Presentation on the topic "rules of behavior at school." Presentation - rules of behavior at school Download presentation rules of behavior

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The student comes to school 15 minutes before the start of classes: clean, tidy, takes off outerwear, puts on a change of shoes, takes a workplace and prepares all the necessary educational supplies for the upcoming lesson. Each classroom has its own hanger - always leave your things in a certain place. Outerwear should always have loops sewn on it, using which it is hung on hooks in the locker room. There should be a capacious fabric bag for replacement shoes. Be attentive to all the things in the wardrobe: pick up a fallen coat, take the found items to the teacher. RULES OF CONDUCT at school

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You come to class to gain knowledge, learn to think and reason, and develop your speech and thinking abilities. It is very important not to miss lessons. You cannot be late for class without a good reason. Prepare everything you need for the lesson: notebooks, textbook, pen, pencils, ruler in advance. Be quiet in class and be diligent. Listen to the teacher's explanations carefully. Do not talk to your desk neighbors and do not be distracted by extraneous activities. Classroom Rules

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Rules of behavior in the classroom If you want to answer the teacher’s question or ask your own question, do not shout from your seat, but raise your hand. If your classmate answers, you cannot interrupt his answer or give him hints. When called to answer, speak loudly and clearly. In your notebooks, write legibly and neatly. When you hear the bell announcing the end of the lesson, do not rush out of your seat, trying to quickly run out of the classroom. Wait until the teacher finishes the lesson and write down your homework in your diary so that you don’t disturb your classmates with phone calls in the evening. Follow safety rules while working and playing.

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Rules of conduct in the dining room Do not come to the dining room without taking off your outerwear. Conversations with classmates should be calm and quiet, so as not to disturb those who are having lunch nearby. There is no need to run to the dining room, push everyone and jump the line to the buffet. Get in line and wait to be served. Follow all table manners. Don't talk at the table while eating. Don't play or throw food. Treat all school cafeteria workers with respect. Clean up your dishes every time after eating.

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Rules of conduct in the hall, recreation areas, and on the stairs during breaks At school, you spend about half the day with other students every day. Many people make considerable efforts and efforts to make sure that all students here feel light, warm, cozy and comfortable. Of course, this work must be valued and respected. Try to always maintain cleanliness and order in your home school, even if you have not been appointed to be on duty. When meeting adults at school, be sure to say hello first, even if they are strangers. Always give way to elders and let them pass at the door.

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During breaks, schoolchildren must clean their work areas. If the teacher asks everyone to leave the classroom, students must leave the room. If your class is on duty, you should all help enforce discipline for the teacher on duty. You cannot open windows or sit on window sills without the permission of teachers. Fighting and harming other students are prohibited. At school you cannot shout or use rude words. Don't make noise and don't run along the corridors and stairs, it's unsafe! Stay on the right side of the stairs and hallways. Follow all our school rules. Rules of conduct in the hall, recreation areas, and on the stairs during breaks

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You can’t make noise or talk loudly here, because there is a reading room nearby where schoolchildren and teachers study. Books borrowed for reading or home study must be returned on time. Before you start reading textbooks, you need to wrap them in paper or put on a cover. Do not harm books: do not write or draw on the pages of books, do not bend the corners of the pages. The book is afraid to crumble into separate leaves. Do not throw the open book upside down, do not bend the pages. Use a bookmark. Rules of behavior in the library

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Explosives, flammable substances, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons must not be brought onto the school premises for any purpose or used in any way. Smoking is prohibited on school premises. It is not allowed to use players or mobile communications devices during lessons. It is prohibited to use obscene expressions and gestures. Intimidation and bullying, attempts at personal humiliation, and discrimination based on nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior.

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Slide 1

The world around us 1st grade UMK School of Russia Completed by: Antonova Elena Petrovna G. Tolyatti MBU Secondary School No. 84

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Slide 3

Rules of behavior in the locker room Rules of behavior in the dining room. Rules of conduct in the library. Rules of behavior in the assembly hall and on the sports field.

Slide 4

Rules of behavior in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens and gloves in your pocket, and a hat in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not disturb others. 6. If you see fallen clothes, pick them up. 7.Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DON’T FORGET YOUR STUFF!

Slide 5

Rules of conduct in the library. 1.Keep order in the library and be QUIET. Don't talk loudly. 2. When you enter, say hello to the librarian (Elena Stepanovna), and when you receive the book, be sure to say THANK YOU. 3. Take the book only with clean hands. 4. In a book, do not bend the corners, do not write with a pen, only use a bookmark. 5. If the book is damaged, “HEAL IT.” Seal it up. 6. TAKE CARE OF library books ESPECIALLY! KNOW that they are not just for you, but for many other children.

Slide 6

Rules of behavior in the dining room. You must enter the nightingale in an orderly manner. Don't push, don't shout. KEEP IN ORDER. Always wash your hands before eating. Don't talk while eating. At the table, don’t indulge in bread, don’t move around, don’t disturb your neighbor. TRY TO EAT EVERYTHING! Do not take buns, sweets, yogurt, or fruits out of the dining room. Eat everything at the table. Don't push your dirty plate towards your neighbor. After eating, move your chair under the table. Clear the table if you are ON DUTY. When leaving, say thank you to those who fed you

Slide 7

Rules of behavior in the assembly hall. 1. Come to the holiday in HOLIDAY clothes, smart, combed, and with polished shoes. 2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place. 3. In the hall, do not shout, do not run, do not push, do not try to get ahead of your neighbor. 4. While waiting for the start of a holiday or concert, be PATIENT. 5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced, stop talking, WATCH and LISTEN CAREFULLY. 6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event. 7. Don’t laugh if something doesn’t go well on stage or some awkwardness arises (for example, if the performer forgot the text or fell while dancing) 8. Don’t forget to APPLAUSE! 9. After finishing, don’t push, leave the hall CALMLY!

Slide 8

Rules of behavior in the school yard. 1. See if there are activities in the schoolyard during your walk, whether you will disturb the children with your presence. 2. Be careful on the sports ground: swings, sports equipment (ladders, horizontal bar...) can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. 3. Do not go near dangerous structures (transformer boxes...) 4. Play safe games with friends. DO NOT CLIMB on roofs, trees, fences. 5.Be FRIENDLY with your friends. It's more fun to play together! 6. Green spaces decorate the school yard. DON'T PICK FLOWERS, DON'T BREAK TREES! 7.If you run to play in another yard, DO NOT FORGET TO WARN YOUR PARENTS.

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Slide 10

Rules of behavior at school 1. All school things must be in order, neatly placed in a briefcase. 2. We ALWAYS arrive at school ON TIME, WITHOUT LATE. 3. When you enter school, do not push. Dry your feet thoroughly before entering. 4. When you enter a school or class, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your friends. 5. If you are late for class and enter the classroom after the bell rings, you must ask the teacher for permission. 6. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent...) enters the class, they should stand up in a friendly manner, but QUIETLY and CALMLY, greeting the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission. 7. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, do not shout, but RAISE YOUR HAND. You must also raise your hand when you want to ask the teacher something.

Slide 11

8. When making a request to a teacher or friends, you need to use “POLITE” words: please, thank you. 9. Every schoolchild must take care of his DESK, do not break, write, or scratch with a sharp object. 10. You can go out for a break only with the permission of the teacher. 11. YOU CANNOT RUN or SCREAM in the corridor. 12. You should say hello to all the adults you meet at school for the first time in a day. 13.If you meet an adult at the door, you need to give him your seat. 14.If a girl is walking next to a boy, he must let her go ahead. 16. Papers, bits of paper, all trash must be thrown into a special basket.

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Slide 13

Completed the presentation: Antonova Elena Petrovna G. Tolyatti MBU Secondary School No. 84 You downloaded this presentation on the website - [email protected] /shabloni-dlya-prezentatsiy.html -dlya-prezentacii-gazeta.html /forum/index.php?showtab=topics

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Abstract for the presentation

The presentation “Rules of Behavior at School” in poetic form introduces children to the rules of behavior in the classroom, in the corridors during breaks and in the cafeteria, as well as in communicating with children from senior and junior classes. Attached to the presentation is a summary of the lesson with assignments and quizzes.

  • Rules of behavior in the classroom;
  • Rules of behavior during breaks;
  • Rules of behavior in the dining room.


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Bedrentseva O.S.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

      Presentation game/quiz

Slide 1

  • Slide 2

    Let's show respect to the school with our exemplary behavior!

  • Slide 3

    Rule of conduct No. 1

  • Slide 4

    Rule of conduct No. 2

  • Slide 5

    Rule of conduct No. 3

  • Slide 6

    Rule of conduct No. 4

  • Slide 7

    Rule of conduct No. 5

  • Slide 8

    Rule of conduct No. 6

  • Slide 9

    Rule of conduct No. 7

  • Slide 10

    Rule of conduct No. 8

  • Slide 11

    Rule of conduct No. 9

  • Slide 12

    Rule of conduct No. 10

  • Slide 13

    • Don't be late for class
    • The teacher should be greeted standing
    • If you want to answer, raise your hand
    • During lessons you should not talk, laugh, play around or disturb others.
    • Do not engage in extraneous activities during lessons
    • You are not allowed to eat or chew chewing gum during class.
    • During recess there is no running or shouting.
    • You can't offend the younger ones
    • You need to behave civilly in the dining room
  • View all slides





    • slide presentation

    Progress of the lesson
    Organizing time.

    Formulation of the problem.

    You study many subjects.

    Let's study together
    We promise not to be lazy
    All subjects to study
    Let's try for five.
    Who's always fine
    All textbooks, notebooks,
    Who reads a lot of books -
    That good student.
    Who will help a friend in trouble:
    Give your hand quickly
    Will not forget for a moment -
    That good student.
    Rule one: ((slide number 3)
    Volodya Demin every time
    We are late for class.

    P Rule two: (slide number 4)
    Carrier Light
    I would like to answer first,
    Shout loudly from the spot
    And seem smart yourself.
    She doesn't respect class
    It makes it difficult for others to respond.

    P Rule three: (slide number 5)
    Lena and Valya in class
    Discussed mouth and cheeks
    Rukavishnikova Alla.
    I painted myself all over!
    So two girlfriends laughed,
    No one was allowed to answer.


    The whole lesson Natasha and Lizka
    They write notes to Vladik
    Who does he want to be friends with?
    Then they throw it from both sides.
    The teacher didn't listen to the class,
    I watched this for an hour.

    P Rule five: (slide number 7)
    Yes - it was an interesting lesson -
    Igorek told Anton.
    But Anton remained silent in response...
    He spent the entire lesson counting crows.

    Rule six: (slide number 8)

    Every day in a big package
    Petya wears chocolates.
    And when in one sitting

    It would be better to solve problems.

    PRule seventh: (slide number 9)
    Running around during recess
    Grisha and Fedya are like deer.
    Everyone is being pushed and hurt
    And they don’t howl.
    The whole class is standing against the wall,
    Everyone has a headache.

    We twist our neck carefully
    PRule eight: (slide number 10)
    They don’t want to communicate with Sasha
    All the kids in our school.
    He pesters the elders too,
    And he beats younger guys.

    Is he behaving correctly?

    It's unpleasant for us in the dining room
    Next to Luda Pirogova.
    To the neighbor on the left, Luda
    Knocked over two dishes
    And on the neighbor's stomach
    I poured out the sweet compote.
    Why watch all this?
    It's better to starve.

    Call! All in a friendly crowd
    They're flying into the dining room like arrows
    And here there are rules.
    Remember them and repeat them
    Eat carefully
    do not rush,
    Don't splash it, don't crumble it on the floor,
    Take care and respect your bread,
    Don't throw it everywhere.
    Eat and clean up, my friend,
    Take your dishes with you.
    During lessons and breaks

    How to communicate with friends


    Materials for the quiz:

    You can talk over lunch

    Don't wash your hands before eating

    You need to indulge in the dining room

    You should wash your hands before eating

    You need to eat carefully

    Don't put your hands on the table

    You have to push at the table

    Don't talk while eating

    You can chat in class

    No need to listen to the teacher

    Raise your hand to answer

    Don't interrupt your comrades

    You can eat during class

    You don't have to listen to the teacher

    You can't be late for class

    You can run during recess

    Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of cultural behavior at school.


    • To develop the skills of a culture of behavior in younger schoolchildren.
    • Develop speech, thinking, imagination.
    • Foster feelings of camaraderie, mutual respect, kindness.


    • laptop, multimedia projector;
    • slide presentation
    • cards (for group work).

    Progress of the lesson
    Organizing time.
    - Hello, guys, dear guests.
    Formulation of the problem.
    - On September 1st, you went to school for the first time and received the proud name of schoolboy. What do you think a real schoolboy should be like? What qualities should you have?
    We are surrounded by other people. Who are these people? These are, first of all, your parents, grandparents - your family. These are your friends, teachers, schoolmates. And we should all live in such a way that it is easy and pleasant for others to be around us. Therefore, we all must follow certain rules.
    - What rules do you know? (traffic rules, rules of conduct on water, rules of conduct in the forest, etc.)
    You study many subjects.
    -What are these objects? (mathematics, Russian language, reading, drawing) and in order to know and remember everything, you need to master the most important subject - “behavior”
    - So why do you need to follow the rules of behavior at school? (so that you study well and do not interfere with other students’ studies, so that you do not cause any harm to each other, so that there are no injuries and everyone is healthy)
    Let's study together
    We promise not to be lazy
    All subjects to study
    Let's try for five.
    Who's always fine
    All textbooks, notebooks,
    Who reads a lot of books -
    That good student.
    Who will help a friend in trouble:
    Give your hand quickly
    Will not forget for a moment -
    That good student.
    ABOUT We show respect to the school with our exemplary behavior! (slide number 2)
    Rule one: ((slide number 3)
    Volodya Demin every time
    We are late for class.
    The lesson has been going on for a long time, and he’s crawling up the stairs,
    He sighs at the door for 5 minutes and takes everyone away from their studies.
    They always come to class on time!
    - Why do you need to follow this rule?
    - What happens if one student is late for class, and a second, a third comes after him...
    The teacher will no longer have time to teach the lesson. A late student distracts the teacher and his friends from the lesson.
    - What can you do to avoid being late for class? (you need to follow a routine, go to bed no later than 10 pm, get up early and come to school on time)
    Remember, you need to come to school 15 minutes before the start of classes. -For what? To calmly prepare for the start of the lesson.
    - Let's see what the second rule is:
    P Rule two: (slide number 4)
    Carrier Light
    I would like to answer first,
    Shout loudly from the spot
    And seem smart yourself.
    She doesn't respect class
    It makes it difficult for others to respond.
    What is Sveta doing wrong? (shouts out from his seat). Why is this not correct? Maybe you can still shout out from your seat? (no) Who can show how to answer correctly?
    In class, if you want to answer, they raise their hand, rather than shout from their seats.
    P Rule three: (slide number 5)
    Lena and Valya in class
    Discussed mouth and cheeks
    Rukavishnikova Alla.
    I painted myself all over!
    So two girlfriends laughed,
    No one was allowed to answer.
    What did the girls do in class? (they talked, laughed, disturbed other children and the teacher). Is this behavior acceptable in class? Why?
    N During lessons, they don’t talk to other students, don’t laugh, and don’t interfere with the whole class’s activities.
    Rule four: (slide number 6)

    The whole lesson Natasha and Lizka
    They write notes to Vladik
    Who does he want to be friends with?
    Then they throw it from both sides.
    The teacher didn't listen to the class,
    I watched this for an hour.
    There are no extraneous activities in class!
    What does it mean to engage in extraneous matters? - This means doing something completely unrelated to the lesson.
    P Rule five: (slide number 7)
    Yes - it was an interesting lesson -
    Igorek told Anton.
    But Anton remained silent in response...
    He spent the entire lesson counting crows.
    - How do you understand the phrase: “He spent the entire lesson counting crows” (didn’t listen,
    What should Anton have done in class? (listen carefully to the teacher)
    N and in lessons the teachers listen carefully, without being distracted!
    Rule six: (slide number 8)

    Every day in a big package
    Petya wears chocolates.
    And when in one sitting
    He eats everything in the middle of the lesson and turns to chewing gum.
    It would be better to solve problems.
    Is it possible to behave like Petya in class? (no, why?
    No eating or chewing gum during class!
    Let's check how you understood the rules of behavior in the lesson.
    I will read the riddle, and you answer in unison:
    In class, be diligent, be calm and (attentive)
    Write everything without falling behind, listen without interrupting
    Speak clearly so that everything is clear (understandable)
    If you want to answer, you need to raise your hand (raise)
    If a friend begins to answer, do not rush (interrupt)
    If you want to help a friend, calmly raise (your hand)
    Know: the lesson is over, since you heard (bell)
    When the lesson comes again, always be ready for the lesson
    PRule seventh: (slide number 9)
    Running around during recess
    Grisha and Fedya are like deer.
    Everyone is being pushed and hurt
    And they don’t howl.
    The whole class is standing against the wall,
    Everyone has a headache.
    Why are you given a change? (To take a break from the lesson). How should you behave during recess? Is it necessary to run, shout, or push to take a break from class?
    - How can you behave differently? (play quiet games (stream, ring-ring), talk with friends, read)
    How do you behave during recess?
    During recess, they don’t run around pushing everyone away with their elbows and don’t shout loudly.
    We twist our neck carefully We twist our neck carefully - your head may feel dizzy. We look to the left - one, two, three. So. And look to the right. (Rotate your head to the right and left.) Let's stretch up, walk, (Stretching - arms up, walking in place.) And we'll return to the place again. (Children sit down.)
    PRule eight: (slide number 10)
    They don’t want to communicate with Sasha
    All the kids in our school.
    He pesters the elders too,
    And he beats younger guys.
    Sasha doesn’t give anyone a pass at our school.
    What can you call a boy like Sasha? (bully)
    Is he behaving correctly?
    NYou shouldn’t offend those who are younger and bully high school students!
    Rule nine: (slide number 11)

    It's unpleasant for us in the dining room
    Next to Luda Pirogova.
    To the neighbor on the left, Luda
    Knocked over two dishes
    And on the neighbor's stomach
    I poured out the sweet compote.
    Why watch all this?
    It's better to starve.
    What kind of unpleasant situations do we have in our dining room?
    How should you behave in the dining room?
    Call! All in a friendly crowd
    They're flying into the dining room like arrows
    And here there are rules.
    Remember them and repeat them
    Eat carefully
    do not rush,
    Don't splash it, don't crumble it on the floor,
    Take care and respect your bread,
    Don't throw it everywhere.
    Eat and clean up, my friend,
    Take your dishes with you.
    During lessons and breaks
    We must always remember,
    How to communicate with friends
    And don't be shy about good manners.
    What words do you think will help you comply with the rules of conduct at school? (words of politeness: thank you, please, excuse me.)
    Let's check how you understand the rules of behavior at school.
    Children are divided into 3 teams based on topics: behavior in class, behavior during recess, behavior in the cafeteria. Each team has envelopes with rules of conduct (how to do it right and how to do it wrong). Each team must select the correct answers (the circle with correct answers is colored with a green pencil, the circle with incorrect answers is colored in red) and justify them.
    Well, now let’s play a little: I ask a question, and you answer in unison - it’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!
    Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop? - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
    - Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class? - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
    – Which of you doesn’t walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education? - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
    – Who completes their homework on time? - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
    – How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order? - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
    – Which of you comes to class an hour late? - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
    Each school has internal school rules for students. And every student must follow them. Our school also has such rules. Everything we talked about today is written down there.

    Materials for the quiz:

    At lunch you need to eat, and, of course, sing songs

    After lunch you need to put away your dishes

    You can talk over lunch

    Don't wash your hands before eating

    You need to indulge in the dining room

    Sweets can be eaten after lunch

    You should wash your hands before eating

    You need to eat carefully

    Don't put your hands on the table

    You need to be careful with your bread

    You have to push at the table

    Don't talk while eating

    You can chat in class

    No need to listen to the teacher

    You can come to school without textbooks

    No need to do homework

    You need to greet the teacher while standing

    Keep books and notebooks in order

    Raise your hand to answer

    Don't interrupt your comrades

    You can eat during class

    You don't have to listen to the teacher

    You can't be late for class

    You need to listen carefully to the teacher

    You can run during recess

    MKOU "Secondary school with. Bijan"


    for schoolchildren

    • School students must behave honestly and decently, observe standards of morality and ethics in relationships between others and with older people.
    • Students are required to address themselves by first name, patronymic, and using “you” to teachers, institution employees and other adults.
    • Schoolchildren must give way to adults; older schoolchildren pass in front of younger ones, boys - girls.

    General rules of behavior at school

    for schoolchildren

    • Students come to school no later than 15 minutes before the start of classes, in a neat manner.
    • After arriving at school, students take off their outerwear in the wardrobe, put their clothes and hair in order, take their workplace in the classroom and prepare books, notebooks, pens and other supplies needed for use in the lesson for the lesson.
    • At the first request of the teacher The student must present a diary and record homework in it daily.

    General rules of behavior at school

    for schoolchildren

    • Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts at personal humiliation, and discrimination based on nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior.
    • It is prohibited to use obscene expressions and gestures.

    General rules of behavior at school

    for schoolchildren

    • Prohibited bring and use weapons, explosives and flammable substances, flammable liquids, pyrotechnic products, gas cartridges, alcoholic beverages, drugs, intoxicants, as well as poisonous and toxic substances at school or on its territory.
    • Smoking on school grounds prohibited.

    General rules of behavior at school

    for schoolchildren

    • Students must treat school property with care, treat both your own and other people’s property carefully, maintain cleanliness and order on the school grounds. If a student causes damage to school property, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it in full.
    • All students must take part in activities to improve the school and school grounds, to the best of your physical capabilities.

    General rules of behavior at school

    for schoolchildren

    • Students should respect property rights. Books, clothing and other personal items in the school belong to their owners.
    • Students who steal other people's property may be subject to disciplinary action, including criminal penalties.
    • The students who found things that they think are lost or forgotten must be handed over to the administrator or teacher on duty.

    General rules of behavior at school

    for schoolchildren

    It is prohibited to leave the educational institution during classes without the permission of the teacher or nurse.

    If a student misses classes, he must present to the class teacher a certificate or note from parents (persons replacing them) about the reason for absence from classes.

    General rules of behavior at school

    for schoolchildren

    When moving from floor to floor, school students must be extremely careful. On the stairs, do not lean over the railing, look at your feet, stay to the right.

    • The student must come to class no later than 2-3 minutes before the start of the lesson.
    • When the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand up and greet the teacher silently. In a similar manner, students greet any adult who enters the classroom during classes (except for laboratory and practical classes in physics and chemistry).
    • Each teacher sets out rules for student behavior in his lessons.
    • During a lesson, you must not make noise, be distracted yourself or distract others from classes with extraneous conversations, games and activities that are not related to the lesson, as this violates the rights of others to obtain the necessary knowledge.

    Rules of conduct for students in lessons (classes)

    • If a student wants to say or ask something, ask the teacher a question or answer a question, he must raise his hand and, after the teacher gives permission, to speak.
    • The student has the right to defend his views and his beliefs when discussing various controversial and ambiguous issues in a correct manner.
    • During the lesson, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after the end of class. It must be treated with care and precision.
    • The end of lesson bell is given to the teacher. And only after the teacher’s permission, students can leave their workplaces and class.

    During breaks, students are required to:

    a) tidy up your workplace and leave the classroom if the teacher asks;

    b) comply with the requirements of duty officers and school employees;

    c) schoolchildren must, at the request of the teacher or student on duty, provide their last name and the class in which they study.

    During breaks, students are prohibited from:

    a) run along corridors, stairs, near window openings, stained glass windows and in other places that are not intended for games;

    b) push, throw various objects and use physical force against each other, make noise and interfere with other students and teachers’ rest.

    The class on duty must help the teacher on duty and ensure compliance with the rules of behavior during breaks.

    Rules of conduct for school students in the cafeteria

    • Schoolchildren visit the canteen in accordance with the established schedule.
    • It is prohibited to visit the dining room in outerwear, as well as with briefcases or bags.
    • Students are required to maintain good behavior while eating in the cafeteria. Students must wash their hands before eating, eat carefully while sitting at the table, do not throw food, bones, or bits around, and do not take food outside the dining room.
    • School students are required to treat cafeteria workers with respect.
    • You should not talk loudly while eating so as not to disturb those eating nearby.
    • Each student cleans up the dishes after eating and puts the chairs back in place.
    • Students must treat school cafeteria property with care.
    • Students must clean up dirty dishes after themselves.

    Rules of conduct for students on school grounds

    The school territory is part of the school (school site).

    At the school site students are obliged :

    • do not go beyond its boundaries;

    - adhere to the rules of behavior during breaks.

    For non-compliance with these rules and the Charter of the educational institution towards students disciplinary and educational measures are applied, which are provided for by the school charter.

    For gross and regular violations of the requirements of the school Charter and these rules the student may be expelled from school.

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    Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 1”, Mikun Topic: Rules of behavior at school Presentation by: Miroshnik Galina Gennadievna

    Everyone has their first and only class once in their life, And the first textbook, and the first lesson, And the first flooding school bell.

    Wake up early in the morning, wash yourself thoroughly, so as not to yawn at school, and not to nod off your nose at your desk!

    In the evening, put notebooks, textbooks, pencils in your briefcase. Check again in the morning - Ready for classes now!

    You enter the class with the word “hello” And you yourself will be healthy, To feel great. Wish you health in the morning!

    For everyone, it is a law, not a desire - Come to class on time! As soon as the bell rings, the lesson begins!

    Don’t giggle in class, don’t move the table here or there! The teacher will ask you to stand up. When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

    A desk is not a bed and you can’t lie on it

    We must remember to keep our back level!

    If you want to answer, don’t make any noise, just raise your hand. Think first, then answer!

    Walk calmly around school, don’t run around the class either, always behave with dignity, take care of your health!

    Don't tease, don't be arrogant, try to help everyone at school!

    Don’t frown in vain, be bolder and you will find friends!

    " See you! Goodbye!" Say goodbye to everyone, Tomorrow we will again greet a new day with a smile!

    http://my-class. ru /

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