Freshly squeezed juices: benefits or harms of fruit, berry, vegetable, citrus juices. Are freshly squeezed juices dangerous for children? Juices for babies: when and what to give. Is it possible to give a child freshly squeezed apple juice?

You need to start with clarified juices without pulp. If the baby’s body reacts normally, then closer to the age of one year, you can slowly try juice with pulp. The plant fibers in pulpy juices stimulate the intestines, and this can cause diarrhea if consumed at an earlier age.

Juices from different fruits should be introduced alternately. Only after it turns out that the baby tolerates one type of juice well, you can start giving him the next one. If any of the juices cause an allergic reaction, this product must be discontinued immediately.

Green apple juice is traditionally offered first. It is rich in iron and rarely causes unwanted reactions. Then juices from pear, apricot, peach and plum are gradually introduced. You should not give your baby juices from strawberries, citrus fruits and exotic fruits. Grape juice should also be administered with caution. It is rich in sugar and can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

How much and in what form

Juice can be prepared from fresh fruits or you can use special baby food juices that are sold in the store. The packaging usually indicates that they can be used with them. Freshly squeezed juice can cause your baby to become restless due to bloating, increased gas, or colic. Therefore, they must be diluted with boiled water. Usually add one part water to one part juice. Special children's juices purchased in the store should not be diluted with water, because... they have already been brought to the required concentration.

A child should consume juices in a diluted state until 2-3 years of age. Starting from 2 years of age, the amount of added water should be gradually reduced, gradually bringing the juice concentration to 100%. A child can start drinking undiluted juice only after 3 years.

It is not advisable to administer concentrated industrial juices to a child under 3 years of age. If your baby consumes such juices, they must be diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. As you grow older, you need to gradually reduce the concentration of water in the juice. Also, do not forget that the acid contained in the juice can have a destructive effect on the fragile enamel of children's teeth. Therefore, it is better to drink undiluted juices from a straw.

Let your children drink tasty and healthy juices and be healthy.

Every parent has heard about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices for children. It is believed that fresh juice cannot harm a child, since it is personally prepared at home without the addition of flavorings or dyes. However, this is not quite true. In order for freshly squeezed juices to be healthy for a child, you need to follow certain rules for their preparation and consumption.

Many parents believe that natural freshly squeezed juices are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for children’s growing bodies. However, doctors are still arguing about the real benefits of fresh juices for children.

Juice should not be considered just a dessert or a drink to quench your thirst. Juice is a therapeutic and prophylactic drink. In folk medicine, freshly squeezed juices from cabbage, etc. are used as medicines for the treatment of skin, intestinal, and endocrine diseases.

Proven facts about freshly prepared fruit juices:

  1. A glass of fresh juice contains a large amount of fruit acids. The higher the concentration of the drink, the more acids it contains. They provoke the appearance in a child, irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, increase peristalsis, and cause bloating.
  2. To prepare a glass of natural juice, you need half a kilogram of fruit. Although the peel, seeds, and core will be discarded, most of the fructose in the fruit will be retained. By drinking a glass of juice that seems harmless at first glance, a child puts a lot of strain on the pancreas; the organ may not be able to cope with so much sugar entering the body. The younger the child and the sweeter the fruit, the greater the risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance at an early age.
  3. By drinking large quantities of freshly squeezed juices, a child endangers the delicate enamel of baby teeth. The destruction of enamel becomes the cause of caries at an early age.
  4. Regular consumption of fresh juice reduces appetite in children.
  5. Natural juices retain all substances that can cause. Due to an increase in their concentration, children often develop pseudo-allergy.
  6. Using freshly squeezed juices to quench your thirst increases the risk of overdosing on fruit sugars, pigments and acids.

The benefits of freshly squeezed juice

In order for fresh juice prepared at home to be as beneficial as possible for your child, you need to follow the rules of preparation and consumption:

  • do not give fresh juices to children under one year of age;
  • use fruits and vegetables grown in the child’s place of residence to prepare juices;
  • choose not very sweet varieties of fruit, do not add sugar to the drink;
  • Before cooking, fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water;
  • so that as many vitamins and minerals as possible are preserved in the juice, fruits and vegetables are grated on a plastic grater along with the peel;
  • when mixing different juices, they adhere to the principle of “green with green”, “yellow with yellow”, “red with red”;
  • mixed juices should not be given to children under 3 years of age;
  • there is no need to strain fresh juices; juices with pulp retain vitamins longer;
  • sweet fruit juices should be alternated with vegetable juices containing less sugar;
  • Vegetable and fruit juices cannot be mixed: different enzymes are needed to digest them;
  • The child should drink natural juice within 15 minutes after preparation.

When exposed to light and oxidation by oxygen, fresh juice quickly loses its beneficial properties. Half an hour after preparation, there will be no vitamins left in the drink, fermentation processes begin, the emergence of pathogenic bacteria, etc.

To get the full benefits of juice, you need to consider the following rules:

  • After teething, it is better for children to drink juice through a straw;
  • Fresh juice is given to the child no earlier than an hour after eating;
  • The daily intake of freshly squeezed juice for a child under 3 years old is 30 ml, from 3 to 10 years old – 60 ml (it is divided into two doses).

Some nuances

Freshly squeezed juice should be consumed no earlier than an hour after eating and no later than 15 minutes after preparation.

Even an older child can be given fresh apple juice only in small quantities, since it contains a lot of fruit acids and can increase the acidity of gastric contents. A baked apple is much healthier for a child.

In order for the carotene contained in the fresh juice to be absorbed, you need to add a spoonful of cream to the drink or give it to your child along with a piece of bread and butter.

Summary for parents

Before offering freshly squeezed juices to children, especially if they have gastrointestinal problems or a tendency to allergies, you should definitely consult a doctor. For your child to get the most benefit from fruits and vegetables, they should be eaten whole rather than juiced.

I just read a post by one girl on this site, she writes that it seems that it is impossible to do it before one and a half years. I’m interested in your opinion, because fresh juices are healthy; you can give grated apples from 4 months onwards. Or maybe just dilute it with water 50/50???

I want to make my daughter either pumpkin with carrots or apple.

Here's another article I found:

How to give your child freshly squeezed juices

8. The time for drinking freshly squeezed juice should not exceed ten to twenty minutes after its preparation. At the end of this period, even the most useful qualities of fresh juice are lost, fermentation processes begin, and numerous bacteria, including pathogenic ones, begin, especially when the juice was stored outside the refrigerator. The exception to this rule is beet juice. Before use, it must be kept for at least 40 minutes or two hours in the refrigerator. This juice is not consumed in its pure form, but is added (no more than one third) to carrot juice.

9. Fresh natural juices are strictly prohibited for children under one year of age: the rather “aggressive” composition of fresh juice affects the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

10. A child under three years of age can be given no more than 30 ml of fresh juice once a day. This juice must be prepared from one component at a time. This will allow the beneficial substances to be better absorbed by the child’s body. In addition, this reduces the risk of the child developing an allergic reaction. It is better to start a child’s first acquaintance with fresh juice with a few tablespoons, diluting it with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

11. After three years, if your child is healthy, you can begin to gradually introduce him to mixed natural juices.

12. Children aged three to ten years can be given fresh juices no more than twice a day and no more than 30-50 ml at a time. Exceeding this dose can cause the development of caries in a child and the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders.

13. Juices from exotic berries and fruits should be introduced into the child’s diet no earlier than five years of age, and should be drunk no more than three times a week.

14. A child under seven years of age is not recommended to consume undiluted fresh juices from pears, apples, pomegranates and grapefruit - their “vigorous” composition negatively affects the stomach, in particular the mucous membrane.

15. Any fresh juice, and especially sour, should not be consumed on an empty stomach, because. This juice greatly irritates the intestinal mucosa. It is better to do this thirty to forty minutes before meals. Giving your baby juices during and immediately after meals is also strictly not recommended, since the sugar in juices, when interacting with food, can cause heartburn and fermentation in the intestines. Experts advise giving fresh juices to children only a few hours after eating.

16. After your baby has consumed fresh juice, you should go and rinse your mouth with clean water: the acid contained in the juice negatively affects tooth enamel. It is better to consume fresh juice through a straw.

“I talked about the juices that we buy in the store, what is actually in the package. Today I looked in more detail at the topic of natural juices - fresh for baby and what are the benefits of juices?

How to drink fresh juice correctly?

  1. Before preparing fresh juice for your child, make sure that the fruits, vegetables or berries are fresh and undamaged.
  2. You need to drink fresh juice 10-15 minutes after preparation. Further, all useful substances disappear under the influence of light and oxygen.
  3. If you are just introducing your child to fresh juice, then start with one component. For children under 3 years old, fresh juice is diluted 1:1 with water.
  4. It is not advisable to mix fruits and vegetables to prepare fresh juice, since it is difficult for the body to cope with such a mixture, because different gastric enzymes are needed to digest fruits and vegetables.
  5. If you mix different juices, then follow the principle of “yellow with yellow”, “green with green”.
  6. After 3 years, you can gradually introduce mixed fresh juices.
  7. A child under three years old can drink fresh juice no more than once a day in an amount of no more than 30 ml.
  8. Children from 3 to 10 years old can drink fresh juice 2 times a day, no more than 30-50 ml at a time.
  9. It is better for a child to drink fresh juice from a straw to avoid the formation of caries.
  10. It is better not to give apple, grapefruit and pomegranate juices in their pure form to children under 7 years of age.
  11. Be sure to add a little olive oil, vegetable oil or cream to carrot juice so that vitamin A is absorbed.
  12. When you have a cold, exclude fresh juice from your diet, because... it promotes the secretion of mucus.
  13. It is not recommended to drink carrot and pomegranate juices more than 2-3 times a week.
  14. Don't drink the same juice every day, alternate between different juices.

What are the benefits of juices?

Orange juice– rich in various vitamins and antioxidants, useful for the cardiovascular and nervous system, and for poisoning. It is recommended to use if there is a lack of vitamin C and B. If you spread orange juice on your skin before going to the beach, the damage from direct sunlight will be significantly reduced.

Pineapple– a natural fat burner, contains a trace element – ​​bromelain, which has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Recommended for sore throat and kidney disease.

Apricot– good for vision, skin, heart and liver.

Grape juice is traditionally considered children's juice. Recommended for anemia, apathy, exhaustion.

Pomegranate juice– rich in ascorbic acid. I recommend it for anemia, exhaustion, anemia, atherosclerosis, decreased immunity, bronchial asthma, radiation exposure, sore throat, diseases of the biliary tract; helps with gastrointestinal disorders and diabetes; good for hair, skin, lungs, thyroid gland, spleen, kidneys.

Grapefruit juice– improves digestion and metabolism, activates the liver, which in turn forms a barrier to fat deposition.

carrot juice– improves vision, has a good effect on the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, improves the condition of the skin in case of skin diseases. It's good to drink carrot juice!

Peach juice– recommended for anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Levels up hemoglobin, improves liver function, helps better digestion of fatty foods, contains large amounts of calcium, beta-carotene and vitamin B2.

Plum juice– prevents constipation, improves bowel function.

Tomato– contains sodium and vitamin C. Recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system and metabolic disorders, prevents cancer, maintains clarity of thinking and memory.

Cabbage juice– reduces cholesterol levels and removes toxins, an ideal remedy for pain in the abdominal area, useful for respiratory diseases, hemorrhoids, bronchitis, diathesis, liver diseases.

Currant juice– an excellent remedy for boosting immunity.

pumpkin juice– useful for men with inflammation of the prostate gland (drink a glass of juice for 2-3 weeks), recommended for diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders, kidney stones and bladder stones.

Apple juice– organizes thinking, helps maintain mental clarity and focus, osk is enriched with B vitamins, iron, potassium and boron.

Here, my dear mothers, I told the whole truth about juices for children. And now it's up to you to decide what to give a child to drink.

And when choosing what to give your child, don’t forget about compotes! Brew compotes for children - natural, tasty, prepared with your own loving hands. After this “analysis” of juices for children, I decided to buy less store-bought juices for my child, I will try to cook compotes and make freshly squeezed juices more often, brew light herbal teas, and also water with honey and lemon - a favorite treat for kids. I think if you want, you can make your child’s drink more natural and healthy.

And of course, you shouldn’t faint if a neighbor treats your baby to juice from a bag, because in modern conditions it is very difficult to organize a healthy, environmentally friendly, natural environment for a child, be it drinking, food, clothing, etc.

Health to you and your loved ones!

The truth is that babies don't need juices. Juices should not be given to a child under 6 months old. And it should be limited to 120 ml per day in children over 6 months.

Side effects from drinking too much juice include skin rashes, decreased appetite and even...

How to administer juice?

  1. Small amounts of juices can be offered to children from 6 months of age, if the volume of liquid is limited to 120 ml per day. The maximum amount of juice for children 12 months and older is up to 200 ml per day.

    It is better to add water to reduce the sugar content.

  2. Do not pour juice into the bottle. The sugar contained in the juice can settle on the child’s teeth and lead to their destruction. This is because children tend to drink from a bottle slowly. Offer juice only in a sippy cup or glass. Offer only water in bottles.
  3. Give juice only at the end of meals. Have your child eat most of the main meal and then offer juice. This will help increase the proportion of nutrients without loading the body with “empty” calories.

    Giving your child juice before meals reduces appetite.

  4. Use only 100% fruit juices for infants. Check the labels on baby juice to make sure it is sugar-free and fructose-free. Many of them contain additives and extra sugar, which will increase the number of calories, reduce your baby's appetite and negatively affect your health.
  5. It is preferable to give your child fruit puree instead of juices.
  6. Increase your water intake in hot weather.

    If your child is thirsty, give him more water.Water contains no calories. You can also use it to dilute fruit juice.

What do parents need to remember when introducing juice?

  • Juice can give your baby unnecessary calories. In this case, babies do not receive important vitamins, minerals and proteins during the main meal. If your child is not gaining weight normally, one solution is to see how much juice he drinks;
  • juice can cause early tooth decay. If you've heard the term bottle tooth decay, it's caused by drinking sugary liquids from a bottle during the day or while you sleep. Sugar damages the delicate enamel on a child’s teeth.

    Always give juice in a mug only;

  • Giving your child a lot of juice throughout the day can lead to intestinal problems and diarrhea. Too much of it can increase intestinal motility. Although this may be helpful if your child is constipated;
  • Be careful with juices containing high fructose corn syrup. They are known to cause stomach upset, gas, and abdominal pain in infants. This is due to an immature digestive system that cannot digest these types of sugars;
  • nNever give juice that has not been pasteurized. These include freshly squeezed juices not prepared with your own hands. Unpasteurized juices can contain very dangerous bacteria - salmonella or E. coli. Infection of an infant with these bacteria can be fatal.

To help your child develop a taste for certain types of fruits and vegetables, you can offer apple and carrot juices.

Many parents are interested in how many months old can they give apple juice to an infant. Although apple juice contains vitamin C, it does not provide any nutritional benefit for children under 6 months of age.

You should not start your first complementary feeding with apple juice. You can offer it for babies older than 6 months, but its quantity should be limited.

Drinking apple juice has no nutritional benefits over eating fruit.

Before giving apple juice to a baby, the baby's nutritional needs and development should be assessed.

Apple juice can relieve constipation in infants because its sugars, liquids and pectin have a mild laxative effect. 30 to 60 ml of apple juice is allowed up to two times a day to facilitate the passage of stool through the child's intestines.

While apple juice works great as a mild baby laxative, don't make the mistake of offering pureed apples instead of juice. The higher the level of pectin fiber in applesauce, the higher the volume, so this apple product may worsen a child's gut health.

Everyone knows that carrots are healthy. Is there anything good in carrot juice for a baby?

Carrot juice for children is filled with many vitamins and nutrients, it is low in fat and, unlike fruit juices, it is not sour, which makes it comfortable for a child's immature stomach.

Although juice should never be given in place of an actual vegetable or fruit, it can help provide vitamins and minerals to your baby.

If a child is picky about food and refuses to eat vegetables, carrot juice will help get both vitamins and nutrients.

Although carrot juice is not very acidic, sometimes it is better to dilute it with water so that it is not too concentrated for your baby.

Carrot juice is an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients and does not contain as much sugar as many fruit juices.

When can you give carrot juice?

Carrot juice can be offered to a 6-month-old baby. Give 60 to 120 ml per day.

It should be noted that carrot juice has a sweet taste, and too much juice may tempt a child to prefer sweet foods. The baby may refuse other drinks that do not have a sweet taste, such as mixture or.

While carrot juice is beneficial for a baby, it should never replace formula or breast milk in a baby's diet, as babies get their essential nutrients from their mother's breasts or formula until their first birthday.

Always consult your pediatrician about introducing new foods to your baby. Specifically discuss any foods that may pose a risk for your baby's allergies.

Offer your baby nutritious, vitamin-rich fruit and vegetable juices to promote healthy growth. This will also help him develop his taste for various foods.

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