Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth if you haven't had your period yet? Is it possible to get pregnant a month after giving birth? After childbirth. Belly after childbirth. Menstruation after childbirth. Stretch marks after childbirth. Bleeding after childbirth. Stitches after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth trigger multiple processes in female body, with the development of which the body undergoes metamorphosis after childbirth. The body spends 6-8 weeks restoring organs and systems. This period in a woman's life is called postpartum. All organs begin to function as before pregnancy, with the exception of work hormonal system and mammary glands, they will work in a special mode all the time while the woman is breastfeeding.

What happens to the uterus after childbirth

As soon as the placenta leaves, the uterus shrinks significantly and forms a spherical shape. On the first day after giving birth she weighs about 1 kg, after 10 days she reduces her weight to 500 g, and after two months she already looks and weighs the same as before pregnancy - approximately 50 g.

The return to the original state of the uterus is noticeable for a woman: she periodically feels nagging pain, which become most pronounced during breastfeeding. During lactation, and especially when feeding the baby, the hormone oxytocin is intensively produced, it causes contractions of the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus, which causes its painful spasms. Sometimes for speedy recovery the uterus requires a series of oxytocin injections or a special massage.

The cervix returns to its original state somewhat more slowly, and is finally restored approximately three months after birth. It does not take its previous shape: instead of conical, it takes the shape of a cylinder, and before round shape the external pharynx becomes slit-like. This does not apply to women who have had C-section. Changes in the cervix are noticeable only to the gynecologist; they do not play any role in the woman’s health.

What happens to the menstrual cycle after childbirth

At the end of childbirth, bloody discharge from the genital tract - lochia - begins. They are more abundant than normal menstruation and last approximately 6-8 weeks, becoming transparent towards the end.

The first weeks, that's all for now birth canal open to infections, you should especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of the genitals. During this period, it is recommended to use special pads that are changed every two hours.

The menstrual cycle improves for every woman in different terms. Rather, menstruation resumes in women who have finished breastfeeding. Menstruation soon becomes regular, and for many women it is no longer as painful as before pregnancy.

What happens to the vagina after childbirth

The size of the vagina after childbirth decreases over time, and by the end of the second month after the birth of the child, it will approximately return to its previous size. This occurs due to the restoration of vaginal muscle tone, which can be facilitated by special exercises, training muscles pelvic floor.

Doctors recommend resuming sexual activity no earlier than after one and a half to two months. This period is necessary for all female organs to recover. reproductive system. If there are ruptures of the cervix, vagina or perineum, the time of sexual abstinence is discussed with the doctor individually.

Regardless of the date of the first postpartum menstruation, ovulation, and, consequently, fertilization, can occur unnoticed by a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of contraception.

At lactational amenorrhea pregnancy will not occur if:

  • The child is not older than six months.
  • No more than three hours pass between breastfeedings.
  • The baby is fed at his first request.
  • You also feed your baby at night.
Try to work with your doctor to find the right method of contraception for you to prevent unplanned pregnancy. After all, the body will be completely restored to next births only two years later.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems

Blood volume, which increased during pregnancy, returns to its original volume within 5-7 days. During this time, frequent heart contractions may occur.

Childbirth is always associated with blood loss, circulatory system produced after childbirth increased amount platelets for better blood clotting.

If a woman has had a caesarean section, she is being specially monitored to avoid blockage of blood vessels - thromboembolism, she is prescribed special medications.

What happens to the genitourinary system after childbirth

Since the tone of the pelvic floor muscles is reduced, at first a woman sometimes does not feel the urge to urinate. This condition can be triggered by prolonged labor.

At this time, do not allow overflow Bladder so as not to interfere with uterine contractions and discharge of lochia and not cause an inflammatory process.

Digestive tract

Short general tone pelvic muscles can cause constipation. Helps fight the problem warm shower, relieving spasms, abdominal massage and special diet, rich in fiber. During the first days, you can use laxative suppositories, but you should not abuse them.

Another problem could be hemorrhoids. If hemorrhoidal nodules do not disappear and cause pain, it is worth visiting a proctologist.

What happens to the mammary glands after childbirth

It undergoes the greatest metamorphoses even during pregnancy. female breast. First, she begins to secrete colostrum - a valuable liquid that protects the baby from harmful bacteria and satisfies his need for nutrition. nutrients at that time. The milk “comes” in about three days. To establish stable lactation, put your baby to your breast on demand, this will save you from pumping and help you establish closer contact with your baby.


The body after childbirth may require medical care Fever And painful sensations in the stomach - a reason for an early visit to the doctor. This is how endometritis can begin - an inflammatory process in the uterus. The doctor will do an ultrasound and prescribe an antibiotic.

Lactostasis is a lump in the mammary glands that can result from stagnation of milk in the breast or improper attachment of the baby to the breast. If your temperature rises, do not delay calling a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures and... possibly an antibiotic. Purulent mastitis will require surgical intervention.

For young mothers, it is a myth that they cannot get pregnant after giving birth. Many people believe that in the first months, especially if the mother is breastfeeding, the likelihood of conception is excluded. Actually this is not true.

What is the probability of getting pregnant after childbirth? Let's figure it out and find out the doctors' opinion regarding the timing between pregnancies.

When does menstruation and ovulation occur?

Before answering the question of how soon you can get pregnant after giving birth and whether this is possible immediately after childbirth, you need to find out when a woman’s cycle is restored, that is, when menstruation and ovulation occur.

Recovery menstrual cycle depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding the baby or not. If the child is fed formula, the first period should begin in about 2-2.5 months.

If a mother breastfeeds her baby, menstruation usually resumes after six months. For some women, the cycle resumes only after they stop lactation, for others - immediately after the end postpartum discharge.

During lactation, the hormone that stimulates ovulation (prolactin) is suppressed. While the baby is breastfeeding, there is a high probability that menstruation and ovulation will not occur. Therefore it is generally accepted that breast-feedingreliable method contraception.

6-8 months, and even a year after birth, a new pregnancy poses a certain danger

However, everything is individual. For some, ovulation occurs no earlier than a year later, while others become capable of conceiving as soon as the postpartum discharge ends, since the egg retains its mobility all the time.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth without menstruation?

After a woman gives birth for a long time there is bleeding. In the first week, the discharge is abundant, then becomes scanty, and completely disappears after 1-1.5 months. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth if there is such bleeding? Until the bleeding stops, conception is impossible.
By the way, it is not recommended to have sex during this period, since the uterus has not yet recovered, and an infection can be introduced into the body. But after the bleeding stops, most couples resume sexual intercourse without particularly worrying about protection, as they are confident that the possibility of conception is excluded.

Is it possible to get pregnant if the cycle has not yet returned? This is quite likely, since ovulation can occur even before the onset of menstruation. Conception within a month after birth is not excluded.

Conception while breastfeeding

Many women believe that fertilization is impossible during lactation, especially if menstruation does not occur. But it is possible during sexual activity. This depends on the concentration of the hormone prolactin in the body. The more it is, the less chance of getting pregnant.

Therefore, you should not rely on GV as a method of contraception. After all, ovulation can occur even if there are no periods during guarding. If there is no menstruation, a woman will believe that this is normal, but in reality it will turn out that she has already been pregnant for three months or even more.

Fertilization after cesarean

Some women give birth by cesarean section when indicated. It's complicated and dangerous operation, requiring a long recovery period. Is it possible to get pregnant after a caesarean section almost immediately after giving birth?

Recovery reproductive function in this case, it is significantly different than in women who gave birth in the usual way. And after a cesarean section, you can get pregnant in the first month or after 6 weeks.

But if after a normal birth a woman is only concerned about repeated births and raising children, and also whether there is enough strength for children of the same age, then in the second case, conceiving a child immediately after childbirth is dangerous.

After a cesarean section, a scar remains on the uterus, and rapid conception and repeated births threaten its rupture. Recovery takes a long time; this process will take one and a half to two years. In this case, the doctor advises preparing for the next birth no earlier than after 3 years.

How long after giving birth is it best to plan a pregnancy?

Doctors do not advise getting pregnant right away, but to wait at least 1 year. This measure is necessary not only because of concern for the health of the unborn baby, but primarily because of the risks associated with high stress on the mother’s body.

Reproductive function is restored quickly, but this does not mean that the body is ready for new stress. Repeated conception is fraught with complications.

Therefore, immediately start using contraceptives upon recovery. sex life, even if you haven’t had your first period after giving birth.

What is the probability of getting pregnant 1-2 months after giving birth?

How quickly can you get pregnant after giving birth? Is it possible to conceive in just one or two months? This question interests all women who have just become mothers. Today it is a fact quick conception You won’t surprise anyone anymore, though before women It was believed that fertilization was excluded during natural feeding.

Conception is possible already during the first ovulation, which can come immediately after completion postpartum hemorrhage until the cycle is restored. That is, you can get pregnant within 3 weeks after giving birth. If this happens and your test shows two lines, it means that hormonal balance established However, doctors do not recommend conceiving so quickly.

If spouses dream of children the same age, it is still better to wait until at least six months. In six months, the couple will feel more confident, and the first child will grow up.

Chance of conception in 3-4 months with breastfeeding

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after 3 or 4 months after giving birth worries even those mothers who are on guard duty. If the risk 2 months after birth is low, then by 3-4 months women can conceive very quickly. The probability is high if:

  • the child stops breastfeeding at night;
  • a woman feeds her baby less than 5 times a day;
  • natural feeding is combined with artificial nutrition.

During the first year of life, a small child is in dire need of his mother’s affection, parental care and care.

The increased risk is caused by pituitary hormones. How smaller baby sucks the breast, the less prolactin is produced, and, therefore, the greater the chance of ovulation.

What danger could there be?

  • after a strong shake, you need to wait for recovery after childbirth, the likelihood of successful pregnancy is reduced, and the risk of miscarriage increases;
  • because of sharp fluctuations hormones, high load and weakened immunity, an exacerbation is observed chronic diseases in the mother, which is aggravated by repeated pregnancy. This can undermine a woman’s health for a long time;
  • Many women experience postpartum depression, the course of which is complicated re-conception. This is fraught with serious mental disorders;
  • During another pregnancy, hormonal changes occur that negatively affect the lactation process. The milk may either disappear completely, or the baby may stop suckling on his own. Problems such as mastitis, lactostasis, and congestion cannot be excluded;
  • when life begins, it requires a lot of vitamins and useful substances, which women lack. This is fraught with the development of vitamin deficiency and lack of vitamins in the infant and fetus;
  • because of large blood loss after previous births during repeat pregnancy The woman develops anemia. The fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen, which can lead to developmental pathologies.

The best contraception after childbirth

The need for contraception occurs immediately after the completion of postpartum discharge, that is, after two to three months. Pick up suitable remedy A gynecologist will help.

A small device made of plastic with copper that inhibits the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity

The following contraceptive methods are usually preferred:

MethodDescription and reliability
Intrauterine device (IUD)The method that is most often used in these cases. Its effectiveness is at least 90%.

If the birth was successful, an IUD can be inserted after 6 weeks. The spiral is contraindicated for inflammation of the genital area.

Barrier methods (diaphragm, cap, condom)The diaphragm and cap do not interfere with lactation and do not affect the baby’s health. It can be installed after 4-8 weeks, and the selection and administration of funds is carried out by a doctor.

Condoms are convenient and affordable way contraception, but after childbirth their use is fraught with difficulties. At this time, the woman’s amount of natural lubrication in the vagina decreases, so sexual intercourse may cause discomfort. The problem is solved with spermicides, which simultaneously immobilize and neutralize sperm, as well as infection.

Efficiency barrier methods high – up to 99%.

Hormonal drugsContraindicated during lactation hormonal pills containing estrogen, as they reduce the amount of milk and shorten the lactation period. Therefore, only tablets containing progestogen are suitable.

They are not as effective as combined agents, you need to take them strictly at a certain time, and start taking them immediately after the end of the postpartum period.

Another hormonal method– injections. The first injection is given to lactating women after 6 weeks, to non-breastfeeding women - after 4 weeks. One injection guarantees protection for up to three months. In the third month you need to give the next injection.

SterilizationProvides an absolute guarantee against unwanted pregnancy, but is only suitable for those couples who are sure that they will never want to have children again. The method involves tubal ligation.

Another addition to the family

Doctors' recommendations for restoring the female body

WITH physiological point vision, you can become pregnant immediately after childbirth, because lactation does not prevent this. For many, provided good health, such pregnancy and childbirth proceed well. However, those who are seriously considering planning a second pregnancy should not neglect the advice of specialists:

  • doctors adhere to official opinion that the optimal interval between births is at least two years. That is, you can conceive again approximately a year or a year and 3 months after birth. During this period, the functioning of the mother’s body is finally restored, cardiac and vascular system, blood flow and hormonal background return to normal;
  • Consider the difficulties you encountered last time during pregnancy and childbirth. In the presence of common diseases they need to be eliminated before conception;
  • if during labor activity serious anomalies were observed, such women are at risk. For this reason, they are advised to protect themselves from recurrent pregnancy for a certain period of time. In turn, if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, what is the probability of becoming pregnant, the gynecologist will tell you;
  • with a caesarean section, doctors are categorical: for a repeat pregnancy, you should wait at least 2-2.5 years, in order to then conceive and have a normal pregnancy. The doctor will decide which way a woman will give birth based on the patient’s health condition.
  • Make an appointment with a specialist:

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    The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

A woman who has recently been lucky enough to become a mother should not forget to be careful. In particular, this concerns the common question regarding the resumption of sexual activity and whether it is possible to become pregnant after childbirth if menstrual days have not yet arrived. Therefore, after a month or a month and a half, you need to visit your gynecologist, who will tell you about the condition of the genital organs, confirm or refute the resulting pathologies after childbirth, and give recommendations that will be useful in the sexual life of the woman and her partner. There is still a stereotype that you cannot get pregnant with lactational amenorrhea. However, this is not the case. In this situation, each case must be approached individually.

The process of returning a woman to life before childbirth

Representatives of the fair sex who have recently visited the maternity ward most often ask the gynecologist the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant a month after giving birth. After all, a woman who has recently received a new role in her life is faced with big amount surging worries and responsibilities. Now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the life of her newborn child. Any qualified specialist will answer such a question in the affirmative and will be absolutely right.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth: expert opinions

Gynecologists say that a woman’s body is designed in some cases in such a way that the cycle is not restored until the woman stops breastfeeding. After all, the reserves during the 9 months of bearing a child were subjected to significant stress during the previous pregnancy.

To resume normal functioning the uterus will require 5 to 9 weeks of recovery. During this period, the woman produces so-called lochia, which manifests itself in the form of yellow-brown discharge. Also, after labor, the woman in labor will need to rest and sleep as much as possible. But is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth if you haven’t had your period yet? Experts say that this possibility exists, so they advise protecting yourself even while breastfeeding.

Not everything is on this moment follow medical advice regarding early repeat pregnancy. This is especially true for young women and men. However, we should not forget that the resumption of the sexual side of life must be accompanied by the use of contraceptives.

If a woman does not want to torture her body with abortions or frequent occurrence children into the world, then you should be careful and not give in sexual desires in a fit of emotion, without thinking about the possible consequences.

Is it worth giving birth to the same age?

    Breastfeeding the baby. During new pregnancy there will be further changes in hormonal levels, which will definitely affect the taste breast milk. The appearance of congestion, lactostasis or mastitis should not be ruled out.

    Lack of vitamins. The newborn fetus will suck all the vitamins important for development from the mother, so the milk will be “empty” for the infant.

    General deterioration in health, manifested in loss hair follicles, nausea, sharp changes mood, high fatigue or crumbling teeth.

    Decreased blood flow to the placenta. In this case, the fetus stops receiving essential vitamins and minerals.

    Anemia in a woman. Due to blood loss from previous births, which is most likely, the baby will suffer from insufficient income oxygen, which can ultimately lead to developmental pathology.

    Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after giving birth? The answer is obvious - very undesirable.

    Why is it important to be careful?

    Pregnancy that occurs shortly after birth process, can greatly undermine the health of the mother. This is due to the fact that the body has not yet recovered from severe stress, received at the moment the baby is born and is simply not capable of a new process of gestation. Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth? Yes, and an unplanned pregnancy can lead a woman to negative consequences, such as miscarriage, exacerbation of chronic diseases in the mother and other difficulties.

    Therefore, it is recommended to take a break between births for at least 12 months when natural delivery and 24 months if the female had a planned or emergency caesarean section. Often young mothers believe that getting pregnant again will take short term almost impossible. Also, some women firmly believe that as long as the newborn is breastfed, conception will not occur. The statements given do not correspond real facts, which means you should be extremely careful.

    Why is breastfeeding not a reliable birth control measure?

    Often, women are convinced that as long as the baby is fed only breast milk, there is no need to use protection during sexual intercourse.

    Of course, they are right in many ways. But there is some data that gives a young mother an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant in the first month after childbirth.

    Despite the constant attachment of the baby to the breast, the contraceptive barrier to lactation can weaken over time. This usually happens when the child reaches six months of age. During this period, the young mother begins to slowly introduce complementary foods, and the baby requires less breast milk. Replacing breast milk with formula also reduces lactation. Therefore, you should not think about whether it is possible to become pregnant after childbirth if you have not yet had your period and the female continues to breastfeed. You need to know that this can happen very easily. Breastfeeding will not protect you 100% from possible pregnancy.

    Breastfeeding during a new pregnancy

    Young women often talk about whether it is possible to get pregnant after the first birth, and about how the breastfeeding process progresses. There is a claim that breastfeeding small child after 32 weeks of pregnancy may lead to premature birth. However, this fact has not been proven by scientific research.

    The mother must trust her own feelings in this event and adhere to the advice and recommendations of the leading physician. However, if it is necessary to interrupt breastfeeding according to indications, this should be done immediately.

    In some cases, nature itself can help resolve this issue. The action can reduce the flow of milk to the glands, the liquid itself can change the taste, which will lead to the child’s independent refusal of the breast.
    If pregnancy occurs at the moment when the first child reaches 12 months, then it is worth gradually preparing him for weaning.

    When can you conceive a child?

    Based on statistical data, a woman can conceive a child 3-4 weeks after delivery. This information will be especially relevant for young mothers who have stopped breastfeeding early. In this situation, the restoration of menstruation and the establishment of a new cycle will take place much more quickly, the body will be ready to implement the reproductive function inherent in nature. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant a month after giving birth, the answer will most often be, of course, in the affirmative. So a young woman should not put herself in a risky situation even in the first months.

    An important argument for many may be the opinion of some women that until menstruation appears, there is no danger of becoming pregnant. This is a misconception, because the one ready for the process begins its maturation even before the start of a new cyclicity. Unprotected sexual contact can occur at the moment when a woman is ovulating. Therefore, it is not worth checking; ultimately, experiments can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

    Choice of contraception

    Based on the information obtained while searching for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after childbirth, it is important to conclude that the probability is very high. At the same time, it does not have of great importance the fact of breastfeeding and the frequency of the baby's attachment to it. If your goal is to avoid unplanned pregnancy, it is worth thinking in advance about the means of protection used during sexual intercourse. The right decision will be a visit to a gynecologist who will perform an examination after the end of vaginal discharge and suggest best option protection, based on the characteristics of the woman’s body.

    The choice of a young mother and her sexual partner is provided: condoms, specialized suppositories, creams containing spermicides, an IUD, which can be placed 8-9 months after childbirth.

    Ovulation can occur without menstrual days, in this regard, after three months it is worth choosing suitable contraceptives that are allowed when breastfeeding a child.

    If the couple uses contraceptives, then the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after childbirth after a short period of time will be irrelevant for the spouses. And every pregnancy will be planned.

Even before the baby is born expectant mother must prepare for the fact that immediately after giving birth her life will change dramatically. There will be a lot more worries and troubles associated with caring for a newborn. But besides this, it will take time to restore your health.

It is no secret that the first days after childbirth a woman is accompanied by a deterioration in her emotional, psychological state. At difficult birth, complications, the postpartum period may be accompanied by deep depression. Therefore, by the time of birth you need to prepare carefully and responsibly, so to speak, to be fully armed.

Physical condition of the mother

Regardless of whether a woman gave birth on her own or by caesarean section, recovery period goes about the same way. What happens after childbirth, which sensations are normal, and which require the help of a specialist? Be prepared for the following:

  1. Lochia - bloody uterine discharge. The first few days they are abundant and bright red. Starting from 4 days after birth, the lochia turn pale, and after 10 days they become white or yellowish color. The discharge stops after 5–6 weeks.
  2. Abdominal cramps. Arise due to uterine contractions when the uterus gradually returns to its original size. Goes away within 1–2 weeks
  3. Weakness and fatigue. Needless to say, childbirth is a huge stress. It takes time to restore energy.
  4. Pain in the perineum. They are especially strong on the first day after childbirth, intensifying with tension and walking. Lasts about a week.
  5. Difficulty going to the toilet. They can be observed on the first or second day after birth. If the problem does not go away on the third day, you should consult a doctor, as there is a high risk of infectious inflammation.
  6. Muscle pain. It is a consequence of strong attempts.
  7. Sweating. Associated with hormonal imbalance, lasts 2-3 days.

Breasts after childbirth should be given Special attention to protect yourself from mastitis. For cracks, abscesses and bloody discharge It becomes impossible to feed the baby.

Mental and emotional state

A lot of new responsibilities and responsibility for a newborn affect the usual routine of life, change the way of thinking, and the nature of the actions of the new mother. The first days after childbirth, hormonal levels change dramatically. The synthesis of oxytocin and prolactin increases. They are necessary for milk production and uterine repair. All this can unsettle any woman. Be prepared for:

  • Sudden mood swings - from feelings of euphoria to depression and even despair.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Irritation caused by one's own weakness.
  • Complete lack of interest in my husband.

In addition, consequences such as postpartum depression and increased tearfulness are possible.

Postpartum depression

Most women feel a sharp decline in mood 2–3 days after childbirth. This condition is called postpartum depression. Dejection and melancholy continue differently for everyone - from several hours to several days.

During this time, the support of family and friends is important for a woman. Experts connect postpartum depression with fatigue, fears of not succeeding as a mother, lack of sleep, problems with lactation. Hormonal imbalance plays an important role.

Increased tearfulness

Many women cry a lot after giving birth. Again, this is not due to the best physical fitness women, fear of the new role of mother, hormonal fluctuations.

The best solution to the problem is to consult with a knowledgeable person. This could be a midwife or women you know who already have children. They will give useful advice, will share their personal experiences.

The awareness that this is a turning point and inevitably transitory will help you get rid of tearfulness and depression. After some time, it will disappear without a trace, and all you can do is enjoy motherhood.

Possible complications

The first two hours after birth may develop bleeding. Also, a hematoma may appear on the perineum if some rupture is not completely repaired. Therefore, during this period, the woman in labor is not recommended to get up; she is in the maternity ward. This will allow you to notice complications in time and take action. necessary measures to eliminate them. Only two hours later the woman in labor and her newborn are transferred to the ward.

Postpartum recovery lasts about 6 weeks. At this time, a woman should be very careful about her health. What complications can develop in the first days after childbirth?


Retention of lochia in the uterine cavity. The first few days the discharge is quite heavy - up to 300 ml. If their volume decreases sharply or stops altogether, you should immediately inform your doctor. The following symptoms give reason to suspect a lochiometer:

  • Pain in the frontal lobe of the head.
  • Feverish state.
  • Unpleasant, Strong smell discharge.

The complication develops due to blockage of the cervical canal blood clot or the remainder amniotic sac, insufficient contractility uterus

Attention: if you notice that your discharge has stopped, and then suddenly began profuse bleeding, the reason may be a piece of the placenta remaining inside. This should be reported to your doctor immediately. Treatment involves curettage of the uterus.

Feverish state

IN postpartum period A woman’s body temperature often rises. This phenomenon may be caused entirely harmless reason– dehydration of the body.

The first time after childbirth, women are so immersed in chores that they completely forget about observing drinking regime. But during lactation, the need for fluid increases. Treatment in this case is very simple - drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day. This will not only help reduce the temperature, but will provide required amount milk.

Other reasons feverish state not so harmless, they require medical intervention. First of all this inflammatory processes in organism: urinary tract, renal pelvis(pyelonephritis), lungs, uterus (endometritis), as well as lactostasis, mastitis, lochiometra.

Intestinal atony

Caused by a sudden shrinkage of the uterus after childbirth. Not the least important role is played by physical inactivity, dehydration, sufficient quantity food on the first day after birth.

If normalization of drinking and eating regimen, increase physical activity do not solve the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Setting up breastfeeding

Many people are interested in what to do first after childbirth? the main task women - establish breastfeeding. Here are some recommendations to help improve the process and provide your baby with adequate nutrition:

  1. Express milk only as needed. For example, if you need to leave the child for a while, or if there is stagnation of milk (lactostasis), which the little baby cannot yet dissolve.
  2. Learn to put your baby to your breast. If he grasps the nipple incorrectly, this can lead to starvation for him, and for a woman – stagnation of milk and cracks.
  3. Alternate between breasts when feeding. If there is a sufficient amount of milk, it is optimal to give one breast at one feeding, and the other at the next feeding.

It is important for a woman to learn how to care for her breasts and pay attention to choosing the right underwear. The bra should not be too tight, but it must provide good support for the breasts. A properly selected bra will help mommy maintain the shape of her breasts after breastfeeding ends.

Proper nutrition

After the birth of a child, a woman should not pounce on tasty, nourishing home-cooked food. Firstly, the stomach is not yet ready for such a load, which can lead to bowel problems. Secondly, the newborn is completely dependent on the quantity and quality of breast milk. A poor nutrition can lead to a whole range of problems with his health, among which the most common are:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Diathesis.
  • Intestinal colic.

During the feeding period, a young mother is prohibited from eating spicy, smoked, salted, fatty foods. But these rules will be useful for a woman if she wants to provide her baby with adequate nutrition:

  1. Rule #1. Vitamins and minerals. It is necessary fresh fruits and vegetables, porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). But it is better to avoid potential allergens (citrus fruits, strawberries). New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, carefully monitoring the baby’s reaction to them. It is not recommended to eat legumes and fresh cabbage - they can cause bloating in the baby.
  2. Rule #2. Increase in calories. Many mothers immediately after giving birth strive to lose weight, sit on strict diets. But at this time you need to think not about yourself, but about the child. To this end daily norm calories are increased by 500 compared to the previous diet. This will ensure good lactation and at the same time it will not negatively affect the figure.
  3. Rule #3. Sufficient amount of calcium. This important element was intensively consumed during pregnancy and continues to be excreted from the mother’s body along with milk. Therefore, the diet should be enriched with calcium. Products containing it should be consumed 5 times a day: hard cheese, milk, yogurt, etc.
  4. Rule #4. Limiting protein foods. You can consume no more than 300–400 g per day. It can be eggs, boiled chicken, river or sea ​​fish, rabbit, turkey. But mushrooms should be completely abandoned during lactation.
  5. Rule #5. Compliance with drinking regime. In addition to the liquid contained in foods, you should drink at least 8 glasses a day of juice, broth, milk, and plain water. If a woman is worried about increased sweating, she needs to drink even more fluids, but not more than 12 glasses a day. Excessive drinking will put a strain on the kidneys and cause edema. You should not abuse strong tea and coffee - no more than 1 cup per day.

The postpartum diet should include raisins, dried fruits, bran bread and foods with high content vitamin B. It is important for healthy intellectual development newborn

Newborn care

Another important question, which interests women immediately after childbirth - how to care for the baby. After all, from the moment of birth he needs care, and it does not only consist of breastfeeding.

The first day the newborn sleeps a lot, waking up only when hungry. If your child is restless and screams all the time, you should consult a doctor. The baby may have some pain, or he is simply not yet accustomed to life outside. mother's womb. What else does a young mother need to know?

  1. Feeding. Experts advise not to feed your baby by the hour, as was previously the case, but to put him to the breast on demand. This will allow you to quickly establish lactation, provide a sufficient amount of milk, and serve as an excellent prevention of stagnation. Be prepared for the fact that the baby will spend a lot of time at your breast at first. Be patient, put everything aside and try to establish feeding.
  2. Bathing. Another procedure that awaits young parents after discharge from the hospital. You need to bathe your baby every day, and up to 6 months it is better to do this in a special bath. The optimal water temperature for swimming is 37 degrees, air temperature is 20–22.
  3. Fresh air. A newborn needs it, it is the key to good health and normal development of the little person. By the way, it is not necessary to take your baby outside for the first time after returning home. It is quite enough to constantly ventilate the room. After each diaper change, leave your baby naked for a while. After all, his skin also breathes.
  4. Purity. Keep the baby clean, as well as everything in his immediate environment: toys, dishes, bed sheets, cloth. The first months of life, children are very susceptible to the action of many pathogenic bacteria. Daily wet cleaning premises – care for the baby’s health. No less important is the hygiene of the mother, who is in constant contact with the child.
  5. Cloth. At first, the baby is often kept in diapers, and this is not without logic. A newborn cannot yet control his body, so he can easily injure himself. You should not swaddle your baby tightly. During those periods when he is awake, you can dress him in vests and rompers. A cap is necessary in cool weather, as well as after swimming.

Undoubtedly, the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital will be serious test for a young mother. But do not forget that this is also the most happy time when you meet a new family member, and he meets you.

During the 1st week after giving birth, use every free hour to sleep. Do not give in to the temptation to redo in one fell swoop all the neglected tasks for which you once did not have enough time. A nurse will come to your home until your baby is 10 days old, or longer if things don't go well. You may need to go to a antenatal clinic to examine your uterus, breasts, and stitches. Looking at yourself after childbirth, you will probably be confused. Big belly although it is no longer swollen, it has not yet smoothed out. The breasts are heavy, somewhat saggy, and the hips are swollen, especially at the top, and spread out. But if you start from day one physical exercise and gradually increase the load, you will soon look and feel better.


IN THE FIRST DAYS after childbirth, you may experience discomfort and pain. If you have any concerns, consult your doctor.

You may experience some days spasmodic pain in the stomach, especially when breastfeeding. This means that the uterus is contracting and the body is gradually returning to normal.
What to do Cramps can be relieved with a mild pain reliever such as paracetamol.

Frequent urination in the first days is normal: the body gets rid of accumulated fluid.
What to do At first it will be difficult to urinate due to the raw pain. Here are tips to help ease the discomfort.
Get up to increase the flow of urine.
If you have stitches, run warm water over them when urinating to ease the burning sensation.
The seams can also be processed dry - smeared with brilliant green.

Bleeding from the uterus can last from 2 to 8 weeks. It usually goes away faster when breastfeeding. Bright red discharge, initially abundant, weaken in subsequent days, becoming lighter. They often continue until the first menstruation.
What to do Use sanitary pads; Do not use tampons - they can cause infection.

Most likely, you will not have the urge to have a bowel movement on the first day after giving birth.
What to do As soon as you can, get up and move more. Movement will force the intestines to work.
Drink water and eat fiber-rich foods to stimulate digestion.
Empty your bowels as soon as you feel the urge, but without straining or pushing.
Don't be afraid, the stitches will not come apart, but for complete peace of mind, apply a sterile napkin to them.

They can be quite painful for 1-2 days. Most likely, the stitches will dissolve within a week.
What to do The following recommendations will help you:
Start pelvic floor exercises - they will speed up the healing of stitches.
Make sure the seams are clean.
If there is swelling of the perineum, on the advice of a doctor, you can relieve pain by applying an ice pack to the sutures (ice cubes in a bag are also suitable).
Lie down to relieve pressure on the stitches, or sit on a rubber band.

A bad mood a few days after giving birth, usually coinciding with the appearance of milk, is familiar to many women. One of the reasons is the sharp hormonal changes, the other is the release that is inevitable after the birth of a child. These “postpartum blues” will soon pass. If depression is severe and lasts more than 4 weeks, consult a doctor.

Think positive
The happiness that a child gives will definitely outweigh everything Negative consequences childbirth


SEVERAL LUNGS gymnastic exercises Your figure will be restored in just three months. Do them daily. Start carefully, gradually increasing the load, since the ligaments are still easily stretched. If you feel pain or fatigue, take a break. It is better to practice little by little.

Strengthening stretched and weakened pelvic floor and abdominal muscles can begin from the first day after childbirth. Pelvic floor exercises and cycling are also recommended for women who have had a caesarean section.

Perform gentle exercises to squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles daily and often. This will help get rid of involuntary urination. Only then can you begin the exercises of the 2nd week. If you have stitches, strengthening your pelvic floor will help them heal.

"BICYCLE" from day 1
Alternately lift and abduct your feet, as if pressing on the pedals. Perform every hour to prevent swelling and improve blood circulation.

Exhale and draw in your stomach, holding your breath; then relax. Do it as often as possible.
From the 5th day If you feel good, do the following exercise twice a day:
1. Lie on your back with 2 pillows under your head and shoulders, bend your knees and spread them slightly. Cross your arms over your stomach.
2. Raise your head and shoulders while exhaling, and press lightly with your palms side walls belly, as if bringing them together. Maintain this position for a few seconds, then inhale and relax. Repeat 3 times.

From the 2nd week, try to start doing the exercises shown below every day. The complex is designed for 3 months. Repeat each exercise as long as you enjoy it. Start by bending backwards. Once you have mastered them, move on. If the new exercises seem difficult, do the bends for a few more days. Remember to strengthen your pelvic floor as well.

1. Sit with your knees bent and slightly apart and your arms folded across your chest.
2. As you exhale, gently lean back until your abdominal muscles tighten. Hold this position while maintaining normal breathing. Then, as you inhale, straighten up again.

1. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your torso, palms pressed to your thighs.
2. Raising your head slightly, bend to the left - left hand slides down your leg. Lean back, rest, then twist to the right. When you get the hang of it, try bending left and right 2-3 times.

1. Lie supine on the floor, knees bent and slightly apart, hands on hips.
2. After exhaling, raise your head and shoulders and reach your knees with your hands. If at first it turns out badly, don’t be upset - everything has its time. Relax as you inhale.

pull the body slower and hold the weight longer
raise your head and shoulders with your arms folded across your chest
rise with your hands behind your head.

3 months after giving birth, the muscles should become elastic again. Do a few jumps. If urine is released, you need to exercise more. If this still bothers you after 4 months, consult a doctor.

CAREFULLY! If you had a caesarean section, it is still too early for you to start strengthening your abdominal muscles and a set of exercises in the 2nd week. Consult your doctor in advance. The appearance of pain is a signal that exercise should be interrupted.


Full recovery will require at least six months. But positive changes should appear before the medical examination, which is carried out after 6 weeks. The uterus will shrink to its normal size, menstruation will resume, and your muscles, if you regularly do gymnastics, will be in good condition.

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, you will be warned that 6 weeks after birth you must undergo a medical examination at antenatal clinic or from your doctor.

How does this happen
You will be weighed and measured blood pressure, they will take urine for analysis.
The mammary glands and abdomen will be examined. The doctor will check how the stitches have healed.
Will be held vaginal examination to determine the size and position of the uterus; They may take a smear from the cervix.
The doctor will advise you on contraception; this may be a uterine cap or a ring.

The first period after childbirth is often longer and heavier than usual. Its onset depends on the method of feeding. At breastfeeding Your period may not start until you wean your baby. At artificial feeding The first cycle occurs after 4-6 weeks.

Question and answer “When can we resume sexual activity?”
When both of you are ready for this, but not earlier than 6-8 weeks after birth. During this time, epithelization of the uterus should occur and the risk of infection should decrease. The resumption of sexual activity should not be abrupt. Try to relax more, use moisturizing jelly, as the vagina will be drier than usual. "I'm breastfeeding. Do I need contraception?" Contraception is needed even if you are breastfeeding and have not yet started your period. Your doctor will talk to you about this soon after you give birth. If you prefer the pill, tell your doctor that you are breastfeeding. If you are no longer happy with the uterine cap, buy a new one as your cervix has changed shape.

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