Does kefir retain water in the body? Do you know exactly which foods retain fluid? Creatine and water loss

We talked with Natalya Fadeeva - a doctor, nutritionist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences - about why fluid is retained in the body, why swelling is dangerous and how the desire to eat something salty in the evening risks ending in weight gain in the morning.

Why is fluid retained in the body and how does edema form?

There are many factors that cause fluid to be retained in the body. As a rule, this occurs due to poor functioning of the urinary or endocrine system (impaired production of antidiuretic hormone, thyroid hormones and female sex hormones). Sometimes fluid retention in the body can be associated with the properties of the food that a person consumes. So, one gram of salt retains 100 grams of liquid. So if you ate a little salted fish in the evening, then in the morning you will be waiting for plus 1.5-2 kilograms on the scales.

The appearance of edema is the main sign of impaired water circulation in the body; it is formed as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular water space, which, in turn, leads to an increase in its volume. If any edema appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, since edema can be symptoms of serious problems with the cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine, digestive, gynecological, and urological systems. With a disease such as myxedema (a pronounced manifestation of reduced thyroid function), edema spreads to all internal organs, including the heart.

Water-salt balance depends on a lot of factors, ranging from a person’s body temperature and the presence of chronic or acute diseases, to the frequency and intensity of physical activity that he experiences. It is worth noting that usually the body itself regulates it well with the help of two main tools - the feeling of thirst (prevents dehydration) and urine output (saves from overhydration - water intoxication). Moreover, it is much easier to develop dehydration than overhydration, but if a person consumes enough fluid (at least 35 milliliters per kilogram of ideal body weight), then his body is fully provided with water and there is nothing to worry about.

During the cold season, we lose less moisture than during the summer period, since we practically do not sweat and do not overheat, so the need for liquid may be slightly less (on average by 100-300 milliliters). But this does not mean at all that the risk of becoming dehydrated is less - regardless of the time of year, a person needs to monitor the maintenance of water balance in the body.

Foods that retain fluid in the body

Of course, salt affects water retention the most, namely its excess. So all pickles, smoked meats, canned food, sausages, sausages and hard cheeses will significantly retain fluid and cause swelling. It should also be noted that alcohol has the ability to redistribute fluid in such a way that there is little water in the cell, it all goes into the intercellular space, so the person looks swollen and swollen. So remember to drink as much water as possible during and after drinking alcohol. This will also help to quickly remove from the body the remains of metabolites, which are very toxic and dangerous to human health.

10 grams of pure alcohol retains approximately 100 milliliters of water. Thus, if you drank 100 grams of alcohol, which is approximately 300 milliliters of cognac or vodka, then the scales will show at least plus one kilogram in the morning.

Fluid retention in tissues occurs in most people. This causes swelling, which negatively affects a person's appearance. In addition, the load on the organs increases. What foods retain water in the body?

This problem occurs as a result of poor nutrition. If swelling occurs constantly, then you should change your diet, reducing or eliminating harmful foods from it.

Causes of edema

Why is water retained in the body? This often occurs as a result of an electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are necessary for the proper functioning of organs. These are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Their excess or deficiency causes metabolic imbalance.

Water-salt metabolism is regulated as follows: sodium retains fluid, and potassium removes. Excessive presence of sodium in the body leads to water accumulation. Potassium deficiency also causes swelling.

The daily sodium intake should be no more than 5 g. This substance enters the body with salty foods. Excessive consumption of such foods is considered one of the causes of edema.

What else retains fluid in tissues? Increased levels of insulin in the blood stimulate the production of aldosterone, a hormone that inhibits sodium in tissues. Therefore, swelling can be caused by foods with a high glycemic index.

Also, the reasons for the accumulation of excess water can be:

  1. Impaired kidney function.
  2. Slow metabolism.
  3. Use of medications.
  4. Dehydration.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids before bed.
  6. Inactivity.
  7. Infectious diseases.
  8. Hot weather.

Why is water retention harmful during pregnancy, what are the causes and consequences? This is due to the increased load on the kidneys and urinary system of the expectant mother. Swelling can be not only external, but also internal.

In the second case, the functioning of internal organs may be disrupted, which negatively affects the development of pregnancy. This can lead to complications during childbirth. Therefore, you need to monitor your weight gain and take the necessary measures if you deviate from the norm.

Many athletes take creatine to increase muscle mass. It retains water in the body, this is its main property.

Swelling before menstruation often worries women over 30 years of age or during menopause. This occurs as a result of natural hormonal changes.

Signs of fluid accumulation

Swelling causes great discomfort. This is often the cause of excess weight. Women encounter this problem much more often than men. This is due to hormonal fluctuations and age-related changes.

Signs of water retention:

  • swelling of the eyelids and face;
  • dyspnea;
  • body weight gain;
  • bloating;
  • Pressing on the skin leaves marks on the body.

You can easily determine if there is swelling. To do this, you need to press firmly on the problem area. If a trace remains, then there is swelling.

Foods that promote swelling

Most foods retain fluid in tissues. To eliminate swelling, you should reduce their consumption. Especially when the body is more susceptible to reserves: hot weather, illness, medication.

Foods that retain water in the body:

  1. Fast food.
  2. Oil, .
  3. Pickled foods.
  4. Canned food.
  5. , ketchup.
  6. , dairy products, .
  7. Smoked meats.
  8. , candies.
  9. Juices with sugar.
  10. Products with preservatives.
  11. Cakes.

Most of all it retains water. It is necessary to monitor the amount of its consumption. A lot of salt is found in store-bought beer snacks, sausages, and canned goods, which also contain various flavorings and dyes.

Alcohol dehydrates. In this regard, the body strives to compensate for this, and edema forms. In addition, beer is usually drunk with chips or salted fish. Coffee in moderation has a diuretic effect, but if it is abused or consumed with sugar, the drink retains fluid.

What retains water in the body the most? This is salty food. On average, to maintain water-salt balance, you need to consume no more than 5 g of salt per day. Most products contain this component, which many are not aware of. In this regard, it is better not to add salt to the dishes. The following table shows which foods retain liquid and how much salt they contain.

Product (100 g) Amount of salt
Sauerkraut 0.8 g
Kelp 0.52 g
Cheese 0.8 g
Black bread 0.43 g
Cornflakes 0.66 g
Canned tuna 0.5 g
Beet 0.26 g
Green beans 0.4 g
Flounder 0.2 g
Shrimps 0.15 g
White bread 0.25 g
Chicory 0.16 g
Sardine 0.14 g
Egg 0.134 g
Veal 0.1 g
Chicken meat 0.08 g
Raisin 0.1 g
Pork 0.14 g
Beef 0.078 g

Many even healthy foods contain salt, so you need to consume any food in moderation. When choosing a ready-made dish, you should pay attention to the label so that there is no more than 140 mg of sodium per serving.

Methods to combat edema

You can prevent fluid retention by removing foods that contribute to it from your diet. However, not everyone manages to eat right; junk food can end up on anyone’s table. What can you do to reduce the likelihood of swelling after consuming such foods?

  1. Drink a lot of water, at least 1.5 liters per day. Many people mistakenly believe that it is necessary, on the contrary, to reduce fluid intake. However, then the body will accumulate it even more in the tissues. And if there is sufficient water intake, there is no need for its accumulation.
  2. Exercise. Be outdoors more often.
  3. You can remove water from the body using a bath or sea salt bath.
  4. Drink freshly squeezed vegetable juice, it has a diuretic effect.
  5. To remove excess liquid, you need to eat rice or oatmeal in water without spices for several days. This method is often used by athletes to dry their bodies.
  6. You should do fasting days once a month. Days on kefir or apples will help get rid of water retention.
  7. You should try not to add enough salt to your food when cooking.

To remove accumulated water, you should consume foods with plenty of potassium and fiber:

  • cucumbers;
  • green tea;
  • avocado;
  • dried apricots;
  • cranberries, blueberries;
  • bananas;
  • bran;
  • raisin;
  • nuts;
  • zucchini;
  • watermelons;
  • Herb tea.

If, despite following all the recommendations and eliminating junk food from your diet, swelling continues to bother you, you should consult a doctor. The cause may be dangerous diseases that need to be treated with medications.


If fluid retention cannot be eliminated, special medications are used - diuretics. They can only be selected by a specialist, taking into account the patient’s condition and diagnosis.

The most common diuretics are:

  1. Lasix – stops the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys. The drug acts quickly, but its effect does not last long.
  2. Uregit – recommended for edema associated with kidney and heart diseases. The action appears within an hour. With long-term use, you can lose a lot of potassium.
  3. Hypothiazide - it acts only after 5 hours, but produces a long-lasting effect.
  4. Canephron is a plant-based diuretic. It normalizes kidney function and has a diuretic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effect. You should drink plenty of water while taking this drug.
  5. Phytolysin is a soft plant-based paste. It eliminates swelling, spasms, and inflammation. Contraindicated for use in pyelonephritis.

The choice and duration of use of drugs depends on the cause of edema. Water retention often occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, long travel, or standing.

If the cause is any disease, diuretics should also be used during treatment. In this case, it is necessary to treat the disease, not the symptoms.

Video: the easiest way to get rid of edema and fluid retention in the body.


You should change your lifestyle so that water does not retain in the body. Constantly taking medications is not the answer. Simple rules must be followed:

  • You need to eat right. Reduce the consumption of foods that retain fluid, eat less carbohydrates, fatty, salty, fried and sweet foods. You should also avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • You need to develop the habit of not adding enough salt to your food and drinking unsweetened tea.
  • Drink a lot of water, at least 1.5 liters per day.
  • It is necessary to eat fresh vegetables and fruits more often.
  • Need to move more. Inactivity is the cause of most stagnant problems in the body.
  • You should visit a doctor and get examined. Fluid retention can be caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, heart, or hormonal imbalance.

If swelling is periodically bothering you, you need to do something. A healthy diet and physical activity are the best ways to prevent fluid retention. Regular consumption of healthy foods, clean water, avoidance of fast food, sweets and various sauces guarantees a beautiful appearance and good health.

    Even the most strict diet involves the consumption of dairy products, because this is a source of protein and other valuable microelements. But some adherents deliberately refuse milk, claiming that it makes them feel very “flooded.” Is it really? In what cases can milk, cottage cheese or cheese contribute to water retention in the body? Let's figure it out.

    Let's move away from the topic of drying and first turn to regular weight loss. Can you eat dairy products if you're just on a diet? To do this, we will study the composition of whole milk with a fat content of 3.2%. One glass (200 ml) contains about 8 g of protein, 8 g of fat and 13 g of carbohydrates. The energy value is approximately 150 kcal. Plus almost 300 mg of calcium and 100 mg of sodium (ie salts).

    Any person who plays sports will say that this is an almost ideal composition for restoring the body after a workout. Dairy fats are perfectly digestible and do not contribute to unnecessary weight gain. But muscle mass is certainly growing.

    The compositions of other dairy products vary, but the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates is approximately the same. Therefore, if you consume milk in moderation, avoiding cream and high-fat cottage cheese, then it will increase only in the right places.

    The paradox is that the higher the fat content of dairy products, the healthier and safer they are in terms of weight gain. British scientists David Ludwig and Walter Willett conducted a study on the absorption of milk of different fat content in people. They noticed that subjects who drank skim milk gained weight faster. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer, diluting its products with water, adds sugar to preserve the taste. Hence the extra calories. You can read about the study. (source in English).

    By the way! David Ludwig, author of the book “Constantly Hungry?”, is sure that fat is the only way to lose weight or stay at the same weight. Because they are completely spent on energy, but carbohydrates are not. In addition, you need less fat to saturate. The scientist even identifies a special model of obesity – “insulin-carbohydrate.” You can read more about this. (source in English) It turns out that Ludwig is also of the opinion that drying is good for the body.

    Does milk retain water?

    This is the main and eternal question that causes a lot of controversy. Supporters of the two opinions provide a variety of evidence, sometimes based on unrealistic facts. But it’s quite simple and, moreover, quite logical. Yes, milk can retain water. But there are two circumstances under which this happens. And they cannot be ignored.

    Lactose intolerance

    It is associated with a deficiency in the body of lactase, an enzyme that is necessary to break down the sugars contained in dairy products. If this does not happen, lactose reaches the intestines and binds water. Against this background, diarrhea occurs, and the body loses fluid, but not at all the fluid that needs to be lost for proper drying. Therefore, the result of drinking milk if you are lactose intolerant is unpleasant symptoms (in addition to diarrhea, also bloating and gas) plus swelling.

    If you are lactose intolerant and decide to cut, you really shouldn't drink milk. But there is no need to say that all people should do this. Yes, milk is contraindicated for you, but it will bring a lot of benefits to someone. Including when drying.

    With complete abstinence from salt

    This is the sin of many athletes who decide to dry themselves out. They are guided by the following logic: salt retains water, so we will not use it at all. Moreover, they not only do not add salt to the food, but also exclude all possible food products containing salt. But the poor people don’t know that a lack of salt also retains water, because the body needs potassium and sodium.

    When a person stops consuming salt, the body begins to desperately “look” for it in all foods. And, oddly enough, it is found in milk. A serving of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%, for example, contains up to 500 mg of sodium, which not only settles in the body, but is also retained in it. The processes of breakdown and consumption of salt are disrupted due to the fact that the body is afraid of being left without valuable sodium again. And salt retention is equal to water retention. Hence the negative drying results.

    In order for milk to bring only benefits, and for the salts it contains to be evenly consumed and not retain water, you need to maintain a normal electrolytic balance and not quite. It can be minimized, but the body should not experience a deficiency of it, so as not to go to great lengths.

    Random factors

    Given: no lactose intolerance; you didn’t give up salt; you use milk. Result: it still floods. Question: are you sure this is from dairy products? After all, water can be retained for other reasons. Let's say you know the basic drying conditions and comply with them, but do you take into account 3 more factors?

  1. During menstruation, women swell more than on other days of the cycle.
  2. Edema can provoke heart and kidney diseases. And in this case, drying is useless.
  3. Food allergies can also cause dysfunction and water retention.

Summing up

The human body is a very complex mechanism in which everything is interconnected. And it is impossible to say exactly what affected water retention, weight gain or any other processes. So find the optimal balance that suits you. Consult with doctors or experienced fitness instructors who have hundreds of “dried” clients, select dairy products with medium fat content and determine how much cottage cheese, milk and cheese you can eat per day without consequences. Yes, it may take time, experimentation, recording and analysis. But if everything were too simple, then drying would not cause such a stir. After all, it’s always nice to show off your ideal terrain, while others are trying in vain to achieve it.

Have you found that in the evenings it becomes difficult to take off your shoes, and the ring painfully cuts into your skin? The reason for these “innovations” is swelling. Swelling can occur due to various diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, hot weather, and an incorrect diet. In any case, with such a problem, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that retain water in the body. Everyone needs to remember their list.

Treats that threaten swelling

The first thought when swelling appears is that you need to drink less water. Oddly enough, it is wrong, because without a sufficient amount of fluid, it is impossible to remove toxins and replenish cells. What does the body signal when swelling begins? About water retention, not about its excess. The most reasonable action would be to limit the consumption of foods that retain water in the body, or temporarily exclude them from the diet if the swelling is too severe.

The diet is used in conjunction with eliminating the underlying cause. For example, if you have certain ailments (damage to the heart, kidneys, liver, etc.), take the medications prescribed by your doctor.

Foods and drinks that interfere with the process of fluid excretion:

  • alcohol, carbonated water, sweet fruit juices, sweetened tea and coffee;
  • fast food;
  • marinades, smoked meats, canned food;
  • sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • butter, cheese, cream;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sausages;
  • spread, margarine;
  • chocolate, sweets, honey, sweet flour products;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • chips, crackers, salted nuts;
  • dishes fried in vegetable oil or fat;
  • products with preservatives, flavors, flavor enhancers and other artificial additives.

What foods are most harmful for people suffering from swelling? The answer is clear: all are salty. To maintain water-salt balance, a person needs to consume a maximum of 5 g of this spice per day (the norm varies depending on weight, health and climatic conditions). But if you calculate the amount of hidden salt in foods, it becomes obvious that you shouldn’t add salt to your food. If you still doubt this, check out the table of foods that retain water in the body and are high in sodium.

Product (100 g)

Amount of salt




Canned tuna

Black bread

Green beans

White bread




As you can see, there are many healthy products on the list, so always remember to use moderation. When buying a finished product, do not forget to look at the label - there should not be more than 140 mg of sodium per serving.

Not just salt

In addition to salt, excess creatine, which enters the body with meat and fish, retains water. Those with a sweet tooth also need to be careful: sugar and honey contribute to fullness and increase insulin levels. And those who like to indulge in alcohol should know that alcoholic drinks dehydrate, forcing the body to try to normalize the acid-base balance due to fluid retention.

Of course, people suffering from swelling should not forever deprive themselves of eggs, fish and meat dishes. The best solution is to prepare these products by steaming, boiling and stewing.

Most people are familiar with the problem of edema and excess fluid in the body. Often, when we go to the mirror in the morning, we notice that our face seems to be swollen or “blurred.” In the arms and legs, swelling is also detected visually, and by other signs: shoes are too tight, and the straps of summer shoes cut into the skin; In winter, it can be difficult to zip up boots.

If you feel “heaviness in your legs”, but the swelling is not noticeable in appearance, you can press your finger in the area of ​​the shin: a trace remains - there is swelling.

Edema occurs as a result of fluid retention in the body. The reasons may be different, but today we will talk about what foods retain fluid in the body.

Where does swelling come from?

Of course, the very first thing we need to talk about is where does swelling come from in the first place? Determining the cause of “swelling” of tissues and the occurrence of swelling is not always easy - competent medical diagnosis is needed. However, there are certain circumstances, common to everyone, why fluid is retained in the body.

For example, more fluid enters the body than is excreted; electrolyte balance or metabolism is disrupted; there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver or kidneys.

Fluid may be retained due to lack of exercise, poor posture, hot weather, working in one position - sitting or standing, taking certain medications - including contraception, wearing tight (uncomfortable) clothes and shoes. In women, edema can also be accompanied by PMS, and in most cases, pregnancy, although this cannot be considered the norm. A common cause of edema is also the consumption of foods that retain fluid.

What to do?

When water is retained in the tissues, the body has to work under conditions of serious overload. This can last for months and even years: many people here simply get used to their illnesses and believe that “nothing can be done about it.”

Sometimes, having discovered a tendency to edema, a person tries to limit fluid intake, but the problem does not go away. The swelling remains, the state of health does not improve.

The body needs to remove toxins - this requires water. If there is not enough of it, the body waits until it has enough, and the kidneys stop working at full capacity.

But, having received such problems, people do not calm down, and resort to diuretic tablets: the liquid accumulated “with difficulty” is forcibly removed, and the process begins anew.

What to do to avoid fluid retention and edema? Remove foods that retain fluid from your diet or reduce their consumption to a reasonable minimum. If the swelling is severe, you should give up such foods completely for a while, give the body time to come to its senses and remove excess water without strain. True, it seems to many that it is impossible to do without these products, and they ask the question: what then to eat?

Grocery list

Now let's find out which foods retain fluid in the body, which, in the case of edema, should be limited in your diet.

Fast food retains fluid

First of all, “fast food” and ready-made products from the store retain fluid in the body: bring it home and eat. In the first place are any smoked and canned goods – meat and fish, salted fish “to go with beer”, like the beer itself. Any alcohol causes swelling: the body actively fights dehydration, tries to restore the acid-base balance, and generally return to normal. Chips, crackers and other snacks rich in salt also force the body to retain fluid.

In general, salt is contained in many products, and in considerable quantities, and we also add it to dishes consisting of these products: for example, we salt salads with sausage, cheese and mayonnaise. Any fried foods also retain liquid, be it potatoes, meat or golden-brown pancakes. And by pouring ketchup on potatoes and pasta, we seriously complicate the work of the kidneys, which already have a hard time.

Fatty homemade sauces, pickles and marinades, canned compotes, high-fat dairy products, eggs, baked goods (especially white flour), store-bought sweets - from cakes and soda to chocolates and syrups, semi-finished products, aged cheese, margarines and spreads, juices with sugar, sweet tea and coffee - this is not a complete list of products that retain fluid in the body.

Let's talk about some products in more detail.

Sweet coffee retains liquid

There may be doubts about coffee: this popular drink is known to have a diuretic effect. This is true if you drink coffee without sugar, and in large enough quantities - at least 3 cups. But we usually drink sweet coffee, and even with cookies, and the liquid is retained in the body and not removed.

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk, cottage cheese and yoghurt, but when consuming high-fat milk, the body begins to produce more insulin, the presence of which enhances the work of the adrenal glands: they produce a hormone that retains sodium salts.

Limit your salt intake

To stay healthy, a person only needs 2.5 g of salt per day, which is less than 1/3 tsp, so, to be objective, food does not need to be salted at all. Why? But because salt is hidden in natural, natural products, and not only in store-bought, ready-made and semi-finished products.

So, a serving of regular beets, peas or red cabbage can contain up to 9% of the daily salt requirement; in pasta and cereals - up to 14%, in greens and mushrooms - from 3 to 15%, etc. This seems like a trifle, but we salt food when cooking, and even add “something salty” to “brighten up” the menu.

Sauerkraut is a healthy vitamin product, but it must also be used wisely: it contains a lot of salt - up to 800 mg per 100 g.

Excess creatine retains fluid

Another point is water retention due to excess creatine. This compound enters the body mainly with meat and fish, and is partially synthesized by the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Creatine is a source of energy for muscles (that’s why athletes take it as a supplement), but with our modern lifestyle we use it negligibly – less than 2 g per day. And we eat meat and fish dishes almost every day, and more than once; excess creatine works to accumulate water - up to 2 liters, even if the swelling is “not visible to the eye.” To restore fluid balance, you do not need to take diuretics or reduce your drinking regimen; on the contrary, you need to drink up to 3 liters of clean water per day, along with a salt-free diet, until the swelling “goes down”.

Hidden salt can also be “found” in very healthy products, although at first glance this seems strange. From 2 to 8% salt contain corn and oat flakes, chicory, green beans, rye bread, potatoes, celery (root), spinach, bananas, raisins, oranges, dates, rose hips, nuts, tomatoes, etc.

How to help yourself?

And now what i can do? Should you exclude a product from your diet just because it contains salt? Not at all.

Under no circumstances should we give up the products we need for a normal life. But it’s worth reducing the amount of salt, as well as changing your diet for the better: stop eating fast food, ready-made food, sausages, mayonnaise and ketchup, and start feeding yourself freshly prepared food, from environmentally friendly and natural products.

Sugar promotes fluid retention, just like salt, and we can definitely do without it by replacing it with honey, dried fruits, jam, etc. - in reasonable quantities.

Walking and physical exercise, even in the form of morning exercises, greatly help speed up metabolic processes, improve kidney function and prevent swelling.

You should not take diuretic medications without a doctor, but you should definitely drink clean water, up to 2 liters per day: when the balance of water consumption is maintained in the body, edema does not occur. In summer, when the hot sun and hot wind “take away” more moisture from us, we need to monitor our drinking regime especially carefully.

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