Miloslav Knyazev (K. Miloslav) - Tankman - Dragon Slayer. Dragon Slayer Dragon Slayer 2 Princes


Tankman. Dragon Slayer

Series: Series number: ISBN:


Book rating: 3/5 (1) Description:

A new sci-fi action movie from the author of the bestselling series “The Complete Set”! A simple Russian guy, Maxim, finds himself in a world where technology is opposed to magic. Only there are no beautiful elves who fight exclusively on the side of good, and treacherous orcs who certainly choose evil. There is a brutal war going on between two powerful empires. In this war there is neither good nor evil, but only friends and foes.

How can an earthling of the early 21st century help his newly acquired “friends”? In the end, no one forbids Maxim to build a tank with magical control and go into battle with it against dragons. Many more unpleasant surprises await numerous hostile “aliens” from the strange tanker...

Other books by the author (Miloslav Knyazev):


Miloslav Grigorievich Knyazev writes fantasy (readers for some reason think that it is humorous, although the author himself does not set such a goal for himself). Started publishing in 2011. Born in Kaliningrad, currently lives in Lithuania, the city of Klaipeda. He didn’t say much about his work, only that he deals with amber. About his hobby, Miloslav says this: “I collect (I just collect, not seriously collect) Christmas tree toys. It’s a very convenient hobby: you took it out at the beginning of December, hid it at the end of January, and it doesn’t bother you for the remaining ten months.”

As a teenager, he wrote fantastic stories to girls he knew about their adventures. Some of them may soon turn into novels.

The author about his works: “I have been repeatedly asked why I write about foreign elves, that there are no Russian folk tales of my own? But I write Russian fairy tales, albeit with elves. If you take, for example, Baba Yaga, the hut on chicken legs, Koshchei the Immortal, Nightingale the Robber, the serpent Gorynych, dilute it all with three heroes, the princess’s frog... Will all this turn out to be a Russian fairy tale? Hardly. Even a parody will most likely not work. But if you take the fool Ivanushka, then no matter where you throw him, nothing but a Russian fairy tale will turn out. But my Ivanushka also has two beautiful Vasilisses.

Why did I start writing books? ... it all turned out quite simply, I posted on several forums on the Internet the parameters of the book I would like to read. As it turned out, neither this nor even a close one simply exists. I had to write it myself.”

Miloslav Knyazev

Dragon Killer

The tank will overheat, I'll start the starship...

Svetlana Nikiforova (Alcor)

(there is still not enough description of the nightmare itself)

Maxim woke up in a cold sweat. Another nightmare. Which one is already counted? Probably the tenth. And why tanks?

If he had a grandfather who was a tank driver, who told his little grandson how he beat the Nazis during the war at Stalingrad and burned in a tank, then one would understand where such nightmares come from. Something was deposited in childhood and then, at the most inopportune moment, it surfaced. And the moment really wasn’t the best, the bosses, as they should have, took the opportunity to reduce salaries, and you won’t mind, everyone is in crisis, the wife left, it’s good, even though there were no children, and in general...

But Max’s grandfather was not a tank driver and did not fight. Not really. I had to go to Finland, and when the Great Patriotic War began, immediately after Comrade Stalin’s speech I asked to volunteer for the front. They didn't take it. Valuable specialist, mining engineer, mine director.

What front? - they answered him. - The war is on! The country needs gold! Or do you think the capitalists will help us for free?

He didn’t think so, but he still sent a letter to the district committee. They answered the same thing. Grandfather did not calm down, he wrote to Molotov, then to Stalin... That’s when he learned what the ultimate truth is. That letter came back, and on top of its lines was written in large letters in red pencil: “Your front is where they send you. Stalin.”

So my grandfather was definitely not a tank driver. And Maxim himself in the army also had nothing to do with tanks and never even came close (unless he saw a self-propelled gun from afar, but that definitely doesn’t count). Therefore, I couldn’t for the life of me understand where these nightmares came from, tormenting him for the second week now. True, sometimes some variety appeared and instead of armored vehicles, spaceships flew into nightmares. And not at all the ones that usually roam the expanses of our theaters. Maxim was always interested in science fiction and could say unequivocally that he had never seen such spaceships in any film.

It was never in his rules to treat all illnesses with vodka, and even more so to go to a psychiatrist or go to church. And he didn’t believe in either one or the other, they’ll just take the money and that’s it. It’s better to find a permanent girlfriend, otherwise after my wife left, not one stayed longer than a couple of months.

Having made this decision (for the umpteenth time?), Max got out of bed and went to get himself in order. Nightmares are, of course, a good thing, but they have not yet eliminated the need to go to work. Although there is also one complete nightmare. Crisis, so...

Part one

Just half an hour later, a rather young man, already quite recovered after a night that had not brought rest, came out of the entrance. But, it seems, not completely, because you still need to be able to get under a car in such a stupid way. Maxim no longer heard the warning roar of the horn or the squeal of brakes...

There was a battle going on all around again. The pumping of the blasters was interrupted before reaching the required level; the indicator amulet warned of a rupture in the pipeline from the reactor to the starboard guns. The enemy battleship was in their crosshairs, and if they didn't fire a salvo right now, the techs would be the first to do so. The already battered star battleship of the techno-mages simply cannot withstand another salvo. The captain, of course, is strong, and with her own will alone she is capable of preventing the ship from falling into pieces for some time, but you shouldn’t rely on her again. Maxilior decided to use his own reserve. He would definitely have enough for one gun, but for the entire side line, albeit already almost charged with a reactor...

Previously, in a battleship's crew, many more magicians of his level were responsible for the guns. But there was a war going on, and ships were being built much faster than the academies had time to graduate crew members for them, so weak magicians, very weak, at best fit for cruiser crews, became gun operators. But even there were very few of these, and we had to fight with those who were. Even now, in the entire line, only Maxilior had the ability to use his own reserve for weapons of such power. The magic flowed out of his body along with his life, but the battleship fired a final salvo and delayed its death.

Maxim woke up again in a cold sweat. He had never had such a nightmare before. Spaceships, and exactly the kind that he saw on the screens, happened occasionally, but for magicians with elves and other dwarves...

What the... - he said out loud without hesitation. - What the hell are magicians?! What the hell are star battleships with magical weapons? Where are my family tanks? Well, it must have gone crazy, since I started having nightmares in broad daylight!

The ship shook thoroughly, and Maxim swore much less restrainedly.

In fact, he rarely allowed himself strong expressions, but now he did not have time to grab the special handrails and fell to the floor with all his might, hitting his elbow thoroughly. What was confusing was that the cause of the bruise was not so much in the fall itself, although it was there too, but in the unconscious attempt of the body to grab onto this very handrail, which Maxim himself did not even suspect. But as soon as he thought, information about these handrails and their locations immediately popped up in his head.

“A strange dream,” the man muttered under his breath, rising to his feet and, just in case, clinging tightly to where he should be according to the regulations.

Precisely, according to the charter, he could even name the number of the article regulating this matter.

“One more strange thing,” Max commented on the knowledge that had appeared from nowhere.

And the pain, as well as the concussion of the body, as a result of which it appeared, also caused concern. In none of his nightmares did the tank shake, and there was no recoil from the gun, and there was no stink of diesel fuel (it didn’t stink of anything at all), and there was no pain. But there was fear. An irresistible, all-consuming horror that makes you wake up in a cold sweat. Here, on the contrary, there was everything except fear. No, of course it didn’t stink of diesel fuel. Where does the solarium come from on board the spaceship? Not a diesel from some steampunk after all. But their specific smells were present.

Immediately, from somewhere in the depths of consciousness, information appeared that there should be no foreign odors, that is, any at all, in the artificial atmosphere of the ship. But, apparently, the artifact responsible for cleaning the atmosphere lost power from the reactor. Either the main line was broken, as with the side line of guns, the main operator of which was apparently Maxim, or they simply cut off the energy supply from all secondary systems. This artifact, of course, has an internal crystal of considerable capacity, with a reserve of energy on which it can operate for quite a long time, however, having lost power from the reactor, it enters emergency mode and focuses only on absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the ship’s atmosphere and releasing it from it oxygen. Well, the crew will bear it somehow. It’s better to be alive and wrinkle your nose at unpleasant odors than to be dead in an atmosphere that is clean and completely sterile.

Miloslav Knyazev

Dragon Killer

The tank will overheat, I'll start the starship...

Svetlana Nikiforova (Alcor)

(there is still not enough description of the nightmare itself)

Maxim woke up in a cold sweat. Another nightmare. Which one is already counted? Probably the tenth. And why tanks?

If he had a grandfather who was a tank driver, who told his little grandson how he beat the Nazis during the war at Stalingrad and burned in a tank, then one would understand where such nightmares come from. Something was deposited in childhood and then, at the most inopportune moment, it surfaced. And the moment really wasn’t the best, the bosses, as they should have, took the opportunity to reduce salaries, and you won’t mind, everyone is in crisis, the wife left, it’s good, even though there were no children, and in general...

But Max’s grandfather was not a tank driver and did not fight. Not really. I had to go to Finland, and when the Great Patriotic War began, immediately after Comrade Stalin’s speech I asked to volunteer for the front. They didn't take it. Valuable specialist, mining engineer, mine director.

What front? - they answered him. - The war is on! The country needs gold! Or do you think the capitalists will help us for free?

He didn’t think so, but he still sent a letter to the district committee. They answered the same thing. Grandfather did not calm down, he wrote to Molotov, then to Stalin... That’s when he learned what the ultimate truth is. That letter came back, and on top of its lines was written in large letters in red pencil: “Your front is where they send you. Stalin.”

So my grandfather was definitely not a tank driver. And Maxim himself in the army also had nothing to do with tanks and never even came close (unless he saw a self-propelled gun from afar, but that definitely doesn’t count). Therefore, I couldn’t for the life of me understand where these nightmares came from, tormenting him for the second week now. True, sometimes some variety appeared and instead of armored vehicles, spaceships flew into nightmares. And not at all the ones that usually roam the expanses of our theaters. Maxim was always interested in science fiction and could say unequivocally that he had never seen such spaceships in any film.

It was never in his rules to treat all illnesses with vodka, and even more so to go to a psychiatrist or go to church. And he didn’t believe in either one or the other, they’ll just take the money and that’s it. It’s better to find a permanent girlfriend, otherwise after my wife left, not one stayed longer than a couple of months.

Having made this decision (for the umpteenth time?), Max got out of bed and went to get himself in order. Nightmares are, of course, a good thing, but they have not yet eliminated the need to go to work. Although there is also one complete nightmare. Crisis, so...

Part one

Just half an hour later, a rather young man, already quite recovered after a night that had not brought rest, came out of the entrance. But, it seems, not completely, because you still need to be able to get under a car in such a stupid way. Maxim no longer heard the warning roar of the horn or the squeal of brakes...

There was a battle going on all around again. The pumping of the blasters was interrupted before reaching the required level; the indicator amulet warned of a rupture in the pipeline from the reactor to the starboard guns. The enemy battleship was in their crosshairs, and if they didn't fire a salvo right now, the techs would be the first to do so. The already battered star battleship of the techno-mages simply cannot withstand another salvo. The captain, of course, is strong, and with her own will alone she is capable of preventing the ship from falling into pieces for some time, but you shouldn’t rely on her again. Maxilior decided to use his own reserve. He would definitely have enough for one gun, but for the entire side line, albeit already almost charged with a reactor...

Previously, in a battleship's crew, many more magicians of his level were responsible for the guns. But there was a war going on, and ships were being built much faster than the academies had time to graduate crew members for them, so weak magicians, very weak, at best fit for cruiser crews, became gun operators. But even there were very few of these, and we had to fight with those who were. Even now, in the entire line, only Maxilior had the ability to use his own reserve for weapons of such power. The magic flowed out of his body along with his life, but the battleship fired a final salvo and delayed its death.

Maxim woke up again in a cold sweat. He had never had such a nightmare before. Spaceships, and exactly the kind that he saw on the screens, happened occasionally, but for magicians with elves and other dwarves...

What the... - he said out loud without hesitation. - What the hell are magicians?! What the hell are star battleships with magical weapons? Where are my family tanks? Well, it must have gone crazy, since I started having nightmares in broad daylight!

The ship shook thoroughly, and Maxim swore much less restrainedly.

In fact, he rarely allowed himself strong expressions, but now he did not have time to grab the special handrails and fell to the floor with all his might, hitting his elbow thoroughly. What was confusing was that the cause of the bruise was not so much in the fall itself, although it was there too, but in the unconscious attempt of the body to grab onto this very handrail, which Maxim himself did not even suspect. But as soon as he thought, information about these handrails and their locations immediately popped up in his head.

“A strange dream,” the man muttered under his breath, rising to his feet and, just in case, clinging tightly to where he should be according to the regulations.

Precisely, according to the charter, he could even name the number of the article regulating this matter.

“One more strange thing,” Max commented on the knowledge that had appeared from nowhere.

And the pain, as well as the concussion of the body, as a result of which it appeared, also caused concern. In none of his nightmares did the tank shake, and there was no recoil from the gun, and there was no stink of diesel fuel (it didn’t stink of anything at all), and there was no pain. But there was fear. An irresistible, all-consuming horror that makes you wake up in a cold sweat. Here, on the contrary, there was everything except fear. No, of course it didn’t stink of diesel fuel. Where does the solarium come from on board the spaceship? Not a diesel from some steampunk after all. But their specific smells were present.

Immediately, from somewhere in the depths of consciousness, information appeared that there should be no foreign odors, that is, any at all, in the artificial atmosphere of the ship. But, apparently, the artifact responsible for cleaning the atmosphere lost power from the reactor. Either the main line was broken, as with the side line of guns, the main operator of which was apparently Maxim, or they simply cut off the energy supply from all secondary systems. This artifact, of course, has an internal crystal of considerable capacity, with a reserve of energy on which it can operate for quite a long time, however, having lost power from the reactor, it enters emergency mode and focuses only on absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the ship’s atmosphere and releasing it from it oxygen. Well, the crew will bear it somehow. It’s better to be alive and wrinkle your nose at unpleasant odors than to be dead in an atmosphere that is clean and completely sterile.

Maxim decided not to pay attention to the oddities caused by the roof that had clearly gone somewhere in the wrong direction, and to accept everything as it was. First, take a look around.

If I’m listed here as the main operator of onboard guns or something like that,” the man began to think out loud, “then, therefore, it is logical to assume that this room is a gun room. But where are all the devices then?

The new memory immediately helpfully suggested that all the instruments, or rather, magical amulets and artifacts, were in place. Those stone (stone!!!) slabs, polished to a mirror shine, are nothing more than monitors, but these crystals are sensors and indicators.

And how to use all this? - he asked his schizophrenia almost habitually.

However, this time she let him down. It wasn't that she refused to cooperate, no, she just couldn't answer. It’s easy to show, but not to tell. But to show, it was necessary to see. See the magic! But Maxim didn’t see it.

On this matter, information in his new memory was very scarce. Complete magical exhaustion is an extremely rare phenomenon in itself (whereas before you would simply lose consciousness), and there were incredibly few survivors after it. Not even percentages, but fractions of a percentage. Hence the extremely scarce information on this issue. So Maxim, neither with the help of his new memory, nor even more so himself, could not understand whether the devices simply did not work, having died along with the guns, or whether it was he, due to the complete absence of any magical abilities, who did not distinguish between their readings. The logic was for the second option, since each of the artifacts and amulets had their own storage devices, similar to the one in the air purifier. It may not be as voluminous, but it was definitely present in any device.

(there is still not enough description of the nightmare itself)
Maxim woke up in a cold sweat. Another nightmare. Which one is already counted? Probably the tenth. And why tanks?

If he had a grandfather who was a tank driver, who told his little grandson how he beat the Nazis during the war at Stalingrad and burned in a tank, then one would understand where such nightmares come from. Something was deposited in childhood and then, at the most inopportune moment, it surfaced. And the moment really wasn’t the best, the bosses, as they should have, took the opportunity to reduce salaries, and you won’t mind, everyone is in crisis, the wife left, it’s good, even though there were no children, and in general... But Max’s grandfather was not a tanker was and did not fight. Not really. I had to go to Finland, and when the Great Patriotic War began, immediately after Comrade Stalin’s speech I asked to volunteer for the front. They didn't take it. Valuable specialist, mining engineer, mine director. - Which front? - they answered him. - The war is on! The country needs gold! Or do you think the capitalists will help us for free? And today the continuation of the eighth book of “The Complete Set” has been posted: Continuation from: 12/23/2013. After which we will land an expeditionary force on the surface of the planet and conduct a joint ground operation. I’ll just warn you in advance, we’ll help you level up the forces, but we’re not going to completely fight for you. We are interested, first of all, in the forces of technologists remaining on the surface. The fleet, both commercial and military, is at zero, atomic weapons should be taken away or disabled, so as not to fool around. But in this case there is no guarantee. The only thing that will ensure it is the destruction of the entire system. There was no point in landing, and especially in capturing the planet itself. Except that he didn’t mention the zombie apocalypse, and not at all because it’s impossible, magicians and necromancers have strong ones, and they have weapons created by them, but people simply not prepared by Hollywood won’t immediately believe in such a thing. He knew very well that they were not installed on any other cars of a comparable class. Usually, storage crystals and the crew’s own reserve are enough. However, not trusting magicians with weak abilities or those who do not even have those, Anastiel tried. But you can’t install a reactor on a medium or light tank. There will be no continuation today.“Lord of Dragons” doesn’t suit me lately. I think maybe it’s worth switching to the “sold every day” mode for “Full Set 8 - Fiore Magic”. In the meantime, I’ll put the first book in order and think about how best to continue the second. I'll remake the first-person narration, like in the Complete Set. Then I can insert excerpts from other characters into the text. What do Anastiel, Verika, Lan, Iranga and Garinga think? This doesn’t mean at all that there won’t be any excerpts at all until I finish Fior’s Magic. Just not every day. For one thing, The Road to the Cursed Lands is also worth finishing. And remember about the “Two-Headed Dragon”. In the meantime, every day I ask here: href= More than once I have heard from other authors that readers who say that they do not want to pay intermediaries, but are ready to pay the author personally, a lot, but as soon as you post the account number, there is silence . When the same readers started contacting me, I decided to give it a try and was very pleasantly surprised. I don’t know, maybe other writers’ requests exceed the readers’ capabilities, or maybe I’m just being modest... In any case, many thanks to everyone who sent me.

Yandex-money 41001854309906 WebMoney: R263096310096
WebMoney: Z776549949833

If there is someone who wants to translate, then you don’t need large sums, a purely symbolic one is enough, so that I just know that someone likes my books so much that they don’t mind paying for them.