Statuses with meaning about sports. Statuses about sports girls Cool statuses in VK about sports

Finding a sports status for your VK page is not difficult. Nevertheless, you need to choose only the best, so we will consider just such options.

Sports statuses for VK

If you make your body better every day, then you should not be silent about it. This way you will not only tell others about your respectful occupation, but also motivate others to new achievements.

Cool statuses in VK about sports

How about quotes from world athletes and coaches?

1. It's not a shame to get a good blow, it's a shame never to answer it.

2. Life is when you struggle in a hopeless situation. Everything else is just existence.

3. Watching the fight creates the illusion that you are being hit, when in fact the athlete on the other side of the screen is being defeated.

4. The main thing is not a celebrity, the main thing is the result.

5. Everyone has their own entertainment: alcoholics have vodka, drug addicts have salt, leaders have sports.

6. Looking for a way to get motivated to go in for sports? Find the desire first!

7. Pain can be pleasant, and this is definitely about muscle pain.

8. Many of us dreamed of the unattainable, few of us even did something for this.

9. Yes, sport makes the body strong and attractive, but its main task is focused on spiritual development and willpower.

10. You will definitely win if you are confident in yourself and confident in victory. But the most important thing is that your opponent does not do this.

Statuses in VK for boys about sports

The following options will appeal to those who would like to play a trick on another Vkontakte who does not share the views of athletes. Simply put, we are talking about the lazy and lack of initiative, which is just the time to visit the gym.

1. If the kid said that he would go for a run, then he will do it. It doesn't matter what he said a year ago.

2. Before getting into the low start position, check for a pole runner behind you.

3. Decided to go in for sports, started with dumbbells, already looked at them three times in a box.

4. Many underestimate the benefits of runners in case of a fight. But in vain, because if they are weaker, they will run away from the blow. But they are unlikely to run away if they are stronger.

4. Nothing tames the appetite like a handsome athlete sitting next to you.

5. Do not rush to get rid of persecution mania - it will come in handy in training.

6. Finding that you were the first to run to the finish line, look around and see if anyone was running with you at all.

7. Sports go well with alcohol only in bowling.

8. Did you celebrate Shrove Tuesday? It's time to fix it in the hall with pancakes from 5 to 15 kilograms.

9. With the help of training, you can run away from cirrhosis of the liver and, of course, from cellulite in all parts of the body.

10. Don't like extreme sports? Your opinion can be changed, for example, by Dobermans, who accidentally met on the street.

11. Please do not buy bicycles to ride them for vodka in the stall.

Statuses in VK about sports with meaning

1. How to intelligently stand out from the crowd? Go in for sports!

2. Losers drown in vodka, and the lucky ones disappear in training.

3. To be created for sports is impossible, but to create oneself for sports is difficult, but real.

4. Having overcome your own laziness and weakness, you understand how unlucky those who got everything effortlessly.

5. Don't take care of your own body? Where are you planning to live?

6. How long should I continue training? Until the only opponent is the person you admire. The next step is to work even harder.

7. Physical exercises should be a joy, and bad emotions should be given to the opponent during the fight.

8. There can be no colleagues in a sports team: only brothers can be there.

9. Staying at home during the next workout, remember that even such a small mistake prevents you from winning.

10. You need to participate in competitions not only when you are confident in your own superiority, but also when you are afraid of failure.

Follow the above tips and of course don't forget to share them with your friends on Facebook or Vkontakte. Be original!

Topic: Statuses about sports girls. How to win in a fight? Try to just leave, because you never know how it will end. Evander Holyfield

A healthy person is the most precious product of nature. Carlyle T

A person who goes in for sports can even endure cultural life. Oliver Hassenkamp.

Only daily workouts with a bottle of vodka can help raise your credibility in front of your drinking buddy!

Deception and force are the tools of the evil ones. Dante Alighieri

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless. Faina Ranevskaya

Free body. Without bad habbits. The path for strong people without any quotes.

The answer to the question of what is more important money or health depends on what exactly you have lost.

A fit woman always achieves what a woman in a dressing gown cannot achieve. Evelina Khromtchenko

It's not a shame to get a good blow, it's a shame to never return it.

Strength does not come from victory. Strength comes from struggle. When you overcome difficulties and decide not to give up, this is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

It is difficult to find a doctor who would know better than the person himself what is good for his health. Xenophon

The road to nowhere is paved with excuses. Mark Bell

The spirit inevitably strives upward - towards ideals. Mark Tullius Cicero

If you don't like what you get, change what you give. K. Castaneda

The worst thing that can happen is that I become ordinary. I hate being ordinary. Arnold Schwarzenegger

You always need to know exactly what you are striving for. Vitaliy Klichko

Sports are fully controlled. Now football matches have nothing to do with games in the yard. Imagination has no place here. Jari Litmanen.

The only thing that can direct us to noble thoughts and actions is the example of great and morally pure personalities. Albert Einstein

They do not evaluate a person - they evaluate the results that he has achieved, but based on his disappointment, they evaluate a person. Arsene Wenger

If the kid said that he would go for a run, then he will do it. It doesn't matter what he said a year ago.

Yes, sport makes the body strong and attractive, but its main task is focused on spiritual development and willpower.

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. Thomas Alva Edison

The good is the enemy of the excellent. Jim Collins

Only training in martial arts will ensure you a long and happy life. Bruce Lee

The only thing I know about Feyenoord is that they are from the same country where Ajax play. Fabio Capello.

Great is the power of first habits. Mark Tullius Cicero

If they say that a footballer got hit, most often it is not so much a good pass from a teammate, but the coach’s dissatisfaction with an unused pass.

There is nothing better than living your life striving to become better.

Not every force stands for the truth, but the truth always reports itself by force. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

At first love, the soul is taken before the body; later the body is taken before the souls, and sometimes the souls are not taken at all. V. Hugo

When an artist decides to share the fate of everyone, he asserts himself as a person. Albert Camus

Cassius Clay is the name of a slave. I didn't choose it myself, and I don't want to wear it. I am Muhammad Ali! This is the name of a free man. Muhammad Ali

The strength of the spirit breaks any muscle strength! Sylvester Stallone. - Statuses about sports girls.

Watch your body if you want your mind to work properly. Rene Descartes

I respect people who know exactly what they want. Much of the trouble around the world stems from the fact that people do not clearly understand their goals. When they start building a building, they put too little effort into the foundation to support the tower. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Statuses about sports are undoubtedly for those who are actively involved in sports. If you are only planning to embark on this noble path, then let there be no obstacles for you!

We are for technicality

  1. I am nobody to tell you. But now you can follow my example...
  2. Get ready to win - practice, practice, practice.
  3. Someone calls athletes stupid, and I call stupid those who wanted to spit on their bodies.
  4. Sport is also respect. And, of course, efforts on yourself.
  5. There are two ways to get out of depression: a favorite thing or playing sports.
  6. In sports, you get used to fighting - even in boxing, even in fitness.

If you are not afraid to show your true position, set the pro sports status with meaning.

  1. So what if no one believed in me? The main thing is that I believed in myself.
  2. You don't have to win every game. The most important thing is to gain victory over yourself.
  3. Few people know that I actually put my heart into my game!
  4. You can send me anywhere. But make sure I don't send you to intensive care myself.
  5. Take up boxing. They will want to quarrel with you much less.
  6. In the beginning, everything breaks a person. Moreover, sports.
  7. Sport is, first of all, freedom. Especially if you omit the moment when you need to go to the gym.

For me, sport is more important than even good grades.

Status about sports for girls is such an important sip of motivation.

  1. If you have been looking for a reason to start running for the second month, calm down, you will not find it.
  2. It's strange, I seem to be pumping my biceps, but at the same time, for some reason, the complexes grow: D.
  3. You know, sport is respect for oneself.
  4. I miss school, because then you could race at the stadium for 4 hours a day ...
  5. For me, sport is not glory. For me, sport is an opportunity to enjoy every moment of life.
  6. The one who is an athlete since childhood is much stronger and more resilient.
  7. So many years have passed. And I still remember how I put on a kimono and dreamed that I would grow up to be a real athlete.

If you are an ardent opponent of bad habits, set statuses about sports and training.

  1. Girls, there is so much going on in this hour: stretching, plank, strength, and twine:D.
  2. I love that feeling of unimaginable fatigue after a workout. I'm sure it's better than any euphoria.
  3. I don't want to be weak. That is why every morning I wake up with thoughts about training.
  4. Sport is not felt now, but then you will acutely feel its lack ...
  5. The best prevention against literally any disease is, of course, training.

Sports are not just for weight loss

Statuses in VK about sports are for those who are ready not only to talk, but also to make efforts ...

  1. You don't understand. In the morning jogging - the whole buzz :).
  2. Eating chocolate after a workout is bad. But it's better than no training at all :D.
  3. It is better to train in the gym than to constantly drown, like you, in a glass.
  4. Leaving the sport is easy. It is much harder to get away from alcohol or drugs.
  5. Sport is in vogue now. And I'm very, very happy about it.
  6. To each his own. Someone is 2 kilometers away, someone is tennis, and someone has a cigarette around the corner.
  7. Take care of your body. You then live in it!

When a person really wants to become healthier, he spares no effort on statuses about sports for girls with meaning.

  1. Men also have their own beauty salon. And it's called the gym.
  2. “Sports should be in moderation,” Vasya thought, and launched the third skating rink, drinking beer: D.
  3. Sports are just like entertainment. Only for strong people.
  4. There is one person to whom I agree to listen implicitly. And this is my coach.
  5. There is no need to consider an athlete who goes in for sports himself and does not follow someone else's results as strange ...
  6. You don't need to set some huge goals. You just need to win over yourself.

Sport as a lifestyle

Cool statuses about sports will reveal to you some simple secrets about this life.

  1. Sport will never break you if you are really ready for big victories!
  2. Who said that sport is only football? On TV...
  3. You need to hit so hard that then no hit will follow.
  4. Boxing is not a safe game at all. But for me, that's the whole point.
  5. The guy must be an athlete. Otherwise, how to check that he is a real man?
  6. Boxing differs from fighting in that it is a sport of exceptionally brave people!
  7. Let for me sport is just exercise in the morning, but I'm still proud of myself!

If you want to change something in your life, funny sports statuses can be the impetus for this :).

  1. And that's how it always is. I try to start running for a week, I run for three days, I rest for another week ...
  2. I learned how to earn money, I know how to fish, how to sign up for sports?!
  3. Sport is art. The art of getting up off the couch, first of all :D.
  4. I go in for a special kind of sport: I watch VKontakte selections, and I do something on them for 2 days.
  5. Sports are good, but not in the morning. Not in the morning, gentlemen...
  6. I would like to be plastic and graceful, but still I am me :).

Don't chase results, chase pleasure

Statuses about sports and training with meaning - if the activities are deeply rooted in your worldview.

  1. There are some things that won't ruin anything. For example, sports.
  2. Why do people think that if I go bowling, I go to drink beer?!
  3. Nobody's body is perfect. And for some, it is also completely unprepared for sports: D.
  4. Sport will definitely reciprocate, you just fall in love with it for real!
  5. Running in the morning is when you really feel good all day. But you really want to sleep at the same time))).
  6. Let's play sports together.

If you don’t know where to start your workouts, start at least with short statuses about sports :).

  1. Guys, if you don't know where to invite a girl on a date, invite her to the gym. Don't go wrong :D
  2. So what if sport makes you tired? But he will make you happy and beautiful!
  3. If you are tired of people with megalomania, go into sports. There they are at a minimum!
  4. You know, when you go in for sports, mom will no longer say that you are doing something incomprehensible))).
  5. We live in a time when joining the gym is already considered a feat. It's scary, actually.

Do not believe the one who says that sport is not good

A beautiful status about sports is for those who believe that sports is a way out of most situations.

  1. Do not start pumping the press early in the morning: then you will just fall asleep on the rug.
  2. Sport is my first love. And I don't regret anything.
  3. Sport is something that will always be with you. If you choose to be like this...
  4. And I love sports because you can wear beautiful clothes, and a beautiful body under clothes: D.
  5. The biggest excuse is these “sports” apps of yours on your phone.

If your goal is to be healthy and beautiful, set the status about sports and life.

  1. I don't need gold medals. But I really need good results!
  2. Sports and beer are incompatible things. Whoever thinks otherwise is not an athlete at all.
  3. Everything interferes with a novice athlete - it’s too early. sometimes cold, sometimes sun, sometimes ice, sometimes expensive: D.

Cool statuses about sports for girls - in case you want to achieve something really significant in this life. And you can be confident in yourself with the help of statuses about sports for boys.

Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life.

"John Locke"

Sport is physical culture brought to the point of absurdity.

Running and talking on the phone for half an hour near the edge of the stadium are completely different things.

"Jean-Jacques Rousseau"

Winning a sporting event is more of a trend than an accident.

"Bobby Unser"

If you exercise, there is no need to use medicines taken for various diseases, if at the same time all other prescriptions of a normal regimen are observed.

"Valentin Vladislavovich Gorinevsky"

Where are you from so early? - I ran in the park. “Where to now?” - In the pool. - Well done! Are you getting ready for a competition? - Sport strengthens health, and health is needed to drink vodka!

If you want to be the best, then you must win the best!

Defeat in sports is a temporary condition, refusing to fight makes it permanent.

"Marilyn vos Savant"

People who are naturally weak bodily, thanks to exercises, become stronger than strong men.

"Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov"

It is not clear why people do not want to play sports when they are healthy, but immediately remember it when they get sick.

You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can leave sports, you can quit your job, but you can’t get away from love.

The strength of the spirit breaks any muscle strength!

A professional is an athlete who does not have a profession and is forced to earn a living through sports.

"Jean Girodou"

If a person is seriously involved in sports, he will always be able to gather his strength in a difficult moment.


If at 30, 40 and even 50 years old they do not do physical education, then this is a prejudice inherited from the old days, when an idle life was considered the ideal of well-being.

It takes one guy who jumps seven feet to make your team win the high jump, not seven guys who jump a foot each.

A professional athlete is a public girl who is required to behave honestly.

The real champions are those who, having lost one match, come out in the next and prove that they are worth something.

"Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy"

Gymnastics is complete nonsense. Healthy people do not need it, but it is contraindicated for the sick.

You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be healthy morally.

The Olympics is a circus in which the performance takes place in twenty arenas at the same time.

Scary at first, then thrilled! There may be unpleasant consequences, but we do not care! This is the sport of hockey!

Sport is the place where friends temporarily become enemies.

If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick.

"Valentin Gorinevsky"

Amateur sport is life with a game. Professional sport is a game with life.

Stas Yankovsky

Music and sports are power! And without power, we are nowhere!

With assiduous mental work without movement and bodily labor - a real grief.

Sport forms a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness.

"Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky"

Exercise is the most useful substitute for drugs.

I recognize the movement as the most effective means of combating old age.

You beautifully marked an abandoned puck: you swept a few meters around the site on your knees. Special idea or impromptu? - Honestly, I just stumbled. And there was nothing left but to ride on my knees.

"Igor Makarov"

Rowing is the best sport! This is the meaning of my life. I wish every person reading this status. Find your meaning in life. Believe me, life is more interesting this way.


Sport is not a hobby. This is a lifestyle.

The one who quit physical exercises often languishes, because the strength of his organs weakens due to the refusal to move.


Sports: entertainment up to a sweat.

"Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky"

Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine.

"Henry Ford"

Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone's favorite pastime.

"Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky"

Sport is the best antidepressant!

"Sylvester Stallone"

I'm not fat! I have a great goalkeeper complexion!

Love gymnastics, it will give you good physical development and health, good spirits!

If sport were as useful as we are told about it, then five Jews would hang on each horizontal bar.

In sports, as in casinos, it is very difficult to win by chance.

"Georgy Alexandrov"

Statuses about sports

In the mass development of physical culture and sports, I see one of the best options in the battle for human health, creativity and longevity.

"Pyotr Kuzmich Anokhin"

I have always said that if you dream about something very strongly, then the dream will come true sooner or later.

"Zinedine Zidane"

Tired of drugs and all these drunks, breathe Russian sport, let's breathe!

Gymnastics prolongs a person's youth.

"John Locke"

Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.

Have sex! Sex is sport - it's health - it's love! What could be better?

Sport does not bring up character, but reveals it.

I want to make it more balanced with the help of gymnastics of the whole body.

"Valentin Gorinevsky"

The physical education of the child is the basis for everything else. Without the correct application of hygiene in the development of the child, without the correct physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation.

"Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky"

Sports or drugs? Healthy lifestyle or emptiness?

The most delightful feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent is going to do and gently lead him to a mistake. If you play the combination correctly, you win. Pure chess.

"Vladimir Klichko"

I have no desire to prove something to anyone, I prove to myself that I can become even better and even stronger with every workout!

"Dwayne Johnson"

Sports activities are never superfluous. But it's better to understand it now, and not at the moment when half a dozen zombies will be chasing your thick, panting body.

"Woody Harrelson"

Who does not smoke and does not drink - the second time does not beat!

It is easy to lose physical shape, but not everyone can gain it again.

Anyone who wants to be strong, brave - he becomes it. A real man cannot avoid sports. And if he loves a woman, he must be healthy, strong, generous! Football match: duel of the referee's whistle with the whistle of the ribun.

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