is increasing in volume. Naturally, a lot of space is needed: as the mammary glands grow, they put pressure on the vessels, their location changes, and the woman feels pain in the chest.

After some time, which depends on the length of the cycle, the overgrown tissues die off after menstruation. After the second phase of the cycle is completed, the level of progesterone drops sharply and everything falls into place, the pain disappears.

Stomach hurts after ovulation

A woman may experience abdominal pain due to the fact that a mature egg is moving along fallopian tube- this is the peak of ovulation. Every month this process occurs regularly every 28-35 days. About two weeks after the cycle begins, the follicle grows and matures. On the 14th day with normal and regular cycle a mature egg is released and forms.

Abdominal pain is a period of follicle growth. Such pain during this period is considered normal. The discomfort will soon pass, and before the next critical days the woman should not feel any pain.

Ovarian pain after ovulation

The ovary may hurt due to the fact that it is inflamed, the reasons may be as follows:

  • if an infection has entered the uterine cavity;
  • the female body was susceptible to hypothermia;
  • severe pain may indicate that the cyst has ruptured;
  • if the ovarian tissue has burst;
  • oophoritis;
  • favorable conception or the implantation process may cause some discomfort.

Nagging pain after ovulation

20% of women note that after ovulation, on days 2-3, they feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
This may indicate 3 factors:
  • pregnancy has occurred;
  • pregnancy with pathologies: threat of miscarriage, miscarriage and increased uterine tone;
  • diseases of the genital organs, for example, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, cystitis, the effect of taking medications that contain hormones, appendicitis.

Lower back pain after ovulation

After the end of menstruation, in the place where the ovary was, gradually begins to form corpus luteum is a collection of cells that activate progesterone. If the corpus luteum is not fully formed and female hormone produced in minimum quantity, then in the female body the process of detachment of some parts of the uterus begins. As a result, women experience pain in the lower back.

Such pain is considered normal if it occurs every 28-35 days, depending on the length of the cycle.

Nipples hurt after ovulation

60% of women experience nipple pain after ovulation. Typically, such pain is associated with hormonal levels. The nipples hurt because the levels of the hormone progesterone and prolactin increase. It is these hormones, together with other biological enzymes contained in a woman’s blood, that cause stagnation of fluid and electrolytes in the mammary glands. Because of this, the breasts swell and the nipples are also susceptible to pain.

Dear women, in most cases, pain after ovulation is normal phenomenon. But, if they interfere with your daily life, be sure to find out the reason by consulting a doctor.

Of course, signs of pregnancy are for those who are really looking forward to pregnancy. After all, if the pregnancy is unexpected, then you will most likely find out about what happened when you can use the test and check your guesses with an ultrasound.

Those who have been planning “parenthood” for a long time (or not so long) listen to themselves very carefully, waiting for the first joyful bells.

And although there are women who do not feel the birth of a new life at all, many can, one and a half to two weeks after a fateful sexual intercourse, catch themselves thinking that “something is wrong here”...

So, how does the body let us know what is happening to it?

Main signs of pregnancy


It swells and becomes sensitive even to touch (sometimes the nipples become hypersensitive).
However, if no signs are observed on the bust side, this is also normal.


By subjective assessments, you can find in yourself small tummy- many mothers note that a small belly begins to be noticeable immediately - even before the delay. There may also be a feeling of “fullness” inside the uterus. It may also be that the stomach tightens (as during ovulation) - this happens during the days of implantation of the child into the wall of the uterus.

Going to the toilet on all occasions is becoming more frequent (not much more so yet) - the uterus pumps its rights and frees up space for itself in the pelvis.

The veins along the lower abdomen become more visible (during pregnancy they will become bluer throughout the body, especially on the stomach and chest). This is due to increased blood volume and increased circulation in strategic locations.

Again, if absolutely nothing is felt or noticeable, this is normal. It will be later for sure.

Taste desires

Suddenly you want something, maybe the most ordinary thing, but you want it unusually strongly. This is most often noticeable in repeat pregnancies, when the mother already knows the product(s) that she is drawn to at the beginning of her new life. This selectivity is associated with the needs of the baby and the adapting mother’s body, and special hormones increase the mother’s sensitivity to those products that contain the necessary substances.


Sensitivity to everything else also increases. Smells, sounds, colors, images, etc. are perceived differently. It is not at all necessary that such changes be sharp and obvious; more often they are, on the contrary, soft, smooth, slightly perceptible, but quite specific: “ugh, it stinks more than usually”, “oh, how I started to like this color”, “let’s buy another soft bear, they are so cute”, “I don’t really want to listen to BG and Tsoi, but I love them so much”, etc.


By the way, toxicosis with its nausea usually appears much later - a week or two after the delay. Therefore, there is no point in relying on this symptom to determine pregnancy. Although there are exceptions here: in some cases, nausea occurs from the moment of implantation, and sometimes there is no toxicosis at all.


Feeling tired or apathetic is a sign of pregnancy that can appear as early as the first week after conception.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain may also indicate early pregnancy; however, mild pain occurs periodically throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Headache and migraines

A sudden increase in hormone levels in the body can cause headaches in early pregnancy.

Suspecting that she is no longer alone, mom will probably do a test - a regular pharmacy strip that determines the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine ( human chorionic gonadotropin person). On such tests they usually write “from the first day of delay,” but I want to find out earlier! If you can't wait, do it. Quite often the test already gives positive result 2-3 days after implantation, i.e. about a week before your expected period.

A very thin or very pale second line already means a positive result.

Gender of baby on pregnancy test?

It is believed that a girl’s embryo has a higher hCG level than a boy’s, so if the test noticeably “strips” long before the delay, then it can be assumed to be a girl, and if even after the delay the second stripe is not very bright, then it is more likely a boy.

If the test shows nothing, but you still have symptoms, just wait a few days and do the test again.

There may also be a situation where all the symptoms are present, and the delay is already obvious, but the test is still negative. Don't worry and don't rush to conclusions. At this time it is not always visible even on ultrasound new life. Just wait a little longer. Of course, if something bothers you - pain, discharge or just fear - you need to go to the doctor.

And one more completely subjective “symptom”, but often so true - the kind of “I just know that I’m pregnant” :) This kind of calm confidence, internal knowledge that does not require proof. And it's so pleasant and peaceful. True, like other symptoms, this feeling may or may not be present. That's also quite normal.

In any case, meet the new person with joy and confidence. At the slightest suspicion, it is better to transform your behavior to suit the suspected pregnancy. If you made a mistake, it’s not scary, because correct image will not harm the life of a non-pregnant woman :) It is much more unpleasant to brush off the symptoms, and then regret something not very useful, but already done. Therefore, be sensitive to your body and intuition.

The woman’s anxiety is caused by the unknown of such symptoms, because, in theory, this should not happen. But the fact remains that her nipples and stomach hurt. IN this issue and features female body should be sorted out.

Pain in the lower abdomen and nipples can occur mainly in only two cases - during pregnancy and during the premenstrual cycle.

If your nipples and lower abdomen hurt, is this normal during pregnancy?

When a woman has pain, this is normal. A woman is literally preparing to become a mother, and her body is completely rebuilt and prepared to carry a baby and feed him after childbirth. At early pregnancy pain in the abdomen can be unpleasant, lasting, and sometimes sharp, and the breasts fill up, increase in size and, sometimes, before childbirth, milk begins to be released.

And yet, for complete reassurance, you can consult a doctor. For reassurance, in case it is not an ectopic pregnancy. When visiting a doctor, he will not be very surprised and can reassure the woman that this is just physical changes, occurring in a woman’s body.

The main causes of pain in the abdomen and nipples in pregnant women

The characteristics of the female body are such that the stomach hurts at the beginning of pregnancy during the growth of the fetus. The abdominal muscles relax and give unusual pain, but this is not so scary and can be avoided by using a bandage or a special belt for pregnant women or simply lying down more often.

During the menstrual cycle, nipples and stomach hurt, mainly in those women who have already given birth. This may be experienced by women whose menstrual cycle was not painless. Usually, after some time, these pains go away on their own.

Softening of ligaments and discs can also lead to lower back pain. In addition, such pain can also indicate hypertonicity of the uterus, regardless of the fact that pain in the lower abdomen and pain in the nipples are normal during pregnancy. In this case, after a series of studies, the woman will be kept for preservation.

Pregnant women experience pain because the time to give birth will soon come, and the woman’s body is preparing for the birth of the baby (stomach pain) and for feeding the baby after childbirth (pain in the nipples). At the end of pregnancy, the stomach may hurt when the cervix dilates slightly and the baby is preparing to be born the other day. So that this does not frighten pregnant women too much, special courses are held even during the first trimester to help get rid of such pain and which, during childbirth, will help to successfully give birth to a baby.

An ectopic pregnancy may not be a pleasant moment, which is quite possible, and it is possible that abdominal pain may be accompanied by the location of the fetus in the fallopian tube.

Such pain can also manifest itself as a threat of miscarriage. In any case, if pain occurs, you should consult your doctor and conduct a series of tests and ultrasound.

Why can nipples and stomach hurt after pregnancy?

Your nipples may become sore from engorged breasts. Usually it's not quite correct reaction body, but this pathology is more common in women who have had C-section. Although this method of childbirth is called “royal” (a pregnant woman falls asleep and wakes up with a baby in her arms), this does not have a positive effect on the baby or his mother.

The baby often experiences bloating and dysbacteriosis, and a woman often experiences breast engorgement and nipple pain. Breasts become full and nipples hurt – this is a sign of mastopathy in women. Mastopathy can appear both after childbirth and after any gynecological surgery. Mastopathy is formed due to the enlargement of nodes, and if you feel a nodule under your arms when palpating the breast, you should immediately visit a doctor, because if you do not see a doctor in time, this can lead from mastopathy to cancer. There is no way to self-medicate here.

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