How to decorate a wall in Japanese style. Home decoration in Japanese style. How to create a Japanese-style interior with your own hands

When choosing a design style for an apartment, you should think about what character the interior will represent. And if your choice fell on calm, serenity and orderliness, then Japanese interior design will suit you perfectly. Unity with nature, minimalism, simplicity, grace - this is what the cozy corners of your apartment will say.

A little about the origin of Japanese style

The Japanese style in interior design owes its appearance to factors such as climate with randomly occurring earthquakes, high population density, lack of natural resources, as well as the worldview of the Japanese people themselves. For example, it is because of earthquakes that the walls in Japanese houses are prefabricated, always ready for reconstruction. And in addition to functionality, the Japanese love for space and freedom led to the absence of internal walls.

Around the 16th-17th century, along with capitalism, the fashion for stylish home furnishings came to Japan. And no matter how hard the Japanese tried to follow the fashion trends of other countries, their philosophy and outlook on life contributed to the creation of a unique style that is now popular everywhere.

Japanese style traditions

Man is a part of nature, so he tries to surround himself with it. If you do not have the opportunity to design a garden or flower beds, you need to decorate the walls with landscapes, and, if possible, bring life into the house in the form of bamboo, small trees or other plants. Natural materials are also used in interior decoration. An analogue can be artificial materials that imitate stone, straw, bamboo or wood.

The priority is a calm, light palette: beige, cream, sand shades and white.. Colors directly seen in nature are also often used: dark cherry, dark brown, soft pink. Black color is also present, but only as a background to highlight the brighter details.

For the Japanese, there is nothing more important than self-knowledge, so even the interior of the house is aimed at this. A minimum of objects, laconic forms, the “striving” of furniture downwards – all this contributes to concentration, and therefore plays a significant role in the interior of Japanese design. Instead of walls, bamboo or paper partitions on a frame are used. There are no walls, no doors or locks.

“And why do the Japanese so neglect their personal lives? How can you live in a room without a lock? Incredible. “The fact is that the Japanese know how to respect other people’s privacy.” (c) Misato Katsuragi.

Finishing facilities

Particular attention in Japanese interior design is paid to decoration. To transform your apartment, you can use materials such as:

  • maple, kiri, cedar, sugi wood;
  • stone slabs;
  • bamboo, reed;
  • silk.

To decorate a room, instead of natural wood, you can choose a laminate, and to replace silk - any similar fabric. To finish the ceiling, use matte paint, tension panels, wallpaper or fabric. A multi-level and differently designed ceiling will add interest, thus designating a separate zone.

Combining materials will add greater artistic beauty to the walls. The design of a Japanese-style room involves the presence of stonework, which goes well with wallpaper, and wood with matte paint.. Floors are traditionally made of wood, stone or pebbles. Tatami, carpets made of coarse thread or reeds will also bring comfort to the apartment.

Japanese style furniture

Minimalism limits the amount of furniture to the essentials. In modern Japanese-style apartments, you can see a bed, a table with chairs, a sofa and a couple of small chests of drawers. Even the usual cabinets cannot be found in Japanese interiors - combinations built into the walls are used for this. Apartments can also have small chests for storing things; you can sit on them.

The furniture in Japanese interiors is low. This allows you to create a feeling of great spaciousness, and also better provides the apartment with natural light.. Like the decoration, furniture is mainly made from natural materials: linen, leather, suede or cotton. For decoration, you can paint simple furniture with hieroglyphs. This will add expressiveness to the interior and fill the objects with soul.

“Don’t keep anything in the house that you can’t say is healthy or wonderful.” (c) William Morris

On video: room in the style of Japanese minimalism


Artificial lighting can greatly affect the appearance of a room. The Japanese prefer diffused light, using an acari lamp.. It has a lampshade made of bamboo and rice paper. Since the Japanese often designate rooms only with floor level or low partitions, this type of lighting is indispensable. With its help, only the desired part of the room is illuminated, while the rest remains immersed in pleasant twilight.


Despite the philosophy of minimalism, Japanese style allows for accessories to decorate the home, because any interior should not only be functional, but also expressive and sophisticated.

To increase the resemblance to the decoration of Japanese houses, you can purchase:

  • paintings with landscapes, engravings;
  • tea ceremony set;
  • miniature bonsai trees;
  • flashlights;
  • porcelain dishes, vases;
  • netsuke figures.

The walls can be decorated with majestic fans or paintings. But traditionally the wall should be decorated with one large picture so as not to distract attention. However, the Japanese have assigned a special place to accessories - a niche in the wall. In addition to the above items, you can put boxes, scrolls with wise sayings and interior dolls there.

Accessories bought in an antique store that have their own long history will look organic. But you can purchase items from modern Japanese collections and adapt them to your interior.

Interior features

A European who is not versed in this culture will be quite surprised and may not feel too comfortable visiting a representative of the land of the rising sun. After all, a traditional Japanese interior is created with the intention that a person will spend most of his time on the floor. Therefore, all pieces of furniture are located for greatest convenience when located on the floor.

Also unusual compared to Western cultures is the minimum number of rooms in a Japanese house. After all, many people are so accustomed to at least some kind of sound insulation. Immersion bathtubs are of interest - these are small, deep bathtubs with a seating area.. The Japanese believe that the sound of flowing water promotes a meditative mood, so water elements are an important aspect here.

Minimalism in the interior and features of the Japanese style (2 videos)

Ideas for decorating an apartment in Japanese style (35 photos)

It is the Japanese style in the interior that is most popular in the territory of the former Soviet Union, when compared with other styles of Eastern countries. And its peculiarity is the harmonious combination of all things. The Japanese philosophy is palpable, and how close man is to nature.

For the European population, Japanese beauty is something unusual. It does not, like ours, contain numerous family photos, souvenirs from other countries on the shelves, or paintings painted by famous artists. The style is quite ascetic; a lot of space and certain furniture are welcome here, which may seem unusual and even uncomfortable for many Europeans.

Japanese style in interior design. Who is it for?

First of all, it is suitable for those who are interested in Japanese philosophy. After all, if you are imbued with all the moral teachings and clergy of Japanese traditions and customs, you will be able to love this style, despite its shortcomings.

Also, the style will appeal to those who love nature and naturalness. For those who prefer minimalism, this style will appeal to them.

Japanese style house interior

According to philosophy, there are many different parts in it that are completely useless, and even ugly. This is precisely what explains the full rights of minimalism.

How close you are to nature will be expressed in the materials you choose for finishing your home. Here it is quite appropriate to use light versions of wood, rattan, bamboo, and matting.

Japanese style colors

But the interior of a Japanese-style apartment was created in order to meditate, relax and simply relax. Avoid using bright colors. Matte light shades, beige, are most appropriate here. Using dark shades (black, dark cherry, languid brown), you can accentuate interior elements and emphasize lines. An additional color can also be pure white.

Japanese-style interior layout and photos

Here, in principle, walls are completely unacceptable, so the layout should be free. In such interiors, walls are replaced by screens and curtains. The advantage of this method is that, if desired or necessary, you can make this or that room larger or smaller by spending a couple of hours on it.

The only drawback of this layout is the low level of sound insulation.

Choosing furniture

There should definitely be nothing superfluous here. The space is as free as possible. To prevent the interior from being overloaded, you should not choose too much furniture. The most necessary items are a sofa and a bed, chairs, tables. Chests of drawers, bedside tables, dressing tables, and cabinets will definitely not fit into the decor here. After all, in this style it is necessary to store in cabinets, which are arranged in niches. In addition, take into account the fact that when decorating a Japanese style in the interior, you should adhere to the rules not only in the interior, but also in everyday life! Accordingly, why do you need a large closet if you don’t have too many clothes?! By the way, some people store things directly in the chest, which they use as a seat.

As a rule, low furniture is used here, due to which they achieve weightlessness and lightness, filling the room with light and space. For furniture upholstery, it is necessary to choose eco-friendly, natural types of fabrics. Naturally, furniture is also made from natural materials. The outside of the furniture can be decorated by painting it with hieroglyphs.

Light and decor

For peace and relaxation, you should arrange dim lighting, for which the lampshades of lighting devices are made of rice paper and silk. Such materials help not only relax the light, but also make it softer.

There should be no accessories at all or the bare minimum for interior decoration. For example, for this you can use various fans, vases, Japanese-style boxes, netsuke, etc.

To connect with nature, you can use Japanese ikebana and dwarf bonsai trees.

35 photos of Japanese style interior

The Japanese style interior received its rebirth after the Second World War. New things and inventions required new forms, and suitable ones. And it turned out that Japanese traditional forms are quite consistent with them. Asymmetry, freedom in composition, practicality, functionality and the resulting beauty became the basis for a new look at modern design. And Japan confidently took one of the first places in this niche. Artists began to work not only in the porcelain and textile industries, but also received good positions in the design industry, as well as in many others. People from all over the world flock to Japan to study art. However, even the constant influx of new ideas and modern views into the country in the field of construction and architecture did not prevent Japan from maintaining its originality in everything, and design is no exception. Classic ideas and features still remain in every detail of Japanese interior design.

History of development

Japan has been a closed country for a very long time. Its culture developed for several centuries without receiving external influxes. As a result, an amazing original world of images and forms was created, where you can see the history of the people, their way of life, faith and philosophy.

The main distinguishing feature of Japanese culture is associativity, which is the cornerstone of the entire system of images. The Japanese are a very poetic people, and everything created by them carries several meanings and reflects the inner world of the creator, his views on the world.

The closed nature of the country was largely determined by the fact that Japan is an island. And closedness determined the character of the Japanese style - largely contemplative, able to derive pleasure from the beauty of nature. This can be seen not only in the interior, but also in art. The nature of Japan has attracted attention throughout time; moreover, the Japanese treat it as a living being that can feel and think.

The most accurate definition of a Japanese-style interior is microcosm, which means thoughtfulness, precision and completeness. However, these are only external features. Inside lies the harmony of nature and man, so every detail in the interior is meaningful.

The contrast of black, white and red, which are very common in emblems, is reminiscent of the samurai era. And the main source of inspiration for the Japanese is spring, the time of cherry blossoms. But every season has its own sources. In summer it is water and coolness, in autumn it is maple leaves, and in winter it is snow.

Sliding walls, screens, and partitions make it possible to change the area of ​​premises, and the Japanese do this not only out of necessity. More precisely, not the one that Europeans would see. For the Japanese, changing the size of a room can be associated with changes in weather, season, light and air flow. The entire life of the Japanese people is focused on harmony and unity in everything.

Main principles of oriental design

Design after World War II began to develop simultaneously with industry. All this happened very quickly, and Japan became one of the leaders in the fashion industry. Design has become an element of high demand, so Japan has found itself unrivaled in this industry. No one has been able to show such results, no one has ever encouraged artists and designers like this.

In a matter of years, Japan has caught up with the world leaders in this area, and today Japanese designers create things that are famous all over the world. Many have repeatedly tried to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Most often it is attributed to a centuries-old unshakable tradition. After all, foreigners in Japan are most struck by the sophistication and harmony in absolutely everything. Japanese design is based on a concept based on high functionality. If we look at Japanese housing of past centuries, we will see modularity and variation. But these qualities have become inherent in modern housing only in recent years.

The special style of the land of the rising sun developed along with the borrowing of the achievements of European countries in art and aesthetics. Creative rethinking and transformation of all achievements allowed design to develop rapidly. Researchers of Japanese style find its roots in European design, but none of them can pinpoint the exact date when this partial fusion of two cultures took place. Some give the date 1930, some 1901, some 1877, some 1955. Moreover, all researchers give fairly logical arguments.

The term “Japanese interior style” came to European countries relatively recently, after the Second World War. It was then that the understanding of this concept expanded. Before this, the native Japanese called this term by other words, such as “zuan” - project, “ise” - drawing, “kiye” - idea.

The Japanese love space, so the ideal option to increase the free space is to add an open terrace to the house

How to arrange an interior in Japanese style

Before answering this question, you should carefully study the main features and characteristics characteristic of this style. Japanese style is characterized by:

Laconic forms;
Connection with natural materials;
Availability of images of flowers and Japanese landscapes;
Use as basic, light colors and shades, for example, cream, beige, discreet white;
Use natural fabrics such as silk or cotton.

When decorating a room in Japanese style, natural materials are often used: straw, sisal, jute, bamboo. Low, light colors and smooth texture are used. Cabinets are used very rarely; they are replaced by niches created in the wall. there should be plenty of light in the room, but the light should be diffused. This is achieved with simple rice paper lampshades and akari lamps.

In the philosophy of this style, one should create lighting and highlight the twilight, bringing mystery to the room. Traditional accessories are also required for decoration: figures of dolls in kimonos, fans with an image of sakura, boxes, ceramics, bamboo rugs.

Often the decoration of the room is a hand-painted tea service, or ceramic dishes in national traditions, vases or figurines. The bonsai tree is also a symbol of immortality.

Of course, hieroglyphs are used in Japanese interiors; they decorate almost everything: bed linen, bedspreads, cabinets, etc., as well as dinnerware.

It should be noted that living in a Japanese-style room will not be comfortable for everyone. Here the space is perceived completely differently. As a rule, low surfaces are used for relaxation, since furniture with legs is not allowed. Rooms and apartments in the Japanese style look impersonal, because the style itself is quite ascetic. Here you will not find personal photographs, various little things or handicrafts that we are all so accustomed to.

However, with great desire, the Japanese style can be adapted to the interior familiar to a European. A traditional Japanese mattress is placed on a raised platform, a bed is placed, atypical pillows are added, and so on. The rooms also change: along with discreet colors, rich warm or even bright accents are used.

Furniture, lighting, textiles and materials

If the main elements of your interior are traditional, then in Japanese style everything is a little different. A special atmosphere is created by:

Small furniture, couches, poufs, low coffee tables, etc.;
in the form of a hieroglyph;
Rice paper lamps;
Themed accessories and decorations;
Ikebana, green bamboo or bonsai tree.

Japanese-style interior design is most suitable for a room that simultaneously serves as a bedroom and living room. This design option will allow you to unload the room as much as possible due to finishing materials, lighting and a set of furniture.

A classic Japanese house is divided not into rooms, but into zones that have their own functional meaning. The boundaries of the zones are indicated by furniture, screens, partitions made of glass or plywood.

As for the decoration, it is important to remember that the interior in the style of the rising sun does not accept artificial materials. All decorative elements must be made of natural wood, paper, and reed. The Japanese love natural colors, so their presence in the interior is mandatory.

To comply with Japanese traditions, it is necessary that the ceiling, walls, and floors be in muted beige, brown, green or black tones. The main surface of the wall is reserved for painting. In some areas it is possible to use wallpaper that imitates the texture of bamboo, reed or wood.

The work area in which the computer is located can be decorated with green wallpaper, reminiscent of grass. It is advisable to highlight the window space with a large plant pattern.

The ceiling in a Japanese interior should be made in warm colors. Glossy ceilings will visually increase its height, while a ceiling covered with clapboard can visually reduce the size of the room, but this will not make it less cozy.

Taking into account Japanese traditions, the floor in the room should be covered with mats. If they are absent, a laminate or carpet will do, matching the overall color scheme, but one tone darker or lighter than the walls.

Lighting. A lamp that imitates a paper lantern or a matte ball is suitable as the main lighting. You can highlight the area near the window with a low-power LED strip. With the main lighting turned off, this light will create a cozy atmosphere.

Furniture. This style does not like unnecessary things, so the furniture set should be minimal. It is enough for the room to have a sofa, a TV, and a low table. Japanese furniture is distinguished by its lightness and clear geometric shapes.

Banners with hieroglyphs, engravings by Japanese masters, ornamental plants or sakura bonsai will help to emphasize the laconicism of the oriental style.

An integral element of the decor of a Japanese home is mobile glass partitions. They make the space of the room lighter and more transparent.

Comfort and minimalism are the main principles of the Japanese oriental style

Japanese style in the interior is suitable for those who love comfort and value practicality, who like to create an atmosphere of calm and complete peace around themselves, who are able to feel and enjoy life, appreciating it every moment.

Maximum restraint, eclecticism and closeness to nature are the main principles of Japanese interior design. His philosophy carries the meaning of life and the problems of existence, and the characteristic features are so expressive that this style cannot but be confused with anything else.

Japanese style is not just beautiful decor and a fashionable design direction, it is a continuation of the philosophical worldview of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. A Japanese-style room personifies unity with nature, deep self-knowledge and orderliness in thoughts. If the room is decorated in a restrained Japanese style, there will be no unnecessary things, clutter, or excessive decoration.

The interior of the Japanese style is dominated by tranquility, cleanliness and harmony.

The Japanese style fits perfectly into domestic small-sized apartments, because the citizens of the empire are not spoiled by open spaces and are accustomed to harmoniously arranging their life on modest living spaces.

The interior for Japanese taste has a number of distinctive features that make it easily recognizable:

  • minimalism - the room lacks diversity and variety of colors, finishing materials, not to mention decorative accessories;
  • traditionally, the Japanese sit on the floor - they drink tea, talk, sleep on low futon mattresses, so there cannot be any high cabinets, tables or huge sofas in the room, there is only the necessary minimum of furniture in the room;

  • Hidden niches or transformable furniture are provided for storing things;
  • the geometry of the room changes thanks to light partitions or folding screens;
  • finishing materials are exclusively natural, no plastic.

Important! You should not confuse and mix Chinese and Japanese interiors with each other - despite the apparent similarity to a European, these design trends are very different.

How to choose the right colors

It doesn’t matter what kind of room is decorated in Japanese style, in any case, the colors must be chosen correctly. The palette is dominated by neutral light shades:

  • cream;
  • lactic;
  • beige;
  • pearl;
  • pale yellow;
  • grey.

The following are used as contrasting tones:

  • black;
  • pink;
  • dark brown;
  • cherry;
  • sometimes red and green.

This color scheme creates a feeling of calm, serenity, making the room space larger and brighter.

Finishing materials for walls, ceilings and floors

The design of a Japanese-style room does not require complex, labor-intensive and expensive surface finishing work, as well as the purchase of expensive finishing materials.

  • To create a calming mood, the following are used as wall coverings:
  • painting on plastered surfaces;
  • wallpaper made of bamboo or paper;
  • combined option - painted walls are partially covered with wooden rectangular panels, coarse mesh lattice or symmetrically arranged slats;

pasting with rice panels;

  • In modern Japanese-style rooms, a combined wall decoration option looks good
  • delimiting the space, one wall of the room or part of it can be lined with stone mosaics or natural stone tiles;
  • one wall can be highlighted with a painting repeating traditional Japanese motifs - hieroglyphs, chrysanthemums, Fuji, plot drawings;

the emphasis on one wall can be made using photo wallpaper with natural or plant images (bamboo thickets, snow-capped mountains).

A Japanese-style room (photos of the most beautiful rooms can be seen in the article) always seems more spacious than it actually is. The reason is that the walls and wooden inserts are made light, which visually increases the area.

An important element of the Japanese interior is partitions and screens; over many centuries in the Land of the Rising Sun they have learned to make them in different ways:

  1. A design called “fusuma” is made up of thin wooden slats that are covered with rice paper or thin cloth, and a design is applied to them for decoration. This screen folds easily, saving space.

  1. “Shoji” is the name of the sliding partition. The frame is wooden or bamboo slats covered with paper.

Modern partitions are made of chipboard, MDF, wood, even plastic imitating wood, decorated with inserts of frosted or transparent tinted glass. With the help of screens and partitions, the room is demarcated into relaxation and work areas, reduced or enlarged, and combined with a kitchen or hallway.

The ceiling in a room decorated in Japanese style is never pretentious or structurally complex. Designers advise using one of the following options for finishing the ceiling:

  • a simple stretch ceiling that matches the tone of the wall covering;
  • built-in plasterboard without complex elements in the form of square panels;
  • ceiling modules.

An excellent design method that allows you to simultaneously install the necessary lighting is to make a suspended ceiling by integrating wooden square frames with lighting.

For flooring, only natural materials are used, most often wooden or bamboo boards or laminate. The color of the floor can be either dark, contrasting with the color of the walls, or light, matching the wall covering. In any room, mats or rugs made from materials such as:

  • sisal;
  • bamboo;
  • jute;
  • agave.

However, tatami mats are the most popular. They are made from golden straw, the edges are trimmed with ribbons, the service life of such a rug is 6-12 months, after which replacement is required. Traditionally, tatami mats are laid on the floor so that they do not butt together, without overlapping.

Japanese-style room for a teenage girl

Children's rooms are often decorated in Japanese style, as this guarantees a safe living space for the child, creates an environment conducive to the development of creative abilities and looks original.

The decoration of the room uses exclusively natural materials, the basic colors are cream, beige, which in a girl’s room can be diluted with pink, cherry or blue. Tatami or sisal rugs are appropriate on the floor in a nursery.

A good decoration for a children's room would be wall painting; the drawing could depict cherry blossoms or a landscape in a graphic manner.

When choosing furniture for a children's room, you should choose durable wooden products:

  • the closet is low, elongated horizontally, or replace it with a dressing room, separating it from the room with screens;
  • Desktop;
  • Instead of a low bed, you can put a special soft futon mattress on the floor, which can easily be turned into a chair, a place to play, or rolled up and put away.

You can decorate a room in Japanese style with your own hands; the photos in our article will help you in this exciting task. Such work will not require significant material costs and even a teenager can do it, although the help of adults will not hurt:

  • on a neutral-colored wall, black and white painting is done in the style of anime or manga, popular Japanese comics;
  • apply anime graffiti style drawings to the wall;
  • hang replaceable posters;
  • display a collection of characters from your favorite TV series in a prominent place.

Various details will support stylistic unity:

  • light low table;
  • an open bookcase to accommodate books and toys;
  • a lacquered cabinet or a small chest of drawers for small items under a mirror in a simple frame.

In the room of a teenage girl who is fond of Japanese style, a variety of technical innovations, located in a prominent place (home theater, stereo system, game consoles, etc.) will be appropriate.

Japanese bedroom

The bedroom looks somewhat ascetic, but in this brevity there is calm and tranquility.

A closet for things should not be too large and cumbersome; it is better to adapt part of the room for storing things, turning it into a niche, or build the closet so that it looks like part of the wall.

On a note! A Japanese-style bed is chosen low, on a wooden frame, without intricate decorations, or it is successfully replaced by a mattress placed on a wooden podium, under which a retractable storage system can be installed.

Bedside tables and dressing tables should have clear shapes:

  • rectangular;
  • horizontally elongated;
  • without decorative elements;
  • made of dark or light polished wood.

The headboard of the bed looks beautiful, decorated with photo wallpaper, black and white pattern or wallpaper imitating the texture of rice paper, sisal or straw. Windows must be covered with thick cotton sliding curtains. Photos of the interior of a Japanese-style room will help you choose a bedroom design option.

Living room in Japanese style

If you really want to create a Japanese room, you should completely abandon furniture, replacing sofas with tatami, and slides and chests of drawers with open niches. However, the modern adaptation of the Japanese style looks interesting and allows you to combine interior details, combining the comfortable conditions of Europe and Asia.

In a Japanese living room, you should abandon the huge sofas and deep armchairs, replacing them with clearly defined low sofas with low legs. The color of the furniture necessarily contrasts with the decoration of the walls, so furniture items can be dark, cherry, black or gray, and always monochromatic. Soft floor cushions look authentic and are easy to use - instead of the usual chairs.

It is necessary to place a low rectangular table on which it is convenient to serve tea. If the living room area allows, then a bonsai or a compact rock garden in a wooden box is placed on a small table, standing alone.

Nuance! One of the features of Japanese interiors is niches.

The main niche - tokonoma - is intended for storing the most expensive things, it could be a vase, a calligraphic inscription on a scroll or ikebana according to the season. In other niches located on the walls instead of shelves and racks, books, figurines, vases, and household appliances are kept.

Miniature shelves, lacquered chests of drawers and boxes will help you place the necessary things and decorate the interior. However, you should not overload the space with an excessive number of accessories, remembering the laconicism of Japanese life. Various photos will help you choose the right furniture items and arrange them. The design of a Japanese-style room is emphasized by sliding curtains made of silk or cotton, lamps with shades made of frosted glass or rice paper, carpets made of sisal, straw, and jute.

The interior of the Japanese style is dominated by tranquility, cleanliness, and harmony. Man silently accepts all manifestations of nature, the land of the rising sun...

Being among decorative objects and furnishings that interact with one another, you find yourself in an atmosphere of serenity and charm, and all this creates a delicate balance and leads you to infinity.

Wanting to see this philosophy in your home and understand Is the Japanese interior style the harmony for you? which this style creates and shapes, it is necessary to consider what components it consists of and why great aesthetic power overwhelms its interior.

There are no contradictions in the Japanese style; its main rule is “nothing superfluous or random.” A space in which harmony is maximized, and in the foreground the beauty of nature made of natural materials, creates a respectful atmosphere in the form of refined lines and laconic forms. All this is in tune with nature, which is what the Japanese nation strives for in its religion.

Attributes of Japanese style - partitions

Wooden sliding doors, The partitions on both sides are made of rice paper. They protect the house from the sun and rain, filling it with a matte glow. For good air movement on a hot day, use a reed grille, the so-called yoshido partition. These partitions allow you to erase the boundaries between rooms as much as possible and carefully and immerse you in natural bliss.

Fusuma partitions are made of thin frame and rice paper, they perform the function of combining or dividing space. Typically, such screens are decorated with pictures of flowering trees, dancing geishas or militant samurai. They also serve as wall cabinets and are similar to modern wardrobes.

The main compositional center of a classic Japanese house is the center of the home, which is usually located here. squat, low table, cotton futon mattress, depending on what the room is intended for. Chest cabinets, ikebana, paper floor lamps are located around the perimeter.

Japanese style interior - life on the floor...

It is not easy for a European person to live in a Japanese interior. Because everything here is designed for living on the floor, all the objects in the rooms are located in such a way that they are convenient to use while sitting. In Japanese planning, there is a minimum number of rooms that are necessary for human life and are used mainly for protection from the sun or bad weather.

To this day, the Japanese maintain traditional housing parameters, despite new technologies. Tatami mat serves as a kind of module for organizing space (90x180x5 cm). They are made from long straw ribbons, stuffed with straw, and then covered with a strip of fabric. Their use is ubiquitous.

Japanese interior color scheme

In the color scheme of the Japanese style, natural tones occupy first place. rice paper, water lily, green beige bamboo, light birch, black ash, dark walnut, sakura color. Pink-brown, cherry, black and white tones are used for contrast.

Japanese style walls and ceiling

The color scheme of the walls and ceiling is in matte and pastel colors, which is the basis for contrasting furniture, decorative panels, and engravings.

Roll coverings use natural materials to hide uneven walls, These are products made from wood veneer, cork, grass, rice paper and they are in no way suitable for wet rooms. For our premises, materials that imitate those listed above are usually used.

Japanese style floors

European floors are different from Japanese style floors. Wooden floors only in the hallway and kitchen. The remaining rooms are filled with tatami about strict rules: folding bars is not allowed, they are positioned so that the corners should not converge from three or four tatami mats - this can bring misfortune to the house.

In our premises, to maintain the Japanese style, we use materials with natural texture: rattan, light matting wood, bamboo, river pebbles.

Textiles and accessories in Japanese style

  • An indispensable attribute of Japanese style is nature itself, which means only natural materials, imitation matting, sakura branches, bamboo. Restraint is the main Japanese style, and it also applies to the arrangement of accessories.
  • Tokonome is a niche, which are an accent in Japanese style decor, they contain various objects. And these exhibitions are constantly changing depending on changes in the life of the Japanese, whether it’s a change of year or a holiday. Japanese dolls will create the necessary color.
  • The main items of Japanese style are using rice paper bamboo, matte ceramics, cane stands, a combination of black and rich red. Fans are used to decorate walls.
  • If you decide to create a Japanese style, do not forget about the philosophy of “YIN and YANG” This requires a contrast of light and dark. This can be achieved by creating a contrast between the furniture and the walls with accessories.

European design is influenced by the culture and philosophy of Japan and this gives a huge impetus to understanding the role of man in the world around us, raising it to new stages of progress and new rounds of development.

Interior in Japanese style - photo

If everything we talk about gives you a feeling of comfort and tenderness, then consider this idea and be prepared to change your interior to match this philosophy. Feel free to start the experiment.

But if you are not ready to change something or bring something new into your interior, then don’t rush into your choice of Japanese style. All this may turn out to be alien, and you risk losing your external internal harmony with the world, and this is a direct contradiction in Japanese philosophy. But so that you can make the right decision, let’s look at what actually shapes this style.

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