How to make jam in a slow cooker. Apple jam for the winter in a slow cooker: a very simple and quick recipe. Lemon jam in a slow cooker

Jam is an incredibly tasty, jelly-like dessert made from fruits and berries. But unlike jam, it has a uniform consistency. Jam can be eaten with buns, ice cream, casseroles, pancakes, pancakes, added to pies and other baked goods. Jam prepared in a slow cooker retains a maximum of nutrients and vitamins.


  1. Blackcurrant - 1 kg
  2. Pectin - 1 sachet
  3. Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.


  • Wash and sort the currants. Remove twigs, leaves and bad berries. Dry the currants. Pour the berries into a blender, add 1/3 of the sugar and grind everything until smooth.
  • Pour the resulting mass into the multicooker bowl, add pectin and mix thoroughly. Turn on the “Soup” mode and cook for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes, the currant mass should boil, then pour in the remaining sugar and continue cooking for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  • Ready-made currant jam can be served with baked goods, or rolled into sterilized jars for the winter.

Making strawberry jam


  1. Strawberries - 1 kg
  2. Walnuts - 300 g
  3. Sugar - 0.5 kg
  4. Water - 250 ml


  • Sort the strawberries, remove the stems and rinse thoroughly. Place the berries in a colander and let the water drain.
  • Place the strawberries and shelled walnuts in a blender, add 1/3 of the sugar and blend the ingredients until smooth.
  • Pour the strawberry mixture into the multicooker bowl, add the remaining sugar and water. Set the “Stew” program and cook the strawberry jam for an hour.
  • Roll the finished jam into jars and store in a cool place.

Cherry jam for the delight of those with a sweet tooth


  1. Cherry - 1 kg
  2. Lemon - 3 pcs.
  3. Sugar - 0.5 kg


  • Place the cherries in a colander, rinse and remove seeds and stems. Grind the berries in a blender.
  • Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Place all the ingredients (except sugar) into the multicooker bowl, set the “Stew” or “Soup” mode and cook for at least 20 minutes.
  • Then add sugar, bring the mixture to a boil and mix everything thoroughly. Next, cook the cherry jam with the lid open for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly and skimming off the foam.
  • The jam should be quite thick. Afterwards, cool the delicacy, then pour into jars and store in a cool place.

Apple jam - an all-time classic


  1. Apples - 1.5 kg
  2. Sugar - 700 g
  3. Citric acid - 1 tsp.


  • Peel the apples from seeds and peel, cut them into small pieces and grind in a blender.
  • Transfer the apple mixture to a multicooker bowl, add sugar and citric acid. Turn on the multicooker “Baking” mode and bring the mixture to a boil with the lid closed.
  • Then switch the multicooker to the “Stew” mode and cook for about 40 minutes. During cooking, be sure to stir occasionally.
  • If you wish, you can add cinnamon, cardamom or ginger to the jam. Serve the finished apple jam with tea.

Fruit jam for dessert


  1. Apples - 3 pcs.
  2. Pear - 2 pcs.
  3. Figs - 7 pcs.
  4. Brown sugar - ¼ tbsp.
  5. Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  6. Ground cloves - ¼ tsp.
  7. Ground cardamom - ¼ tsp.
  8. Honey - 1 tsp.


  • Peel all the fruits, cut into small pieces and place in a slow cooker. Add honey and cook the jam in the “Soup” mode until the apples and pears are completely softened. Mash the fruit with a fork until it becomes a smooth puree. Add sugar, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. Mix everything well.
  • Cook the jam for about 2 hours. As a result, you should have a fruit puree with a smooth texture. Fruit jam can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks or frozen in the freezer.
  • Serve jam with tea or add to baked goods.

Apricot jam


  1. Dried apricots - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  3. Water - 3 tbsp.
  4. Grated ginger - 1 tsp.
  5. Ground cinnamon - 2 tsp.


  • Wash the dried apricots, dry them, chop them and put them in a slow cooker. Add water, sugar, ginger and cinnamon. Cook the jam with the lid closed in the “Soup” or “Stew” mode for 1.5 hours.
  • During the cooking process, do not forget to stir the ingredients. When the time is up, open the lid and cook the jam for another 2 hours, stirring from time to time.
  • Transfer the apricot jam into hot, sterilized jars and seal them. It can be stored in the refrigerator for one month.

Orange jam for gourmets


  1. Oranges - 7 pcs.
  2. Lemon - 2 pcs.
  3. Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.


  • Cut 1 orange in half and grate the zest from it. Do the same with lemon. Peel the rest of the oranges too, but you won't need the peel.
  • Cut the orange pulp into 8 parts and each into 3 parts. Do the same with lemons. To prevent the jam from becoming bitter, remove the white films from the citrus fruits.
  • Place the prepared fruits in the multicooker bowl, add sugar, and close the lid. Set the “Baking” mode, wait until it boils and cook the jam for about 30 - 40 minutes.
  • If you want to get a completely homogeneous mass, you need to beat the fruits with a blender before cooking.


Apple jam is a truly unique and very tasty dish. At the same time, few people know that the cheaper and more sour the apples used to prepare it, the tastier and more aromatic the delicacy will be. Slightly spoiled fruits, as well as carrion, are perfect for jam.However, you will first need to remove all damaged areas and sort out the fruits.

If there is not a lot of fruit, you can quickly prepare aromaticapple jam in the Polaris slow cooker, since this device works like a pressure cooker. Thanks to this cooking technique, the beneficial substances do not have time to evaporate.

The main difference between jam and the usual jam is its structure. For example, apple jam should be translucent and definitely viscous, reminiscent of jelly in consistency. That is whyapple jam in a slow cookeris prepared in several stages:

  1. First, the fruit is washed and the peel and core are removed, since the seeds should not get into the jam.
  2. Then the skin is laid out on the bottom of the multicooker and water is poured in (1 tbsp.).
  3. The “Cooking” mode is turned on, the timer is set for 20 minutes - you need to allow the liquid to boil thoroughly.
  4. As a result, pectins begin to be released from the peel, which give the desired thickness to the jam. Most pectin can be obtained from green varieties of apples, which have fairly thick skin.
  5. After the liquid becomes thicker, dense foam will begin to appear - it must be removed and the broth set aside.
  6. Further Apple jam in a multicooker RedmondIt’s even easier to prepare – turn on the “Stew” mode.
  7. The fruits are cut into cubes (the core must be removed in advance) and placed approximately 2/3 full in the bowl of the device.
  8. Close the lid and set the timer to 60 minutes.
  9. It is important to remember that the more sour the apples, the greater the amount of sugar you need to add - approximately 500 g of sugar is taken per 6 liter multicooker bowl.
  10. Planning to cookapple jam in a slow cooker for the winter, you should not add too much sugar, as it will turn out very sugary and will not be transparent.
  11. After 40 minutes, open the lid and mix the apple mixture well.
  12. Next, remove the valve, close the lid of the device and set the “Baking” mode.
  13. Periodically (about once every 10 minutes) you need to open the lid and stir the mass so that the jam does not burn.
  14. After about an hour, the mass will thicken and acquire the correct consistency, the color of the jam will turn amber.
  15. If preparing apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter, it is poured into sterile jars, tightly closed with a lid and left to cool. As soon as the jam has cooled, it can be sent to the cellar for storage.

To diversify the taste of this delicacy, you can use additional ingredients, for example:

  • adding a little cinnamon is a win-win option, because the aroma of this spice will make the taste of the jam original and unique (do not add too much spice);
  • turns out incredibly tastyapple and orange jam in a slow cookere, it is recommended to add a little lemon zest, which adds a slight bitterness to the delicacy, and the acid removes the cloying if too much sugar has been added;
  • vanillin or vanilla goes well with apple jam and gives the dessert a unique aroma;
  • Gooseberries would be an excellent addition, as they contain a lot of pectin, and the light sourness goes well with the taste of apples;
  • pear goes perfectly with apples, and the appearance of the jam is bright and original;
  • nuts should only be added at the end of cooking, as they can greatly change the texture of the jam, but at the same time make the taste bright and interesting.

  • When preparing this dish, you cannot pour more raw materials than 2/3 of the volume of the device’s bowl. This is explained by the fact that during the cooking process, jam tends to increase slightly in volume. If the entire bowl is filled, the apples may simply stick to the top lid and the device will be completely damaged. By always following this simple advice, you can easily avoid such trouble.
  • Almost any apple jam recipe quickly turns into jam, which is very easy to prepare using a slow cooker. However, in this case it is necessary to halve the volume of water and slightly adjust the duration of preparation of the treat.
  • When preparing apple jam in a multicooker, it is important to periodically lift the lid and be sure to remove any foam that has formed. It is thanks to this that this recipe is practically no different from the classic version using a stove.
  • Not everyone likes jam with apple cubes, so you can first chop the apples until you get a smooth puree. The finished jam is thicker, but no less tasty. This jam can be used to fill rolls or other types of desserts.
  • To make the consistency of the jam thicker, about three minutes before the end of cooking, add gelatin, previously dissolved in cold water at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. liquid, take 5 g of gelatin per 1 kg of apples.
  • Depending on the type of fruit chosen, the taste of the finished delicacy will vary. For example, sour fruits will make the jam taste fresher; red-sided apples will give a darker tint, unlike green fruits. The juiciness of the apples affects the consistency of the jam.

One of the advantages of apple jam is the ability to experiment, because it is almost impossible to spoil this dish. Thanks to the use of a multicooker, the cooking process is greatly simplified, since now it is not necessary to stand at the stove for several hours and waste precious time. Each housewife can invent her own recipe for apple jam, adding any components, making its consistency thicker and denser, or liquid.


  • apples – about 1 kg or 500 g peeled
  • sugar – 200 gr
  • water – 1 + 1/3 cup
  • pectin – 1 sachet (can be replaced with marmalade or jam thickener)

The end of summer, the beginning of autumn is just the right time to think about winter supplies. After all, nature offers a huge assortment of fruits and berries from which you can make preserves, jams, etc. During the cold season, it’s so nice to treat yourself to something tasty and sweet. Apple jam and jam are especially popular among winter twists. There are usually a lot of them in the garden or at the market and the choice is great: small, large, sour, sweet. Therefore, making apple jam in the fall is more important than ever.

Probably every housewife has her own recipe for making this twist, because apple jams are very diverse. Each recipe has some peculiarities and secrets in the preparation process. For my family, I often make just apple jam in a slow cooker without any other fruits or berries. Try it too and please your loved ones with the delicate taste of the dessert.

Today I will offer readers of the site a very simple way to make apple jam for the winter in a slow cooker. I have a Panasonic-18 model, but many other multi-assistants have modes suitable for jamming. Read the recipe further and you will see for yourself.

Cooking method

  1. To prepare apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter, we first need the apples themselves. You should choose the fruits that you like, but keep in mind: if they are sweet, then you don’t need to add a lot of sugar; and if they are sour, then depending on the taste of the jam you want to get, you need to adjust the amount of sugar yourself. And yet, to make jam it is better to use soft fruits - the softer the apples you take, the more puree the jam will be.

    So, wash the apples and peel them.

  2. Remove the core and cut the apples into medium pieces. You can use a knife, or you can use a large grater attachment. I like to have pieces of apples in the jam, so I cut them larger. I didn’t weigh the exact amount of unpeeled apples, but when I peeled them and cut out the core, I weighed 500 grams.

  3. Place the chopped apples in the multicooker bowl.

  4. Add sugar and pour a glass of water. For lovers of oriental aromas, you can add a little cinnamon powder and grated orange zest.

    Set the multicooker to “Baking” mode for 30 minutes.

  5. While the apples are cooking, dilute the pectin in 1/3 cup of water.

    If you are not yet familiar with pectin, then I hasten to inform you that with this additive any jam will acquire a more jelly-like consistency, and will also partially replace the properties of sugar. Preparing apple jam in a slow cooker with pectin will allow you to get a sweet preparation with a lower calorie content, as well as preserve nutrients and vitamins from apples. Pectin is an absolutely safe food additive of natural origin; it can be used to make amazing jams, preserves, and marshmallows.

  6. After 30 minutes, the multicooker will turn off. Pour the diluted pectin into the apple mass and turn on the “Pilaf” mode. This is necessary so that the jam evaporates and there is no excess liquid left in it. Cook until the beep sounds. This will take about 40 minutes.

  7. Now the apple jam in the slow cooker is ready. Place it hot in pre-prepared sterilized jars (they can also be evaporated in a multicooker in a steaming container) and leave to cool, wrapped in a towel or blanket. Then we send the jars of jam to the cellar or pantry to wait for their time.

    From the specified number of apples I got 1 liter of jam.

This apple jam, prepared in a slow cooker, is great as a filling for pies, but you can simply eat it with a spoon or spread it on, washed down with tea or milk. Apple jam is also perfect as an addition to natural yogurt, which, by the way, can also be prepared in a slow cooker. Bon appetit!

Apples are rich in various vitamins and other beneficial substances. They cannot be stored in the freezer, so they are used to make preparations for the winter in the form of jams and preserves.

There are few people who will refuse a bun with a sweet apple dessert. Products made from these fruits, made at enterprises, are not as tasty as apple jam prepared in a slow cooker. The whole process takes little time if you follow simple recipes.

Cooking features

Jam can be prepared in a pressure cooker or in a slow cooker. All models differ from each other, the program is selected from the following:

  • stewing;
  • jam;
  • bakery.

Those housewives who already have a special mode for jam in this kitchen appliance simply follow the instructions for the multicooker. But if there is no such program, use a universal one - “quenching”. The amount of apples and sugar is selected by everyone independently, since the volume of the bowls is different for all models.

Selection of apples for jam

If you plan to make jam with apple slices, then the fruits are selected not overripe and without damage. Any juicy apples of normal ripeness are suitable for granular.

The fruits are washed and peeled, the core is removed. For one part of apples, it is enough to add half as much sugar.

On your own plot, all the fruits are healthy, without chemicals. But if they are purchased in stores, then you should pay attention to such a sign of unreliable products as a glossy peel without the slightest flaws.

As a rule, harmful substances are most contained in the skin and you can get rid of them if you simply remove it from the fruit. But it’s still better to choose fresh ones grown without nitrates.

Methods for making apple jam in a slow cooker

You can cook a delicacy from apple fruits in any model of multicooker. Below are several recipes that simply following will bring excellent results.

Five Minute Recipe

To prepare this wonderful amber jam, you need apples and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. If the fruit is very sweet, then less granulated sugar will be needed. According to the recipe, take 1 kg of ingredients.

The fruits are thoroughly washed and dried. They are peeled from the cores and cut into slices. Place the apples in the slow cooker and turn on the “stewing” program for 1 hour. After 20 minutes, add sugar to the bowl and mix with the apple pieces.

The finished jam is poured into pre-sterilized jars.

Clear jam

In order to cook this dessert, you need:

  1. Apples - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 800 g.
  3. Water - 2–3 l.
  4. Vanillin and cinnamon.

For future jam, juicy and large fruits are selected. In general, all varieties are suitable, but if you come across sour apples, it is better to increase the amount of granulated sugar to 1 kg.

Due to the fact that the fruits are cut into slices, even damaged specimens are taken and collected from the ground. They are washed well under running water, dents and stains are removed. Next, they are cut into slices and the cores are discarded.

Peeled and crushed fruits are placed in a basin of water, in which 1 tsp is pre-dissolved. citric acid. This procedure is necessary in order to protect the apples from darkening when exposed to air.

The slices are taken out and dried, then mixed with sugar. Pour 1 tbsp into the multicooker bowl. water and apples in sugar. Cook the product with the lid off, stirring with a wooden spoon every 5 minutes.

To start, select the “stewing” or “cooking” program. On average, it takes half an hour to prepare jam. After this time, vanilla and cinnamon are added to the bowl, the lid is closed, and the dessert is cooked for another 5 minutes.


To prepare you need to take:

  1. Apples - 2 kg.
  2. Sugar - 2 kg.
  3. Cinnamon - 2 sticks or 2 tsp.

Ripe and firm fruits are selected for jam. They are washed under running warm water and cut into slices or pieces together with the skin. The core is completely removed.

The prepared apples are transferred to the multicooker bowl, covered with granulated sugar, the ingredients are carefully mixed and left for 5 hours so that the sugar mixes with the apple juice.

After the specified amount of time, cinnamon is added to the bowl, after which the future delicacy begins to be cooked. The “quenching” mode is selected on the display. At the first stage, the apples are cooked in syrup for about 10 minutes.

A total of 3 approaches are performed, each lasting 10 minutes. If the multicooker has a “Multicook” mode, then you can select it for jam. The temperature is set at 100 degrees.

While the apple dessert is being prepared, it is not stirred, but only the slices are carefully immersed in the syrup with a wooden spoon. Each subsequent cooking helps thicken the syrup, and the fruits eventually become transparent.

Hot jam is placed in clean, sterilized and dry jars. The containers are rolled up with metal lids.


After preparing the jam and cooling it, the jars are stored in a cool place for the winter. Basements and cellars are considered the most favorable for placing workpieces. But even at room temperature, nothing will happen to the jam. It retains its beneficial and tasteful qualities for 2 years.

If the apple harvest is large and you can’t eat all the fruits, you can make aromatic jam from them in a slow cooker. This sweet dessert is perfect with pancakes, pancakes and just tea. Baking with it turns out amazing. Both adults and children eat jam with pleasure.

Everyone in our family loves to enjoy delicious, properly prepared jam in the winter. This can be jam from strawberries, apricots, raspberries, blueberries, pears and any other fruit. The fruit itself doesn't matter as much as the fact that the jam must actually be jam. Unfortunately, the correct consistency of this delicious delicacy is not always obtained. Then it becomes so frustrating to have wasted products. And the most annoying thing is that nothing can be fixed.

For many housewives, jam is still an uncharted desert and they have no choice but to purchase the coveted jars of this sweetness in the store. But if you have a multicooker in your house, it will save you! You can use it to make amazing jam! And today we will tell you how to do this.

Apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter - recipe.

Let's prepare the following ingredients for apple jam:
- sweet and sour apples – 750 g.,
- granulated sugar – 300 g.,
- citric acid – 3 g.

How to cook with photos step by step

So, it will take only 1.5 hours to prepare apple jam in a slow cooker, and in the end you will get perfectly prepared jam according to all the rules! First, rinse all the apples thoroughly under running cold water. Place them in a colander and let the water drain. Then, using a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife, remove all the skin. Cut the apples in half and also remove the seed chambers.

Cut the apples into not too fine cubes.

We put them all into the bowl of the Philips multicooker.

Add granulated sugar and citric acid to the apples. Using the “menu” button, select the “baking” mode. In this mode, bring the mixture to a boil. Then turn it off and switch to the “quenching” mode. In this mode, simmer the apple jam in the slow cooker for one hour. Then we put it in clean and dry jars and seal them with boiled lids. Let cool and store in a cool place.

We have already made delicious apple jam for the winter using this recipe; it’s amazing what a pleasant taste and consistency it has, isn’t it? And we’ll also tell you a little secret, we noticed that when preparing jams and preserves in small portions, they turn out much tastier than when preparing large volumes. So decide for yourself what portions you will prepare these delicacies, and we hope that very soon we will share with you more recipes for making jams and preserves from other fruits!

Author: arivederchy
Let us remind you that last time we cooked

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