Novogrudok. Tourist routes around Belarus. Open left menu Novogrudok Novogrudok attractions description

Novogrudok is one of the most ancient cities in Belarus, the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It is located in the western part of the country, at a distance of 162 km from Minsk and 157 km from Grodno.

The name of the city came from the combination of two words: "new" And "town". In the past it was known under different names, such as Novogorodok, Novogorod and others. The current version took shape under the influence of the Polish language in the 12th century.

This city is covered in legends. Mounds, castle ruins and other architectural monuments preserve the breath of bygone eras. Novogrudok was first mentioned in chronicles and legends; the great poet Adam Mickiewicz dedicated his works to it.

Knightly romance and the mysterious culture of the Middle Ages await you in Novogrudok!

Climate and weather

The climate of Novogrudok, as throughout Belarus, is temperate continental: cold winters with snow, cloudy autumns and warm rainy summers. Average monthly temperature in January -3 °C during the day and -8 °C at night, in July - +23 °С during the day and +12 °С at night.

The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in the summer months and reaches 75 mm in July.


Novogrudok is located on high and steep hills. It is no coincidence that these lands are called "Belarusian Switzerland". Picturesque views open to tourists from any entrance to the city.

The dominant natural relief of Novogrudok is Castle Hill- one of the highest points in Belarus (323 meters above sea level). The city is located in the central part of the Novogrudok Upland, in the north of which the Neman River flows.


Detinets(fortified internal fortress) was located on Castle Hill, and the rest of the city was located on the territory Small castle. It’s worth starting your sightseeing in Novogrudok from these places.

The castle with seven towers was one of the most powerful in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and withstood sieges of the Mongol-Tatars, crusaders and Galician-Volhynian princes. Despite the fact that only a small part of its former grandeur has survived to this day, the ruins, located on the edge of a steep hill, speak of the power of the castle from afar. Six-meter ramparts and a ditch that filled with water complete the impression.

On the territory of the Small Castle in 1924-1931. was poured in honor of Adam Mickiewicz Mound of Immortality, at the top of which there is an observation deck. Not far from this place there is a monument to the great poet. Another attraction associated with this name is house-museum of Adam Mickiewicz, a former estate with outbuildings (outbuilding, barn, gazebo, well).

The current center of the city is Lenin Square (formerly shopping area), from which 8 streets radiate. Most of the buildings located around date back to the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Many interesting temples have been preserved in Novogrudok:

  • Farny Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • St. Boris-Gleb Church (1519);
  • St. Nicholas Cathedral (1780);
  • Church of St. Michael the Archangel (1624).

Farny Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is a unique monument "Sarmatian" Baroque, a characteristic feature of which is the ascetic appearance of sacred buildings like fortresses.

Not far from the church there is an ancient mound with burials - Mount Mindovga with a memorial sign. According to legend, the first Grand Duke and founder of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is buried here.

The city even has a wooden mosque and an old Muslim cemetery.

If you are interested in the history and culture of Novogrudok, be sure to visit the halls Museum of History and Local Lore.

The trip can be combined with sightseeing in the Novogrudok region ( castle in Lyubcha, estate in Zaosye, park in the village of Vselyub) and relaxation on Lake Svityaz.


Belarusian national cuisine is distinguished by its simplicity and excellent taste. Among the main ingredients of local dishes are potatoes, beets, mushrooms, berries, and grains. The menu will also include pork, river fish (trout, perch, carp), and poultry.

After an active walking tour of the old town, you will definitely want to have a snack. Where should we go?

You can have a great rest in the restaurant "Svityaz", which offers dishes of Belarusian and European cuisines. In the hotel building "Novogrudok" the restaurant is open "Chanson", and the hotel "Master's House" invites you to visit the cafe "Old city". There is also a restaurant at your disposal. "Valeria", cafe “Youth”, “Svityazyanka”.

And if you stay in one of the rural estates, caring housewives will feed you delicious Belarusian cuisine, prepared from environmentally friendly products, and give you drinks made from local berries and herbs.


Accommodation services in Novogrudok are provided by three hotels. The Novogrudok Hotel is located in the very center of the city. Not far from Mount Mindovga and the A. Mickiewicz Museum there is a hotel "Master's House". The hotel also offers its accommodation services JSC "NZGA". The average cost of a double room is $20.

The nature of the Novogrudok land beckons you to retire on the shores of picturesque lakes and rivers, to get lost among the majestic pines. Bring a tent with you and you can stay in the place you like and fully enjoy the peace and quiet, completely free of charge.

If you do not consider yourself a fan of spartan conditions, but still want to relax in nature, the hospitable owners of rural estates can offer their services to you. Living conditions are very different: from cottages with all amenities to typical village houses with water from a well. Prices start at $25 per person.

Entertainment and relaxation

In Novogrudok you will have a unique opportunity to travel back in time. The annual festival of medieval culture will help you with this "Novogrudok Castle", which takes place in June. The city, already rich in the spirit of history, seems to be in a time machine: knights and ladies in beautiful outfits walk through the streets, medieval music sounds from everywhere, and dances are organized. The reenactment of the assault by the Teutonic Order on Castle Hill will leave an indelible impression.

An entire tent city grows up next to the castle. Here you can see reconstructed medieval household items, furniture, dishes and clothing. You can also take part in traditional entertainment: log or spear throwing, archery and crossbow shooting.

In the city park you can take a pleasant walk along the alleys. There, among the soothing rustle of leaves and birdsong, you will be greeted by carved wooden sculptures.

There is also something to do in Novogrudok in winter. Very close to the city there is a sports and biathlon complex "Selets".


The best places for shopping in Novogrudok are fairs during festivals and holidays. Here you can purchase products made by Belarusian craftsmen made of clay, straw, wood and flax. Here you can see and buy woven belts, items of national clothing, and jewelry made from various materials.

If you didn’t make it to the festival, you can make purchases at local markets and shopping centers "Pony" and on the square Lenin, as well as in other retail outlets. On the street The store of the famous Euroopt chain is located on Sovetskaya Street.


There is no railway connection in Novogrudok; the nearest station, Novoyelnya, is located 22 kilometers from the city. But you can get here by bus. The bus station is located near the center.

The cozy streets of the city are ideal for walking. All the main attractions can be easily visited.

If your legs get tired or you just want to try out the local public transport, then know that there are buses and minibuses running around the city. There are 10 routes. The minute-by-minute transport schedule is posted on signs near the stops. You can also use a taxi: a trip to any part of the city will cost you no more than $4.


You can use international communication services in the branches "Belposhta" And "Beltelecom", you can also connect to the Internet there. There are payphones on the streets of the city; calls are made using calling cards. Cellular communications are provided by operators Velcom, Life, MTC and Diallog, which also offer the possibility of connecting to mobile Internet services. Access to the World Wide Web is also available at the Novogrudok Hotel.


In Novogrudok, as, in general, in other cities of Belarus, you will feel safer than in any other point in Europe. The people here are good-natured and honest. You just have to refrain from walking alone in deserted places late in the evening.

Tap water in Novogrudok is safe to drink.

Business climate

The Novogrudok district executive committee is involved in attracting investment through the creation of joint ventures. Participants can include both business entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals of the Republic of Belarus, as well as foreign investors.

Areas of activity cover many areas - tourism, services, manufacturing and others. The proposed projects are very diverse: from the construction of a wind farm to the organization of packaging production.

Real estate

The Novogrudok land leaves its mark on the soul of everyone who steps on it. You might also want to get your own house in this beautiful place. Real estate prices in Novogrudok start from $10,000 for a one-story house with an area of ​​60 m2.

When buying a house, you should remember that foreign citizens cannot own land plots. It is necessary to draw up a lease agreement, the term of which can be 99 years.

Tipping is encouraged here, but not required. It is customary to leave 10% of the invoice amount.

Shops are open from 9:00 to 21:00.

It is not prohibited to bargain with sellers in markets. Of course, there will not be such a big price reduction as in Asia, and bargaining is not so skillful, but you can still save a little.

Novogrudok- a small town of regional significance in Belarus. It is located in the Grodno region and attracts many tourists every year. This material contains the main attractions, how to get to Novogrudok, excursions and interesting facts. And so - a guide.

How to get to Novogrudok?

You can get from Minsk to Novogrudok in 2 hours by car. Follow the M1 highway until you reach the sign. We take the P11 highway to our destination. There is also a bus service, tickets cost about 10 rubles. Schedule and prices – .

A good option to go to Novogrudok is through the ride-hailing service:

History of the city of Novogrudok

Novogrudok was founded back in the 11th century, and the first mention dates back to 1044. However, scientists still argue about the exact date of the city’s founding. Previously, it was just a large settlement controlled by the Old Russian state. In those days the name of the city was different - Novgorodok(derived from “new town”). And the city received its current name when it became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Archaeological excavations have been carried out in the city more than once, during which it was discovered that a settlement existed here back in the 9th-10th century. Moreover, trade relations were established with Byzantium, the Middle East, and Western Europe. This is evidenced by many finds that were used at that time in the states of the mentioned regions.

Novogrudok is located on a hill, which served as the basis for the construction of a fortress here, as well as the famous one, the ruins of which have survived to this day.

Since the 13th century, this city has been the capital Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In those days, Novogrudok was one of the main cultural centers of this state.

It was during the 13-14th century that this glorious city flourished. In 1253, in Novogrudok, Mindovg and his wife were crowned as the first king and queen of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, after which construction of the castle began.

Today, this city is located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and attracts many tourists from different parts of the world. And it is not just words. There are a large number of attractions located here.

Sights of Novogrudok

There are many places here that attract tourists. In addition to the castle, the city has 2 churches, 3 monasteries, a mosque, buildings from the 19th century, as well as ancient cemeteries.

Perhaps the main attraction of this city is, or rather not the castle itself, but the ruins of 2 towers. Located on Mount Mindovga

Built more than 500 years ago, most of it was destroyed during the numerous wars that took place on this land. However, it is the ruins of this castle that attract tourists.

The castle in Novogrudok survived the sieges of the Crusaders and the offensive of the Tatar-Mongols. However, during the Northern War with Russia (1700-1721), the castle still could not resist the power of the imperial army and was almost completely destroyed. Today, only two of the seven towers of this structure have survived.

Another place that attracts tourists is Mount Mindovga. Scientists have assumptions that it was here that the first prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was buried.

In honor of such a significant personality as Adam Mickiewicz, an entire house-museum was erected, which almost all guests of the city want to visit. It was here that the famous poet lived most of his life.

Many believers will be interested in visiting, which has been preserved since the 16th century. You will also definitely get a lot of impressions by visiting the farny.

It was here that back in 1422, the Lithuanian prince Jagiello married his last wife. The place has powerful energy and is definitely worth a visit. Moreover, all the attractions of Novogrudok are located very compactly.

Novogrudok leaves pleasant emotions and positive impressions. The city is compact and neat. It lacks services in the form of convenient places to eat and relax, but this will probably appear soon.

To learn more about the history of these places, you should visit the local history museum. Local guides will tell you about the most interesting facts and significant personalities of Novogrudok.

Now many tourist routes in Belarus pass through this amazing city. For atmosphere and history, we recommend checking out Novogrudok.

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Novogrudok is a place that breathes history. Not modernized or embellished history. Novogrudok at one time was one of the main political centers of the so-called Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The city was formed at the request of Yaroslav the Wise - in 1044 he founded a fortress on this site.

How to get there:

The easiest way to get to Novogrudok is by personal transport; this is a perfectly acceptable option for a weekend route, and on the way you can also visit – these two significant Belarusian towns are very close to each other. The city is located in the Grodno region, 145 km from Minsk, below is the route from Minsk:

If you are leaving from another city, then by clicking on the enlarged map you can change the starting point of the route. A less convenient, but also acceptable option is a bus, they depart from the Vostochny bus station and take about 3 hours to reach their destination, they run quite often.

Sights and photos of the city:

Novogrudok was the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - an important stage in the history of Belarus. The first prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Mindovg, lived in Novogrudok Castle on Castle Hill. The town was formed later, and now the castle was almost on the outskirts. Start your journey with the ruins of the castle or leave it for later - the choice is yours.

Yes, all that remains of the former greatness of Novogrudok Castle are just two walls and traces of a stone fortification, but it is in this place that you feel and imagine “how it was.” This is a typical medieval castle: it stands on a hill outside the city and a wide road leads to it. It is difficult for enemies to get to the hill, but it is more convenient for the castle guards to look out for and attack these same opponents from the hill. But it cannot be said that for this small town the castle ruins are the main attraction.

Novogrudok is famous for its natives - quite famous figures of Belarusian culture - mainly writers. These are the great Polish and Belarusian poet Adam Mickiewicz, poets Jan Chechet, Vincent Korotynsky. Adam Mickiewicz, born in Novogrudok in 1801, has an entire house-museum dedicated to him, located in a picturesque park.

On the other side of the road, closer to the ruins of the castle, there is a monument to the inspired poet. And even further rises a mound, to which an old staircase leads, which, going up, seems to encircle the mound. Not far from the central part there are residential buildings of the Franciscan monastery and the Nazarene monastery. The city is generally characterized by a high concentration of historical places around the center. And therefore you feel simply surrounded by history, at the same time, you join the story completely naturally and organically. In the very center, ordinary urban buildings have been preserved and significantly decorated the Central Square.

The city, like many former Belarusian “shtetls,” has a Jewish, Tatar, Catholic and Orthodox cemetery, with the latter located nearby without any division between them. Different denominations are represented by different types of religious buildings: in the city there are churches, temples, churches, and a mosque.

Most of all there are churches, the most famous of which is the Farny Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, founded in 1395 by Prince Vytautas. It fits seamlessly into the private quarter of ordinary wooden houses and is clearly visible from the hill on which the ruins of the Novogrudok Castle are located.

inside the church is interesting, but without any frills, after

Novogrudok from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Novogrudok.

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During the First World War in 1916, the Germans built a narrow-gauge railway connecting Novogrudok with Novoyelnya, a station on the Baranovichi - Lida line. The narrow-gauge railway operated until the 60s, and then was dismantled. The railway station, in turn, was converted into a bus station.

Public transport in Novogrudok is represented by 10 bus routes.


There are few hotels in Novogrudok, and most of them are not represented on popular booking services. The cost of a day in a standard double room in a simple hotel with breakfast is 50-60 BYN. Local residents rent apartments for 40-50 BYN per day. And if you are traveling with a group or by car, it is worth considering the option of renting an agricultural estate near the city. For example, a house for 4-6 people will cost 100-120 BYN.

Cafes and restaurants

With catering establishments in Novogrudok, unlike other small Belarusian cities, not everything is so bad - the tourist attractiveness affects it. There are several restaurants with traditional cuisine, where dinner will cost 15-20 BYN per person without alcohol. Local fast food - pancakes for 2 BYN and pies for 1 BYN. Prices on the page are as of October 2018.

Sights of Novogrudok

Perhaps the main attraction of the city is Novogrudok Castle, or rather its ruins. The fortress was built in the 13th century and more than once survived sieges of the Crusaders and raids of the Tatar-Mongols. But during the Northern War it could not resist and was destroyed by the Russian army. To date, only fragments of 2 of the 7 towers have survived: Shchitovka and Kostelnaya. But even in this state they are impressive.

At the foot of the Castle Hill there is a church of the Transfiguration of the Lord from 1714-23. The first temple in its place appeared back in 1385: it was founded by Grand Duke Vitovt. The current building was built in the Sarmatian style, which is very popular in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. 3 chapels from the 15th century are built into the walls of the temple. On one of them hangs a memorial plaque informing that here in 1422 the Polish king Jagiello married Sophia of Golshanskaya, who after some time gave him a long-awaited heir. This is how the Jagiellonian family arose, which ruled in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Near the church there is a wooden building of the Nazarene monastery.

Hidden among the beautiful houses of the historical center is a mosque built in 1855 - one of the oldest in Belarus.

Opposite the shopping arcades of the Market Square there is an old park in which the Mickiewicz estate is located (Lenin St., 1). The great poet Adam Mickiewicz spent his entire childhood and youth here, until in 1817 he left to enter the university in Vilna. But he returned to his small homeland more than once in his work. Thus, the poem “Grazhina” tells exactly about the events in ancient Novogrudok. Opened in 1931, the house-museum was destroyed by an aerial bomb 10 years later. Fortunately, many of the exhibits were preserved, and in 1955 the museum was rebuilt. Right here, in the vicinity of Market Square, stands the Boris and Gleb Church. In its current form, this Orthodox church was built in 1517-19. and refers to defense-type churches: in fact, it is a small fortress.

Novogrudok is the administrative center of the Novogrudok district of the Grodno region. The city is located 132 km from Minsk, 154 km from Grodno. Novogrudok is located at the intersection of three important roads: P5 (Baranovichi - Novogrudok - Ivye), P10 (Lyubcha - Novogrudok - Dyatlovo) and P11 (Porechany - Novogrudok - Nesvizh), as well as 50 km from the main Belarusian highway M1 (Brest - Minsk - border of the Russian Federation).

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History of development - Novogrudok

Novogrudok- one of the oldest cities. Its history is closely connected with the origins Grand Duchy of Lithuania. According to excavations carried out on the territory of the city, there was a settlement here already in the 10th century. At the same time, residents were already trading with Byzantium, the Middle East and other regions. Archaeologists further report that the settlement consisted of two unfortified parts. Only in the second half of the 11th century did Dedynets appear, and a settlement was formed on the territory of the Small Castle. The first mention in the chronicles is associated with the beginning of the existence of Novogrudok and dates back to 1044. In the next century, the foundation of the future impregnable fortress was laid.

In 1253, the first prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was crowned in this place Mindovg. This was the reason that Novogrudok became the first capital of the future great state. Subsequently, the descendants of Mindovg united the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania around the city: Pinsk, Nalshany and Devoltva. In the 14th century they began to build a stone one, the construction of which was completed only two centuries later. The result was an impressive structure that had seven towers and for a long time did not succumb to any conqueror.

In 1316, the department of an Orthodox metropolitan appeared in Novogrudok. Then it becomes Uniate, after imprisonment Union of Brest in 1596. In the 16th century, about 10 churches operated in the city. But history decreed that later a synagogue, a mosque, as well as 5 churches and 6 monasteries appeared here. It is worth noting that it was in the farn church of Novogrudok that King Jagiello of Poland married Sophia Golshanskaya, who laid the foundation for the existence of the new Jagiellonian dynasty.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Novogrudok became the center of the voivodeship, and in 1511 received Magdeburg law. The coat of arms, which the city received in accordance with the rules, had an image of the Archangel Michael. Unfortunately, the following centuries brought destruction and decline to this place due to city fires, epidemics and military events. At the end of the 18th century, Novogrudok became part of the Russian Empire due to the partitions Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Further, it is a county town.

It is impossible not to note the activity of the local gentry. Representatives of Novogrudok selflessly took part in the uprisings of 1830-1831, as well as in the uprising led by K. Kalinovsky, for which they received punishment from the Russian authorities. This land spent the First World War under German occupation, during which it fell into a state of ruin. And already in 1919, Soviet power came here, but not for long: as a result of the Soviet-Polish war, Novogrudok became part of Polish state until 1939. The Great Patriotic War also passed through the lands of Novogrudok. Near this city, tragic events took place, the so-called “Novogrudok cauldron”, when units of the Red Army were surrounded by German invaders. During the war, more than 45 thousand people died here. After liberation, restoration work began. Since 1954, Novogrudok officially became a city in the Grodno region.

Over the long period of its existence, the city was often subject to external destructive influences: wars, fires, uprisings. However, it was able to survive and survive to this day as a modern settlement. Today it is a regional center in which unique buildings have been preserved, developed, picturesque places and a pleasant atmosphere have been created. This region is rich in industrial production, a network of schools, cultural facilities and hospitals.

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Tourist potential - Novogrudok

One of the most ancient Belarusian cities, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and a modern city today, Novogrudok- one of the popular places for tourism. This place has deep historical roots and is ready to show guests all its secrets. At the same time, every tourist will not only receive an unforgettable experience from the sights, but will also be able to have a pleasant time in entertainment centers, as well as stay in one of the hotels.

One of the main attractions of Novogrudok is. Wars and fires destroyed most of it, however, today we can see parts of it, in particular the Shield and Church towers. There are many legends associated with this place that local residents can tell. Every year, a festival is held on the territory of the castle, which attracts thousands of spectators from all over Belarus and neighboring countries. No less interesting place was the so-called "Mount Mindovga". This is a high hill with many stories associated with it. According to one version, it was in this place that the founder of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Prince Mindovg, was buried. Supporters claim that at the end of his life he made the decision to be buried as a pagan. According to another version, his coronation took place on the hill. In 1993, on the occasion of the 740th anniversary of the coronation of Mindaugas, a memorial sign was erected next to the hill, and in 2014, sculptors created a metal sculpture of the prince.

There are other historical buildings in Novogrudok. These include the central square, ordinary buildings, which were created under Polish influence, as well as the railway station. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the 20th century during the First World War a narrow gauge railway was built here. Railway, which connected Novelnya and Lyubcha. Its main goal was military. Later, after the Great Patriotic War, the road was restored after the destruction, but over time it lost its relevance and was dismantled. The station building is today used as a bus station.

The fate of one of the most famous natives of the Belarusian lands is closely connected with Novogrudok region Adam Mickiewicz. Today the city has a museum dedicated to his life and work, and there is also a mound that was built in his honor and. was poured in 1924-1931 and is a rather rare representative of this type of monument: it is not often that a mound is poured in honor of a specific person. By the way, it is worth noting that in Novogrudok there is a bust of Vladimir Vysotsky, who lived with Marina Vladi not far from the city.

Unique is Museum of Jewish Resistance, which was founded in 2007. The location was not chosen by chance: during the Great Patriotic War there was a ghetto in the barracks until 1943. However, 227 prisoners decided to fight for life and were able to dig a tunnel that led into the forest. As a result, these lives were saved with the help of Belsky's Jewish partisan detachment. In 2007, archaeological excavations were carried out, which confirmed the reality of the existence of the tunnel, and from that moment the creation of a museum began. Today it can show the history of the Holocaust both in general and in relation to the Novogrudok region.

It has become quite modern and interesting Museum of the Lost Heritage. This is an open-air exhibition, which represents small copies of architectural monuments of the Novogrudok lands, which were lost for one reason or another. Among the exhibits there is a model of the church that once stood on Castle Hill, Novogrudok Town Hall, a synagogue and many others. It is also worth noting the crafts center, which was created with the aim of preserving and reviving various types of crafts, as well as for conducting classes and master classes. Today it is popular not only among local residents, but also among tourists.

An attractive modern arts center has become Kastus Kachan gallery, which opened its doors in 2014. The famous and talented artist planned to create a real gallery much earlier, and as a result he chose this particular place: a former estate of the 19th century. The original building was in disrepair, but the artist created a design for a new building with historical accuracy. Today this is an unusual place not only for excursions and getting to know the works of K. Kachan, but also an excellent place for inspiration and creativity of various types for everyone who knows how to see beauty.

The city is also rich in religious architectural monuments. The most ancient are, and. An interesting structure is one that was built in the 18th century. But not only Christian churches have survived to this day. In Novogrudok you can see a wooden mosque from 1855. Believers still come here today.

Thus, it can be said that Novogrudok- great place to visit. Here you can become immersed in ancient history, listen to legends and touch the monuments of past centuries. At the same time, this city provides an opportunity to spend time culturally, relax and visit various establishments.

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