Secondary exam points table. How to properly prepare for an appeal

Since 2001, many schoolchildren have become familiar with a new type of exam - the Unified State Examination (USE), despite the fact that its introduction into the school education system occurred smoothly, they did not become less afraid of it. Future graduates are interested in questions about the number of upcoming exams, but also about the scores they should receive.

Unified State Examination scores

There are three types of minimum points that students can receive based on the results of passing the Unified State Exam:

  • The first type gives the right to receive a certificate;
  • The second makes it possible to submit documents to higher educational institutions in the country;
  • The third is sufficient for admission on a budgetary basis in a specific specialty at a specific university in the country.

It is not surprising that for many students, the Unified State Exam has become a rather strong emotional test; in fact, you shouldn’t stress yourself out too much before taking the exams, you need to prepare well and be confident in yourself. Despite all the rigor of the procedure, this is just an exam that can be retaken in case of failure. With proper training and approach, passing the Unified State Exam is not so difficult.

The Unified State Exam forms contain various tasks; they must be completed within a certain time; as they complete them, the student receives primary points; each subject has its own maximum values. When checking the level of knowledge, the primary scores are converted into final scores and they are entered into the certificate; they are the main ones for admission to a university.

Planned passing scores in 2018

There is still time before the exam, and many who wish can familiarize themselves with the passing scores in 2018, not only to know them, but also to be able to prepare for the Unified State Exam in advance.

Item Rating 5 Score 4 Score 3 Did not pass
Russian language 72 and more 58 — 71 36 — 57 35 and less
Mathematics 65 and more 47 — 64 27 — 46 26 and less
Physics 68 and more 53 — 67 36 — 52 35 and less
Foreign language 84 and more 59 — 83 22 — 58 21 or less
Geography 67 and more 51 — 66 37 — 50 36 and less
Computer science 73 and more 57 — 72 40 — 56 39 and less
Social science 67 and more 55 — 66 42 — 54 41 and less
Story 68 and more 50 — 67 32 — 49 41 and less
Literature 67 and more 55 — 66 32 — 54 31 or less
Biology 72 and more 55 — 71 36 – 54 35 and less
Chemistry 73 and more 56 — 72 36 — 55 35 and less

Many universities announce in advance the score required for admission to a budget place, this allows you to realistically assess your chances of getting into your chosen educational institution, as well as select the most suitable options. In 2018, no major changes are expected when passing the Unified State Exam and entering a university; students can rely on the data from the previous year, so in 2017 for educational institutions in the capital the passing score was 80 - 90; for other cities the requirements are not so high and vary between 65 - 75 points.

Will there be changes in 2018?

At first glance, there is simply nothing to change in the education system, however, the level of education in our country is getting lower and lower every year, it is reasonable to conclude that it is time to change everything. It’s hard for everyone: students, their parents, and of course, teachers. The requirements are getting higher and higher every year; for many, the exam is stressful; some cannot cope with such pressure.

Today, mathematics and Russian are compulsory subjects, with plans to add more in 2018. Since 2009, compulsory exams have been held in subjects that are not only graduation from school, but also entrance to universities in our country. It is not surprising that there are plans to introduce history as another compulsory subject. It is planned to implement the plan in 2018 or 2019; in any case, the data will either be confirmed or refuted very soon.

Attitude to the Unified State Exam

Since 2001, the attitude towards the Unified State Exam is still relevant, some oppose its implementation, others defend it as progress in the education system, and there are those who do not emphasize it, continuing to study and teach.

“Against” the Unified State Exam

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The correspondence between the 2018 Unified State Exam primary scores and test scores in all academic subjects using a 100-point assessment system is determined by Rosobrnadzor documents.

Scale for converting USE 2018 points into a 100-point system

To confirm the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education in each academic subject, except for the Unified State Exam in basic level mathematics, a minimum number of Unified State Exam points is established according to a 100-point assessment system.

The minimum number of points in each Unified State Examination subject required for admission to universities has also been established. Below this level, universities do not have the right to set their own minimum scores with which they will accept applicants.

But higher - they can. Therefore, you should build on these scores (and not rely on them) if you decide to pursue higher education.

There is a difference in the minimum scores for obtaining a certificate and entering a university only in the Russian language.

The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

It's understandable to want to know your results right away, but you should wait a little. On average, papers are checked within one to two weeks, depending on the number of people taking the exam. For example, a large number of children take the Unified State Exam in Russian, on average about 700 thousand people annually.

This is a large exam, so results will be available in about two weeks. And results from the literature can be obtained much faster. The deadline for issuing results to participants is determined by Rosobrnadzor and published on the portal

Many Russian schoolchildren have already felt like a weight has been lifted from their shoulders: they have passed state exams, and now, based on their results, they are going to apply for admission to selected higher educational institutions.

As it became clear from reviews on forums and social networks, not all the guys are happy with their scores, however, since the period of retaking the Unified State Exam is already behind us, graduates will have to build on what they have for now.

Many people are also interested in what grades they received on exams when their scores are translated into school grades. Considering that for many years in a row, scores for the state exam have not in any way affected the grades in subjects on the certificate, in principle, there is no point in translating them into grades, the Therussiantimes website reports. But many people are still interested in this, so we draw the table below, which is a clear example of converting points earned on the Unified State Exam into school grades.

How a Moscow schoolboy set a record on the Unified State Exam

It became known that an ordinary Moscow schoolboy managed to amaze the Unified State Examination commission and all teachers by passing not only two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics - with a hundred points, but also two more elective exams.

True, the head of Rosobnadzor Kravtsov noted that this student studied at “a very good school.” His elective subjects were chemistry and biology. Kravtsov himself is confident that this is not the last case of such a distinctive examination, since in five years it has finally been possible to achieve a correct and objective system for testing the knowledge of graduates.

The name of this “genius of our time” is Ruslan Salimgareev, and he claims that he prepared for the Unified State Exam in lessons at school number one hundred and seventy-nine. The student also took part in various Olympiads, which gave him a good basis for passing state exams. True, in order to pass the biology exam brilliantly, the guy still visited a tutor for some time.

It goes without saying that the graduate’s future profession will be related to the subjects that he took “as an elective”: Ruslan will enter Moscow University at the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics. However, he himself was very surprised by his record, and at first he didn’t even believe his eyes, deciding that the government services website had simply failed.

Teachers will take the Unified State Exam

Not only graduates have to pass the difficult and exciting Unified State Examination: those teachers who want to work in Moscow, but are not residents of the capital themselves, will also be forced to pass the test.

The fact is that in this way, as the department explained, it will be much easier to hold a competition among applicants for a teaching position in any Moscow school. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam, the director of the educational institution will be able to choose which specialist to choose.

In addition, by passing the Unified State Exam (USE) at least at the average level, the teacher will show that he has good knowledge in his chosen subject.

Every graduate understands perfectly well that in order to successfully enter a specialty of interest, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam 2018 and score the maximum possible points.

Minimum Unified State Exam scores for 2018

Depending on the specialty into which the graduate enters, the core subject may be mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, a foreign language or another subject that is the basis of training. Every year, the university admissions committee sets a threshold value for this score. If a student cannot provide a certificate with the passing minimum, his documents will not be considered even if he has high scores in other subjects.

Russian language – minimum 34 points;

basic mathematics – minimum 27 points;

specialized mathematics – at least 27 points;

social studies – minimum 42 points;

physics – minimum 36 points;

literature – minimum 32 points;

history – minimum 29 points;

chemistry – minimum 36 points;

All-Russian exam in English (French, German, Spanish) - at least 22 points;

biology – minimum 36 points;

computer science – at least 40 points;

Geography – minimum 40 points.

Scale for converting points into the Unified State Examination 2018 assessment

Russian language:

0-35 points correspond to score 2,
36-57 points - score 3,
58-71 points - score 4,
72 points and above - score 5;

Mathematics (profile level):

0-26 points - score 2,
27-46 points - score 3,
47-64 points - score 4,
65 and above points - score 5;

Mathematics (basic level):

0-6 points - score 2,
7-11 points - score 3,
12-16 points - score 4,
17-20 - score 5;

Social science:

0-41 points - score 2,
42-54 points - score 3,
55-66 points - score 4,
67 and above points - score 5;


0-35 points - score 2,
36-54 points - score 3,
55-71 points - score 4,
72 and above points - score 5;

0-31 points - score 2,
32-49 points - score 3,
50-67 points - score 4,
68 points and above - score 5;

0-35 points - score 2,
36-52 points - score 3,
53-67 points - score 4,
68 points and above - score 5;

0-26 points correspond to score 2,
36-55 points - score 3,
56-72 points - score 4,
73 points and above - score 5;


0-31 points - score 2,
32-54 points - score 3,
55-66 points - score 4,
67 and above points - score 5;

Computer science:

0-39 points - score 2,
40-55 points - score 3,
57-72 points - score 4,
73 points and above - score 5.


0-36 points - score 2,
37-50 points - score 3,
51-66 points - score 4,
67 and above points - score 5;

Foreign languages:

0-21 points - score 2,
22-58 points - score 3,
59-83 points - score 4,
84 and above points - score 5;

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam to improve the result?

The Unified State Exam can only be retaken next year. But compulsory subjects - Russian language or mathematics - are allowed to be retaken this year, but only if the participant has not overcome the minimum threshold in one of these subjects. For example, if one of the exams is passed successfully, but the required minimum is not achieved in the second. If a graduate does not pass both mandatory exams, he will be able to retake them in September. It happens that a student came to an exam, began to write a paper, but for some valid reason was unable to complete it. In this case, the result is considered cancelled, and you can retake the exam on a reserve day.

If a student does not agree with the points assigned, where and to whom should he go?

Within two working days after the official day of announcement of the results, you must submit an appeal to the place where the application for the Unified State Exam was written. Usually this is a school. She will immediately transfer the appeal to the conflict commission. Each region has such commissions, and everyone has the right to prove their case.

Recently, the “100 points for Victory” event was held in Nalchik, when last year’s 100-point students told current graduates how to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. There was one girl who was given 97 points on the exam, but she was sure that she deserved an even higher mark. The work was reviewed and given 100 points.

Recently, the number of applications to conflict commissions has decreased. Those guys who filed an appeal just like that, on the off chance: what if the examiners add points, stopped applying? Now all statements are essentially, as a rule, from those who are very confident in their abilities and knowledge.

The correspondence between the 2018 Unified State Exam primary scores and test scores in all academic subjects using a 100-point assessment system is determined by Rosobrnadzor documents.

Scale for converting USE 2018 scores from primary to test scores

To confirm the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education in each academic subject, except for the Unified State Exam in basic level mathematics, a minimum number of Unified State Exam points is established according to a 100-point assessment system.

Also, according to the 100-point assessment system, the minimum number of Unified State Examination points for each academic subject required for admission to a university to study in undergraduate and specialty programs is established.

There is a difference in the minimum scores for obtaining a certificate and entering a university only in the Russian language.

Please note that universities themselves may raise the minimum thresholds. For accurate information, see the official websites of universities.

The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

And those who decide to continue their education at a university will find some useful tips useful.

Browse the websites and call the admissions offices of the selected universities.

Find out about the deadlines for submitting documents, about entrance examinations and the timing of their conduct (if they are provided for in the admission rules of a given university). Find out exactly what documents need to be provided. Make sure that the deadlines for passing additional tests conducted by the university independently (if there are any) do not coincide in different educational institutions.

Remember that you can apply to a maximum of five universities; in each of them - no more than three areas of training (specialties), for different forms of training.

Collect all the necessary documents and clarify how to submit them to the university.

Unsatisfactory result

If a Unified State Examination participant receives a result below the established minimum number of points in one of the compulsory subjects, he has the right to retake it in additional periods provided for by the unified schedule.

If a USE participant (all categories) does not receive the minimum number of USE points in elective subjects, retaking the USE for such USE participants is provided only after a year.

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