If the house is at the crossroads of 3 roads. Crossroad magic. Signs and beliefs about crossroads

Some "occult" subtleties.

On the full moon and new moon, the strength of the crossroads increases.

1) The first - the nearest intersection to your house - involves the "reference" of the relevant items (money) to solve mainly family and domestic relations (during daylight hours).
2) The second - for rituals of a romantic orientation (love spells, lapels) - from sunset to the beginning of a new day.
3) The third one will help to positively resolve the financial (commercial) side of this issue (in the morning).
4) The fourth - will assist in the return of money (any debt) by the debtor - at the beginning of a new day.
5) The fifth - is intended to punish your offender (enemy, ill-wisher) - at any time of the day.
6) The sixth - to bring good luck to your side (directly at sunrise and throughout this period).

To date, a lot of information has been collected on how to summon the Spirit. But just a little information on how to summon the Demon of the Crossroads. With the help of a special Ritual, black Mages receive answers from the Demon of the Crossroads to three questions. He always tells the Mage who summoned him the truth and is not mistaken. If you have never encountered this, then I can say: The ritual is not for the faint of heart and is held at midnight in the cemetery. From fear, you can forget, in fact, why he was called at all. All about crossroads. Well, almost everything...

Intersections differ in the number of roads:
- T-shaped intersections are practically not suitable for work. You can ignore them - in fact, these are not even intersections.
- A crossroads, where from one point, as it were, three roads go in different directions, at approximately the same angle, they are mainly used for witchcraft.
- A standard intersection is the intersection of 2 roads - suitable for almost any ritual.
- There are 3 road intersections that have great power.
- There is a so-called "Devil's Crossroads". "Devil's Crossroads" is the intersection of three dirt roads, that is, an intersection of the W-shaped form. At such a crossroads, a black ritual is performed.
- There are also 5 and 7 road intersections, they are very strong, but it is not so easy to find them.
- Hekate rules the Y-junctions.
- There are ceremonies in which the pedestrian crossing is indicated. But to a greater extent, these are ordinary crossroads.

Signs and beliefs about crossroads.

Crossroads have long had a bad reputation. A lot of signs are associated with this feature of the intersections. And all because at the crossroads people get rid of diseases and troubles. They go to the crossroads in order to tell fortunes, punish the enemy or communicate with evil spirits. Most people consider this attitude towards intersections to be mere superstition. They believe that if you don't shake these fears, then nothing will happen. And those people who have hypersensitivity claim that, when crossing the intersection, they feel the presence of a certain force that requires respect.

Do not pick up anything at the crossroads - you will find trouble.
This sign is considered fundamental. We can say that this is not even a sign, but a rule that must be strictly observed. In magic, there are a lot of rites and rituals when all sorts of things, money and even jewelry are left at the crossroads in order to get rid of problems and diseases, poverty and failures. And the more expensive the little thing you pick up at the crossroads, the more trouble you will call on your head. Everything that someone else was freed from, you will take on yourself, only more and to a greater extent. Therefore, whatever you see at the intersection of two roads, never lift, even if you really need it, otherwise ...

Do not eat at the crossroads - you will swallow the demon.
Crossroads is a very energetically powerful zone. And this energy is far from positive. Crossroads are often used in black magic. And every person who is at least a little familiar with the peculiarities of esoteric science knows that when we eat, we absorb not only physical food, but also its energy. That is, during the meal, both our physical body and the astral body are fed. It is to the astral body of our food that lower entities can become attached, which will then live in you and spoil your life. It is extremely difficult to get rid of such settlers, so it is better not to lead to such problems. Eat where the necessary conditions exist for this.

Do not count money at the crossroads - they will not be found. Very often, a person who is in a hurry to catch a bus, trolleybus or other transport tries to prepare money for travel on the go. He does not even pay attention to what is currently crossing the intersection. Especially if the intersection is not busy and the danger of colliding with vehicles is minimal. You can't do that! First, it's still dangerous. After all, the car can jump out at you as if from under the ground, and you will not be ready because of your inattention. And secondly, monetary energy does not like crossroads. Crossroads have the peculiarity of drawing their energy into themselves. And all because very often money is thrown at the crossroads in order to pay off something. Therefore, you should not open your wallet at the crossroads, take out money and count them - the crossroads can eat up the monetary energy of your wallet, and sooner or later you will be left with nothing.

Do not yawn at the crossroads - you will live with the devil. Many mistakenly associate this sign with their precious half. They think that their husband or wife will behave violently and inadequately. However, this is wrong. This sign is true for someone who had the imprudence to yawn at a crossroads. The explanation is essentially the same as in the sign about food at the crossroads. Only the process of moving in is somewhat different. Even scientists have proven that during a yawn, as well as during a sneeze, a person experiences a micro-fainting, or something like a light trance. Opening your mouth in this state, you open access to evil spirits in your body. Therefore, it is quite possible that you can leave the intersection already with a neighbor in your body. Try to be patient until you cross the intersection. Cross yourself and yawn as much as you like. Just remember that you still need to cover your mouth with your hand - this is both a rule of decency and protection from "uninvited guests."

At three crossroads, make a wish - it will come true. Perhaps this is the only positive sign that is associated with intersections. Some will say that this is a superstition. Well, let him think so. But only it has already been verified by many generations that if you go through three intersections in a row and make the same wish at each one, then it will certainly come true. It is only desirable to do this constantly. Firstly, the powerful energy of the crossroads gives strength to your desire. And secondly, by constantly making the same wish, you are programming your subconscious to realize this desire. But each of us knows that if you really want something and constantly think about it, then sooner or later the dream will come true. As you can see, no superstition, only the realities of life.

Do not go through the center of the intersection - life will change for the worse. Crossroads is a unique place. In the center of the crossroads, the forces of the four cardinal directions converge. If you stand in the center of the crossroads, knowing certain words, then you can attract happiness, luck and prosperity from all sides. But if you stand in the same place when you don’t know what to say, then you can, on the contrary, dissolve your happiness, luck and well-being in all four directions. And what will you be left with? When an unknowing person simply passes through the center of an intersection, he does not immediately lose everything. But, doing so regularly, he loses bit by bit all of the above. Therefore, do not tempt fate - cross the intersection as expected. In addition, if it is wrong to cross a car intersection, it can also be dangerous.

If you want to get rid of the disease, go to the crossroads. Even in ancient times, when paganism existed in Rus', and no one even heard of Christianity, this sign existed. The Magi taught how to get rid of the disease of those people who were seriously ill. A sick person had to go to the crossroads and, crossing its center, loudly shout out the name of the disease that he wants to get rid of. So it was necessary to do the whole lunar month, from the new moon to the next new moon. If a person did all this with faith, then the disease would go away. Perhaps it was from this pagan sign that the sign of making a wish at the crossroads went, only now it has been adapted to a modern person. Maybe this sign will help someone today to get rid of a serious illness, if, of course, he will do all this with faith.

If you spit at the crossroads, you spit out life. All that a person leaves behind - a spittle, a footprint - he leaves part of his energy. We have already said that the crossroads do not have positive energy. Another thing is that this energy, with the right approach, can be turned to your advantage. And spitting at the crossroads means leaving a direct connection with your body and subconscious. The inhabitants of the crossroads will certainly be offended by such an attitude. And your spit will allow them to influence you even at a distance and when you have already forgotten about it. Sooner or later they will be able to bring you to such a state that you will lose your life. Perhaps even at the crossroads where they once spat.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs about intersections. And this is not all the signs that exist. It's just that many of them are similar to each other, so a person who knows how to reason will be able to draw conclusions for himself - what can be done at intersections and what should not be done. Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. Just do not forget that there are things in the world that we cannot resist because of our ignorance. And if you later wonder where all your luck and well-being have gone, then remember how you behaved at the crossroads, and everything will immediately fall into place. Crossroads magic rarely works instantly, especially if you have not crossed the crossroads where the rituals were performed. But methodically, day by day, you will approach collapse if you do not respect the rules of the "window to a parallel world." And the crossroads is the window that connects different worlds with each other.

edited news Oliana - 11-07-2013, 15:32

You probably know about the magical power of crossroads.

In this regard, I want to tell you about some of the hidden "subtleties" of this occult issue.

On the full moon and new moon, the strength of the crossroads increases.

1) The first - the nearest intersection to your house - involves the "reference" of the relevant items (money) to solve mainly family and domestic relations (during daylight hours).
2) The second - for rituals of a romantic orientation (love spells, lapels) - from sunset to the beginning of a new day.
3) The third one will help to positively resolve the financial (commercial) side of this issue (in the morning).
4) Fourth - will assist in the return of money (any debt) by the debtor - at the beginning of a new day.
5) The fifth - is intended to punish your offender (enemy, ill-wisher) - at any time of the day.
6) The sixth - to bring good luck to your side (directly at sunrise and throughout this period).

To date, a lot of information has been collected on how to summon the Spirit. But just a little information on how to summon the Demon of the Crossroads. With the help of a special Ritual, black Mages receive answers from the Demon of the Crossroads to three questions. He always tells the Mage who summoned him the truth and is not mistaken. If you have never encountered this, then I can say: The ritual is not for the faint of heart and is held at midnight in the cemetery. From fear, one can forget, in fact, why he was called at all.)

Intersections differ in the number of roads:
T-junctions are practically unusable. You can ignore them - in fact, these are not even intersections.
The crossroads, where from one point, as it were, three roads go in different directions, at approximately the same angle, are mainly used for witchcraft.
A standard intersection is the intersection of 2 roads - suitable for almost any ritual.
There are 3 road intersections that have great power.
There is a so-called "Devil's Crossroads".
"Damn's Crossroads" is the intersection of three dirt roads, that is, an L-shaped intersection. At such a crossroads, a black ritual is performed.
There are also 5 and 7 road intersections, they are very strong, but finding them is not so easy.
Hecate rules the Y-junctions.
There are ceremonies in which the pedestrian crossing is indicated. But to a greater extent, these are ordinary crossroads.

Signs and beliefs about crossroads.

Crossroads have long had a bad reputation. A lot of signs are associated with this feature of the intersections. And all because at the crossroads people get rid of diseases and troubles. They go to the crossroads in order to tell fortunes, punish the enemy or communicate with evil spirits. Most people consider this attitude towards intersections to be mere superstition. They believe that if you don't shake these fears, then nothing will happen. And those people who have hypersensitivity claim that, when crossing the intersection, they feel the presence of a certain force that requires respect.

Do not pick up anything at the crossroads - you will find trouble. This sign is considered fundamental. We can say that this is not even a sign, but a rule that must be strictly observed. In magic, there are a lot of rites and rituals when all sorts of things, money and even jewelry are left at the crossroads in order to get rid of problems and diseases, poverty and failures. And the more expensive the little thing you pick up at the crossroads, the more trouble you will call on your head. Everything that someone else was freed from, you will take upon yourself, only more and to a greater extent. Therefore, whatever you see at the intersection of two roads, never lift, even if you really need it, otherwise ...

Do not eat at the crossroads - you will swallow the demon. Crossroads is a very energetically powerful zone. And this energy is far from positive. Crossroads are often used in black magic. And every person who is at least a little familiar with the peculiarities of esoteric science knows that when we eat, we absorb not only physical food, but also its energy. That is, during the meal, both our physical body and the astral body are fed. It is to the astral body of our food that lower entities can become attached, which will then live in you and spoil your life. It is extremely difficult to get rid of such settlers, therefore, it is better not to lead to such problems. Eat where the necessary conditions exist for this.

Do not count money at the crossroads - they will not be found. Very often, a person who is in a hurry to catch a bus, trolleybus or other transport tries to prepare money for travel on the go. He does not even pay attention to what is currently crossing the intersection. Especially if the intersection is not busy and the danger of colliding with vehicles is minimal. You can't do that! First, it's still dangerous. After all, the car can jump out at you as if from under the ground, and you will not be ready because of your inattention. And secondly, monetary energy does not like crossroads. Crossroads have the peculiarity of drawing their energy into themselves. And all because very often money is thrown at the crossroads in order to pay off something. Therefore, you should not open your wallet at the crossroads, take out money and count them - the crossroads can eat up the monetary energy of your wallet, and sooner or later you will be left with nothing.

Do not yawn at the crossroads - you will live with the devil. Many mistakenly associate this sign with their precious half. They think that their husband or wife will behave violently and inadequately. However, this is not correct. This sign is true for someone who had the imprudence to yawn at a crossroads. The explanation is essentially the same as in the sign about food at the crossroads. Only the process of moving in is somewhat different. Even scientists have proven that during a yawn, as well as during a sneeze, a person experiences a micro faint, or something like a light trance. Opening your mouth in this state, you open access to evil spirits in your body. Therefore, it is quite possible that you can leave the intersection already with a neighbor in your body. Try to be patient until you cross the intersection. Cross yourself and yawn as much as you like. Just remember that you still need to cover your mouth with your hand - this is both a rule of decency and protection from "uninvited guests."

Make a wish at three crossroads - it will come true. Perhaps this is the only positive sign that is associated with intersections. Some will say that this is a superstition. Well, let him think so. But only it has already been verified by many generations that if you go through three intersections in a row and make the same wish at each one, then it will certainly come true. It is only desirable to do this constantly. Firstly, the powerful energy of the crossroads gives strength to your desire. And secondly, by constantly making the same wish, you are programming your subconscious to realize this desire. But each of us knows that if you really want something and constantly think about it, then sooner or later the dream will come true. As you can see, no superstition, only the realities of life.

Do not go through the center of the intersection - life will change for the worse. Crossroads is a unique place. In the center of the crossroads, the forces of the four cardinal directions converge. If you stand in the center of the crossroads, knowing certain words, then you can attract happiness, luck and prosperity from all sides. But if you stand in the same place when you don’t know what to say, then you can, on the contrary, dissolve your happiness, luck and well-being in all four directions. And what will you be left with? When an unknowing person simply passes through the center of an intersection, he does not immediately lose everything. But, doing so regularly, he loses bit by bit all of the above. Therefore, do not tempt fate - cross the intersection as expected. In addition, if it is wrong to cross a car intersection, it can also be dangerous.

If you want to get rid of the disease - go to the crossroads. Even in ancient times, when paganism existed in Rus', and no one even heard of Christianity, this sign existed. The Magi taught how to get rid of the disease of those people who were seriously ill. A sick person had to go to the crossroads and, crossing its center, loudly shout out the name of the disease that he wants to get rid of. So it was necessary to do the whole lunar month, from the new moon to the next new moon. If a person did all this with faith, then the disease would go away. Perhaps it was from this pagan sign that the sign of making a wish at the crossroads went, only now it has been adapted to a modern person. Maybe this sign will help someone today to get rid of a serious illness, if, of course, he will do all this with faith.

You spit at the crossroads - you spit out life. All that a person leaves behind - a spit, a footprint - he leaves part of his energy. We have already said that the crossroads do not have positive energy. Another thing is that this energy, with the right approach, can be turned to your advantage. And spitting at the crossroads means leaving a direct connection with your body and subconscious. The inhabitants of the crossroads will certainly be offended by such an attitude. And your spitting will allow them to influence you even at a distance, and when you have already forgotten about it. Sooner or later they will be able to bring you to such a state that you will lose your life. Perhaps even at the crossroads where they once spat.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs about intersections. And this is not all the signs that exist. It's just that many of them are similar to each other, so a person who knows how to reason will be able to draw conclusions for himself - what can be done at intersections and what should not be done. Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. Just do not forget that there are things in the world that we cannot resist because of our ignorance. And if you later wonder where all your luck and well-being have gone, then remember how you behaved at the crossroads, and everything will immediately fall into place. Crossroads magic rarely works instantly, especially if you have not crossed the crossroads where the rituals were performed. But methodically, day by day, you will approach collapse if you do not respect the rules of the "window to a parallel world." And the crossroads is the window that connects different worlds with each other.

Some folklore.

The crossroads is a symbol of choice in general, and in particular the choice between life and death (cf. in folklore the image of the crossroads that the hero faces), as well as a sign of transition from one space to another. As such, the intersection is endowed with an ambivalent meaning. On the one hand, this place was sacred; the Greeks and Romans considered him to be under the protection of Hermes and Mercury - the patrons of travelers. In Christianity, the crossroads, likened in its shape to a cross, has become a place of veneration for Christ.
On the other hand, the crossroads was considered the focus of harmful, impure Forces. Witchcraft rituals were performed at the crossroads.
It was the burial place of suicides, a gathering of Demons and Witches.
In many cultures, a crossroads is a meeting place with transcendent Powers (Gods, Spirits, the dead). The symbolism of the crossroads is connected with the symbolism of the door, the transition from the old to the new, from this world to the other world. To ensure this transition, obelisks, altars, just stones are erected at the crossroads. In Europe, crossroads were seen as meeting places for Witches, evil Spirits. Christians erected crosses, chapels, statues of the Madonna, etc. at the crossroads. Among African tribes, crossroads are often places for performing ritual rites. Among the Greeks, Hercules made a choice at the crossroads, preferring virtue over pleasure. Oedipus kills his father at the crossroads. The Greeks made sacrifices at triple crossroads to the three-headed goddess Hekate, the goddess of ghosts and sorcery associated with the realm of the dead. At the crossroads stood statues of Hermes the Psychopomp, the leader of the spirits. The Romans prayed to the lares of crossroads, and in medieval Germany, trials often took place at crossroads.
The ancient Greeks dedicated crossroads to Hekate; her three-faced statues were erected there, dogs were sacrificed, and the bodies of the hanged were placed. In Hinduism, the crossroads acted as a haven for demons. In Slavic mythology, the crossroads was considered the habitat of devils. In the Middle Ages, crucifixes were placed at the crossroads of major roads to protect them from the presence of evil spirits.

Their stories.

The places where roads converge and diverge were endowed by people with special magical properties and were associated in their minds with the appearance and activity of demons, the devil, sorcerers, fairies, ghosts and spirits, as well as other sinister supernatural phenomena. Such beliefs are characteristic of Europe, the British Isles, Greece, India, Japan, the American Indians and the Mongols.
They say that it is at the crossroads that you can meet all sorts of playful creatures who like to lead people astray. We are talking about trolls, sorcerers, witches, "Wandering Lights". According to popular beliefs, they love crossroads and ghosts. There is a story in German folklore that one of the crossroads in Schleswig is haunted by a ghost rider. The neck of his horse stretches across the road and does not allow travelers to pass by. A popular legend in Pomerania says that once a traveler stopped at one of the crossroads at night, seeing a dark figure in long clothes and wooden shoes in front of him. To the complete amazement of this wanderer, a mysterious figure followed him and settled in his house. Eventually the man plucked up the courage to speak to the ghost. He asked the poor fellow to go with him to the cemetery and say a few prayers there that would help the spirit find eternal peace.

The spirits of the dead appear near the crossroads on All Saints' Eve (October 31) - once a pagan, and then a Christian holiday, which falls on the day when the line separating the two worlds, according to legend, is the thinnest. The inhabitants of Wales believe that on this night a large number of spirits come out to the crossroads. In European countries, beliefs are widespread, according to which, on the eve of All Saints' Day, the dead form processions heading to the homes of their living relatives, and a person, standing at a crossroads and resting his chin on a forked stick, can see these processions.
In other cases, special spells make it possible to call the spirits of the dead to the crossroads. In accordance with one ancient Danish rite, a person who needed it for some reason should go out at midnight on the eve of All Saints Day to the place of the crossing of roads and stand inside the square formed by the wagons. The ghost will appear at the mention of his name and give answers to three questions. Other magical folk rites had as their goal protection from the devil and demons at crossroads, as well as the evocation of the souls of their dead acquaintances. The Greeks believed that Hekate, the patroness of sorcerers and crossroads, on clear nights, accompanied by spirits and howling phantom dogs, appears at places where roads converge. For her, the Hellenes left food at the crossroads. It was Hekate who was asked to help if someone was overcome by madness, since it was believed that this disease was sent by the spirits of dead people.
Another belief is that some rituals performed at crossroads on certain days (particularly on the eve of All Saints' Day) allow you to know in advance who will die in the near future. For example, the Welsh believed that if a person goes to a crossroads and listens to the “wind blowing over the feet of the dead” (east wind), then he will be able to hear sighs in those houses where the dead will definitely appear in the coming year. Among the highlanders of Scotland, a similar belief was as follows. The interested person had to sit on a three-legged chair at the crossroads where three roads converge, and then at midnight he would be able to hear the names of those who are doomed to die in the near future. German folklore suggested reaching the crossroads between eleven o'clock and midnight, either on Christmas night or on All Saints' Eve, to achieve the same goal.
Crossings of roads were also given special significance in funeral rites. In accordance with one ancient Welsh custom, all the way from home to the cemetery was to lay the dead man on the ground at every crossroads and read prayers over him. Perhaps this was done to protect the deceased from evil spirits who chose such places for their visits, and perhaps so that the ghost of the deceased did not return to the house and did not interfere with the living. In Hesse (Germany), it was believed that the ghost of the deceased would not return to the house if the dishes belonging to him were broken at the crossroads. In Finland, participants in funeral processions took earth from the crossroads they passed, and then scattered it over the fields, protecting themselves from witchcraft in this way. In many nations, suicides were buried at crossroads. However, there has been no plausible explanation for this. Perhaps this custom is due to the fact that the cross formed by roads is associated with the consecrated ground of Christian cemeteries (where, as you know, suicides were not allowed to be buried), or perhaps the reason for this is the desire to use the supernatural properties of crossroads to prevent the return of the ghosts of suicides to the living. .
Many peoples believed that crossing paths provided people with protection from ghosts, who, according to popular beliefs, like to appear near intersections. For example, one superstition that was once quite common in Germany was that spirits and ghosts could not cross intersections. Thus, it was a place of salvation for a person being haunted by a ghost or some kind of demonic being. As soon as the object of the chase reached the intersection of roads, the pursuer disappeared, as a rule, uttering a completely inhuman scream. Likewise, the Irish believed that the fairies had little to no effect on the crossroads, and that mortals abducted by these creatures could find their freedom again in such places.

According to other sources.

Crossroads (crossroads, crossroads)
A symbol of the difficulty of choice, uncertainty, longing for the lost shepherd, leader, guide; loss of hope...
Crossroads - a place where you have doubts: which road to take? Usually there are two ways; in addition, the crossroads suggests the need to be especially sensitive and careful - after all, at the crossroads, robbers most often set up ambushes. According to Greek myth, the young Hercules sat at a crossroads, contemplating his fate.
It was then that Virtue (Arete) and Pleasure (Hedone) appeared before him. The first offered the future hero a life full of difficulties and patience, but leading to immortality; the second is the path to joy and luxury. Hercules chose the first.
Crossroads - the ambiguity of one or another well-known deity; the interconnection of three elements (three roads), the assertion of the essence of the three foundations: bearing only Good; double; and harmful, carrying Evil. For example, the same Aphrodite can be seen in three aspects: as a goddess of heaven, sea and quite earthly - ensuring the fertility of the soil; a deity absolutely innocent from a human point of view, and at the same time giving fruits and love.
Crossroads - a meeting with Fate. In the famous Greek myth about Oedipus, it was at the crossroads that he met his father, whom he had never seen before, and as a result of a quarrel that arose, he killed him. The ancient Greeks at road intersections made sacrifices to the goddess of magic and nightmares - Hekate "Three-road". She was portrayed with three faces, or even three bodies; slaughtered dogs usually served as a victim. It was believed that the goddess herself appears precisely at the crossroads - either in the form of a she-wolf, or a bitch ...
Crossroads, their intersection - a place of possible meetings with otherworldly transcendental forces; in ancient times - with gods and nymphs, in the Middle Ages and later - with ghosts, shadows of the dead, most often suicides, with spirits, witches. After all, it is witches and sorceresses who gather at the crossroads before flying off to the Sabbath.
A crossroads is like a door or a gate: a transition from one stage of life to another, or from life to death. This moment, of course, required the patronage of the Higher Forces. Therefore, from the most ancient times, it was customary to place obelisks, columns, pillars, Altars, the so-called "Hermas", that is, Altars dedicated to God Hermes, at road intersections. He was not only the patron of wanderers and merchants, but also accompanied the Souls of the dead to the Kingdom of the Dead. At the crossroads they laid stones with parting inscriptions, even later they began to erect crosses, Chapels, sculptures of Saints ...
In ancient Rome, in addition to Lares - the patrons of household life, there were "Road Lars", which were called: "Lares compitales", and protected the wanderer from evil Forces.

The ancient Germans sacrificed captured robbers at road crossroads to their Gods, turning these places into a kind of scaffolds. Under later German law, the execution of punishments at crossroads was legalized. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, executed criminals, suicides accused of witchcraft, suspected of vampirism were traditionally buried in the ground near road intersections. The last, as a rule, pierced the chest with an aspen stake ...
Among the ancients, crossroads were considered a symbol of the triple epiphany, because. the union of the three elements always implies the existence of three principles: active (or good), neutral (or productive or beneficial), and passive (or harmful). For this reason, the crossroads was dedicated to the three-faced Hekate. It was at the crossroads that dogs were sacrificed to her, and the bodies of the hanged were dragged there.
A symbol of choice, but at the same time the unity of opposites; meeting point of time and space; a magical and dangerous place where Demons and Witches meet. Uncertainty, passion, choice, fate, supernatural powers. A place of worship, predictions, sacrifices, as well as the execution of punishments, executions and burials of those whom society would like to get rid of forever. Suicides, vampires, and villains were buried at crossroads so that they would get lost and not be able to return to pursue the living.
Also associated with Ganesha.
In most ancient cultures, crossroads were given great importance. The fact that they were a natural stop for pilgrims only partially explains the huge number of tombs, shrines, altars, memorial stones, chapels or crosses erected near crossroads.
In Peru and elsewhere, pyramids were sometimes built over many years from stones that those who crossed the crossroads had to carry with them.
Many African tribes threw garbage at crossroads, believing that all the harm from it would be absorbed by this place.
In ancient Rome (the time of Emperor Augustus), the crossroads were guarded by two statues of the patrons of this place, Janus, or other Gods capable of looking in several directions at once (three-headed statues of Hermes. Ancient Greek Hecate was a terrifying symbol of the crossroads
The Toltec God Tezcatlipoca, met the warriors at the crossroads and subjected them to severe trials.
In some versions of the myth of King Oedipus, the crossroads became the place of his fateful meeting with his father and the Sphinx, unknown to him - in this case, this place became an allegory of fate.
Often the crossroads is presented as an image of human fears and hopes at the moment of choice. According to Jung, it is a symbol of the Mother: "The place where roads intersect and enter into one another, thus symbolizing the union of opposites, is the 'Mother', the object and personification of all union."

Mr Perekrestkov: Legba, Ellegua.

Ellegua is a powerful Stream of the Natural Spirit, which is the principle of the Ways and the World Tree. In Santeria (ACT) - Eleggua, Orisha (1), God of paradoxes, choice and guardian of crossroads, entrances, paths and paths. He is Loa Legba in Voodoo. He is not good or evil, but rather - a neutral Force, present everywhere and everywhere where there is a crossroads, doors, crevices or caves, being the conductor, the almighty of the World Axis. He is the first to meet the newborn, he also opens the Paths to death, he is represented by the number 21, describing various aspects of its manifestation. He is a Great Warrior, a joker, a magician.
In voodoo, Legba is called Papa, or father. He is the embodiment of the radiant Sun and the oldest magical archetype. As in many pagan cults, Voodoo revered the Sun as a life-giving force, and Legba is the Sun itself, the east, the direction where the sun rises, giving life and controlling magic.
Legba is called Legba-Ji, or "God the Creator". Sometimes Ja. He is always welcomed first because he opens doors and lets others in.
LegbaAtiBon also represents the "good tree" or sacred trees of the African jungle; they are symbolized by a central wooden pole or tomitan. This pillar is also the conduit through which the spirits descend in magical ceremonies. Legba represents one third of the sacred trinity along with Dambala Vedo and Erzuli.

Being Legba - the Great Way or Teacher, he is the guardian of the crossroads and is the Lord of the mountain roads. In magical and occult terminology, the crossroads symbolize the connection of vertical Forces with horizontal ones, the Forces of heaven with the Forces of the earth, thus, Legba controls the Magic of the Gods itself. And is the most unsurpassed Mage among them.
Legba is a cosmic axis that leads the souls of believers to meet the Lords, with the Loa (Gods) and leads them through the central pillar to the crossroads, where the Loa accept sacrifices from worshipers. Legba is the most fierce defender of the law, representing the cross, he became St. Peter for Voodoo believers, However, this did not prevent him from remaining the greatest Wizard among the Gods and People.

In the drawings, Legba is usually depicted as an old man or a child bent over the years. Water carriers are also its manifestation, since Legba controls all sources on Earth, including blood and blood circulation. In the anatomy of a living being, Legba represents the spine, bones and marrow, which are symbolized by the central pillar.
His favorite sacrificial animals were lions and white sheep. His sacred animal is the lizard and his metal is gold.

In Santeria, Ellegua controls all the gates and entrances, acting as the messenger of the Gods. After Obatala, the father of the Gods, Ellegua is the most important, all other Orishas can only start acting with his permission. Legends tell that Olorun Olofi (Orunmila), the creator, fell ill, and all the Orisha's attempts to cure him were in vain. Ellegua, then a child, asked permission to see Olorun Olofi and gave him an herbal tincture that cured him in a few hours. In gratitude to Olorun, Olofi ordered that Ellegua become the Deity who should be the first to be welcomed at the Ceremonies, gave him the Keys to all doors and made him the Ruler of all roads.
This acts as an intermediary between humans and other Orishas.
He is a prankster and is feared because, with so much power controlled only by his whim, he can do great harm with his pranks. Sometimes he puts up obstacles just so that a person pays attention to him.
Like a very large and strong child, he is ruthless with those who get in his way, for then he can fall into a rage. And if he is not given proper respect and appropriate ceremonies are not given, then he can become angry and open the way to Death.
All creatures have their own destiny, but through the influence of Elegua, fate and luck can be changed. Since he is a deceiver, it is necessary to address Ellegua carefully considering the request, as he can laugh cruelly. He can also easily close the path to good luck as well as open it.

Elegua appears to travelers as a small child with an old man's face, wearing a Panama hat and smoking a good cigar. He takes on other forms, uses various tricks to measure the level of mercy and compassion among people.
Eleggwa is one of the most ferocious warriors in the Yoruba pantheon. When he teams up with Ogun and Oshosi in battle, nothing can stop them in their path.
Nevertheless, Eleggua is able to turn any tragedy for good.

T-junctions and intersections occur when two roads intersect in the shape of a T. One of the most harmful locations for a home or garage is when the building is on the crossbar or in the center of the T.

The road, which serves as the leg of the T, directs the flow of energy directly to the doors, the main entrance to the house. This is a favorable energy, but its excess is harmful, too fast moving energy is destructive. An excess of energy overwhelms the inhabitants of the house, causes strife, losses, divorces, accidents and other troubles.

T-junction opposite front door

A house or garage located in the center or on the crossbar of the letter T is at risk, also due to its vulnerable location, a car can easily crash into it. Such incidents are constantly reported by the media. In Feng Shui, it is welcome if the front door of the house faces the road, but the driveway that goes straight to the door carries too much energy and contributes to bad luck. That is why I always discourage clients from buying houses at T-junctions, even if the house looks great and the price is the best.

In this case, it is necessary to take countermeasures to reduce the intensity of the energy flow. First of all, you need to protect the front door with something substantial enough to stop the car. Large landscaping boulders, brick hedges, and other durable media can be used. Those who live in such a house should definitely do this.

The other day we were giving a lecture to a group of interior designers working in a luxury furniture store and we broached the topic of T-junctions. One of the designers told us about his neighbor's house, which was hit by cars three times even after the owners put up a protective wall. When someone mentioned that these houses are constantly up for sale, another designer confirmed it. He knew the house next door, which had changed hands at least six times in eighteen years. How many misfortunes and failures had to be experienced in order to finally make the decision to move out of there!

There are, however, extremely rare cases when such intersections can have a beneficial effect on buildings and their inhabitants, but you will need a very experienced feng shui master who can properly harness this powerful flow of energy.

Block off a T-junction with a stucco wall, a solid front door gate, or dense landscaping, whatever it is, it must be able to stop the car. Protect your door as much as possible. When purchasing real estate, avoid such offers.

Favorable Feng Shui of an apartment depends on the external environment, i.e. everything that surrounds your building in which the apartment is located. When analyzing the Feng Shui of an apartment, many do not pay attention to the external environment.task, in fact, this is wrong, since the external environment greatly affects the favorable Feng Shui in the apartment.

When analyzing the external environment of a building, you need to pay attention to the protection of your home from four sides. There are four in feng shuiProtector's roles are Turtle, Raven, Dragon and Tiger.

In urban x conditions The turtle is the building located behind your house. It must be higher than your house and does not find Xia too close. For example, between your house and the Turtle there may be an alley, a playground, or a parking lot.

Not in front of the houseit should be higher than your house and it is desirable that the horizon is visible or you can look into the distance, such conditions indicate the presence of a Raven. If there is a road in front of the house, then it symbolizes the river, this will have a beneficial effect on the flow of energy. Just remember the road should not be too congested (for example, TreThie ring, Moscow Ring Road or highway will adversely affect the feng shui of the building).

In order to determine the direction of the Dragon and the Tiger, you need to face the house. On the right will be the Tiger, and on the left will be the Dragon. The tiger corresponds to a building with a white facade or simply painted white. The dragon corresponds to a building of a green or blue hue, as well as buildings surrounded by trees or covered with ivy.

Let's look at some examples

Example 1. Let's look at the house indicated in the red square. At first glance, this house has protection from all sides. The turtle protects the house from behind, which indicates good protection, there is also a Tiger and a Dragon, which also protect the house well. We can say that the Feng Shui of this house is auspicious. But if you look closely at the neighboring houses, then the corners of these houses are directed directly at the house from three sides, like spears crash into the house, and this is not very good, in order to neutralize their impact, you need to use protection (the most effective means of protection in such cases is mirror - ba-gua).

Example 2 . Consider the adjacent building in this diagram. We see that next to this house there is a narcological dispensary. The subsequent analysis is completely useless, since the feng shui of this house is unfavorable. The narcological dispensary belongs to harmful objects, as it carries negative energy (this object is associated with illnesses, disappointments, pains, etc.). It is better to avoid living in such places if it is impossible to protect one's home (an effective means of protection in such cases is a mirror - ba-gua + miniature spears, swords, arrows aimed at a harmful object).

*Hazardous objects include buildings larger and taller than your home, hospitals, clinics, prisons, cemeteries, train stations, power plants, factories, fire stations, glass (reflective) buildings, highways, bridges, railways, runways, etc. .d.

Example 3 The house stands at a T-junction, this is one of the most harmful locations of the house. All the energy of the road rests directly on the house. The Feng Shui of this house is unfavorable. In this case, protection is used - a ba-gua mirror (it is desirable that the mirror is large, and the whole road is reflected in it, then the negative energy will be reflected from the mirror and leave).

*The most harmful road structures include: a house on a corner, a house on a corner near a bridge, a house at a dead end, a house pointed to by a bridge, a house completely enclosed in a square of roads, a house that is squeezed by roads on three sides, a house at a sharp bend in the road.

Example 4 . The location of the house in example 4 is extremely unfavorable. Firstly, the house is enclosed in a loop of roads where negative energy accumulates. Secondly, the house is located near the railway, which carries a large amount of negative energy. The energy of the railroad and runway is extremely dangerous. I would not recommend living in this house.

When analyzing the outdoor space, do not forget about the buildings around you. They also influence favorable or unfavorable feng shui. Let's take a look at an example.

A pyramid house is being built in the Southwestern District. This house resembles an arrowhead, the house was originally with unfavorable Feng Shui, it will be very difficult for the residents of this house. Neighboring houses, to which the sharp corners of the house are directed, are also at risk. Use the ba gua mirror and miniature spears to protect your homes.

After analyzing the external environment of the house, you can begin to analyze the internal space.

I hope this material will help you in analyzing the external space of your home, if you have any difficulties, please contact me with pleasure and I will help you figure it out.

The issue of living near the roads is very important. We have already touched on it in the Feng Shui Basics chapter. It should be mentioned that such analogies (roads - rivers, houses - mountains, etc.) are very important, because often the wrong interpretation of the location of roads can harm you in many ways.

Roads and streets are the main conductors of energy. Life is unfavorable near them, especially if the road with very fast traffic is directed to your house, forks in front of it, or is at the end of a T-junction. Also unfavorable is the location of your house near overpasses, metro exits to the surface, etc. There are many other unfavorable options, but these are enough.

You can deal with the negative influence of roads in the same way as with other "poisoned arrows" by means of a ba-gua mirror or by blocking their view. But not all roads are bad. It is very good to live by the road with constant slow movement - like by a slow river. In this case, qi does not accelerate and manages to bring good luck to residents of nearby houses. It is safe to live in a house that goes around the road, it, like the river, serves as a good protection.

But if this curve forms an angle and it is directed at your home, this is always bad - the angle acts like a knife. It is just as bad when the house is on the outside of the arc: the energy of the road or moving vehicles can slip off it and hit in the direction of the bend. You cannot build a dwelling at a T-shaped intersection, as well as at the intersection of streets; there should not be a street in front of the house that goes directly to it - first of all, this means strong winds and fires. If you're not lucky, then the street directly directed to the house can lead to the fact that the house will collapse, and people will die.

The hidden influence is also largely negative: it can lead to injury, loss in business. You should avoid dead ends, sharply curving highways, straight roads, especially if traffic is directed towards your house, or houses, from which the road goes down, taking all the luck with it. At the same time, it is desirable that there is no road near the building above its middle level (as if the house was opposite the mountain). A dwelling cannot be built at the end of a dead end.

Not only because in the event of a fire it will be difficult for the neighbors to evacuate, but also because conflicts, litigation often arise in such a house, and you can also lose your fortune and get injured. If a large road runs from the west of the house (apartment), this is not a bad situation (but only if the house does not face the west).

The benefits of such an arrangement are as follows - you can preserve the privacy of the family, that is, the personal life of people will not be subjected to external aggression, no one will interfere from the outside, since there are very few extraneous doors and windows on both sides of the house, and it is not easy for noise from the street to enter the house (for example , there is a blank wall to the west, and a garden from the south and north), you can effectively use the space inside the house, since, apart from the side directed to the road to the west, other directions have little effect on the courtyard and rooms in the house. If your house is under the influence of an unfavorable road, it is advisable to hide its view with a row of trees.

It is also possible to dispel the influence of more massive and unfavorable structures, but the trees should be larger. When you don’t have the opportunity to plant trees or something like that in front of your home, use the ba-gua octagon again. This powerful shield is best not used frequently. And the location of this symbol inside the house is very undesirable.

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