“All-in” by Henri Charrière. “All-in” by Henri Charrière All-in Bill Green download epub

The role of a businessman or entrepreneur is not that easy, but if you have a list of the best business books in your hands, life will become easier. Moreover, a businessman who reads books about business and money is much more knowledgeable and... Yes, of course, you need to navigate many details in order to successfully develop your business. However, the right business books will teach you better than other types of content.

This does not mean at all that by choosing books for businessmen, you will acquire valuable knowledge in the field of management, management or IT. Choosing a business book is similar to choosing a movie. You won't like a movie if you choose the wrong genre. You need to choose not just books about business, but business literature that will inspire you and you won’t be able to stop reading. If you don’t yet know which business books to take note of, we have prepared a list of books that every businessman should read.

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

As an entrepreneur, you need to learn from the mistakes of others. And you can only learn when you know about the activities of others and study their records. For years, Tim Ferriss has been collecting material, studying records and various interviews for his book, which contains not only financial advice, but even touches on morning habits, such as how to take care of your health to always stay in the game. One of the interesting business books that every businessman should read.

“All In” Bill Green (All In, Bill Green)

Bill Green is a serial entrepreneur with over 40 years of experience who began his career running a flea market. So, if you are an ambitious businessman or businesswoman, you should know what steps you should take to achieve success in life. Oh, and one more thing, you have to remember that even the richest people on the planet started from scratch, like Bill Green as a bell boy, but worked with 100% dedication...

"Disrupted" Dan Lyons

What would you do if, as a result of modernization, your position was reduced? Instead of getting upset and depressed, you need to adapt and develop new skills. This is a business book about the path Dan Lyons took from his dismissal from his position in the editorial office of a popular publishing house to the position of co-director and author of the TV series “Silicon Valley” (HBO). Dan shares endless wisdom and knowledge that will benefit aspiring entrepreneurs. A motivational book about business for all those who struggle in life.

"Money. Master of the Game" Tony Robbins (Unshakeable, Tony Robbins)

If you are looking for instructive advice on financial issues, then you should read Tony Robbins' bestseller, in which the author talked about financial management and showed how to achieve financial independence. A must-read business book for all serial and ambitious entrepreneurs who strive for financial independence.

"Idea to Execution" Ari Maisel, Nick Sonnenberg

Is the office too cramped, are there not enough staff or funds? If the answers are yes, then a virtual assistant is the perfect solution to these problems. Today, virtual assistants are becoming even more active and useful in business. It is the virtual assistant who performs the preparatory work and saves your time. And you can focus on more important tasks.

However, if you don't have experience with virtual assistants, you'll need help. Meisel and Sonnenberg offer the perfect solution for growing your business. This business book has everything you need to properly optimize, automate, and outsource. So how do you do this? Read one of the best business books and find out.

"The Third Wave" Steve Case (The Third Wave, Steve Case)

Many of you may know that Steve Case is the co-founder of America Online (AOL), founded in 1985. One of the Top Business Books tells the story of the merger between AOL and Time Warner. The author also shares his thoughts on the prospects of the Internet. If you're in the tech industry, this is a must-read book.

“Strength of character. How to develop the main quality of successful people" Angela Duckworth (Grit, Angela Duckworth)

What trait sets you apart from others and is an element of your success? Angela Duckworth argues that this is GRIT. Anyone who desires success in any endeavor should focus on GRIT and not just talent. If you have persistence and perseverance, you will achieve success despite obstacles. So, how do you develop grit, and what does it mean? Duckworth successfully answers these questions in the best-selling book Grit. How to develop the main quality of successful people.” A business book for all those who strive to achieve a goal, develop a business or improve the quality of their personal life.

"Be Obsessed or Be Average, Grant Cardone"

Be Obsessed or Be Average is one of the most motivational books of the year. The author's name is widely known among entrepreneurs and managers. In his book Be Obsessed or Be Average, Grant Cardone talks about a simple way to be successful - setting goals, taking daily actions to achieve them, optimizing the benefits. The main idea is that everyone must want to be successful, or it just won't happen.

"Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert (Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert)

The creative process is not only confusing, but also complex. If you mismanage this process, it can lead to the failure of your entire business. In his book, the author shares his thoughts on how to cope with the complexities of the creative process and how to become an inspiration to others. "Big Magic" contains a lot of advice regarding changes, daily habits and everything you need to know if you want to experience.

"Pivot" by Janie Blake

"Pivot" is a business book for aspiring entrepreneurs about... How to be smart or economical - Blake answers these and other questions in his book. And as the author emphasizes, her business book is really all you need to know in order to rise to the next level.

And now you already know what are the best business books you should read now. All you need to do is read the best business books and bring it to life. You are responsible for your success, and it is you who need to work hard for this! What business books do you read? Share in the comments!

The once autobiographical novel “The Moth” by author Henri Charrière became a real literary bomb. Immediately after its publication, people started talking about the work. It was printed ten million times and was bought by readers the same number of times. In other words, the book, based on more than real events, was wildly popular. She has not lost her fame to this day. Only a sequel was added to it.

The moth is the name of the hero himself, that is, Henri Charrière. In French, his nickname sounds like Papillon, and it is by this pseudonym that we recognize the main character of the book “All In.”

It’s worth saying right away for anyone who is not familiar with the first work that Henri Charrière is a real criminal. And if you are going to start reading his work, then keep this in mind. Yes, he killed a man and does not hide it. He began his criminal career at the age of twenty-five, for which he was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of murder. Needless to say, it is impossible to call such youth serene.

Henri Charrière was sent to prison, but eventually escaped. The book "The Moth" was full of unexpected plot twists and now it continues with the work "All In" from the same author.

What will Papillon surprise this time? He has a whole arsenal in stock. On the pages of the book you will see tunnels, hear the roar of explosions, and watch the author's lovemaking. There will also be a dice battle in the Brazilian jungle at night with jewel hunters. There will also be smuggling flights on a sports plane.

Naturally, Henri Charrière suffers from the thought that he must take revenge on those people who sent him to hard labor. Where it is impossible to survive, and yet he succeeded. For a person who first started reading such a work, it seems that all this is a figment of the imagination of some crazy Hollywood screenwriters. But no. The author claims that everything is true, from the first to the last word.

So, who will be interested in “All-In” by Henri Charrière and who do we recommend reading this book? Adults who were favorably impressed by the first work. For those who want to know how the story of the escaped convict continued after thirteen years of wandering on the run.

It is worth noting that Moth tried to become a respectable citizen again, to start leading an honest life. But incredible events take him into a turn, and now he is already participating in a scam with gold miners, meeting revolutionaries, robbers and card sharps. Regardless of all this chaos, Charrière longs for a normal human life. He even tries to start his own business and opens a nightclub in Caracas, but this endeavor is stopped briefly and succinctly: by an earthquake. And then he wrote a book that brought him worldwide fame.

On our literary website you can download the book “All-In” (Fragment) by Henri Charriere in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Henri Charrière

Guibert, Madame Alex Germaine Guibert, Venezuelans, my compatriots, and thousands of friends: French, Spanish, Swiss, Belgian, Italian, Yugoslav, German, English, Greek, American, Turkish, Finnish, Japanese, Israeli, Swede, Czech and Slovak, the Danes, the Argentines, the Colombians, the Brazilians - and all those whom I forgot to mention, all those who did me the honor of contacting me in writing or orally with the questions: “Who were you, Papillon? And what did you do after hard labor so that your book would be in our hands?”

What you think about yourself is much more important than what others think about you.

Henri Charriere

Copyright © Editions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1972

© I. Stulikov, translation, 2015

© Edition in Russian. LLC "Publishing Group "Azbuka-Atticus"", 2015

Publishing house AZBUKA®

Chapter first

First steps into freedom

- Good luck to you, Frances! From this moment you are free. Adios!

The El Dorado penal colony officer waved goodbye to us and turned his back.

That’s how I easily threw off the shackles that I had been dragging around for thirteen years. Arm in arm with Picolino, we took a few steps up the steep path leading from the river bank, where we had just parted with the officer, to the village of El Dorado.

And now, in one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one, or rather, on the evening of August eighteenth, in my house of an ancient Spanish building, with amazing clarity I again see myself on a road strewn with pebbles, and in my ears it not only sounds like then, the officer’s low and clear voice, but I myself make the same movement as twenty-seven years ago - I turn my head in his direction.

Midnight. It's dark outside the windows. But not for me. For me alone, it’s ten in the morning and the sun is shining, I look at the back of my jailer and understand that I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life! He is moving away from us, and this means the end of the vigilant surveillance that has haunted me every day, every minute, every second for all these thirteen years.

The last look at the river and over the head of the jailer - at the island in the center of the river, the site of Venezuelan hard labor; a last look at the terrible past, where I was trampled, humiliated and mixed with dirt for thirteen whole years.

And then, in the whitish haze of fog rising above the river from the water overheated by the tropical sun, images of past years flashed before me, as if on a screen. But I did not want to participate in watching this film; Taking Picolino by the arm, I turned my back to the strange screen and took a decisive step forward, shaking my shoulders as if shaking off the dirt that had stuck to me for thirteen years.

Freedom? But where? At the edge of the earth, in the depths of the plateau of Venezuelan Guiana, in a village surrounded on all sides by virgin tropical forests, the splendor of which defies description. This is the most extreme point in the southeast of Venezuela, next to the Brazilian border. A huge green ocean, cut here and there by waterfalls and snakes of rivers and rivulets; a vast green area, with rare inclusions of small rural communities with chapels in the middle, where they live according to the spirit and letter of the laws worthy of biblical times, where the pastor does not need to pray for love for his neighbor and simplicity of communication between people, since this is so natural for the inhabitants of these places; they have always lived like this and still live to this day. Often these pueblitos so scattered among themselves, so disconnected from each other, that the appearance of a stray truck in the village immediately raises the question: how did it manage to get here? The way of life of these people, their thoughts and feelings, concepts of love have not changed for centuries. It was as if they had emerged from bucolic life, and the miasma of civilization had not touched them at all.

Having overcome a steep climb, at the end of which, in fact, the village of El Dorado began, we slowed down and then moved forward very slowly. I heard Picolino breathing heavily behind me. I also tried to catch my breath: I took in full lungs of air and exhaled carefully, slowly, afraid to live these wonderful minutes - the first minutes of freedom - too quickly.

A wide plateau opened up before us. To the right and left, small, neat houses were surrounded by flowers. The kids noticed us. They knew where we were coming from. Without any hostility, on the contrary - politely and courteously, they approached us, surrounded us on all sides and walked silently next to us. They seemed to understand the gravity of the moment and treated it with all respect.

At the first house a plump black woman was selling coffee and arepas. Both the scones and the coffee were placed on a small wooden table.

- Good afternoon, madam.

Buenos dias, hombres!

- Two coffees, please.

Si, señores.

And the good-natured fat woman poured us two cups of delicious coffee. Due to the lack of chairs, we drank it while standing.

- How much do I have to pay?

- Not at all.

- Why so?

“It is a great pleasure for me to treat you to your first cup of coffee in freedom.”

- Thank you. When does the bus leave?

– Today is a holiday, and the buses don’t run. But at eleven the truck will leave.

- Is that so? Thank you.

A young girl, dark-eyed and dark-skinned, came out of the house.

“Come in, relax a little,” she suggested, smiling sweetly.

We walked in and sat down. About ten people had already gathered in the house. They sat and drank rum.

- What's wrong with your friend? His tongue sticks out all the time.

- So what, there’s no way to help?

- No, he's paralyzed. He needs to go to the hospital.

-Who will feed him?

- This is your brother?

- No, my friend.

- Do you have money, Frances?

- Yes a little. How do you know that I'm French?

“News travels fast here.” We know from yesterday that you must free yourself. We also know that you fled from Devil's Island and that the French police want to capture you and return you to your place. But she doesn’t give orders here, and she can’t get here. We will take care of you ourselves.

- Why?

- Yes, because...

- What do you mean?

- Drink some rum and treat your friend.

A woman of about thirty, almost black, entered the conversation. She asked if I was married. I answered no.

– Are your parents alive?

- Only father.

“He will be glad when he finds out that you are in Venezuela.”

- Yes, sure.

The next one to speak was white, lanky and skinny. He had large, bulging eyes, but his gaze shone with kindness.

“My relative was unable to explain why we are taking care of you.” Now I'll try. If a person is not angry - and nothing can be done about it - then he can repent and, if he is helped, become a kind person. That's why they will take care of you in Venezuela: we love people and, with God's help, we believe in them.

– Why do you think I was kept on Devil’s Island?

- Surely for something serious! For murder or maybe grand robbery. How much did they give?

- Lifelong hard labor.

“The maximum they give here is thirty years.” How much did you rattle off?

- Thirteen. But now I'm free.

- Forget about everything hombre. And the sooner the better. Your suffering in French prisons, here in El Dorado - forget everything. Otherwise, evil thoughts can cause you to dislike and even hate people. Only if you forget the past can you love people again and live among them. Get married quickly. Our women have hot blood; the one you choose will help you find happiness in your family and children, and you will forget all your past suffering.

The truck has arrived. Having thanked these kind, sympathetic people, I left the house, supporting Picolino on the arm. A dozen passengers have already settled in the back. When we appeared, they gave us the best seats, closer to the cabin.

The car rushed like mad along a bad road, bouncing on potholes and bumps, and meanwhile I indulged in thoughts about these strange Venezuelans. After all, none of them - not the fishermen from the Gulf of Paria, not the ordinary soldiers from El Dorado, not these modest people with whom I just had to talk in a house under a thatched roof - had an education. They barely knew how to read and write. Why, in this case, do they have such a developed sense of Christian mercy, so clearly expressed the nobility of the soul, ready to forgive someone who has once stumbled? Where do they get the necessary and unobtrusive words to encourage a former prisoner? Where does this willingness to come to the rescue with advice and all the little they have come from? And why do the El Dorado prison authorities, senior and junior officers, high authorities, people undoubtedly educated, share the same ideas as the common people? They are also in favor of giving a chance to a lost person, regardless of his personality and the nature of the crime. These qualities could not be borrowed from Europeans. This means they came to them from the Indians. Anyway, you can take your hat off to the Venezuelans, Papillon.

Some business people like to say that they don’t read or that you can learn everything from videos, podcasts and personal experience. All this is certainly useful, but reading has a unique feature: it forces the brain to work differently.

Thought leaders and brilliant minds of humanity continue to share their experiences in written form. This is why it is so important for both new and experienced entrepreneurs to continue reading and learning. Here are 9 books you definitely need to read (or reread) this year.

Every businessman faces the question of how to make new acquaintances when you are overwhelmed with work? Keith Ferrazzi's incredibly popular book Never Eat Alone is a tactical guide to smart networking. Here you'll find tips on how to deal with rejection, how to get into tight circles, and how to get the most out of conferences. Ferrazzi has an insightful yet very practical view of networking, based on proven principles that he has experienced first-hand.

"All In" by Bill Green

How do you go from running a flea market to a retail empire with sales exceeding $1.8 billion? Serial entrepreneur Bill Green's book recounts everything he's learned over the past 40 years and details the steps he took to start his first small hardware store, which eventually became the wildly popular Interline Brands chain. This is a guidebook that provides practical tools for turning an idea into a large and successful project.

Meetings Suck by Cameron Herold

How often have you sat in a meeting and thought, “Why are we wasting our time?” According to renowned business development expert Cameron Herold, the problem is not the meetings, but us. This is one of the books that helps shed light on the importance of focusing on communication skills - such as the ability to run effective meetings that inspire everyone involved. This book teaches you how to become a better leader, teaching readers step-by-step how to have truly productive and effective meetings.

Why is it so difficult for big brands and leading corporations to keep up with the lightning-fast changes in their industries? In his acclaimed book, Clayton M. Christensen explores why great companies lose market leadership even though they continue to perform at optimal levels. This book is both a history lesson and a practical guide for business leaders who want to ensure long-term success for their companies.

"Good to Great" by Jim Collins

How to go from a good company to a great one? This is the question Jim Collins decided to answer. He recruited a team of 21 researchers to conduct a thorough analysis of all Fortune 500 companies that met strict criteria: all of them had experienced a ten-year period of stagnant earnings, followed by 15 years of success and growth. The stories of these companies are used as practical cases that can teach entrepreneurs to outperform their competitors.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

How to acquire a new habit? And what impact do our daily habits have on us? According to Charles Duhigg, our sense of happiness, effectiveness and relationships depend on them much more than we used to think. Duhigg studied habits scientifically and wrote a book in which he, among other things, looked at using the science of habit creation to control purchasing behavior - that is, what we will buy and when.

Cold Hard Truth on Men, Women, and Money by Kevin O'Leary

No one understands business better than Kevin O'Leary, an investor and star of the American startup television show Shark Tank. In his fast-paced, easy-to-read guide to money management, he explains complex financial concepts in the simplest possible terms. Why should every entrepreneur read this book? Because growing your business and achieving financial freedom first and foremost requires mastering the art of money management.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie

There's a reason why How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the most popular business books of all time. Speaking about self-development, Dale Carnegie shows readers why it is so important to properly manage a business. He encourages us to treat every opportunity with respect and remember that people want to build a business with friends. They sign deals with people they like and think they will work well with. When choosing one book that can teach you this, choose this one.

"Zero to One" by Peter Thiel

All entrepreneurs say they want to create something special, to change the world. Serial entrepreneur Peter Thiel wrote a book about this, where he directly answers the question of how to do something truly new and unique. “The next Bill Gates will not create an operating system,” Thiel writes. - The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin will not develop a search engine. Tomorrow's winners will not compete with today's market leaders. They will have no competitors at all: their companies will be unique.” This is a motto for those who strive to stand out from the rest.

Books written by women, like Bridget Jones's Diary or Sex and the City, miss one thing: for every woman moaning about her weight, loneliness, age or lack of orgasm, there is at least one man concerned about the same things. problems. And he has it worse, since the only way men know to cope with depression is to get drunk and go to a football match. Agree, it’s not as attractive as filling your life with trips to the hairdresser, solarium, massage parlor and shops.…

Bill Gates speaks to Janet Lowe

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All The Pretty Horses Cormac McCarthy

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Killer Takes All Erica Spindler

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Billy the Liar Kate Waterhouse

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Brian Greene. Fabric of Space: Space,... Brian Greene

All Through The Night Mary Clark

A classic Christmas tale from the bestselling Queen of Suspense At the heart of the novel are two of Mary Higgins Clark's most loved characters: Alvirah, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth, and her husband, Willy, who are caught up in a Christmas mystery that calls on all of their skills and experience. Willy has been looking forward to playing Santa at the after-school center recently set up to care for the children of working parents on New York's Upper West Side, and Alvirah has been busy with rehearsals for the Christmas pageant. But suddenly a shadow falls upon the Christmas cheer. The center is threatened with closure, a substitute promised for the play is mysteriously withdrawn, a valuable chalice is stolen from a neighborhood church, and a desperate young woman turns up, begging for Alvirah"s help in finding the baby she abandoned seven years earlier . In a final blow, the young girl who is to play Mary in the Christmas pageant disappears… A missing child A stolen chalice.…

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Super-Toys Last All Summer Long Brian Aldiss

It started a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away), back in 1969, when British author Brian W. Aldiss published a short story in Harper's Bazaar, entitled “Supertoys Last All Summer Long.” It challenged the whole public thought on machines and the idea of ​​robots. And it also managed to pique the interest of director Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick acquired the rights to the story from Aldiss in November of 1982, and had hopes to make it into a feature. film. Aldriss, however, was skeptical, noting, “while Arthur's story looks outwards to the solar system, my story looks inwards,” referring to another of Kubrick's films, which was based upon Clark's short story, “ The Sentinel.” (Aldiss has written a very nice Foreword, entitled “Attempting to Please,” preceding his latest book, Supertoys Last All Summer Long: And Other Short Stories of Future Time. The Foreword encompasses the “joking” relationship he and Kubrick had. The book also contains the two sequels to…

Billy Budd, fore-marsman Herman Melville

The manuscript of the story “Billy Budd, the Fore-Mars Sailor” was discovered in 1919 by the American researcher of Melville’s work R.M. Weaver in the writer's personal papers and published in 1924 in the additional XIII volume of the first collected works of Melville, published in England. Melville indicated the completion date of the story (April 19, 1891), but did not have time to prepare the manuscript for printing (he died on September 28 of the same year). American researchers offer various versions of difficult-to-read passages in Billy Budd, and textual work on the story cannot...

All About Love Stephanie Laurens

Six notorious cousins, known to the ton as the Bar Cynster, have cut a swath through the ballrooms of London. Yet one by one, each has fallen in love and married the woman of his heart, until only one of them is left unclaimed...the most rakish of Stephanie Laurens" captivating clan...and he"s not about to go easily .Alasdair Cynster - known to his intimates as Lucifer - decides to rusticate in the country before the matchmaking skills of London's mamas become firmly focused on him, the last unwed Cynster. But an escape to Devon leads him straight to his destiny in the irresistible form of Phyllida Tallent, a willful, independent beauty of means who brings all his masterful Cynster instincts rioting to the fore. Lucifer tries to deny the desire Phyllida evokes - acting on it will land him in a parson's mousetrap, one place he "s sworn never to go. But destiny intervenes, leaving him to face the greatest Cynster challenge - wooing a reluctant bride. Phyllida has had a bevy of suitors - her…

All About Passion Stephanie Laurens

When Gyles Rawlings, Earl of Chillingworth, was named an honorary Cynster (in All About Love), he was pleased at the recognition of his longtime friendship with the Cynsters but certain that the gesture would not affect his future in the slightest. Unlike the Cynsters, who are destined to wed for love, Gyles is determined that love will play no part in his marriage plans. That"s why he"s contracted to wed an heiress, sight unseen, to acquire an estate that had once been part of his family"s land. He considers it a bonus that, while conducting the negotiations for his perfectly suitable bride, he "s met an unforgettable beauty whose passionate nature is the perfect match for his own -- until he discovers that the brazen beauty he plans to make his mistress is, in fact, his promised bride, and she is determined her marriage will be a perfect fusion of passion and love.

Gene Green - Untouchable. Agent career...Grivadiy Gorpozhaks

An adventure novel that reveals the methods of training American intelligence officers. The hero of the novel, Gene Green, goes through a training school for “green berets” - supermen capable of performing any task in any part of the globe. He participates in the Vietnam War and is sent to the Soviet Union.

The authors of the novel (there are three of them, including such celebrities as Vasily Aksenov and Ovid Gorchakov) managed to create not only an action-packed work, but also fill it with deep content.


The book "Billy's Blues - Stories from the life of Billy Novik" is a story about a boy Dima from Kupchino, who turns into the musician Billy, famous in half the country, the leader of the group "Billy's Band." It grew out of countless interviews with Billy and other band members and came out the way it did. It contains the gloomy 90s with concerts in transition, the 2000s with the first albums and a performance at the New Year's light, and what is now and has not yet been called anything.