Sventsitsky al social psychology read. Sventsitsky A.L. Social psychology - file n1.doc. Literature for further reading

The textbook systematically sets out the foundations of social psychology in accordance with the provisions of modern works of domestic and foreign researchers. Issues of social psychology of personality, the main characteristics of social groups are considered, problems of interpersonal influence and communication are highlighted. The main directions of applied work in social psychology are described. To better assimilate the material studied, a brief summary is provided at the end of each chapter, and also includes questions for self-testing and discussion at seminars, as well as assignments for independent work.

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  2. The textbook contains a systematic presentation of the foundations of social psychology. Such fundamental problems as the social psychology of the individual, the mutual influence of the individual and the group, communication and social cognition, and interpersonal influence are covered. The history of the development of socio-psychological knowledge is also examined in detail, and an overview of the main methods of social psychology is given. The content of this textbook corresponds to the course program and is based on materials from domestic and foreign socio-psychological research, including the most modern works. For students of higher educational institutions, teachers, and anyone interested in the problems of social psychology.

    Preface Chapter 1. Social psychology as a science § 1. What is social context? § 2. Subject of social psychology § 3. Specifics of the socio-psychological approach § 4. Two social psychologies Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 2. History of the development of socio-psychological knowledge § 1. Search for the causes of social behavior: from antiquity to the 20th century § 2. Formation of social psychology into an independent science § 3. Basic theoretical approaches in Western social psychology § 4. Development of domestic social psychology Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 3. Methods of social psychology § 1. Stages of socio-psychological research § 2. Correlation and experimental research § 3. Observation § 4. Survey methods § 5. Analysis of documents Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 4. Personality in the social world § 1. The concept of personality § 2. Self-concept and self-esteem § 3. Social identity as part of the self-concept § 4. Self-regulation § 5. Concept of social role § 6. Fulfillment of social roles § 7. Mutual influence of personality and social role Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 5. Socialization § 1. The nature of socialization § 2. Theories of socialization § 3. Agents socialization Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 6. Social attitude and behavior § 1. The concept of attitude § 2. Formation and change of attitudes § 3. The concept of dispositional regulation of personal behavior § 4. Is there a connection between attitudes and behavior? Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 7. Social groups: main characteristics § 1. Group as an object of socio-psychological analysis § 2. Functions of the group § 3. Group size §4. Group structure § 5. Intragroup communications § 6. Sociometry as a method for studying group structure § 7. Classifications of groups § 8. Organization as a social group Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 8. Group influences on individual behavior § 1. Phases of group membership § 2. The influence of group norms on the individual § 3. Conformity: the influence of the majority §4. Conformity: the influence of the minority § 5. Reference groups and personality § 6. Social facilitation § 7. Social relaxation § 8. Social facilitation and social relaxation § 9. Deindividuation Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 9. Group dynamics and group effectiveness § 1. The concept of group dynamics § 2. Psychological compatibility of group members § 3. Decision making in groups § 4. Pros and cons of group decision-making § 5. Leadership and management in groups and organizations § 6. Social and psychological climate of the group Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 10. Communication and social cognition § 1. The concept of communication § 2. Basic aspects of the communication process § 3. Non-verbal communication § 4 Forming a first impression of a person § 5. Social categories and stereotypes § 6. Causal attribution § 7. Social interaction and communication Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 11. Interpersonal influence and social power § 1. Definition of concepts § 2. Dependence , uncertainty and power § 3. How are people influenced? § 4. Fundamentals of social power (psychological aspects) § 5. The authority of the power of legitimacy § b. From obedience to aggressiveness § 7. Problems and prospects for research on influence and power Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Literature

    In 2015, it was 50 years since Honorary Professor of St. Petersburg State University, Professor of the Department of Social Psychology, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Anatoly Leonidovich Sventsitsky began working at St. Petersburg State University.

    Sventsitsky Anatoly Leonidovich - Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology. Born on October 7, 1936 in the city of Kingisepp, Leningrad Region. After graduating from high school in 1954, he entered the psychology department of the Faculty of Philosophy at Leningrad State University. After graduating from university in 1959. A. L. Sventsitsky worked as a literary employee in a number of newspapers in Leningrad and the region.

    The entire subsequent life and work of A. L. Sventsitsky, from 1962 to the present day, is inextricably linked with Leningrad - St. Petersburg University. In 1962, A. L. Sventsitsky entered graduate school at the Department of Psychology and in 1966 defended his thesis “Interview as a method of social psychology.” On July 1, 1965, he began working at the Research Institute of Complex Social Research (NIIKSI) of the university, first as a junior, and soon as a senior researcher in the laboratory of social psychology.

    The first comprehensive work in which the staff of the social psychology laboratory took part (together with other laboratories) was a study of the effectiveness of management of Leningrad University. Since then, the study of socio-psychological problems of managing work collectives has become one of the main scientific problems developed by A. L. Sventsitsky. Since 1968, from the beginning of the founding by Professor E. S. Kuzmin of the Department of Social Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, also the first in the country, A. L. Sventsitsky became its senior teacher, associate professor, professor (since 1982), head (since 1989) . He defended his doctoral dissertation “Social psychology of production team management” in 1980. Over the past years, he taught students - future psychologists, journalists and philosophers such training courses and special courses as “Social Psychology”, “Methods of Social Psychology”, “Current Problems of Social Psychology”, “Social Psychology of Management”, “Military Psychology”, “ Fundamentals of Sociology". In 1990 he was awarded the Leningrad University Prize for lecturing skills. A. L. Sventsitsky also taught and participated in joint scientific and pedagogical programs in Germany (1997-2001) and Italy (2001-2007), and gave presentations at scientific conferences in Bulgaria, Brazil and the USA. The main scientific works of A. L. Sventsitsky are devoted to the problems of the psychology of managing organizations, the methods of social psychology, and its history.

    A. L. Sventsitsky received a State scientific scholarship three times (1994-2003) and has the honorary title “Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation” (1999), awarded the medal of the Order “For Services to the Fatherland, II degree” (2007). A. L. Sventsitsky is a member of the St. Petersburg Psychological Society and the Society for Psychological Research of Social Problems (USA). In 2006, he was awarded the title “Honorary Professor of St. Petersburg State University.”

    A. L. Sventsitsky is the author of 160 scientific works (including 18 works published abroad). Of these, 6 monographs and one textbook “Social Psychology”, recommended by the UMO as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Psychology”. Two of his monographs were published in Japan (1977) and Czechoslovakia (1985). Some of his articles have been translated into English, German, Polish and Czech. He successfully presented a report on management psychology at an international seminar in Brazil, at the Department of Psychology of the University of California (USA) and other international conferences.

    A. L. Sventsitsky is one of the initiators of the development of the direction of industrial social psychology in Russian psychology. In the 1970s, he substantiated the identification of a new scientific direction - social psychology of management, formed a number of provisions of the socio-psychological theory of management of production organizations, identified some patterns in the implementation of management influences at three levels: the individual, the primary work group, the organization as a whole. A system of macro- and microenvironmental factors influencing the socio-psychological climate of the primary work group is identified, and the specifics of social regulation of the individual’s activities as a subject and object of management are determined. A. L. Sventsitsky was the first in Russian social psychology to engage in the scientific development of the interview method, proposing ways to increase its effectiveness. Data from applied research by A. L. Sventsitsky were successfully used to improve management at a number of enterprises in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). His methodological recommendations and developments for improving socio-psychological relations at industrial enterprises were exhibited at the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow in 1969 and 1970. One of the practical results of A. L. Sventsitsky’s research was the creation of a faculty of active methods of training managers on the basis of the Izhora Plant association in the 1980s.

    A. L. Sventsitsky created a scientific school of social psychology of organizational management at Leningrad - St. Petersburg University. His work in this area is further developed in the scientific research of his students. Under his leadership, 50 candidate and 10 doctoral dissertations were defended. His students, former graduate students, currently work not only in Russia, but also in research organizations in Bulgaria, Belarus, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Uzbekistan, Sweden and Estonia. Six of them, already being doctors of psychological sciences, also continue their research activities in the field of social psychology of management. The data obtained by A. L. Sventsitsky’s students allows them to develop socio-psychological methods for optimizing the management of social organizations, taking into account the principle of a differentiated approach to different categories of personnel.

    Anatoly Leonidovich Sventsitsky enjoys deep respect and well-deserved authority among employees and students for his professional competence, scientific exactingness, responsiveness, goodwill and integrity.

    The textbook systematically sets out the foundations of social psychology in accordance with the provisions of modern works of domestic and foreign researchers. Issues of social psychology of personality, the main characteristics of social groups are considered, problems of interpersonal influence and communication are highlighted. The main directions of applied work in social psychology are described. To better assimilate the material studied, a brief summary is provided at the end of each chapter, and also includes questions for self-testing and discussion at seminars, as well as assignments for independent work.

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    At the moment, it is possible to purchase printed books, electronic access or books as a gift to the library on the ELS website only with 100% advance payment. After payment, you will be given access to the full text of the textbook within the Electronic Library or we will begin preparing an order for you at the printing house.

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    2. Social psychology: textbook. - M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2005. - 336 p.
      ISBN 5-482-00060-5

      This version of the textbook differs in that individual chapters, scattered across different parts of the archive, are finally brought together in one file.

      2. History of the development of socio-psychological knowledge
      Search for the causes of social behavior: from antiquity to the 20th century
      Formalization of social psychology into an independent science
      Main theoretical approaches in Western social psychology
      Development of domestic social psychology
      Key Concepts

      3. Methods of social psychology
      Stages of socio-psychological research
      Correlation and experimental research
      Survey methods
      Document analysis
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      4. Personality in the social world
      The concept of personality
      Self-concept and self-esteem
      Social identity as part of the self-concept
      Social role concept
      Fulfilling social roles
      Mutual influence of personality and social role
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      5. Socialization
      The nature of socialization
      Socialization theories
      Agents of socialization
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      6. Social attitude and behavior
      Installation concept
      Formation and change of attitudes
      The concept of dispositional regulation of personality behavior
      Is there a relationship between attitudes and behavior?
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      7. Social groups: main characteristics
      Group as an object of socio-psychological analysis
      Group functions
      Band size
      Group structure.
      Intragroup communications
      Sociometry as a method for studying group structure
      Group classifications
      Organization as a social group
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      8. Group influences on individual behavior
      Phases of group membership
      The influence of group norms on personality
      Conformity: the influence of the majority
      Conformity: minority influence
      Reference groups and personality
      Social facilitation
      Social relaxation
      Social facilitation and social relaxation
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      9. Group dynamics and group effectiveness
      Concept of group dynamics
      Psychological compatibility of group members
      Decision making in groups
      Pros and cons of group decision making
      Leadership and management in groups and organizations
      Social and psychological climate of the group
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      10. Communication and social cognition
      Concept of communication
      Main aspects of the communication process
      Nonverbal communication
      Forming a first impression of a person
      Social categories and stereotypes
      Causal attribution
      Social interaction and communication
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

      11. Interpersonal influence and social power
      Definition of concepts
      Dependency, uncertainty and power
      How are people influenced?
      Foundations of social power (psychological
      The authority of the power of legitimacy
      From obedience to aggressiveness
      Problems and prospects for research on influence and power
      Key Concepts
      Literature for further reading

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