A nominal account can be opened for the account owner to carry out transactions with funds, the rights to which belong to another person - the beneficiary. What is a nominal account? Appointment and opening of a nominal account in a bank How to open a but

The rights to funds received into the nominal account, including as a result of their deposit by the account owner, belong to the beneficiary.

A nominal account can be opened to carry out transactions with funds, the rights to which belong to several persons - beneficiaries, except for cases established by law.

An essential condition of the nominal account agreement is the indication of the beneficiary or the procedure for obtaining information from the account owner about the beneficiary or beneficiaries, as well as the basis for their participation in the relationship under the nominal account agreement.

By law or by a nominee account agreement with the participation of a beneficiary, the bank may be obligated to control the use of funds by the account owner in the interests of the beneficiary within the limits and in the manner prescribed by law or agreement.

Article 860 2. Conclusion of a nominal account agreement

A nominal account agreement is concluded in writing by drawing up one document signed by the parties (clause 2 of Article 434), with the obligatory indication of the date of its conclusion.

A nominee account agreement can be concluded either with or without the participation of the beneficiary. The nominee account agreement with the participation of the beneficiary is also signed by the beneficiary.

Failure to comply with the form of the nominal account agreement entails its invalidity. Such an agreement is void.

If the funds of several beneficiaries are accounted for in a nominal account, the bank keeps records of the funds of each beneficiary, except in cases where, in accordance with the law or the agreement of the nominal account, the responsibility for accounting for the funds of each beneficiary is assigned to the account owner.

Article 860 3. Transactions on a nominal account

The law or a nominal account agreement may limit the range of operations that can be performed at the direction of the account owner, including by defining:

1) persons to whom funds may be transferred or issued;

2) persons with whose consent transactions are made on the account;

3) documents that are the basis for transactions;

Other circumstances.

Article 860 4. Providing information constituting banking information

Secret, beneficiary under the nominal account agreement

The beneficiary under a nominal account agreement has the right to demand from the bank the provision of information constituting bank secrecy, if such a right is granted to the beneficiary by the agreement.

2. The beneficiary under a nominal account agreement with the participation of the beneficiary has the right to demand from the bank the provision of information constituting bank secrecy.

Article 860 5. Seizure or write-off of funds held on

Nominal account

Suspension of operations on a nominal account, seizure or write-off of funds located on a nominal account for the obligations of the account owner, with the exception of the obligations provided for in Articles 850 and 851 of this Code, is not permitted.

The arrest or write-off of funds from a nominal account for the obligations of the beneficiary is allowed by a court decision; the write-off of funds is also allowed in cases provided for by law or the nominal account agreement.

Article 860 6. Change and termination of the nominal account agreement, replacement of the owner of the nominal account

A nominal account agreement with the participation of a beneficiary can be changed or terminated only with the consent of the beneficiary, unless otherwise provided by law or the nominal account agreement.

If the bank receives an application from the account owner to terminate the nominal account agreement, the bank is obliged to immediately inform the beneficiary about this.

If the owner of the nominal account is a guardian or trustee of the beneficiary, then upon termination of the duties of the guardian or trustee, such owner of the nominal account is replaced by another owner who, in accordance with the procedure established by law, is appointed as the guardian or trustee of the beneficiary. Upon termination of guardianship or trusteeship in cases provided for by law, including when the beneficiary reaches the age of majority, the nominal account agreement is terminated, the balance of funds, at the request of the beneficiary, is given to him or transferred to his other bank account.

4. Upon termination of the nominal account agreement, the balance of funds is transferred to another nominal account of the owner or issued to the beneficiary or, unless otherwise provided by law or the nominal account agreement or does not follow from the essence of the relationship, at the direction of the beneficiary, is transferred to another account.”;

g) after Article 860 6, add the following paragraph:

“§ 3. Escrow account”;

h) Articles 860 7 – 860 10 shall be stated as follows:

“Article 860 7. Escrow account agreement

1. According to the escrow account agreement, the bank (escrow agent) opens a special escrow account for recording and blocking funds received by it from the account owner (depositor) for the purpose of transferring them to another person (beneficiary) if the grounds specified in the escrow account agreement arise. The rights to the funds in the escrow account belong to the depositor until the date on which the grounds for transferring funds to the beneficiary arise, and after this date to the beneficiary. The disposal of funds located in the escrow account is carried out in the manner prescribed by this paragraph.

In 2014, amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation were adopted. According to them, citizens were given the opportunity to open joint accounts with their relatives. Now anyone can open a nominal account. What this tool is for, how it works and how to open it you will learn from this article.

What is a nominal account

The bank account that the trustee opens to transact with funds belonging to the ward is called a nominee account.

  • Its characteristic feature is the following: a service agreement can be concluded without signature by the beneficiary. If such an account is opened for several wards, the bank is obliged to take into account the interests of each of them. The exception is cases when the contract clearly provides for a different option.
  • A nominal account is opened by parents and guardians so that alimony, benefits and social payments can be credited to minors or incapacitated citizens.

Also, nominal bank accounts can be opened to guarantee compliance with contractual obligations under contracts, to secure loan obligations and to comply with other conditions for the receipt of funds by the beneficiary.

The opening and use of such accounts, as well as related banking activities, are regulated by the state.

Types of nominal accounts

In addition to a nominal account for depositing social benefits, which is convenient for guardians and wards, there are three more types: letter of credit, escrow and collateral account. Escrow - an account for freezing funds and transferring them based on an agreement between the bank, the depositor and the beneficiary

  • . Its features are as follows:
  • the owner and recipient cannot use the account funds until the terms of the agreement are met;
  • the bank cannot write off the cash commission;
  • funds from escrow cannot be withdrawn in cash, they cannot be used to make purchases, pay for services, or use them for other purposes;
  • The payer cannot close the escrow without the consent of the recipient.

A collateral account is opened for depositing money as collateral. The debtor credits funds to the current account as a mortgagor. The deposit is considered paid from the moment the documents are received and the bank approves the opening of the deposit.

The parties cannot make changes to the agreement without agreeing with the mortgagor. The bank is obliged to carry out the client's orders regarding payments. Simultaneous lending to several beneficiaries is allowed.

A letter of credit implies the transfer of money to the recipient only after he has provided documents confirming the fulfillment of the conditions specified in the contract. The payer transfers funds to the account, and the bank sends them to the beneficiary only after he fulfills his obligations. This deposit is an alternative to payments through a safe deposit box.

Practice of using nominal accounts

The first nominal accounts began to be introduced simultaneously with the development of non-cash money circulation and the development of electronic banking systems.

German banks were the first to use special deposits in 1992. This simplified the transfer of the payer's money to the beneficiary and contributed to the security of such transactions.

Nominal accounts, which began to be used instead of deposits to receive payments, optimized the tender guarantee service, making it cheaper and simpler.

Nominee accounts are actively used by notaries and lawyers to ensure compliance with the terms of transactions between clients.

The best way to avoid fraud, fraud and loss of funds due to dishonest compliance with contractual obligations is to make settlements with counterparties through a letter of credit, escrow or security deposit. In Western countries, there is a growing trend in the use of escrow by individuals for everyday settlements. This ensures the security of transactions between seller and buyer in stores.

Why does a guardian need a nominee account?

To facilitate the performance of guardianship duties and popularize guardianship, the government decided to introduce nominal accounts for crediting social payments, which would make it possible to accumulate social benefits, alimony and compensation for harm to health.

According to the Civil Code, the guardian can withdraw funds from the account in an unlimited amount for the needs of the ward, subject to his interests and regular reporting of expenses. This improves the social protection of those under guardianship, simplifies the procedure and makes the institution of guardianship more attractive.

Where can I open a nominal account?

Initially, such accounts could only be opened in credit institutions whose controlling stake belonged to the state. Among them, Sberbank especially stands out as the main state bank of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, the rules of the game changed. You can open nominal accounts at any bank; the restrictions apply only to the maximum accumulated amount. This was done in the interests of the wards.

The population's deposits are protected by the state. In the event of bankruptcy, bank depositors receive their money from the bank deposit insurance fund.

The maximum amount of compensation is limited and amounts to 1.4 million rubles. If the depositor has a larger amount in the bank accounts, only the established insurance limit will be returned to him. Therefore, the same amount, equal to the limit, is the limit for the total funds in nominal accounts in one bank. Transfers received by a minor or incompetent person that do not fit into the restrictions must be transferred to a nominal account opened in another bank. This guarantees that in the event of a bank bankruptcy, the ward’s money will be fully returned to him.


: an account can be opened in any bank, and official permission to open it from the guardianship authorities is not required.

Purpose and operation of a nominee account of a guardian

The nominee account agreement is concluded by a guardian or parent, in which the full details of the beneficiary are indicated and documents approved by law are provided.

  • Control over the correct expenditure and safety of the ward’s funds is carried out by the banking institution on the basis of payment documents. The beneficiary or his lawyer can seize the account to prevent the trustee or conservator from spending the funds.
  • The owner of a nominal account is obliged to:
  • control the deposit amount and expense transactions;
  • keep records of funds;

It works like this:

  1. the guardian submits a package of documents to the bank representative;
  2. the bank opens a nominal account for transferring alimony, pensions and social payments;
  3. despite the fact that the beneficiary owns the funds, the guardian manages them;
  4. the board of trustees does not control the opening of the account and the expenditure of funds;
  5. The nominal deposit can be closed only after the funds have passed into the possession of the ward.

The ward (if he has legal capacity) has the right:

  • receive account information that constitutes a banking or commercial secret;
  • place restrictions on the account owner's spending or transfer of money;
  • change or terminate the agreement for opening a nominal account.

Terms of use of a nominal account

  • According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, with the participation of the beneficiary, cash issuance and spending of deposit funds is carried out without restrictions.
  • The owner can deposit an unlimited amount into his account if the guardian wishes.
  • To transfer money to the beneficiary, the guardian must visit a bank branch, present a passport of a Russian citizen and deposit the desired amount.
  • Interest is accrued on the balance as specified in the banking agreement.
  • The amount of indexation depends on the amount in the account, the frequency of withdrawals, the amount of income and the type of deposit.
  • The bank can change the accrual of additional interest only with the consent of the owner.
  • The owner is required to prepare an annual report on the expenditure of the beneficiary's funds.
  • It is possible to recover money for the obligations of a ward from a nominal account only by a court decision and in other cases expressly provided for by law. The only exception is the commission for carrying out banking transactions on the account.

Disadvantages of using nominal accounts for a guardian

Along with the positive aspects of using nominal accounts, their use by guardians creates certain problems for the latter:

  • The procedure for opening a nominal account stipulates that it can only be opened at the place of residence, and money can be withdrawn only in one branch. With such conditions, when traveling abroad or other regions of the Russian Federation for treatment, it will not be possible to use the funds.
  • Not all expenses in favor of the ward can be documented, which makes reporting difficult. As a result, it becomes impossible to pay for additional rehabilitation courses, massage and classes with private speech therapists from the nominal account.
  • The bank's control over the spending of funds violates privacy. This aspect can be extremely sensitive for parents of disabled children.
  • Even for Sberbank, nominal accounts are a “raw product” on which not all banking specialists can provide qualified advice. Some government agencies have not yet fully understood the procedure for processing payments to a nominal account.

How to open a nominal account for a ward

To open a nominal account, you must submit an application to the selected bank. Documents required:

  • decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to appoint a guardian;
  • guardian's certificate.

If the guardian is the parent of a child under 18 years of age, instead of the decision of the guardianship authorities, a birth certificate must be provided.

In some cases, a residence permit, migration card or other document is additionally provided that confirms the person’s right to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.

When opening an account, the owner is obliged to provide the bank with the details of the beneficiary:

  • date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • registered address of the ward.

Along with the data, a passport of an adult beneficiary or a birth certificate must be provided if the beneficiary is under 14 years of age.

After submitting all documents and considering the application, an agreement is concluded with the account owner, which reflects the data of him and the beneficiary.

To enroll social benefits that are intended to support the person under guardianship, the owner of the nominal account must write an application to the authority that deals with their payments. The application must indicate the account number to which funds should be credited. It is easy to determine whether an account is a nominal one - such accounts begin with the numbers “40823”. This is done to facilitate banking and government control over the crediting and spending of funds from this group of accounts.

The adopted changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation have reduced state regulation in such a delicate area of ​​activity as guardianship. This is a definite step forward.

Despite some controversial issues, the use of nominal accounts significantly facilitates the calculations and financial activities of entities. This applies to guardianship and business interaction between counterparties.

Lawyer's opinion

Nominal account of the guardian in Sberbank - one of the most discussed topics among recipients of guardianship benefits, because most banks were not ready for changes in legislation in this area. This article will discuss in what cases a nominal account is opened and in what order the funds received into it are spent.

Guardian's nominal account: a new procedure for spending the ward's funds

On July 1, 2014, changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, provided for by Law No. 302-FZ, came into force. They concern the procedure for disposing of pensions, benefits and other payments received by a person taken under guardianship (trusteeship).

Previously, there was a procedure according to which all payments due to the ward were credited to a bank account opened in his name. The guardian had the right to withdraw from the account a monthly amount not exceeding the subsistence level. To obtain a larger amount, permission from the guardianship authority was required.

Starting from the second half of 2014, the law provides that payments due to a minor or incompetent person are not transferred to his account, but to a nominal account opened in a bank in the name of the guardian (trustee). The guardian spends these funds in full on the needs of his ward without obtaining consent from the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

In practice, the application of the new law encountered certain difficulties: banks were technically not ready to open a new type of account. According to representatives of credit institutions, opening nominal accounts from the moment the new procedure came into force was impossible for two reasons:

  1. there are no internal banking instructions regulating the procedure for opening and maintaining such accounts;
  2. no required software.

During the second half of 2014, only a few credit institutions (for example, Rosselkhozbank) announced their readiness to open nominal accounts.

Which banks have the right to open nominal accounts for trustees?

Until recently, there was a rule according to which the money of wards can only go to those credit organizations that are at least half owned by the state. Therefore, one of the most popular institutions for crediting pensions, alimony and benefits for persons taken under guardianship is now Sberbank.

Since January 1, 2015, this rule has been canceled. Now, when crediting a ward’s funds to a bank, the following condition must be met: the total amount of funds in one bank should not exceed the amount of insurance compensation for compulsory deposit insurance (from December 29, 2014, this amount has been increased from 700 thousand to 1.4 million rubles). This rule also applies to the amount of funds for guardian's nominee account.

Don't know your rights?

In other words, since 2015, not only banks with state participation of at least 50%, but also other credit institutions can open nominal accounts for depositing guardianship payments.

Rules for using a nominal account

A nominal account is opened in the name of a guardian (trustee) for crediting payments due to minors and incompetent persons, with the exception of:

  • salaries and stipends for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old;
  • other funds that the wards have the right to dispose of independently.

To open an account, the guardian (account owner) must present a certificate and the decision of the guardianship authority to appoint him as a guardian. The agreement is drawn up in writing, and the account holder must provide the bank with the following information about the person in whose interests the account is opened:

  • surname, first name, patronymic;
  • date, place of birth;
  • registration address at the place of residence.

He must also provide a copy of the ward's birth certificate or his passport.

Funds from the nominal account are spent by the guardian in any amount without obtaining permission from the guardianship authority. But an annual report must be drawn up on the use of such amounts.

Funds from the account cannot be recovered for the account owner's debts (except for commissions for banking transactions). Collection of money from a nominal account for the obligations of a ward is possible only by a court decision or in cases provided for by law.

The introduction of nominee accounts should make it easier for guardians to fulfill their responsibilities. Previously, such a formality as obtaining permission from the guardianship authority to withdraw an amount exceeding the subsistence level created a lot of inconvenience, since permission was required to be issued monthly.

Banks provide many different financial services, including opening accounts. An account always has an owner, that is, a person who has entered into an agreement to open it. When opening a regular account, the owner is also its beneficiary - the person who receives the benefit (interest, part of the money). But what if the beneficiary is a person who, for some reason, cannot independently manage funds? This situation may well occur due to age or mental illness, or for other reasons. A nominal account is designed to solve the problem in this case.

What is a nominal account

Not long ago, a new specialized banking service appeared in Russia - opening a nominal account. The innovation lies in the possibility of opening an account by one person in order to manage funds for another. This other is called a ward or ward, more formally a beneficiary.

Parties to the nominal account agreement: the account owner (guardian) and the beneficiary of the account (beneficiary, ward).

In Germany, such accounts began to be used in the early 1990s, in particular by lawyers and notaries to conduct business for their clients.

The emergence of this type of specialized account has simplified the life of guardians and trustees. Their actions, especially those related to the use of the finances of their wards, are strictly controlled. Previously, all funds belonging to the ward were accumulated in the guardian's account - but their expenditure was associated with obtaining permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, which was difficult and time-consuming.

Now the guardian can open an account where the funds paid to the ward will be directly transferred. These could be pensions, benefits, or payments for alimony obligations.

Permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities is not provided for each expenditure transaction - however, the law directly indicates that the bank assumes control functions. True, control in this case becomes penetration into the private life of the ward. In addition, the owner of the nominal account must annually report account expenses to the guardianship authorities.

When opening a nominal account, the guardian submits the appropriate package of documents, and the beneficiary (his lawyer) through the court can seize the account if he believes that the funds are being spent inappropriately. Legally, the design is as follows: formally, the beneficiary owns the funds in the nominal account, but the guardian has the right to dispose of them.

Features of a nominal account:

The presence of the ward when concluding a nominal account agreement is not required;

If a guardian has several wards, you can open one account to which all funds will be transferred. Accounting for expenses is carried out for each beneficiary separately;

The account owner can deposit any amount of personal money into it;

Bank interest may be charged on the account balance;

All changes to the nominal account occur with the consent of the ward - subject to his legal capacity;

The funds in the account may be seized or foreclosed on by the beneficiary - subject to a court decision;

It should be noted that the mandatory conditions of the nominal account agreement are the indication of the beneficiary’s details and the date of signing the agreement. Without specifying these points, the contract may be declared invalid.

After concluding the agreement, it is necessary to provide the bank account details to the authority that is responsible for transferring funds to the ward. To simplify control over such accounts, they are assigned special digital designations starting with “40823”. The ward, in turn, can:

Receive account information

Limit the amount of expenses or transfers by the guardian

Make changes (up to closing) to the account opening agreement

Where and how to open a nominal account

Initially, nominal accounts were opened mainly in state banks, primarily in Sberbank. In this case, payments are tied to one branch - which is clearly a drawback of the account. Today, you can choose almost any bank to open a nominal account. However, today the insurance limit on a bank account is no more than 1.4 million rubles, which must be taken into account when maintaining nominal accounts. Thus, amounts exceeding the insurance limit must be transferred to another nominal account, which must be opened in another bank. The reason is obvious - such a division will allow the beneficiary to return the entire amount due to him.

When applying to the selected bank to open a nominal account, a decision of the guardianship authorities on guardianship and identification of the ward, as well as his full name, date/place of birth and registration address are usually required.

Types of nominal accounts

Within the framework of a nominal account, a distinction is also made between escrow agreements and letters of credit. In addition, there is a collateral account into which money is deposited as collateral. Let's look at escrow and letters of credit in more detail, but the main thing can be said right away: a nominal account implies a guardian and ward, while escrow and letters of credit are ways to safely conduct a transaction between the parties. Escrow and letter of credit have much more in common with each other than compared to the nominal account discussed above.

This type of nominal account serves as a way for the parties to the contract to fulfill their obligations. This type of account is mainly used for the purchase and sale of real estate using a mortgage loan, less often when purchasing securities or making payments under a supply agreement. I wrote in detail about the escrow account, but below I will repeat the main points.

The essence of an escrow agreement is that the seller and buyer contact an agent bank. The buyer deposits funds into a bank account, which the bank blocks. Neither side now has access to this money. If the condition specified in the contract occurs, the seller will be able to receive these funds. If this condition is not met, the funds will be returned to the buyer.

Features of escrow:

  • conditional account. Terminates only upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of the condition specified in the contract;
  • tripartite agreement. The agent bank is also a party to the agreement and bears responsibility;
  • for its services the bank receives remuneration, which is paid separately by the parties and is not debited from the account;
  • the amount is credited to the account strictly in the amount determined by the agreement;

One of the most important features of this agreement is its changeability. Almost all essential conditions can be stipulated by agreement of the parties: the amount of the agreement, the amount of remuneration to the agent, several conditions for receiving money by the seller can be named at once, the agreement establishes a list of documents - evidence of the occurrence of the conditions under the contract. Below are the tariffs of Sberbank:

The Civil Code specifies that, in addition to banks, notaries and legal entities can act as account agents. In this case, the subject of the agreement can be property, and not just money. But in Russian practice this is not common.

It is predicted that this type of bank account will be more in demand when changes to the Federal Law, which concerns construction, come into force. The law stipulates that the funds of buyers of apartments in such buildings will be blocked in the accounts of the agent bank and unfrozen after the transfer of ownership of the property. Therefore, such a step will help investors reduce risks when .

A letter of credit agreement is very similar to an escrow agreement - it is also designed to ensure fairness in settlements under the agreement between the parties. Used when paying for goods delivered or services performed.

We can say that a letter of credit is a payment order to make payments from the payer’s account in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the parties.

Differences between a letter of credit and escrow:

  • the terms of the letter of credit are strictly prescribed by law;
  • responsibility for failure to fulfill obligations under the agreement falls on the parties, the bank is not a party to the agreement and is not responsible for failure to fulfill the conditions;
  • the transaction under the escrow agreement is closed by agreement of the parties. The letter of credit can be revoked by the buyer or the bank.

The difference between a nominal account and an escrow and a letter of credit

Nominal account


Letter of Credit

Constant cash flow

Blocking a strictly defined amount until the end of the contract

An order to pay a strictly defined amount

Opened by one person to serve the interests of another

Opens by agreement of the parties, three parties

Opened by agreement of the parties, two parties

Unconditional account

Conditional, i.e. transfer of money depends on the occurrence of a condition


The Bank exercises control

The bank is a party to the agreement and bears responsibility

The bank is not liable under the agreement

Contact the Sberbank branch in your region and present the following documents:

  • If Beneficiary, and its owner Guardian or Trustee:

Identification document of the Account Owner (Guardian/Trustee);
- birth certificate of the Beneficiary (if the Beneficiary is a minor under the age of 14 years) or an identity document of the Beneficiary aged 14 to 18 years;
- a document from the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the appointment of a Guardian/Trustee, confirming the powers of the Account Owner to manage the funds of the ward (Beneficiary);

  • If Beneficiary on the Nominal Account is a minor under the age of 18 years, and its owner parent (adoptive parent):

Identity document of the Account Owner (parent/adoptive parent);
- the birth certificate of the Beneficiary and the identity document of the Beneficiary, if the Beneficiary is a minor aged 14 to 18 years;
- certificate of registration with the tax authority of the Account Owner/Beneficiary (if available);
- to open a Nominal Account for a foreign person or stateless person - a migration card and a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation (separately for the Account Owner and separately for the Beneficiary (if applicable)).

  • If Beneficiary on the Nominal Account is a minor under the age of 18 years, and its owner adoptive parent:

Identity document of the Account Owner (adoptive parent);
- birth certificate of the Beneficiary (if the Beneficiary is a minor under the age of 14 years) or an identity document of the Beneficiary if the Beneficiary is a minor aged 14 to 18 years;
- a document from the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the appointment of a foster parent, confirming the authority of the Account Owner to manage the funds of the ward (Beneficiary);
- certificate of registration with the tax authority of the Account Owner/Beneficiary (if available);
- to open a Nominal Account for a foreign person or stateless person - a migration card and a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation (separately for the Account Owner and separately for the Beneficiary (if applicable)).

  • If Beneficiary according to the Nominal Account is an adult incapacitated citizen, and the owner of it Guardian:

Identification document of the Account Owner (Guardian);

- a document from the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the appointment of a Guardian, confirming the powers of the Account Owner to manage the funds of the ward (Beneficiary), or a court decision declaring an adult citizen (Beneficiary) incompetent, which simultaneously appointed a Guardian for the Beneficiary;
- certificate of registration with the tax authority of the Account Owner/Beneficiary (if available);
- to open a Nominal Account for a foreign person or stateless person - a migration card and a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation (separately for the Account Owner and separately for the Beneficiary (if applicable)).

  • If The beneficiary of the Nominal Account is an adult citizen with limited legal capacity, and its owner Trustee:

Identity document of the Account Owner (Trustee);
- identification document of the Beneficiary;
- a document from the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the appointment of a Trustee, confirming the powers of the Account Owner to manage the funds of the ward (Beneficiary), or a court decision recognizing an adult citizen (Beneficiary) as having limited legal capacity, which simultaneously appointed a Guardian for the Beneficiary;
- certificate of registration with the tax authority of the Account Owner/Beneficiary (if available);
- to open a Nominal Account for a foreign person or stateless person - a migration card and a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation (separately for the Account Owner and separately for the Beneficiary (if applicable)).

  • If you apply to open a Nominal Account Owner's authorized representative In addition to the above documents, depending on the status of the Owner, to open a Nominal Account the following must be submitted:

Identification document of the Owner's authorized representative (presentation of an identification document of the Owner is not required);
- a notarized or equivalent Power of Attorney containing the authority to open a Nominal Account, indicating the details of the Owner and Beneficiary;
- certificate of registration with the tax authority (if any) of the Owner’s authorized representative;
- to open a Nominal Account by an Authorized Person - a foreign citizen or stateless person - a migration card and a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation.

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