Cookie production as a business: list of equipment, description of production technology, nuances of business organization. Example of a business plan for organizing the production of cookies Mini equipment for the production of cookies

Cookies of different types are a ready-made brand that does not need advertising. Therefore, the production of this tasty and beloved product brings good profits.
The stores offer a wide range of different types of cookies. Despite this, manufacturers are constantly offering new options. The production of cookies as a business will provide you with a stable income, since such products are constantly in high demand.

How to organize production?

To make a good profit, it is not necessary to open a large enterprise. Even a small amount can achieve success. The most important thing is to offer consumers tasty and high-quality products at affordable prices. Also, do not forget to constantly replenish the assortment with new products that will attract the attention of customers.

Over time, your mini-workshop will turn into a successful and profitable enterprise. But for this to happen, you need to work hard. First of all, you should draw up a business plan for the production of cookies, consisting of the following points:
  • Product range and types;
  • Technology;
  • Production room;
  • Workshop equipment;
  • Sales channels for finished products;
  • Expenses;
  • Expected profit.

These are very important points that should not be overlooked. If you can competently solve all these issues, the company will produce high-quality cookies. Demand for it will be high, so profits will rise accordingly.

Business registration

To avoid any problems, you must officially register your business. To do this, you can open an LLC. If the workshop is small, it is enough to register a private entrepreneur.

The production of food products, for example gingerbread, is subject to special requirements from the SES. Be very responsible in obtaining all necessary permits. Do not forget to obtain quality certificates for products from suppliers. If they are not available, the workshop may be closed. You will also need permits from the fire inspectorate.


If you are planning to open a gingerbread production as a business, you need to purchase or rent a premises with an area of ​​150-200 sq. m. meters. It can fully accommodate all the necessary equipment, as well as equip space for warehouses and change houses.

Please ensure that all communications in the room are connected:

  • Water;
  • Sewerage;
  • Electricity.

Since you work with food, the premises have serious requirements. Also take care of the availability of convenient access roads.


Modern cookie manufacturers equip their enterprises with automatic lines that have excellent technological characteristics. Thanks to this, they are able to reduce the cost of raw materials, improve the recipe and, accordingly, reduce the cost of production. Of course, all this is done without compromising quality.

The cost of equipment for the production of gingerbread and cookies is quite high. Despite this, experts believe that it is impossible to save on equipping an enterprise. Even if you plan to work with small volumes of products at first, it is advisable to immediately purchase a high-performance line. When your business begins to develop, you will not have to spend profits on re-equipping production. In addition, it will take a lot of time, and everyone knows that time is your money.


To work in a confectionery shop you need to hire:

  • Technologist;
  • Confectioners;
  • Loaders;
  • Storekeeper;
  • A specialist who is responsible for product sales.

To work one shift at an average enterprise you will need approximately 15 people. 300 thousand rubles will be spent monthly on employee salaries.

Sales markets

After all the equipment has been purchased and the technology for the production of gingerbread and cookies has been developed, it’s time to start studying sales markets. If there are no buyers, there will be no profit, but any business is built so that it generates income.

To quickly find potential clients, use these simple tips:

  1. Carefully study competitors' products, their taste and pricing policy. Try to determine which type of cookies is the most popular. Thanks to this, you will understand what you need to offer customers to satisfy their needs;
  2. Constantly expand your product range. People love new products very much, so they prefer to buy products from those manufacturers who constantly offer them;
  3. You need to draw up a business plan for the production of gingerbread and cookies, analyze the level of competition and look for markets based on the conditions of the region where your production is located. Some areas are considered uneconomical for such activities;
  4. Try to conclude agreements with wholesale buyers of products. These can be supermarkets, wholesale centers or small retail stores. If you manage to establish such connections, the product will quickly gain a foothold in the market.


Now you know where to start a cookie business.

Starting capital will be needed for:

  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Delivery;
  • Adjustment;
  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Additional expenses.

Capital investments are quite large, so the enterprise will pay for itself over a long period of time. With average productivity, normal profitability and a smart pricing policy, confectionery production will pay for itself in 3–4 years. To speed up this process, you can organize work in three shifts. This will allow you to achieve net profit faster.

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You should not hope that your business will develop successfully if you produce a monotonous standard range. The main task is to take its place in the market, so the products must have significant competitive advantages.

You should not rely only on expanding the product range. On the contrary, it can even be shortened. Your products should be of high quality, excellent taste and affordable price. Only in this case will it be recognized on store shelves. This strategy will certainly lead you to success.

Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that confectionery products are presented in a wide range, cookies, as well as cakes, are considered the most popular product at any time. The demand for this product is constantly growing, so manufacturers are making a lot of efforts to satisfy the needs of customers. They are constantly expanding their range and offering their customers new types of this delicious, beloved product. For example, the production of filled gingerbread will develop much faster, because any consumer will be able to choose the type of product that suits him. Thanks to this, sales volumes will constantly increase.

The high level of competition in this area does not prevent novice creative entrepreneurs who know where to start a cookie production business from developing their production. There is always a place in the market for those who produce high-quality and original confectionery products. If taken seriously, cookie production can bring you more than 1 million rubles in net profit per year.

Reading time: 10 minutes

A business idea for baking homemade cookies is rare today, because such a product is rarely seen on store shelves. Organizing a cookie business at home is not difficult; even if you have minimal start-up capital, you can always start from the bottom and rise to the top of the homemade cookie business.

Starting a Homemade Cookie Business

Home-based cookie business ideas suitable for girls and women. Many mothers on maternity leave can start producing cookies at home, as well as families, if it is in their interests to create a family business.
There are several options for starting a homemade cookie baking business. You can start with any of the methods for creating homemade cookies and the business can develop in the future.

You have a minimum starting capital

Starting capital: 3 - 15 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 3 - 5 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 3 months.

In such conditions, it will be enough to simply select several types of cookies and start a business. The equipment is usually minimal: cookie cutters and baking equipment - various types of ovens. It is also necessary to purchase raw materials at wholesale prices. The product must be fresh - this is important when starting any home production. Find recipes and start baking.

Such a modest-sized home business does not require registration. When the business begins to gain momentum and actively develop, only then will registration be necessary.

To avoid creating an illegal business, the product is sold in the most usual way: from home to friends and neighbors and sold to stores. It will be easier to reach an agreement with neighbors - good relations and a quality product will allow you to constantly sell cookies. When it comes to stores, not every grocery store owner wants to deal with an unknown person who owns a cookie business from home. However, with mastery of communication and negotiation techniques, most of the owners of such points can be persuaded. Store owners will throw in their 20-30% and start selling your cookies.

Business cookies at home with registration

Starting capital: 10 - 20 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 5 - 15 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 2 months.

There are several differences from the first method of creating a business. You will register your business, it will become official, and from this function you will receive several advantages that will contribute to greater benefits. But to create a business like this for making cookies at home, you will need a little more money and activity.
The second difference between an official business is that you can create your own packaging, which will also act as advertising. This way, homemade cookies will gain status in the domestic market and, thanks to promotional packaging, you, having a low cost of the product with high, distinctive quality, will be able to get your regular customers and start word of mouth.

The packaging is created either in special factories - a wholesale batch is ordered. The cost will not be high. The advantage is that you can order original packaging exactly according to your template. It can be original both in color and shape. It must include the name of your production, address and other contacts.

The second way to create cookie packaging is to do it yourself. You purchase cardboard boxes of the required size, A6-A7 format leaflets are printed with the same data, glued to the cardboard and packed in polyethylene with a special device.

You can start by making 1-2 types of cookies, the main thing is to make a name for the quality and taste of the cookies, and then choose several more types of cookies, gradually expanding.

Another advantage is that it will be easier for you to negotiate with grocery stores, and you will be able to sell the product to many. You will receive the money immediately, without waiting for the cookies to sell.

The number of ways to advertise home production is also increasing. Can be sold in boxes of 1,2,3,4,5 kg. Moreover, for each added kilogram the cost of the product should be lower. For example: 1kg-200r.; 2kg-390r.; 3kg-570r. and so on. This will increase sales. Advertising in the newspaper and advertising sign at home will increase your customer base.

Creation of a large production

Starting capital: 30 - 70 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 20 - 60 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 2 months.

The same applies to this method of starting a business as in the previous one, only the quantity of goods, as well as types, will be many times greater. You will have to invest more money in equipment, hire workers, specially equip the house for a small industrial building according to all the rules and work even more intensely.

It is better to make the packaging original and custom-made, so that there is less red tape, and customers recognize your product not only by the contents of the box, but also by external signs.

The product itself can also be given to stores, or a network can be developed throughout the city, district, or even beyond the borders of one’s region. This will require better advertising. First of all, you will need to create your own business website and place on it all the necessary information, both about your company and your product. You will need to create a business card with your details and a work phone number.

Clients can be contacted by mail, calls, or directly. With a high-quality website, business card and the right negotiations, you will definitely get large customers for your product and be able to organize large sales.
As for the website, its creation will cost several thousand rubles. A simple website with all the data will appeal to your customers.

Such a business requires the creation of a business plan. Each item must be outlined from investments to sales. It will also be important to write a small business development strategy, but this stage takes place some time after the successful launch of a business idea.

You can also open your own stall selling homemade cookies. In this case, there should be at least 5-6 types of cookies, and the product should always be fresh. It is important to choose the right location for your stall for big sales and advertise it correctly.

Creation of an individual product

Starting capital: 20 - 40 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 10 - 60 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 2 months.

Here there are also differences from the previous way of creating a business, and they are significant.

The first is that a smaller amount will be required to create a product at the start, but the product must be original. This means that the recipe, shape, taste must be invented by you. This type of cookie will be copyrighted and if you manage to conquer the market, you will make big profits.

Remember all the cookie companies. They all started small. There is a guy in America who came up with his own jam recipe and became a millionaire; its product is produced by the tens of thousands daily and distributed throughout America. Even if the start is unsuccessful, you will gain experience, and the business will be at the first stage and will still make a profit.

  • read the article Ways to promote a product

Secondly, these are ways to sell such a product. As mentioned above, with a successful start, the product can spread throughout the country and increase in production volumes.

Third, clients themselves will contact you through the website and other contacts. Well, the original packaging will be an excellent advertisement for cookies.

Business development strategy

You can start with the first two options, gradually expanding production, increasing the number of varieties of cookies, and expanding the scale of sales. Here the business matrix will be something like this:

1 year – sales from home, give for sale, try to create an original product.

Year 2 – registration, your own packaging, your own product, entering the market outside the city.

Year 3 – open a large production facility, a patent, your own name and a large scale.

If you think about the global market, it will seem unrealistic, but when home production starts from the bottom, the customer base increases, sales increase, and with it profits, then a sharp jump is always possible. The main thing is to do business correctly, without the risk of losing everything. The right small business path will point you in the direction of where you want your business to go.

Combining business ideas

By choosing the second way to start a cookie business at home, you can open a mini bakery and make cakes, buns, sandwiches, etc. at home. Sales can be conducted by any means. The main thing is to register your production.

The home cookie business will be profitable in any case, regardless of whether you are starting from the bottom or from the top. This production can actively develop and increase its productivity, and it is also possible to combine with other similar products that can be made at home in your small home bakery.

In contact with

Of all the confectionery products, cookies are especially loved by consumers. Given such a demand for the product, it is natural that a business in this area can become highly profitable. The production of sugar cookies will turn out to be a profitable business if you approach organizational issues competently and think through the strategy for the development of the enterprise.

Cookies are porous confectionery products of various shapes of small size, for the preparation of which flour, sugar, fats, eggs and various flavoring additives are used.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 800,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

According to analysts, the demand among consumers for cookies is only increasing - an affordable and tasty delicacy. And this only encourages entrepreneurs to introduce new recipes and production methods - a huge assortment of sweets is presented on store shelves. And you may well be a healthy competitor to existing enterprises. By offering customers quality products, you can quickly earn a decent reputation.

Start drawing up a business plan for the production of cookies - this is especially important if you plan to look for borrowed investments “on the side” in the future. Analyze the market - study the level of demand and competition. If there are a minimum of competing enterprises in a particular region, then the production of cookies as a business is highly likely to be successful.

How to open a mini cookie production in Russia? What does an entrepreneur need to consider?

Organizational issues when organizing a business

Starting a business in the food industry comes with many challenges. Both the equipment, the premises, and the product recipe itself are subject to serious checks by supervisory authorities - the fire inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and SES. Get ready for a long wait - organizing the production of cookies will require collecting a whole package of documents and going through many stages of registering activities.

Register as an LLC. This will make it easier for you to conclude contracts with large buyers in the future.

Decide right away whether you will open a confectionery production under your own brand. Branding is a costly and troublesome business. But this will be the best way to attract consumers - they, having remembered the brand of the products they like, will choose only your sweets in the future. If you have very little money, start producing butter cookies without registering a brand. But in the future, when things gain momentum, be sure to take up this issue.

Elaboration of the assortment of the future enterprise

The assortment of cookies is huge - a real scope for the technologist’s “imagination”. The products differ in shape, size and taste.

To attract more customers, it is important to expand the range as much as possible. The technological process itself will differ little - the difference is in raw materials and baking conditions. Let the specialist work out several recipes at once, allowing you to supply different types of cookies to the market.

Depending on the prepared dough, cookies are:

  • biscuit,
  • biscuits,
  • sand,
  • sugar,
  • cottage cheese,
  • lingering.

Consumer preferences vary depending on the specific region. But you can’t go wrong if you start producing shortbread cookies, biscuits, crackers, and nut cookies - they are in consistently high demand.

Many manufacturers add fruit and chocolate fillings, candied fruits, and raisins to the composition. Do the same - bring your own innovations to the “standard” recipes! Let the products produced be unique and not similar to the sweets of competitors.

Each specification is checked by Rospotrebnadzor and SES for compliance with standards and norms. Involve a qualified technologist in order to quickly get the go-ahead from all authorities.

How are cookies made?

The production of cookies, regardless of their type, follows a similar technology - only the raw material composition of the mixture will differ. Flour, eggs or egg powder, and sugar will have to be purchased in bulk. Various flavoring additives and fillers will be required in much smaller quantities. Raw materials for cookies must be stored in proper conditions, since many ingredients are perishable!

The “average” technological scheme for the production of cookies looks like this:

  • Preparation of raw materials.
  • Kneading the dough.
  • Forming the dough.
  • Baking cookies.
  • Product cooling.
  • Decoration of products (if required).
  • Product packaging.

Cookies can be packaged in individual containers or corrugated boxes - it all depends on which client the factory sends the finished product to.

In production, the process is automated, but many stages are still performed manually. This especially applies to exclusive custom-made cookies. This market segment is now actively developing, so be sure to hire professional chefs who have experience in making confectionery products.

Equipment for a cookie production workshop

To buy equipment for the production of cookies, an entrepreneur will have to spend a significant amount of money. Automated lines are quite expensive, but this is the only way to put the business on stream and offer large quantities of goods to wholesale customers.

The cookie production line consists of the following equipment:

  • flour sifter,
  • dough mixer,
  • dough machine,
  • convection oven,
  • packaging machine.

In addition to the main list of machines and apparatus, additional equipment will be required - industrial refrigerators, enrobing machine, cookie cutters, utility equipment, racks, shelves.

There are a lot of offers for the sale of technological lines from suppliers. Make your choice based on the specific type of product, planned sales volumes and available investments. European machines for the production of cookies have proven themselves to be excellent. These, as a rule, are fully automated and allow the production of almost all types of products.

The price of a low-power line (up to 250 kg/h) is from 3,000,000 rubles. Don’t forget to include the cost of additional equipment in the cost of expenses. It turns out that you will equip the workshop for no less than 3,500,000 rubles. If we talk about a more powerful line, its cost can reach 15,000,000 rubles. Are there no such funds? Then consider the offers of sellers selling used equipment.

For young workshops that are just starting out and have not yet established sales of their products, it is better to refuse to purchase a high-power line. The enterprise should be modernized in this way only after it has developed a sufficiently wide customer base.

Workshop space

Before putting the equipment for sugar cookies into operation, it is necessary to prepare the room for work. And this is also a significant expense item in the business plan, since quite stringent requirements are imposed on the arrangement of the workshop.

The mini confectionery workshop for the production of cookies will be located on an area of ​​150 m2. But to install and launch a powerful line, you will need a much larger space - at least 250 m2.

The production of oatmeal cookies and other types of cookies must be carried out in a workshop that meets the following requirements:

  • Ceiling height – at least 3.5 m.
  • Convenient access roads to the enterprise.
  • Electricity 280 V.
  • Availability of all communications - water supply, electricity, sewerage, heating.
  • The space should be zoned - a workshop where the cookie depositor and other equipment is located, warehouses, a laboratory, staff rooms, an office.
  • Availability of necessary elements to comply with fire safety regulations.

Buying an empty building is not always affordable for entrepreneurs, although it will significantly reduce variable costs. A suitable option for many is renting space. And in order not to spend money on expensive repairs, you can locate the workshop on the territory of an already operating food enterprise. But this is more suitable for mini-confectionery shops that do not require a large premises.

Sales plan for finished products

The purchased baking equipment will begin to pay off only when you have regular orders for finished products. This is an important part of the business plan, since it will be difficult for beginners to find wholesale clients. Do this as early as possible - even at the project development stage.

Many recipes used in production imply a short shelf life of the finished product. Therefore, without packaging finished products in individual containers, it is better to focus only on the local sales market. Offer products to confectionery shops, grocery stores, and food wholesalers. You can try to establish contacts with restaurants, bars and cafes. But in this case, most likely, exclusive orders will have to be fulfilled.

Combine the production of hard biscuits and their retail sale on the premises of your own enterprise. Products can be sold directly from the assembly line. This will attract many consumers - who would refuse to buy fresh, high-quality products at wholesale prices? This way you can develop consumer loyalty to the factory’s products.

Cookie production technology will bring more profit if you cooperate with large hypermarket chains. But there are a number of problems here - shelf space is expensive, and not every cookie machine will be able to produce products in the required volume. But the good thing about chains is that they accept goods for sale not only in individual packaging, but also by weight.

The share of foreign products, due to the specifics of the product itself, in the domestic market is small. And your unique cookie recipe may well provide healthy competition to small Russian enterprises.

Are the incomes high?

To launch a full-fledged enterprise, you will need at least 4,500,000 rubles. The costs will include the price of equipment for the production of cookies, the purchase of raw materials, renovation of the premises, and business registration. You can launch a mini-confectionery that fulfills private orders for no less than 800,000 rubles.

According to experts, a cookie oven and other equipment will pay for itself no earlier than in 1.5 years. And this is very optimistic data, since with undeveloped sales channels, this takes much more time - up to 3 years.

A medium-power device can produce up to 1.5 tons of products per shift. It turns out that it is quite possible to sell up to 45 tons of cookies in a month. The average wholesale cost of cookies will depend on the specific type of product and volume of supplies. It is important to set competitive prices so as not to sell expensive products - then consumers will most likely go to your competitors.

The business of selling cookies is promising due to the demand for this confectionery product, which leads to a quick payback with a relatively small investment. Its consumption volume is ahead of even cakes and pastries, and at the same time shows an increase every year.



A cookie business can provide the following services:

  • production of various types of products: puff pastry, biscuit, curd, shortbread and others;
  • baked goods to order.


Biscuit production volumes increase annually by an average of 2.5-5%. Thanks to the constant rise in prices for this product and the high cost of competitors' products, a novice entrepreneur will be able to quickly recoup his production.

The relevance of the business is due to the fact that:

  1. Cookies are a mass product, and finding a buyer will not be difficult.
  2. Demand for goods does not depend on seasonality and does not disappear even during economic crises.
  3. Cookies are purchased not only for home tea drinking. Some original products are bought as gifts.
  4. The profitability of the business is quite high - from 25%.

Market description and analysis

On average, Russian residents consume 650-700 tons of cookies per year. Greater interest in the product is shown in megacities.

Market Features:

  1. The most popular types of cookies in all Russian cities are traditionally sugar and oatmeal.
  2. There are opportunities for new entrepreneurs to enter the biscuit market despite its subdued growth.
  3. The short shelf life of the product does not allow transporting confectionery products over long distances. This gives an advantage to local producers, since cookies are practically not imported from other cities. The exception is products sold in supermarkets. For transportation over long distances and the possibility of sale over a long period of time, they are placed in special packaging.

The target audience

Cookies generally have no age restrictions or contraindications for use. The target audience of the business is people of all ages, regardless of financial status.

Conventionally, buyers can be divided into groups:

  • pensioners and middle-aged people buying cookies for home tea parties;
  • students replacing their lunch with a sweet product;
  • office workers purchasing goods for work coffee breaks.

Competitive advantages

Selling cookies is a highly competitive business. It is necessary to focus the attention of buyers on any distinctive feature that will make the production unique and help it stand out from competitors.

These benefits could be:

  • regular updating of the assortment and baking of new types of products according to our own recipe;
  • production of unusual cookies - enriched with vitamins, low-calorie or made without dyes using exclusively natural ingredients;
  • baking any, even the most non-standard, cookies to order in accordance with the buyer’s idea;
  • Periodically holding free product tastings.

Advertising campaign

The best advertising campaign will be recommendations from people. However, at the initial stage of production, you should additionally disseminate information on social networks and on your own one-page website. Advertisements must contain beautiful and high-quality photos of the cookies made.

Step-by-step opening instructions

In order to organize the production of cookies, it is necessary to analyze every step towards building a business. For example, think about which sites are best to place recruitment advertisements and decide on the range of baked goods.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a cookie business:

  1. Analyze the work of competitors and draw up a business plan with all the calculations.
  2. Prepare documents for registering and running your own business.
  3. Buy or rent premises to house a workshop and make repairs to it.
  4. Provide the production area with the necessary equipment.
  5. Conclude contracts with qualified personnel.
  6. Launch an effective advertising campaign.

The video provides step-by-step instructions for starting a cookie business. Filmed by the Business Arena channel.


The best organizational and legal form for a cookie production business would be an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is easier for the owner of an officially registered business to obtain loans from investors and credit institutions.

The financial turnover of a beginning entrepreneur is usually less than 79.74 million rubles established by law. Therefore, a businessman can use a simplified taxation system.

Documents required for individual entrepreneur registration:

  • completed application;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).

Documents required for LLC registration:

  • completed application;
  • decision to create;
  • constituent documents;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (4 thousand rubles).

A complete list of documents required for business registration is contained in Federal Law No. 129-FZ dated 08.08.2001.

For the activities of the workshop, you will also need other papers:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • production control program;
  • fire safety certificate;
  • a concluded contract for the provision of solid waste removal services;
  • contracts for deratization and disinfestation of premises;
  • medical records of employees;
  • quality certificates for the biscuits produced.

Room and design

To locate a production workshop, it is necessary to rent premises. It must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

Additional terms:

  • total area of ​​at least 50 sq. m.;
  • ceiling height 3.5 meters or more;
  • zoning for the production line, living rooms for workers and warehouses;
  • supplied water supply and sewerage;
  • connection to electrical networks with a capacity of 31 kW;
  • availability of a convenient place for transport access.

You can open a cafe next to the workshop, which will also serve as a store. In the establishment, visitors will be able to try the produced cookies over a cup of coffee or purchase goods to take away.

The design of a cafe-shop can be as simple as possible - for example, made in pastel colors. You can decorate the room with photo wallpapers depicting cookies or drawings of products.

Equipment and inventory

A ready-made model of a mini-workshop with an area of ​​18 m2 is suitable for beginning entrepreneurs. According to the seller, the self-sufficiency of such production is only 4 months.

A businessman can choose the configuration of the workshop. However, the price only includes equipment. You must purchase pastry equipment and utensils yourself.

Table “Description of the mini-workshop”.

The estimated productivity of the cookie production line is up to 50 kg/hour of the finished product. Delivery of the mini-workshop across Russia occurs with the help of transport companies or through the use of container transportation.

Equipment for a confectionery shop:

  1. Jigging machine MB-120. Forms cookies from different types of dough: from shortbread to biscuit. One machine allows you to produce several types of products. Reconfiguring the equipment can be done in 10 minutes. The minimum volume of deposited cookies is from 10 kg. The operator can set the operating speed independently.
  2. Rack oven KhPE-750/3S. Equipped with three autonomous baking chambers that operate independently of each other. The top and bottom of the oven are heated separately. Glass doors allow you to monitor the baking process. The power consumption of the machine is quite low and helps to save energy.
  3. Flour sifter MP-500. Allows you to remove particles of grains and metal impurities and saturate the flour with oxygen for the oxidation process. It is also used for sorting burnt batches or expired cookies. Spoiled raw materials are crushed, the smallest pieces are added to the dough, and large pieces go through the procedure again.
  4. Cream whipping machine B-20. Any dough can be kneaded on it - from custard to oatmeal. The device mixes it completely, leaving no lumps of flour.
  5. Mixer V-10. Needed for mixing the filling and creating decorative elements. The equipment connects to a regular outlet and can be installed anywhere.
  6. Hammer crusher Molot-200. Allows you to make powdered sugar and crush production defects.
  7. Foot dispenser DF-50. Needed for making filled cookies. It works on the principle of a piston. The amount of filling is adjusted using the pedal stroke.
  8. Cutting knife BSF-501 and heat chamber BS-4525. Equipment needed for packaging cookies.

Rack oven KhPE-750/3S Price: 74,000 rubles Foot dispenser DF-50 Price: 36,000 rubles Hammer crusher Molot-200 Price: 36,000 rubles Mixer V-10 Price: 23,000 rubles Cream whipping machine B-20 Price: 37,000 rubles Flour sifter MP-500 Price: 29,900 rubles Cutting knife BSF-501 Price: 73,500 rubles Jigging machine MB-120 Price: 173,000 rubles

To produce cookies you will also need the following equipment:


The number of employees depends on the scale of production. Only 4 people can operate the mini-workshop. Work can be organized in one shift.

When hiring personnel, it is necessary to pay attention to the applicants' knowledge of production processes. In addition, future employees must be disciplined and have experience in such work. One of the main requirements is that all workers, including the loader, have a medical card.

Financial plan

The financial plan shows how much money you need to spend to open your own biscuit business and how long it will take to pay off the costs. This section of the business plan consists of several parts.

The financial plan is divided into:

  • calculating the funds needed to organize production;
  • head of regular expenses;
  • income division.

How much does it cost to start a cookie business?

The amount of start-up investment depends on the scale of production. The minimum involves baking cookies by hand at home. The most cost-effective business is the organization of an automatic production line.

Calculation of starting investments for the operation of a mini-workshop:

Regular expenses

Monthly expenses of a mini-workshop may include:


The maximum output of the mini-workshop per month (22 shifts) is 35.7 tons of cookies. The wholesale price for 1 ton of product is set at 42 thousand rubles. Based on these indicators, you can calculate the monthly profit of automatic production. On average it will be 1,500,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Planning the actions necessary to start a business depends on the chosen format of your own business. Preparations for opening can take from one to three months.

Home production does not involve finding premises and hiring staff. Creating your own website and purchasing raw materials will take less than one month.

Schedule plan for opening a mini-workshop:

Risks and payback

Financial calculations show that selling cookies is a profitable business. It is possible to recoup production in two to four months in the conditions of a mini-workshop. However, before starting your own business, it is necessary to analyze the specific types of threats inherent in such a business.

Risks are divided into:

  1. Technological related to breakdowns and incorrect operation of equipment. In order not to encounter them for the longest possible time, you should purchase new equipment and periodically inspect its condition.
  2. Subjective - for example, hiring unqualified personnel. To avoid such risks, you need to seek help from a recruitment agency at the stage of searching for employees. It is necessary to constantly conduct various briefings and trainings for personnel, which will improve the quality of their work and the performance of the workshop as a whole.

Entrepreneurs working from home are subject to the least threats, while the greatest threats are to owners of factories and workshops. In general, a business selling cookies can be classified as an enterprise with minimal risk of losing money.

The most popular confectionery product that Russians buy for tea is cookies.

Most consumers in our country buy it regularly, both spontaneously, grabbing it on the way to the checkout, and planning the purchase in advance, before going to the supermarket.

The production of various types of cookies in our country totals more than 900 tons per year, and market demand not only remains at a high level, but is also growing steadily - by 8-10% annually. Of course, there is a lot of competition here, because the business is profitable.

Moreover, both large confectionery factories and small manufacturers coexist at the same time, which in this specific segment can successfully compete for the tastes and loyalty of consumers. Today, the confectionery niche is almost completely filled, but there is still room in it for new players, whose products, with a competent approach and high quality, can take their place on the grocery store shelf, and then a place on the table of the end consumer. We will try to tell you in this article how to organize your own production of cookies, which can win a share of the confectionery counter.

Basic steps for organizing a mini-workshop for making cookies

Unlike a number of other products, where it is not easy for small companies to compete with market giants, in the confectionery business, in particular in the production of cookies, success can quickly come to small-scale production. The most important thing here is quality, taste, assortment and the presence of that very zest that will attract the consumer’s attention to the product.

Therefore, feel free to count on the fact that your own mini-workshop for the production of cookies can easily turn into a successful, profitable and profitable business. However, despite such bright prospects, you will have to work hard to be able to express yourself from the best side. To do this, you first need to draw up a business plan, which will reflect and carefully consider the following points:

  • type and range of products;
  • cookie production technology, stages;
  • equipment (what, in what quantity);
  • room for organizing a workshop;
  • sales of production products (channels);
  • calculation of costs and expected profits.

All these issues are significant, and it is their correct solution that affects the final result - the quality of the finished cookies, the presence of demand and, as a result, profit.

We determine the assortment of our workshop

There are many types of cookies. Depending on the technology, as well as the composition (sugar and fat content), dough of different properties can be obtained. Butter cookies are especially popular, from which a variety of cookies are produced: shortbread cookies, which are sweeter and fattier, and shortbread cookies, which are less fatty and plastic.

As a result, you will have a very wide assortment (sugar, puff pastry, crackers and biscuits, etc.), which can be further diversified in shape, size, finishing, various fillings and additives. You can determine what type of product to offer to consumers by surveying the buyers themselves and analyzing the market and competitors in your region.

See what others are doing and do something new. Or old, but in a new interpretation - with unexpected fillings, combinations, other forms and original presentation. If the consumer notices and appreciates your cookies, then you hold the trump card.

Technology and production stages

Regardless of what type of cookies you make and what their recipe is, all the basic steps are almost the same. How is the production of cookies carried out? The stages of this process can be divided into the following:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • kneading and forming dough;
  • baking and cooling;
  • package.

As a rule, the following ingredients are used to prepare the dough: premium flour, sugar, fats, egg powder, melange, baking powder, flavorings and various additives. Depending on the type of product, nuts, dried fruits, poppy seeds and sesame seeds, jams, condensed milk, etc. can be used. You will determine the need for certain components together with the technologist, developing an assortment and choosing a recipe for each type of cookie.

Stages of making cookies

The cooking process looks something like this:

  • all ingredients are weighed and put into the kneading machine in a certain sequence (kneading is carried out within 15 minutes);
  • then add egg powder/melange, as well as water and, if necessary, condensed milk (mixing continues for about 10 minutes);
  • at the very end, add syrup, sifted flour, starch (knead for another 5 minutes);
  • the resulting dough is divided into parts, which are rolled out into layers - individual portions are cut out of them using special molds or rotary molding machines;
  • cookies are baked in ovens and cooled;
  • if necessary, glaze and layering are applied, various designs and other decorations are made;
  • cookies are packaged (in portions or in batches, in cardboard boxes, bags, etc.).

In general, this is how cookie production works - the whole process from start to finish. There is nothing complicated about it, and you can master the technology within a few days if you have a good technologist. The specifics of each stage may vary depending on whether it is carried out manually or using special equipment. We will talk about it further.

Equipment necessary for organizing a mini-workshop

As mentioned above, some stages of cookie making (for example, molding) can be done by hand. This largely determines which equipment for the production of cookies must be purchased, and which you can do without. For a mini-workshop, it is acceptable to include “manual stages” in the process, because the volumes here are not as large as in large factories. However, each workshop should have the following positions:

  • flour sifter;
  • dough mixer/mixer;
  • dough machine;
  • Rotary/convection oven;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • packaging devices.

In addition, a glazing line and other additional equipment may be needed. If possible, it is better to use European, rather than Russian, equipment for cookies. For example, Italian molding machines are of higher quality and wider functionality, which will expand the range of products and improve their appearance. Choosing the right stove is also of great importance.

Finding premises for a mini-workshop

It is also important where your cookie production will be located. Choosing a suitable premises should be given no less attention than purchasing equipment. Since cookies are a food product, various nuances of their production (how, on what, where, under what conditions) are regulated by Rospotrebnadzor. There are a number of mandatory requirements for the production workshop:

  • the area must be sufficient to accommodate the entire set of equipment, as well as the organization of storage and utility premises (rooms for staff, offices of the director and accountant, shower and bathroom);
  • repairs must comply with the requirements of sanitary regulations (details about them can be found in the sanitary and epidemiological inspection);
  • Fire safety standards must be observed in the premises;
  • All communications (sewage, water supply, electricity) must be installed on the territory of the confectionery shop.

For a workshop starting its activities, you can rent production space on the territory of a catering enterprise, if there is free space. In addition, the landlord may have some of the equipment you need. This will help reduce costs at the very beginning, and if things develop favorably, move to independent premises.

Channels for selling mini-workshop products

As already mentioned, the demand in this segment of the confectionery market is quite high, despite the large number of small and large manufacturers. Therefore, you can safely claim a share in it. It is better to sell the products of your workshop through several channels, which include:

  • wholesale companies selling products to retail companies;
  • grocery chains - regional and federal;
  • HoReCa sphere (supply to cafes and restaurants).

For each of these channels there can be either a separate range of products or the same one (but in different volumes and packaging).

Financial plan for opening a mini-workshop for making cookies

Initial investments in organizing your own mini-workshop are associated mainly with the purchase of equipment. Good equipment, especially foreign-made, is not cheap. However, having once invested a significant amount in a high-quality molding machine, oven and other devices, you will be able to use their power for a long time and reap the results of their work. On average, equipment for a mini-workshop will cost from 500-600 thousand rubles. In addition, the main expense items include:

  • rent (depending on the area) - up to 150 thousand rubles;
  • remuneration of personnel (7-10 people) - up to 150-200 thousand rubles;
  • transport, utility and other expenses - up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - depending on production volumes.

Naturally, the larger the production, the more significant the costs, but also the greater the revenue. In this case, we are talking about a small workshop that can produce on average up to 15 tons of cookies per month. The wholesale price of one ton of products is about 40 thousand rubles, which means that monthly revenue will reach approximately 600 thousand rubles. And the net profit will be about 150 thousand minus all expenses.

When will it pay off?

The profitability of cookie production with a favorable outcome is approximately 20-25%. And the initial investment will pay off in less than a year (7-10 months). If the investments are higher, the payback period may increase to two years, since the cost of equipment for large-scale production reaches several million rubles, which will be transferred to the finished product much longer.


Thus, a mini-workshop for a beginning cookie manufacturer with minimal experience is most preferable. Small production is more flexible, cost-effective and much easier to control over maintaining high product quality.

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