Breathing while performing mula bandha. Bandhas in yoga and performance techniques. Impact on consciousness

Many people today turn to yoga practices to achieve balance between the spiritual and physical. One of these practices is Mula Bandha, which helps to manage and direct one’s own health for the health of both body and spirit.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the technique of performing this and consider its main aspects.


Mula bandha literally means “holding,” “lock” is a practice that, by tensing individual parts of one’s body, teaches one to direct one’s energy in the right direction. When performed correctly, exercises influence, help normalize the activity of the central nervous system, and strengthen the emotional state.

The physical effect of MB is the selective tension of the organs of the genitourinary system. The exercises are useful for both, and for, with only slight differences in execution due to the physical difference in structure.

Physical impact

Practice helps maintain health and eliminate problems in the pelvic organs, digestive and reproductive systems.

By contracting various muscles of the perineum, a person thereby affects the nerve receptors of this area - with such a targeted massage, the flow to the problem organs improves, which stimulates their work.

Thanks to ongoing research in a group of people practicing MB, it has been proven that exercises have a positive effect on the activity of the entire body and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

By managing your breath and energy, practice helps achieve the following results:

  • blood pressure decreases;
  • heart rate slows down;
  • the work of the digestive organs is stimulated;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the organs of the urinary system, the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands and the pancreas in women, the prostate in men are toned;
  • all biological processes of the body are normalized (women who experience problems during their periods notice a clear improvement in their condition).

Psychological impact

Mulabanha in yoga is a practice that heals not only disorders of the physical body. Since the physical and spiritual are inextricably linked, the impact on the physical body automatically affects the energetic and spiritual principles.

Deep relaxation helps relieve anxiety and neuroses.
Correct execution of the technique releases (energy) and promotes it in the right direction.

The activity of the brain improves, it becomes more vibrant, and creative abilities are stimulated.

How to prepare for performing mula bandha?

To master the mula bandha technique for women and men, before doing it, it is advisable to imagine the physiological features of the structure of the perineal organs and learn to monitor.


General advice for beginners to practice: while inhaling, muscle contractions are made, and they relax while exhaling.

Important! At the same time, it is advisable to maintain a state of relaxation, maintaining a calm pace and distributing attention to both the work of the lungs and the physical efforts to contract the muscles. If you just breathe, as if you were seeing a therapist, there will be no effect.

Don't be afraid to look for your frequency and consistency when you breathe, at which you will feel complete harmony between physical action and calmness and mind.

In a comfortable position (suitable), relax your body, except for the point that is currently tense. Keep it even, try not to hold your breath, it should be even and calm.

Try to feel the tension both when you inhale and when you exhale.


You should know that the muscles of the perineum are one whole unit, connected by connective tissues, and in order to learn how to control them, you need to master the techniques of Ashwini Mudra and Varjoli Mudra, with which Mula Bandha is closely related.

Briefly about the techniques:

  • Ashwini mudra is compression of the anal area without straining;
  • Mula bandha is a contraction of the tendon ligament of the perineum (cervix in women, the point between the anus and scrotum in men);
  • Varjoli mudra is tension in the urogenital area (in women the clitoris and lower part of the vagina tighten, in men the penis is pulled in).
The practice of mula bandha begins with mastering Ashwini mudra: begin contracting the anal sphincter 30 times at the breathing rhythm you choose, for example, inhale - tension, exhale - relaxation.

Try not to focus all your attention on your breathing.

Having mastered the first stage, your body itself will regulate the need for the number of contractions in synchronization with breathing. You can proceed directly to the MB.
Complete relaxation is also desirable here, since this stage will allow the body to get rid of problems in the pelvic area and some tightness.

Varjoli mudra is performed when the body is already accustomed to the first two exercises, you have learned to feel and control every movement.


Finally, having mastered the entire cycle of exercises, begin to alternate the tension of each muscle group in a circle. After completing each circle, rest, restore your normal breathing rate, you should not feel dizzy.

Important! Try to turn off the control of the mind over the body: the maximum effect occurs when the entire cycle is performed automatically. The state should be akin to a meditative one.

Listen to your physical sensations, let go of unnecessary thoughts, subjugate their flow.
Having learned to control and synchronize mental and bodily activity, you will achieve the maximum effect of mula bandha, subordination of your consciousness and physical body to your will - practice leads to unity with the Universe, the Supreme Mind.

Execution technique

The performance of mula bandha differs for men and women, but the practice for both sexes is united by a sequence of stages: the first is physical effort; the second is the synchronization of breathing, heart rate and physical effort; the third is the feeling of vibrations in the muladhara chakra.

Muladhara, the storage center of the unconscious, is located at the lowest point of the spine.

Features of technology for women

For women, there are two options for the technique of performing mula bandha, let's consider both:

  • First option

Sitting in the lotus position (back straight, hands on your knees), while inhaling, tighten your anus, while imagining how your energy is directed upward in a column, direct it as high as possible with an effort of will.
Try to stay in this position until you feel a trembling in your body. The more clearly you visualize the flow of your own energy along the spine, the more clearly you will feel the physical manifestations.

The mouth will fill with saliva, the skin will begin to tingle, and warmth will spread in the pelvic area. Relax completely as you exhale. Do the exercise five to seven times.

  • Second option

Starting position is “standing”, feet shoulder-width apart, arms can be lowered along the body. Trying not to use your hips, tense your buttocks and anus as you inhale, try to pull it up as much as possible.

Tighten your vagina, and you should feel how the clitoris extends and the area surrounding it tightens. Perform tension and relaxation for a minute.

It is useful to perform this exercise several times a day, and over time you will feel how your hidden energy awakens - the highest manifestation of creativity and origin.

Features of technology for men

Let's look at the technique of performing mula bandha for a man:

Sit on the floor or on a chair, spine straight, palms on hips.
Feel the surface with your buttocks, take a shallow breath and hold your breath. Try to tighten your anus as much as possible, directing the tension upward to the reproductive organ.

In this case, the scrotum and testicles move forward. Hold this position as long as you can, then take another shallow breath, relax and exhale. Repeat the cycle up to seven times.

Constant practice of this technique will allow men to cope with many problems: involuntary ejaculation, sexual weakness, groin, and will help control testosterone production.

Did you know? Some of the yoga techniques, in particular breathing practices, are used during the training of specialists in professions associated with risk: submariners, astronauts, rescue services, intelligence officers and elite military units.

Signs of Improper Execution

The biggest mistake beginners make is to try to tense their muscles as much as possible: this leads to unconscious sexual arousal. As a result, the body submits exclusively to this attraction, the breathing rhythm changes, and the emotional mood is disrupted.
If this happens, you should rest until a calm state is completely restored and then repeat the lesson, taking into account the previous mistake.

It should be remembered that everything will not work out at once, the technique is mastered gradually, stage by stage, which is why it is divided into the three cycles listed above, the first of which is Ashwini mudra.

It is recommended to start by choosing a suitable breathing rhythm and learning to turn off the control of consciousness over the action. Another recommendation is to find the most comfortable position in which you will feel maximum relaxation.

Let's consider the main factors that should not exist when working with equipment:

  • overheating in the perineal area;
  • disruption of breathing rhythm;
  • inclusion of other muscles in the work;
  • pain or discomfort in the area;
  • sexual arousal;
  • tension in the eyes (the eyelids should be relaxed).

Mula bandha, like any serious practice that affects health, has contraindications:
  • Women should not undertake the exercise during their menstrual periods, without the supervision of an instructor.
  • In case of gynecological diseases, you should consult a doctor (preferably familiar with the practice).
  • It is not advisable to take up classes if you have infectious diseases, high blood pressure or dizziness.
In conclusion, advice for all beginners: if it is difficult for you to understand the features of the technique yourself, it is better to turn to a practicing mentor. Remember that it is more effective to exercise little by little and regularly: set aside 15-30 minutes for exercise every day.

Mula bandha is the most important muscle “lock” that accompanies the performance of many yogic poses. Correct mastery of mula bandha and regular practice gives a person perfect health and helps develop incredible vitality.

Description of mula bandha

Mula bandha is an exercise similar to the natural contraction of muscles when stopping bowel movements. Only when performing mula bandha do you need to continue the movement, as if pulling the middle of the anus up and feel this movement along the spine. Another option is to spread the tension forward through the perineum to the genitals.

Technique for performing mula bandha

Main option. Sit with a straight back in any position comfortable for you. Place your hands on your hips. Feel the seat of a chair or the floor with your buttocks and anus. Inhale half the volume of your lungs, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly squeeze your anus as hard as possible. Pull the anus muscles from the periphery of the circle to the center and up. Keep the tension on the held breath as long as you can. Then relax your pelvic muscles, take a small and short breath and exhale gently. Another continuation is possible after you have inhaled and squeezed the muscles of the anus. Women can extend the force forward from the anus to the Vijayna, and men to the scrotum. There are special female and male modifications of the exercise.

First female version

As you inhale, squeeze your anus tightly, as when stopping a bowel movement, and then direct the energy upward not so much with your muscles, but with willpower or visualization. Hold the contraction until a shiver appears and a shiver runs down your back. At the same time, you need to imagine how from this movement the Muladhara energy quickly rises up the spine. You can feel it at the base of your skull or the back of your tongue. You may feel that there is more saliva in your mouth and that it tastes sweeter. This is also a sign of sexual energy moving up the spine. As you exhale, relax all the muscles involved in the process. Repeat 5-7 times. Pleasant warmth may appear in the pelvic area and lower back.

Second female option

The exercise is performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart. At the beginning of the practice, you can place your palms on your buttocks. Without moving your legs, while inhaling, squeeze your buttocks tightly, squeeze your anus and pull it up. The lower torso may also be tense. The top one should be free. Squeeze the Vijaina muscles and feel the clitoris move forward. Become aware and feel the muscles surrounding the clitoris. Contract and relax them for one minute. Relax and see what is happening in your Vijayna. Do this exercise several times a day. This exercise is so powerful that it sometimes causes Kundalini awakening. There have been cases of entering an altered state of consciousness after practicing this exercise at seminars.

Today's topic is Mula Bandha. Mula Bandha is a root lock, one of the main bandhas in Hatha Yoga. The word "bandha" means "to hold, hold, tie." "Mula" means "root". And this corresponds to the actions at the physical level that need to be done to complete the MB. The MB is formed by deep pulling up and tensing the muscles in the area of ​​the tendon center of the perineum. In women, this area roughly coincides with the location of the cervix. It is very difficult to strain the muscles of this area in isolation at first, so the muscles that are nearby and are part of the “pelvic floor” are often tensed, for example the muscles surrounding the anus, the muscles of the perineum.

How to prepare for performing mula bandha?

Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position or in Padmasana - Lotus Pose. The body should be completely relaxed and the spine straight. Women should focus on the cervix because the internal muscles of the perineum must contract. After a few minutes of concentration, contract (“tighten”) the muscles of the perineum and cervix as you feel it. The muscle contraction should last for about a minute. Make sure your breathing is even, do not hold your breath. Perform up to twenty cycles of muscle contraction and relaxation. While doing this, direct your attention to the Muladhara chakra area and ensure that other muscle groups (face, arms, shoulders) are relaxed. Mula bandha can be performed as an independent practice and it will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the physical and mental level. You also need to maintain MB during your yoga practice. In some asanas it ensures safety from injury, is the “key” to mastering many asanas and promotes concentration.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati in his book “Mula Bandha - The Key to Mastery” emphasizes its importance: “Mula bandha (perineal contraction) stimulates the sensory-motor and autonomic nervous system of the pelvic region... It has been experimentally proven that performing bandhas increases the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system . Subjects' heart rate slows, blood pressure and breathing rate decrease, and a general feeling of calm and relaxation occurs. When performing mula bandha, excitation of the sympathetic nervous system is observed (in a mild form). However, the overall effect of stimulating the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems is to balance their activity in the body. All this has a positive effect on the hypothalamus (it controls the endocrine system), and through it on the limbic system (emotions) and the corresponding areas of the cerebral cortex.”

On the physical level

On a physical level, the benefits of Mula Bandha can be explained as follows: the pelvic floor muscles contract, this has a massaging effect on the internal organs, increases blood circulation, and therefore to some extent stimulates the nerve endings and receptor apparatus of the pelvic area, that is, improves the functions of the pelvic organs, reproductive system, bladder, intestines.

At the pranic (energy) level

Although MB is a physical action, it has a subtle effect on the energy centers and the flow of energy through the nadi channels. It causes a kind of attunement of the physical, mental and psychic bodies of a person. As we have already said, mula bandha is a valuable tool in the treatment of diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs, that is, digestive disorders and sexual disorders. And since the body and mind are inextricably linked, the effect on the body certainly affects the state of the mind, creating a feeling of deep relaxation. Such relaxation frees a person from stress, overexertion, and anxiety. Therefore, mula bandha is recommended for the treatment of depression and neuroses.

At the pranic (energetic) level, the work of mula bandha is even more noticeable. Mula bandha has a subtle but powerful effect on the psychic body and helps to “awaken” the muladhara chakra and kundalini. It promotes the movement of energy (prana) up the main energy channel - sushumna nadi. It will take time to improve and correctly perform MB, but it will help strengthen your physical health and improve your mental and emotional state.

Performing MS for some time increases the rate of metabolism in the body, improves the absorption of nutrients and their assimilation, stimulates blood circulation and brain function. The mind becomes more alert, memory and mood improve.

Mula bandha is mentioned in classical texts on yoga and its importance is emphasized. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, for example, it is described in allegorical form as follows:

“Just as the earth with all its mountains and forests rests on the lord of snakes, so all tantras (yogic practices) are based on kundalini. When kundalini awakens with the blessing of the guru, it permeates all lotuses (six chakras or centers) and all attachments. Sushumna becomes the main road for prana. The mind is freed from the shackles of attachment (the pursuit of pleasure), and death recedes.

To awaken the goddess sleeping at the brahma-dwar (great door), one needs to do bandhas. Maha mudra, maha bandha, maha bheda, khechari, uddiyana bandha, mula bandha, jalandhara bandha, viparita karani, vajroli and shakti chalini are ten exercises that conquer old age and death. They were brought into the world by Adinantha (Shiva), they bestow eight divine treasures. They are loved by all siddhas (perfect ones). These exercises should be kept secret by all means, like a casket of gems. No one should reveal their secrets for any amount of wealth, just as a husband and wife keep their affairs secret.” (Hatha Yoga Pradipika, 3:1 - 9)

I will talk about Mula Bandha and other methods of maintaining women’s health on April 23, 2017 at the Days of Yoga and Beauty, a joint event between Yoga Journal and the Taste & Color project. The “Women’s Health” class is a unique system for maintaining and preserving a woman’s physical and psychological health, as well as her youth and beauty. In this class we will perform a soft and pleasant set of asanas, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the female body.

At Yoga Beauty Days you will find a rich program consisting of yoga classes, meditations, master classes and lectures on everything that interests modern girls.

And to make these days even brighter and more interesting, we will work for you all day for free:

  • Beauty bar, where you can do makeup, hair styling, manicure and many other useful and pleasant procedures
  • Consultations with specialists, where you can make your astrological forecast and learn everything about your body
  • Organic market, where you can buy jewelry, organic cosmetics, healthy food and clothes for practice

Participation cost 1 day – 3500 rubles, 2 days – 5000 rubles.

The ticket price includes:

  • all lectures, practices and master classes of the program
  • beauty bar: manicure, hair styling, makeup, massage
  • astrological forecast

Book your place now, the number of places is limited!

*The event is suitable for any level of practitioner. Come and bring your girlfriends with you - it’s always more fun together! :)

Mula bandha, or “Root Lock”, is a compression of the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor. Such a simple action for yoga practice has a powerful effect on the entire pranic system. But Mula Bandha is not only for “fanatical” yogis; this technique, which is simple at first approximation, can help literally everyone who wants to improve the condition of their body and be filled with strength, vigor, and enthusiasm. With regular, proper practice, Mula Bandha significantly improves health, and in line with yoga, it allows you to take the practice to a new level. How does this happen and how to perform this technique correctly?

Classical yoga texts say the following about this bandha:

“Pressing the yoni (perineum) firmly with the heel, squeeze the anus and lift the apana upward. This is how mula bandha is performed.” (“Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, 3.60)

“Press the yoni again and again and forcefully pull up the air.” (“Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, 3.62)

“Press the heel of your left foot to the perineum, squeeze the anus, then carefully press the navel to the spine (sucking in the stomach).” ("Gheranda Samhita", 3.14)

“Place your right heel on your genitals. This age-destroying mudra is called mula bandha.” ("Gheranda Samhita", 3.15)

The best poses for performing mula bandha are siddhasana for men and siddha yoni asana for women, because in them, the heel puts strong pressure on the muladhara chakra area, which promotes physical contraction. It is also possible to use any meditative pose in which the knees are firmly on the floor.

So, we sit down with a straight back, hands on our knees. Close your eyes and relax your whole body. We try to feel the floor with our buttocks and anus. We take a deep breath, hold our breath and perform jalandhara bandha.

Slowly squeeze the anus with the maximum possible effort. We pull the muscles of the anus from the periphery of the circle to the center and up. Women can extend the force forward to the vijaina, and men to the scrotum.

Concentration on the muladhara chakra.

We hold the tension while holding our breath as long as we can. Then we relax the pelvic muscles, stop jalandhara bandha, raise our heads and exhale gently.

If desired, you can perform the practice with external delay - bahir kumbhaka - i.e. first exhale and then perform jalandhara bandha. However, in this case it is not possible to hold the breath for as long as with internal retention - antar-kumbhaka.

Mula bandha affects the so-called Apana - a subtype of prana, this is a flow of energy that flows down and is responsible for the perception of “lower” centers that stimulate a person to develop on the material plane: earn money, continue one’s family and build a family, equip a home, secure protect yourself from all kinds of misfortunes, take care of your health, as well as the tendency to apathy and laziness. One of the facets of the impact of Mula Bandha is that it removes the blocks that interfere with our realization in these areas and harmonizes all these areas of life. Mula Bandha also “seals” the lower end of the Sushumna Nadi (Central Channel), preventing the leakage of energy through the lower centers. At an advanced level of practice, Mula Bandha awakens the Muladhara chakra, and awakens the powerful dormant Kundalini energy.

It is important to take into account that Mula bandha, like other “energy locks”, works not only on a gross level, and it is not only squeezing the muscles of the perineum. Bandhas block (restrain) movement at five levels: muscle immobility, cessation of breathing, cessation of sensations, thoughts and consciousness. By doing Mula Bandha, we simultaneously “compress” the Muladhara chakra. In this way we can treat physical diseases, digestive problems, and sexual disorders (such as frigidity, impotence, etc.). Several authoritative treatises on yoga (“Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, “Shiva Samhita” among others) claim that Mula bandha eliminates decrepitude in older age, and some adherents with its help even completely conquered old age, preserving their the physical state of the body is completely “young”. This is partly manifested even in many modern experienced yogis and yoginis who have a strong, attractive and “young” body even at the age of “over 60 years”. Both ancient texts (Tantras and Upanishads) and modern authoritative authors - Sir John Woodroffe (“The Serpent Power”) and B.K.S. speak with great respect about Mula Bandha. Iyengar (“Yoga Clarification”), among others. In short, the practice of Mula Bandha is very beneficial.

The yogic text “Gheranda Samhita” describes this technique in some detail: “Press the heel of your left foot on the area between the anus and the genitals, and squeeze the anus...”. This can be done at the end of your regular set of asanas and pranayamas, or separately, during the day (if you have restless sleep, you don’t need to do it at night).

The practice is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. We sit in a comfortable position, preferably Padmasana or Siddhasana. The back is straight, the head is not lowered.
  2. Close your eyes and relax for 1-2 minutes, observing the process of natural breathing.
  3. We gather our attention at the point of the perineum and genitals. Now, taking a slow breath, we compress this area - the pelvic floor. We strain the entire area: the genitourinary system, genitals, anus (at the basic level of mastering Mula Bandha, you need to compress this entire area: that is, Vajroli Mudra, Mula Bandha and Ashwini Mudra can occur to one degree or another).
  4. As we exhale, we gradually relax everything that has been compressed.
  5. Squeeze again (while inhaling).
  6. Relax again (as you exhale).
  7. We do 5-25 such compression-relaxations, then rest. Breathing should not be too intense (to prevent dizziness).

      Sit in a comfortable position.

      Place your palms on your knees.

      Close your eyes and relax your whole body.

      Take a deep breath.

      Then hold your breath and perform bandha

      Contract the muscles in the muladhara chakra area.

      Pull your muscles up as far as you can without excessive tension.

      Constantly fix your attention on the point of contraction.

      Maintain this contraction for as long as possible.

      Then stop contracting.

      Stop the bandha.

      Raise your head and exhale.

This is one cycle. If necessary, wait until your breathing returns to normal. Then do a few more cycles.
Stay aware. Don't overexert yourself.

Mula bandha for men

In men, Mula bandha strengthens the main muscle that holds the Lingam (penis) in an erect position. This muscle runs throughout the Lingam below and is attached at its base to the pelvic bones. To train this muscle, tantrikas add one more to the usual version of Mula bandha. They perform the exercise when the Lingam is about 50% excited.

Basic execution technique. The initial stage of the exercise is performed in the same way as the main version: sitting with a straight back, hands on your hips. Feel the floor or chair seat with your buttocks and bring your attention to your anus. Inhale half your lung capacity, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly contract your anal muscles to your limit. Extend the tension from the anus along the underside of the Lingam forward and upward. You need to feel how the scrotum and testicles rise up. Hold the tension as long as possible. Take an extra small breath, relax all the muscles involved, and exhale completely calmly.


    If desired, you can practice with external breath retention (bahir kumbhaka); that is, you can first exhale and then do jalandhara bandha. However, this alternative method has the disadvantage that it does not allow you to hold your breath as long as with internal retention.

Advanced practice may include (after mastering the basic technique!) pulsation compression of 4-5 levels in each compression and the same relaxation; very slow compression and the same slow relaxation; hold Mula Bandha for a long time - against the background of it, you can perform other practices: for example, with Mula Bandha, for problems with the lower back, all deflections are performed; and with light Mula Bandha you can do Surya Namaskar and almost all individual asanas.

As promised, I’ll say a few words about mulabandha).

I didn’t have many yoga classes - at first only two classes
Therefore, I still treat all yoga things with caution and apprehension.

In particular, mulabandha just scared me at first.

Because when there are long-standing problems with the intestines and stool, the instruction to “pinch everything” is perceived as compacting everything even more inside oneself)…

But I must say that yoga regulates these terrible issues very successfully and over time I stopped being afraid of mula bandha). Because I clearly understood that it was she who solved my problems in this area.
Previously, these difficulties required surgery - now there is hope that yoga will correct what was caused by backbreaking labor in the garden and a difficult childhood)…


“mula” - (Sanskrit) “root, base, basis; the lowest part."

“Bandha” - “lock, clamp, close, lock.”

“Mula bandha” means contracting the muladhara chakra, the seat of kundalini. The center of tension is located at the “root” of the spine - in the perineum.

On a physical level, this is muscle contraction.

On a more subtle level, this is the compression of the muladhara chakra.

It is very important to remember that mula bandha is not just a contraction of the muscles around the prostate (and, accordingly, the cervix in women), but “locking” (squeezing) the muladhara chakra.

The prostate and cervix act as trigger zones that allow you to find the psychic center of the muladhara chakra.

MULA BANDHA (lower lock) is also understood as a voluntary contraction of the muscles of the anus.

That is, there are discrepancies here: according to some sources, you need to contract the muscles of the anus, according to others, the muscles in the genital area. How to do it better - we'll figure it out further.

Mula bandha technique.

There are two options available:

1. During mula bandha, they contract by force of will. muscles of the anus.

This is similar to the natural contraction of muscles when you stop having a bowel movement. But when performing Mula bandha, you need to continue the movement, as if pulling the middle of the anus up and feel this movement along the spine.

2. In this version you need to spread the tension forward through the perineum to the genitals.

In some schools, working with the muscles of the anus is called Ashwini mudra.

And when they talk about Mula bandha, they mean working only with the perineal muscle, or the Qi muscle, in the tradition of Taoist Yoga.

There is advice - do not pay attention to discrepancies, but start doing it, and after a while you will have your own feelings and knowledge of how to do it better for you.

In my case, during classes, mulabandha meant contraction of “everything” - that is, the muscles of the anus and genitals. I still do this. At the same time, I feel exactly what is described: the movement of energy along the spine and a sensation in the tongue. There is also a sensation of sweet saliva, sensations in the back of the head and in the head. This all means that the kundalini energy rises to the upper level.

How to do mulabandha in your case - feel it for you).

Importance of Mula Bandha

Mulabandha causes spontaneous attunement of a person’s physical, mental and psychic bodies.

· Contraction of the perineal muscles leads to harmonious functioning of the endocrine system, improvement of the functioning of the nervous system of the pelvic region, and normalization of the functioning of internal organs. This helps to cure diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs, i.e., digestive disorders and sexual disorders.

· Mula bandha affects the mind, creating a feeling of deep relaxation. This relaxation frees a person from most mental and psychosomatic disorders - stress, overexertion and feelings of constant anxiety. Nowadays, the ability to get rid of constant stress is worth a lot.

· As a “mental relaxant,” mula bandha has proven useful in the treatment of depression, neuroses, some phobias, hysteria and manic states.

· There is little experimental data on the beneficial effects of this exercise on patients with psychosis. But, taking into account the effect of mula bandha on the brain, as well as the fact of its beneficial effect in depression, it can be considered that mula bandha is capable of harmonizing the condition of manic-depressive psychosis and in some cases of schizophrenia, especially in the early stages.

Mula bandha is the most important muscle lock. It is present in many yogic practices. Regular practice of mulabandha gives a person perfect health and helps to develop incredible vitality. The ability to control the manifestations of sexual energy is acquired. Rising upward, sexual power is transformed into creative energy, a person’s gaze becomes open, thoughts become clear and free.

While I was writing about mulabandha, I remembered
which are similar to mula bandha, but are characterized by their technique of execution
and have certain indications). I’ll describe it as soon as I gather the material.)

In the meantime: good practice in execution

I will soon add new additional material for this complex).

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