What helps for brain memory. Secrets of improving memory and attention. The best drugs to improve brain activity for different age categories

Something has become wrong with my memory... Is it familiar? Yes, “here I remember - here I don’t…” is close to almost all categories of people of all ages. Memory and attention often fail and we sadly shake our heads: What to do...?

What is memory?

Memory and problems with it

Memory- a mental form of nervous and mental activity of a person to retain, accumulate, store and reproduce all information that the body passes through its organs of perception.

The process of memory loss is called hypomnesia. Usually the problem arises with age or as a consequence of some brain disease (cerebral vascular sclerosis, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and so on).

However, healthy and young people often complain of memory loss. It is important here not to confuse illness with the selectivity of our memory and attention.

We have noticed that when you meet someone, you immediately forget the names they were named, this happens because at this moment, we read information about the person we see. A stereotype is triggered: almost everything is familiar to us, and the brain switches off in this direction, clinging and stopping at other facts. Here you just need to concentrate your attention a little on the right moments.

So, if you just talked to a person and forgot his name or the address he gave, this is not a reason to run to the doctor. Often this is the ability of the brain to sort out aspects of information that are more and less important to us. But if, after talking with a person, and after a while you cannot remember what he asked you about in the conversation, you should be wary and think about treatment...

Memory and attention test

Or another quick memory test using Schulte tables used for speed reading. Look at the table for 10 seconds. Then close it and write down the numbers you remember:

Test results:

  1. If you managed to remember 10 or more numbers, congratulations, you have an excellent memory!
  2. A person with satisfactory memory remembers 6-7 numbers.
  3. If less, memory is reduced.

A simple and always accessible exercise is solving mathematical examples.

Count “in your head” everywhere: in front of the supermarket checkout, calculating discounts on price tags during promotions, tips in a restaurant, or thinking about your budget for the month - all this trains your brain.

For two minutes, try to remember as many of the words below as possible. Then write down all the words you remember and count them. Repeat the exercise every day and monitor your progress.

Causes of memory impairment

There are several reasons for memory impairment, as for any physiological process in the body. Here are those well-known external causes that have a detrimental effect on a person’s general health and, in particular, on the weakening of memory:

  1. Bad ecology, pollution of the air we breathe. The activity of brain cells requires oxygen, which is increasingly becoming problematic in our polluted city.
  2. Poor quality sleep, frequent manifestations, because it is during sleep that all restoration processes occur in the body. Healthy, uninterrupted sleep is especially important, which must begin before 24 o'clock and end at 6 - 8 o'clock in the morning.
  3. Information overload, which we all experience: the Internet, radio, television. The brain is suddenly bombarded with an endless stream of information, or the person himself fills it with unnecessary “junk.”
  4. Psychological fatigue, nervous overload is the source of memory impairment.
  5. Many people know the banal laziness, when a person, the same student, who until recently stored a lot of information in his head, after finishing his studies, stops reading, counts with a calculator, and keeps all records of cases through a notepad. The brain has stopped receiving signals to remember, it completely switches off and a person sometimes forgets his name :)
  6. Poor quality food, deficiency, lack of natural products, eating food that contains a lot of preservatives, food additives, dyes.
  7. Smoking does not contribute to the quality of health, impairs memory. Moreover, it has been experimentally established that people who have reduced the daily number of cigarettes or quit smoking have noticeably improved memory.
  8. Age The phenomenon of memory loss is explained by obstruction of blood flow in the vessels of the brain and poor circulation. No matter how sad it may sound, doctors consider age-related memory loss to be a completely acceptable phenomenon.

As you can see, all the reasons are external, not a word about genetics, so the memory given by nature , anyone can improve if they wish.

How to improve memory and attention at home

Train your memory - the best way to improve it.Easy, just like we train our muscles, we can train and attention.

Look carefully for 3-5 seconds at two or three people, turn away and ask yourself what you managed to remember: what color is the jacket of the first, the hat of the second and how long is the hair of the third.

You are going to the Hypermarket, making a shopping list, afraid of forgetting. Not bad, put it in the back pocket. Walk around the hall and remember what you need to buy, and only before the checkout check the contents of the basket with the list.
Below is a brief summary of the method for improving memory. I.I.Poloneichika- Head of the Center for Intelligent Technologies, recognized today most successful in the post-Soviet space. It is called the accumulation system. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • Wake up your brains, change your occupation, expand your sphere of interests and hobbies. If you are interested in investing, switch to politics, culture, healthy eating or the arts.
  • Read books, learn poetry, memorize passages of prose that are especially difficult to remember. And it is important that the poems are good, better than classics, because our brain is very selective, but it is equally important that you like these poems.
  • Solve crossword puzzles. It is important here that the process brings pleasure, brings joy to you, then there will be success.
  • Calculate the calendar date by the days of the week and vice versa. For example, today is Wednesday, May 1st, and on Friday a week later, what will the date be? (19!) Or what day will May 23rd be?
  • Name 30 names of countries, cities, state capitals, rivers and lakes in 30 seconds. Or think of 30 words in alphabetical order in 30 seconds. Speed ​​is very important here. Even though 30 for 30 may not be possible, the brain will work and this will already give results.
  • It has been established that it is very important to diversify your occupation, which stimulates the establishment of new connections between nerve cells in the brain, and even causes the growth of these cells, helping to increase the level of memory.
  • Memorizing dreams and reproducing them while you are awake improves brain function.

Our memory is inertial, at first you will forget about these exercises, you will be overcome by laziness, but take control of this and after two, maximum three weeks you will notice the results.

Computer games for developing memory and attention

Computer games train memory well, develop thinking and attention. It is important that these are not simple toys, but developed by specialists and meeting medical requirements. Such games can be found on the BrainApps.ru project. their simulators were developed jointly with scientists from Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

The methods of memory training shown in the picture below are no less effective. They are more fun, which means they will be more interesting to make. The pictures are clickable.

Acupuncture - an ancient way to improve memory

Acupuncture is a massage of biologically active points on the human body that activate blood circulation.
It is recommended to act on the following points:

“Middle of a person” (renzong point) - the point between the upper lip and nose,

“Union of Hundred” (baihui point), located at the top of the head.

“Gate of the mind” (shenmen point), at the wrist at the level of the little finger.

P alchik gymnastics for memory

Exercises with the fingers of both hands improve memory and develop intelligence. It is useful to massage the base of your thumbs.

Japanese memory exercises

Everyone knows that the Japanese hold the record for life expectancy. Japanese doctors devote a lot of time to the memory and attention of their patients and develop special techniques.

The Japanese have proven that mental arithmetic improves memory; children who count in their heads at school are much smarter and have better memory than their peers with calculators.

Thus, mental arithmetic is recognized by the Japanese as the best way to improve memory. In this case, not only does the brain experience additional stress, but the memorization process also improves.

Sports and active recreation for brain activity

Do morning exercises, sports, visit a fitness center; any physical exercise enhances the metabolic process in cells, during which more oxygen enters the blood. Take more walks in the fresh air.

Excite your memory, don’t let it sleep and relax, but don’t overdo it in your experiments!

Nutrition to improve attention

Everything in a person’s diet is very important for brain function and good memory.

  • , those same 1.5-2 liters (the important thing is the best, structured one, which is found in berries, fruits, vegetables). The amount depends on everyone’s body; for some, 1 liter is enough. Read about how much water everyone needs at the link
  • Good supply of oxygen to the body. It is this substance that nourishes the brain, providing memory. And here those products that accelerate the blood and gently stimulate blood circulation are especially important.
  • Antioxidants will protect the brain from aging, and amino acids and carbohydrates will provide its nutrition. Vitamins C, E - as main antioxidants. group B and vitamin K, all vitamins in which plant foods are rich.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids,
  • Microelements - selenium, iodine, phosphorus.

Products for brain function and memory improvement

Nature has taken care of products that improve memory and brain function. The list of them is quite extensive. So, what products can improve memory.

  • Drink blueberry juice! Previously it was called a product of vision, but now it turns out that the berry has a positive effect on memory. And by the way, frozen blueberries work just as well as fresh ones.
  • Black grapes and currants are very beneficial for the brain due to their antioxidant content.
  • Garlic improves blood circulation in the brain; just 1-2 cloves will relieve forgetfulness. A clove or twig will help to avoid the smell if you chew garlic with it.

Infused with alcohol, it perfectly enhances mental activity and improves blood circulation in the brain.

  • Nuts are leaders among memory and brain foods. Fatty acids, which are so rich in nuts, vitamins and amino acids, zinc and magnesium, develop brain activity and stimulate brain function. Nuts are especially beneficial for you in the amount of 5-7 pieces daily; It is no coincidence that they look like the hemispheres of the brain.

  • Dairy products and milk due to cottage cheese,
    • containing Omega-3 acids are especially necessary for brain activity;
    • Sea kale, whose iodine supports mental clarity and builds IQ.
    • Horseradish has a beneficial effect on improving memory, especially in combination with lemon;
    • Ginger is useful in these cases, according to the Chinese, it is simply irreplaceable. Ginger decoctions are good: infuse 10 grams per glass of boiling water and drink; You can use dry powder with half a teaspoon of water. And simply, add ginger to your dishes;
    • Include dried fruits, baked vegetables and fruits, stewed carrots in your diet;
    • White chicken meat is the most useful in terms of improving memory. Those who eat little meat have an excellent memory! 🙂

    People who are too keen on diets suffer more from lack of attention and memory, as well as those who Not is having breakfast.

    Herbs and plants to improve memory and brain function

    Traditional medicine in its arsenal contains a whole storehouse of recipes, using various commonly available plants that have a beneficial effect on memory.

    • Ginkgo biloba plant is a leader in protecting capillaries and blood vessels of the brain. Thus, it improves not only memory, but also vision, improves sleep, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and their walls, and thins the blood. Herbal-based drugs are sold that are excellent for relieving many health problems.
    • Rosemary is an aromatic herb rich in antioxidants and carnosic acid, which dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation, and improve memory. Studies have shown that even the smell of rosemary enhances memory.
    • Ginseng is the root of life and perfectly stimulates brain function.
    • Schisandra chinensis - increases tone, stimulates brain activity, promotes ingenuity.
    • Aronia chokeberry - especially helps with memory loss caused by vascular atherosclerosis.

    The best drugs to improve brain function

    If, however, the above methods did not produce noticeable results and your memory still does not please you, you can turn to medications that improve brain function, increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.

    Ginkgo biloba- a medical product with natural ingredients that normalize the condition of brain vessels, improve mental activity and normalize blood flow. The drug has an antioxidant effect, normalizes metabolic processes and improves blood circulation in the brain.

    Glycine- a drug that has a calming, anti-stress and tranquilizing effect, relieves fear and increased anxiety, helps normalize the psycho-emotional state and improves brain function. Can be taken by adults and children.

    Be always healthy, with excellent memory and a clear mind.

Neglect of physical education, culinary excesses, bad habits, combined with the aging process of the body, impair the ability to remember. Knowing how to improve memory and attention, you can achieve intellectual heights at any age and maintain the ability for clear, distinct thinking.

Many factors influence the maintenance and development of the ability to remember, process and assimilate new information.

At a young age, you manage to remember almost everything - your heart and blood vessels are healthy, there are no chronic diseases, every day you have to learn and remember new information at school.

When the need to remember a lot of information decreases, it weakens. Regular training is necessary to maintain your memory ability.

Any intellectual exercise is suitable. Some study foreign languages, others learn a lot of poems and song lyrics.

In order to firmly remember new information, it must be repeated more often, preferably in the morning, when the brain has rested and has not begun to receive new impressions.

Depending on the specifics of professional activity, the development of visual, auditory, motor, tactile, and olfactory varieties may be required.

To improve memory, simple conditions must be met:

  • the brain needs rest, so adequate night sleep is necessary for memory development;
  • For better memory, oxygen is required, so you should get into the habit of walking every day and ventilating the room more often;
  • the ability to remember deteriorates during various nervous shocks and stress, so they must be avoided in every possible way.

Restoring blood supply to the brain improves memory

Poor memory is often associated with poor blood circulation in the brain. In old age, the cause is atherosclerosis. Patients are impaired in their ability to remember, to concentrate on something for a long time, their mood often changes, fatigue quickly sets in, their head hurts and feels dizzy, they want to sleep during the day and suffer from insomnia at night.

Atherosclerosis is increasingly detected in middle age. The increased content of bad cholesterol in the blood plays a decisive role. In case of headaches, increased fatigue, deterioration in the ability to remember, pain in the heart area, you should pay attention to these symptoms and start monitoring your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Vascular disease develops with a sedentary lifestyle, frequent stress, the habit of eating high-fat, high-calorie foods, and a lack of seafood in the diet. Cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and narrows their lumen, causing the brain and other organs and systems to cease receiving the necessary amounts of nutrition, microelements, and oxygen.

Stress prevents you from improving your memory

The hormone cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands, is involved in the development of stressful situations. At the same time, it is harmful to the hypothalamus, an area of ​​the diencephalon that affects memory.

Most of all, stress prevents women from improving their memory, since the production of estrogens necessary for the development of the ability to remember is reduced in the female body. In addition, women are more emotional than men and tend to worry about a variety of reasons, “in general,” and not about something specific, like men.

To avoid stress and memory loss, women should focus on current problems that really need to be solved. And sweep aside those that you still cannot resolve.

A simple and effective way to combat stress is physical exercise. A half-hour lesson normalizes blood supply to the brain and improves memory.

Healthy intestinal microflora is important for memory development

The weight of the microflora of the large intestine reaches 1.5 kg, so about half a thousand varieties of microorganisms are considered to be an independent gland of the body.

When consuming incompatible foods or disrupting the diet, a mass of harmful substances is formed in the intestines, and pathogenic microflora develops. Some are neutralized by the liver, the rest end up in the bloodstream, causing memory loss and sleep disturbance.

The thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are necessary for optimal metabolic reactions.

The production of these hormones depends on the intake of sufficient iodine in the body. An adult needs up to 150 micrograms of iodine per day; during pregnancy, the norm increases to 200 micrograms.

With insufficient activity of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), the skin becomes pale and rough, flaky, reactions are slow, mood swings are frequent, and patients complain of poor memory.

In addition, speech becomes slow, weakness is felt, hair falls out, the heart rate decreases, blood pressure decreases, the nasal mucosa swells, making breathing difficult, there is no appetite, stones form in the gall bladder, and constipation becomes more frequent. Anemia is combined with increased blood clotting.

B vitamins develop memory

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is necessary for conversion into energy and metabolism. In case of thiamine deficiency, memory and attention deteriorate, sleep and heart rate are disturbed, irritability appears, and constipation becomes more frequent.

Lack of vitamin B1 occurs with a monotonous diet. Alcohol interferes with the absorption of thiamine, while vitamin C, on the contrary, promotes it. Vitamin B1 practically does not accumulate in the body and must be supplied with food.

The daily norm for an adult is considered to be up to 2 mg. When playing sports or frequent stressful situations, the need for thiamine increases.

Vitamin B1 is found in sunflower seeds, buckwheat, wholemeal bread, brown rice, green peas, liver, and potatoes. Long-term cooking reduces the amount of thiamine in the finished dish.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) improves the condition of skin and hair, promotes the release of energy from carbohydrates and fats, and helps overcome stress.

In case of pantothenic acid deficiency, memory and vision deteriorate, insomnia occurs, and irritability appears.

It is believed that an adult needs up to 6-7 mg of vitamin B5 per day. It is found in unpolished rice, peanuts, lentils, champignons, chicken eggs, cabbage, and oatmeal.

Vitamin B6 is necessary for intense intellectual work and in preparation for passing exams. In case of deficiency, memory deteriorates, sleep and digestion are disturbed, and mucous membranes are affected.

The norm is to consume up to 2 mg of vitamin B6 per day. It is synthesized by intestinal microflora and is found in walnuts, carrots, tomatoes, cherries, strawberries, oranges, meat, dairy products, chicken eggs, and legumes.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is necessary primarily for hematopoiesis, it is involved in metabolic reactions and the synthesis of amino acids. In childhood, cyanocobalamin is especially necessary for the growth of the body.

The norm is considered to be 3 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day. Long-term deficiency is manifested by anemia (anemia).

The vitamin is necessary for the prevention of nervous disorders, improvement of memory and attention, and strengthens the body's immune forces.

In advanced cases of helminthic infestation, the body is completely deprived of vitamin B12. It is also destroyed by baker's yeast, so you should eat unleavened bread, whole grains, and sprouted grains.

There is no cyanocobalamin in plants; it is found only in products of animal origin: beef, herring, mackerel, dairy products, chicken eggs.

Water improves memory

The brain is 80% made of water, so it reacts sensitively to its lack by weakening the ability to remember and deteriorating attention. Once dehydration is eliminated, memory improves.

Every day you need to drink up to 8 glasses of clean water, melt water is especially useful. Water improves memory, attention, increases the ability to concentrate, perceive new information, and gives strength.

You need to drink enough water to keep your urine pale throughout the day.

To improve memory, you should stop drinking coffee, tea, soda, chocolate - any drinks containing caffeine. Caffeine inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which is necessary for the development of memory and concentration. In addition, heavy doses of caffeine dehydrate the body.

Improving memory function with proper nutrition

To strengthen brain cells, develop memory and attention, it is useful to include lingonberries, viburnum, raisins, and walnuts in your daily diet.

Some are convinced that to strengthen memory it is useful to eat one almond every day for a month.

To improve blood supply to the brain and prevent the formation of blood clots, it is useful to include in the diet fatty fish rich in omega-3 acids.

Pineapple is rich in B vitamins, potassium, copper, iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc. The fruit prevents the development of atherosclerosis and increases the ability to remember significant amounts of information. To strengthen your memory, take a glass of pineapple juice once every 3-4 days.

Apricot juice improves memory, increases performance, and tones the body.

Grapefruit juice and fruits promote fat burning and are useful for cardiovascular diseases, memory and attention disorders, and nervous disorders. Healthy juice reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and reduces the permeability of their walls.

Bergamot helps eliminate negative attitudes, anxiety, cope with stress, restores thyroid function, improves memory and attention.

Cucumber juice, taken half a glass a day, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, helps in the treatment of heart disease and hypertension, and helps preserve memory in old age.

Beetroot juice improves memory in atherosclerosis, has a choleretic, diuretic, and sedative effect. It is used in the treatment of obesity, insomnia, hypertension, diseases of the female genital area, and normalizes the female cycle. Freshly prepared juice must be kept for at least two hours before consumption. Take up to 1 glass per day.

The fruits of gingko - more of an ornamental than a fruit plant - ripen only in China and are used as a seasoning in local cuisine.

In the form of an extract, the plant is used to normalize cerebral circulation, for dizziness, to improve memory, in case of speech disorders, ringing in the ears, for the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis, arrhythmia.

To improve memory and concentration, it is useful to take ginger water:

  • Brew 0.5 tsp. ginger powder 70 ml boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Take every morning after breakfast for two weeks, repeat the course after seven days.

This remedy is especially effective for strengthening memory during intense intellectual stress, while preparing for exams.

Improving memory and attention with aromatherapy

Lemon used in aromatherapy calms the nervous system, helps to concentrate, improves memory, and gives strength. Particularly useful in cases of frequent stress and overwork.

Microbes in the room quickly die under the influence of the lemon aroma because they stop multiplying.

Rosemary oil helps create a creative atmosphere, strengthens memory, and calms the nerves.

Since ancient times, petitgrain oil has been considered the elixir of youth; it has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. Smoothes wrinkles, restores elasticity to the skin and bust, strengthens hair. Improves memory, promotes creative and logical thinking.

The aroma of cinnamon stimulates intellectual activity, improves memory, and increases performance. When added to drinks, it enhances the sense of smell, visual perception, and promotes concentration.

Modified: 08/11/2018

Memory is a person’s ability to accumulate, retain and reproduce knowledge and skills. Many living beings have memory; it is most developed in humans. Its volume is directly related to the number of nerve cells that are involved in the process of storing information. If you notice that your memory abilities have deteriorated, you will find out how to improve your memory below.

It has been proven that stress affects our memory. During stress, there is a strong release of ACTH and cortisol, which blocks the consolidation of memories. Long-term disorders of the nervous system lead to degradation of hippocampal tissue, which directly affects the state of memory and the ability to use it. Therefore, one of the rules of good memory is less stress, more positive emotions.

Physical activity helps improve memory. Regular physical activity increases the level of special amino acids that are necessary for normal mental activity and mood. If you perform physical exercise for 20 minutes, during this time the substances necessary to improve memory will be produced. Dancing, training in the gym, running - all these active activities have a positive effect on our memory.

There are special methods that help improve the state of intelligence.

Exercise “Cellular Toking”

This strange, at first glance, exercise works like this:

  • increases the speed of thinking;
  • shows how hard your memory can stretch.

The task is as follows - you need to name all the objects that you see in the room in front of you.

For example, a table, a chair, a monitor, a flower, a sofa, a carpet. Objects can be named with descriptive characteristics and without specifics. It is interesting to do the exercise with an observer in the room. He will evaluate the speed of your work, after what time you will be “blown away.” Over time, the pauses between words will increase, you will get confused in words and help yourself with gestures. This exercise is a great way to boost your brain activity.

After regularly performing this exercise, neurons begin to work not at half capacity, but at full strength. This kind of brain training will eliminate absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, and increase your response in stressful situations.

Exercise “House of Memory”

This method can be varied as desired. For example, try to name all the poets you know by their last names. If you named 15 authors, this is considered a good indicator. In addition to the surnames of writers, you can name a variety of surnames, concepts, names. For example, male or female names, plants, pieces of furniture.

Exercise “Concentration on the task” An excellent method that will teach you to concentrate on the task at hand.

All you have to do is pronounce the words backwards.

Beauty – Atosark

Love - Wobuhl

Family - Yames

Bow - Kul

Ox - Fishing

Leo - Vel

Juice - Kos

Then you can move on to longer words. This, at first glance, a primitive children's exercise trains perfectly. For example, you need to pronounce the word admiral backwards. To do this, break the word into blocks - hell - world - al. Imagine the word in this form in your own imagination and hold it there. At this time, memory and attention are trained enormously. When you fix three syllables in your mind's eye, it will not be difficult to read them in reverse - la - rim - yes.

Exercise #4

Some memory training methods are important to do with an assistant. The exercise described then refers to such methods. Your assistant should place a picture of 9 animals on a piece of paper. They can be cut out from magazines or printed on a printer. It is important that the person training his memory sees these pictures for the first time. Therefore, someone else must cook them.

Right Brain Training

In order for the right hemisphere of the brain to develop, it is necessary to do various actions with the left hand. After all, the right hemisphere is responsible for the work of the left hand. If you don’t have time to train, you can train yourself to do the simplest household chores with your left hand. For example, washing dishes, cleaning the bathtub and sink. You can also place the computer mouse under your left hand.

Discreet workout in everyday life

  1. Every day you can read new educational information for yourself. It is also useful to read good books. After reading them, write down the names of the characters and briefly record the plot. Periodically you need to look through these notes and restore what you read in your memory. This will help not only develop memory, but also earn a reputation among friends as an erudite person. There is a lot of literature that describes ways to improve memory performance. It is also useful to study if you are serious about working on your mental abilities;
  2. Laziness is an enemy not only for memory, but also for the person as a whole. Therefore, you need to get rid of it, otherwise you will not have a good memory;
  3. after watching a film or program, scroll through their contents in your head from beginning to end;
  4. try to keep a list of products and things you plan to buy in your head;
  5. During the process, think about what you are doing at the moment. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts;
  6. try to remember people's names. This will not only develop your memory, but will also make you look like a well-mannered person. If you are introduced to a person, try to associate him with someone you know or with a public figure. This will make it easier to imprint the name in memory;
  7. try to remember phone numbers. At least the ones you use most often;
  8. at the end of the day, scroll through your head all the events that happened to you today. This helps not only develop memory. Such an analysis shows whether the working day was structured correctly or whether it is useful to change something in its structure;
  9. you can remember the birthdays of acquaintances and friends, the schedule for days and weeks;
  10. conduct speeches without using a cheat sheet;
  11. different types of needlework are excellent methods to make the brain work actively, and, therefore, improve your memorization abilities;
  12. Nutrition affects brain function, so it also needs to be given attention. Foods that are good for memory are fish and other seafood, nuts, some vegetable oils, cereals;
  13. aromatherapy is known for its stimulating properties. Some oils can improve brain function and memory. These include rosemary, lemon, mint.

Now you know how to improve your memory at home using affordable, simple methods.

Author of the article: Lyudmila Lapinskaya

"Forgot! I forgot something! How often do you say this phrase, at least mentally? After all, this “something” can be something important!

Most people sooner or later face the problem of poor memory. Or wondering how to improve it. What can you do to remember more, faster and better?

All people are gifted with the ability to remember everything that surrounds them. Be it new people, their names, faces. Or these are important things that should be done after a while. Or a shopping list and a friend’s birthday.

Memory is a unique ability. It allows us not to forget about important things. It is necessary for any person, no matter what he does.

We can often hear others say: “He's lucky, he has a good memory!” There is a share of delight and some envy in these words.

But I have good news! Memory can and even should be developed! Scientists have proven that certain working and living conditions help stimulate brain function and make it more productive.

Good sleep, proper nutrition and regular exercise have the best effect on proper brain activity.

In addition, people do not think at all that memory - a good memory - is not only a gift from birth. No, to have a really good memory, you need to train it. Cicero said:

“Memory weakens if you don’t exercise it.”

But what if you follow all this, but still fail to remember an important phone number? How to train your memory anyway?

If we remember some information, it means that we have used effective techniques for remembering. But if you fail to remember, it means that the memorization process went wrong.

So let's start training your memory. And in just a few weeks, or maybe even days, you will be able to boast of excellent memory!

12 simple exercises to develop “phenomenal memory”:

1. Improve your memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action and draw parallels with your life. Let's just say that the more associations you make, the more opportunities you have to remember what you want.

There are times when you forgot your partner’s phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Don’t rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember this yourself. This information is already “on the shelf in your head”; you just have to find it.

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. it will be easier to do this.

4. Speak out the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The process of memorization becomes better when you speak out the information received.

5. Do some arithmetic

When you have nothing to do in boring and long queues, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the license plates of cars passing by... This practice is actually an excellent memory training.

6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, at the end of the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some aspects. Think back about your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask: “What was the most effective decision I made today?”

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to remember details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything you read about. This is great for training your brain.

8. Learn poems and passages of text

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhyming verses and non-rhyming passages of text helps develop memory. Therefore, learn poetry. Try to choose pieces that you really like.

9. Don’t even think about cramming!

Remember how at school/university we could memorize the questions we needed in order to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better think about what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you read.

10. Repeat

But it’s still worth repeating the material you’ve covered. Do not cram, but repeat - refresh your memory. As they say: “Repetition is the mother of learning.” Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you've learned. This information will be stored in long-term memory, and you can easily retrieve it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve anything or remember anything if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to sit on the couch doing nothing. Better take a book or turn on relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thereby improve your memory, while physically you will rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

12. Learn several foreign languages

It's nice to come to Italy and imposingly say “Buongiorno!” to a passing waiter. And then catch the admiring glances of those with whom you arrived. Is not it? But it has long been known that learning foreign languages ​​contributes to the development of good memory. And it's also very interesting! So why not take advantage of this?

These are effective memory training techniques. But there is something else interesting. Memory is inextricably linked with the correct and good functioning of the brain. This means that stimulating its work can improve memory:

  1. It has been proven that regular sports increase brain activity and improve memory;
  2. No to gray everyday life! What is remembered well is what does not fit into the framework of everyday life. Try changing your surroundings, adding bright colors, going to the store along a new route... You don’t have to radically change yours. Just add something new to your daily routine, and your brain will work with renewed vigor;
  3. Add new habits. For example, tidying up your desk in the morning is a great start to a productive day!
  4. Meditation, relaxation They force the brain to switch gears and relax. This means that he will perform new tasks with double energy;
  5. Music has a magical effect on our brain. It has been proven that people who play music have better memory and analytical abilities;
  6. Teamwork. Brainstorms have proven their effectiveness more than once. And now scientists have proven that decisions made as a team were more accurate and faster. They attribute this to the fact that during communication, information is more easily perceived and assimilated. So solve problems together!
  7. The brain assimilates and sorts information while we sleep. So don't ignore this process.


This is only a small part of the effective memory development techniques. But simply reading it will not yield results. Use these techniques. Remember, only 50% of the result depends on the doctor, and the remaining 50% depends on the patient. Without working on yourself, you will never reach the top.

Was it helpful? Put “like”, we will know what is useful to you and I will prepare more articles about the development of different skills.

In the meantime, read our other articles on self-development:

Hello dear friend!

Do you remember what you did yesterday? Where did you put the car keys? Think about whether you completed all the tasks at work. Have you turned off the iron?

I can add a couple dozen more to the list of similar questions. Among them there are those that come to mind and immediately leave. But about the iron that wasn’t turned off - that’s even worse. Once you forget to make a simple move - unplug the plug from the socket - and the apartment burns down. Therefore the question is what to do to improve memory, - in the head of any person.

Once we understand what memory is and what it is needed for, we can find ways to train it.

I’m writing the definition of “simpler.” Memory stores information. There are at least two criteria according to which memory is divided into types. A person sees, hears, feels with his body. That is, it has visual, auditory, kinesthetic memory.

Well, who doesn’t know about the three main types of our “information keeper” - instantaneous, short-term and long-term?

Instant memory lasts 5 seconds. It “filters” information and converts data into short-term memory. Short-term memory is what we think in the present moment. It lasts one minute. Most information is forgotten precisely at this stage of its transformation. Whatever remains becomes long-term memory.

Why does a person need memory?

What is memory needed for? On the scale of one person - without it, none of us will even be able to learn to speak. Thanks to memory, we develop our personality.

Hence the importance of the storage of information in general for humanity: without memory there is no evolution. There is no transition from one civilization to another, more developed one. No growth.

As an example, I ask you to think: without memory, how would you start reading? The letters are not remembered at all. Scary to imagine.

I agree that it is better to forget some negative aspects. And then nature took care of us. Memory strives to eliminate information that causes negative emotions.

But when important moments are forgotten, we need to think about this.

Causes of memory impairment

In my practice of communicating with people, I have encountered people with poor memory from birth. Well, they can’t remember my name, that’s all. By the way, this can be fixed.

But I want to talk about those cases when people themselves begin to notice “information leakage from the storage.” Why is this happening?

I have collected the main reasons for memory deterioration:

  • age. Aging of the body is a natural cause of the loss of “former” skills;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • taking medications (as a side effect);
  • alcohol, cigarettes, drugs;
  • stress, nervous tension;
  • modern gadgets;
  • body injuries.

Not a positive list, I agree. But there is good news - all these reasons are not an obstacle to training and improving your memory.

How to improve memory and attention

Since birth, your memory has not worked perfectly? Well, not everyone is born with a perfect body. The question is how you train.

Over the past two weeks, have you noticed that you've been forgetting where you parked your car? No problem. The main thing is that they paid attention to it in time.

Without notes on your smartphone, do you immediately forget everything you heard? Well, there is some work to be done.

What is written above is necessary in order to convey the idea: when memory deteriorates, you need to “catch” a positive attitude and correct the situation.

I understand that there may be different ways to improve memory. It depends, first of all, on the cause of the unpleasant situation. However, there are universal exercises which are suitable for memory training.

More variety .

I urge you not to get lost in the routine of everyday life. Change is the ideal coach. Rearranging your home, updating your wardrobe, new songs on your player, different routes to work - familiar things and things are perceived differently. Creating inconvenience

. We don’t like something new and incomprehensible, because we have to adapt to it. And we don’t change anything in life, relaxing the memory. Try doing something unusual that will make you “sweat.” For example, wash your hair with one hand. Even better is to do two or more things at the same time. Then the brain is activated for sure.

Communication . People carry information that your memory will have to perceive, filter, and put aside. She won't be left without work here. Rest.

Don't strain yourself or your memory.

We are not talking about medical specialists. And not even about intensive courses and trainings that are held in different cities. I suggest that you turn to the Internet for help.

Remotely learn a “craft” that has attracted you for a long time. Or develop skill necessary to achieve satisfaction with your life. Gain new knowledge in your profession. These are the opportunities provided by portals that combine courses on various topics.

Using the example of the Elitarium educational systemI’ll tell you about the advantages of such sites:

  • the aggregator provides courses on various topics (marketing, finance, personal growth);
  • detailed information in accessible form (audio, texts);
  • teachers have practical experience;
  • Constant updating of the database of courses and useful articles.

Another plus of Elitarium is that the site provides a course on Memory Development, which is aimed at improving human memory.

The course program is not aimed at developing in a person the skill of automatically performing actions. It gives you the opportunity to choose your own ways of working on memory.

The whole theory about the human “repository of information” from the structure of mechanisms to the role of hormones. Practical tasks consist of 17 exercises. As they say, “taste and color.”

Watch your body, feel it. It is important to understand in time that he needs help and provide it.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

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