What you need to squirt. Squirting is a method of independent achievement. Key Rules for Achieving Squirt

Squirting is the most powerful, most intense and vivid type of female orgasm, which is accompanied by ejaculation. But you should not think that, as in the case of men, the seed is released - this, of course, does not happen in women. Obtaining a completely different sensation from orgasm occurs due to the separation of a stream with a transparent color and odorless, emanating directly from the vaginal cavity. This state can be achieved both with the help of various intimate cosmetic products and naturally - by stimulation with your fingers.

What should every girl know about squirting?

Squirting is a phenomenon that few women are familiar with. Most of them will never experience this type of orgasm in their lives, and men even have an idea about this process only from erotic films.

One of the main problems women have is that they mistake squirting for the act of uncontrollable urination. However, in fact this is fundamentally wrong.

According to sexologists, who rely on proven facts from biology and physiology, the walls of the vagina have an extremely low threshold of sensitivity or, in some cases, do not have one at all. This leads to the conclusion that friction of this intimate area will not lead to any orgasm. But doesn't this contradict the fact that women experience orgasm when the vagina is stimulated? No. Such an orgasm can be experienced even on a psychological level, and female sexual pleasure is achieved through a combination of many factors, and not through stimulation of any intimate area.

Speaking of squirting, it is also necessary to mention the “period” G » – an area located approximately at a depth of 5-7 cm from the entrance to the vagina. This is where the largest number of sensory nerve endings are concentrated. Point stimulation G and leads to the most violent and vibrant squirt.

Why doesn't everyone manage to experience this type of orgasm? The thing is that neither men nor women themselves can know exactly where this cherished point is located. G , and often stimulate the wrong area that it should. In addition, you also need to know at what pace and for how long to carry out stimulation in order to achieve squirt.

Basic rules for achieving squirt

Every woman can achieve squirting, the main thing is to know herself and her body, and also involve a little psychology. Let's look at a few main preparatory and executive aspects that need to be worked on:

  1. Psychology is everything to us . It will be difficult to achieve squirting if you do not love yourself, your body. Dissatisfaction with oneself negatively affects intimate life, including without a sexual partner. Before you start learning new types of orgasm, start organizing things at work, in your family life, work on your body so that you can wake up with pleasure and always be in a good mood.
  2. First clitoral orgasm . The clitoris is a part of the female body that helps to achieve a full orgasm. Rejection of masturbation, embarrassment of this process, fear of unknown sensations - all this stops a woman on the path to squirting. Try stimulating the clitoris during masturbation and achieve orgasm through this - this will be the first step towards your goal!
  3. In search of the one and only . Well, the main secret to achieving squirt with your fingers is to find the cherished point G . During masturbation, take your time, gradually go deep into the vagina and try to find the point G . For each woman it is located in a different place, but approximately at a depth of 5-7 cm from the entrance to the vagina - focus on these numbers. When you feel that the area has been found, begin stimulating it. During this, a sensation similar to the urge to urinate should appear - do not be afraid of it. Find out that you have definitely sewn the point G it can be done very simply: after a little stimulation it should gradually turn into a “bulging ball”.

If you can't make yourself squirt with your fingers, then it's time to think about buying a vibrator. With its help you can influence both the clitoris and the point G . With the help of this device, achieving squirt will not be a problem for most women. To prevent damage to the intimate area when rubbing with a vibrator or fingers, it is recommended to purchase a special lubricant. It will make the skin in the intimate area smooth, moist and soft. Today, manufacturers make intimate lubricants without adding harmful chemicals, so the use of such cosmetic products is completely safe for health.

Let's add a few more tips for achieving squirt yourself using your fingers:

  1. Feel free to make erotic natural sounds when stimulating the point G or clitoris - believe me, over time it will excite you even more.
  2. Don't stop at one point stimulation technique G . Try techniques such as firm pressure, circular motion with your fingers, relaxing massage, intense twitching.
  3. When stimulating a point G fingers, try to touch the clitoris at the same time - this will speed up the process of achieving squirt and make it stronger.
  4. On the way to the final squirt, you will experience incomprehensible and even frightening sensations - under no circumstances stop because of this and continue stimulation. It’s just that our body is always suspicious of everything new and this is a normal reaction.

Be sure to try masturbating using additional intimate cosmetics - this will make the process much easier and eliminate microtraumas. You can purchase high-quality drugs for beauty, health and improving your sex life at the online pharmacy website. There is a huge selection of cosmetic products for both women and men, and you will definitely be able to choose something suitable for yourself.

And most importantly, remember that any intimacy that occurs for a specific purpose deprives you and your partner of pleasant sensations on a psychological level. Make love from the heart and for the soul, and then your sex life will bloom with new colors and aromas!

Self-love is a deep-seated confidence that you are a good person, worthy of love and respect a priori, simply by the fact of your birth. No life circumstances or conflicts can shake the conviction of this. You are good, period! True love is expressed in an attentive, careful, caring, condescending attitude towards oneself in any situation.

The absence or lack of self-love in a person can be recognized by merciless self-criticism. T Those who are subject to it regularly engage in grueling dialogues with an internal evil critic who does not miss the opportunity to reprimand and shame for the slightest offense.

“Troll” who is always with you: How to learn to love yourself

  • True self love
  • The prism of self-dislike
  • The prism of self-love
  • How to “increase” self-love

The “critic’s” claims do not concern a person’s behavior in any particular situation or his personal manifestations. The inner “troll” categorically does not like the person himself as a person, therefore, for example, in a situation of failure, he gloatingly hisses to his victim: “You are incompetent, you don’t learn anything, you have hooked hands and a head without a brain.”

A person who loves himself, finding himself in similar circumstances, receives a different message from the “inner voice”: “Unfortunately, you were unable to complete this task. But you’ve gained valuable experience and you’ll probably get it right next time.”

A painfully familiar voice from a terrible childhood

The reasons for self-dislike usually lie in childhood. Cold, narcissistic parents, who begin to meticulously evaluate the child as soon as he is born, and are usually unhappy with him, create a negative attitude in him: “Don’t be who you are. Be the way I want! Be perfect!

A trusting little person concludes: “I can receive the love of my parents only when I meet their expectations” - and embarks on the path of self-denial, learns to ignore his true desires and needs, humbly submits to the will of adults who “know better” what he should be what he is obliged to love, with whom he can be friends.

Such a child gets used to the fact that his value is measured solely by his achievements: received an A - “Well done!”, received a D - “Dumb, stupid, parasite!” And over time, it “grows” a stern and insensitive “inner parent” in itself - in the image and likeness of real parents. People who have realized that they do not love themselves and have begun to work with this problem in psychotherapy are stunned by the discovery: “In my head there is the voice of my mother (father), who criticizes me!”

True self love

Self-love is a deep-seated confidence that you are a good person, worthy of love and respect a priori, simply by the fact of your birth. No life circumstances or conflicts can shake the conviction of this. You are good, period! True love is expressed in an attentive, careful, caring, condescending attitude towards oneself in any situation.

For example, a person who loves himself never works too hard. He notices his fatigue in time and knows that it is time to give himself a break and restore his strength. He does not deny himself small pleasures: an extra piece of cake, a walk in the fresh air, a trip to the sauna. Without regret or hesitation, he cuts off communication with people who treat him poorly. Thus, he will never agree to work under a scandalous and boorish boss, nor will he “get stuck” in a relationship with a partner who practices emotional or physical abuse.

The life of such a person is harmoniously balanced: there is a place in it for his favorite work, family, friends, and hobbies. He will not sacrifice anything from this list, it simply will not occur to him! He does not curse himself for imaginary and real flaws in appearance or extra pounds, does not fight them with savage methods, because he understands: no matter how thin, fat, with a long nose, acne or a lisp, he is still good and worthy love. He does not rack his brains over the question: “What should I do in order for others to love me?”, but always listens sensitively to himself: “What do I feel now? What do I want now? What makes me truly happy? Am I living the life I really want? Am I realizing my potential?

The prism of self-dislike

People whose “inner child” has not received enough parental love are easy to recognize. Many of them are extremely attracted to the role of a “discriminating judge”. They are merciless not only towards themselves - they also do not forgive others for mistakes and weaknesses, harshly condemn them for the slightest mistake, judge people only by their achievements, and focus on external signs of success.

The other extreme is the self-perception “I’m not okay, others are okay.” People who live with this thought from childhood are usually closed. Any communication causes them difficulties and mental discomfort, even pain. Of course, it is very difficult for them to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, because the evil “inner critic” tirelessly reminds: “You cannot feel sincere sympathy and interest in you,” “It is impossible to love such an imperfect creature as you.”

People with a deficit of self-tenderness often become victims of unrequited love and get involved in codependent relationships - for example, with alcoholics, drug addicts, psychopaths. They rarely make attempts to establish themselves in an interesting, decently paid job, because they are firmly convinced that they are unworthy of it. And if they dare to apply for the desired position, they quickly turn on the “inner saboteur”, unconsciously yearn to find themselves in a situation of failure - so that they can throw up their hands with deeply hidden relief and enthusiastically brand themselves with shame. What is the reason? Unfortunately, it is difficult for them to accept the idea that it is human nature to make mistakes - this is natural and absolutely normal, and any business must be learned.

The prism of self-love

Self-love helps a person build harmonious relationships with others - warm, sincere, accepting. He is not deluded by the thought that he himself and other people are capable of being the embodiment of perfection, and does not expect that anyone will be able to guess his desires. He is in dialogue with others, he can not only support, but also, without mental anguish, ask for help, ask for what he needs.

He takes refusal calmly. Love failure is not the end of the world for such a person - situations from the series “the world has fallen like a wedge on you” are unknown to him, because he believes that in any case he is worthy of love and respect. This means that sooner or later on his way he will definitely meet someone who will respond and love him.

How to “increase” self-love

You can start with this exercise:“Imagine yourself as a small child who failed at something. He is very afraid that he will be scolded and severely punished - he covers his face with his hands, swallows bitter tears, trembles like an aspen leaf. Comfort this frightened baby, hold him to your heart, gently address him with the words that you yourself passionately wanted to hear from your parents as a child, but for some reason did not receive it.

For example: “My little one, you are the most beautiful and smart girl in the world! I'm so sorry you had a bad experience! Maybe next time you will succeed. And if not, it doesn’t matter! Please remember that I love you and will always love you!” Turn on this “kind parent” whenever you notice that you are immersed in a dialogue with your inner evil critic.”

How to make friends with a constructive critic

Great breakthroughs in self-love will be made by those who ignore the evil inner critic and listen to the quiet “voice” of the inner constructive critic.

How to distinguish them? The purpose of a constructive critic is not to humiliate or shame, but to support in difficult times and suggest what is better and more useful.

Compare the speeches of internal critics opposing each other: “Today your soup burned. This is, of course, sad. But, firstly, it is still edible, and the family will not be left without lunch. Secondly, it’s great that you cook yourself and don’t poison your beloved husband with instant noodles. Thirdly, now you know exactly when it’s time to remove the pot of soup from the stove.” - “You are a useless housewife! How could you ruin such a simple dish?! All because you are ugly! Don’t even dream that you will ever learn to cook well! And how can your husband put up with you?!”

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Squirting - a method of self-achievement

And here is the article itself:

“The topic of squirting or squirting orgasm has become very popular now, and in some of my articles I briefly mentioned it. But many women, knowing about this orgasm, think that it does not apply to them, that only porn divas are capable of this, or they are waiting for the ideal lover who will help them experience this orgasm.

But the truth is that every woman can experience this most delicious orgasm, and, most importantly, you can “set it up” for yourself in just a few days!!!

What he really is? It is sometimes called a “birth” orgasm. Why? During this orgasm, the intimate muscles make the same movements as during childbirth!!! First, the muscles of the vagina expand - at this moment the child walks along the birth canal, and then they begin to make sudden movements to push out - during childbirth these are pushing.

In nature, nothing happens for nothing! This orgasm is given to a woman to train her muscles for childbirth! Every woman can experience this orgasm, it is programmed by nature in the female body, this is the simplest and most natural thing that can happen to the female body, just like childbirth!!!

But why don’t all women have it? The fact is that the first feeling that arises when this orgasm approaches is that I really want to... write. And women either begin to control themselves so as not to wet themselves, they clamp everything down - naturally, there is no orgasm, or they run to the toilet.

But our body is designed in such a way that in a pre-orgasm state we cannot pee, and the woman in the toilet first calms down, then pees and... you can forget about orgasm!

When you feel, during arousal, that you want to pee, this is a bell of an approaching orgasm, and instead of clenching, on the contrary, relax, as if you want to “pee” on a man. Remember that it is impossible to urinate in a pre-orgasmic state! This will help trigger the orgasm.

What else can prevent this orgasm? Sometimes it happens unexpectedly to a woman. But during this orgasm, a large amount of fluid shoots out of the urethra (that’s why it is popularly called “jet”). All the sheets are wet.

And God forbid a woman thought that she peed herself, and if a man also thought or even said so - how many sad stories have I heard from women when they restrained themselves for decades after such an incident, fearing a repetition!!!

Indeed, a lot of fluid flows from the urethra, but it is not urine! This has already been proven many times by researchers - the transparent liquid is similar in composition to prostate juice in men, it smells pleasant, colorless and transparent.

Such an orgasm is the highest manifestation of female sexuality, it can last from several minutes to an hour or more without stopping and brings a feeling of deep satisfaction and fullness inside, in contrast to some emptiness after orgasm from stimulation of the clitoris.

And, since all women are naturally capable of experiencing it, it turns on very easily! And it depends on three things: the G-spot, intimate muscles and breathing. We will talk about them now.

1. G-spot

At first, the jet orgasm is triggered precisely by her stimulation. All women have it!!! And it’s easy to find it in 10 minutes. In an excited state, in a warm state, with a slightly full bladder (2 warm cups of tea and you can try it!), begin to palpate the front wall of the vagina, as if you were touching the pubic bone from the inside. Feel from the very bottom to the top and find the place, when you click on it, you most want to... write! This is it!

And often women do not find the G-spot because they expect unusually sweet sensations from it immediately - they will happen, but only after you turn on the G-spot. And at first the sensations may be barely noticeable, slightly different from others: a little more pleasant or , on the contrary, it’s unpleasant, you want to write a little more – the key word is “a little more.” This is it! Everything is very simple!

But it’s not enough to know where the G-spot is. It’s very important to “turn it on” so that it becomes the trigger point for orgasm. It's easy to do in three simple steps.

The first step is to massage the G spot for 5-10 minutes a day for one or two weeks with your fingers in a circular motion or back and forth with deep breathing through your mouth, so that you can hear your breathing. Without orgasms, just for a rush of blood, to increase sensitivity, to open it petal by petal.

The next step is a massage for one or two weeks with a special vibrator for the G-spot in the shape of the letter “G”. The curved head will massage this area very well. In a sex shop, pay attention to the fact that it is the head that vibrates, and not the base of the vibrator. And with water-based lubricant, give yourself a G-spot massage for pleasure. The sensitivity of the vagina will delight you more and more every day!

The third step is key. Many women, when opening the G-spot, stop at the first two stages, they feel good and sweet, but one small problem arises - an orgasm from the clitoris becomes not so attractive compared to the sensations from a vaginal massage, but there is no orgasm from the G-spot yet. And a woman cannot enjoy it fully.

Therefore, a very important point is the transfer of the trigger point of orgasm from the clitoris to the G-spot. This is elementary simple, a matter of technique and a few days. You massage the G-spot (with your fingers or a vibrator, whichever you prefer) and the clitoris at the same time, bringing yourself to orgasm. Next time you start the same way, but 1 second before orgasm you remove your hand from the clitoris; next time you remove your hand in 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 5, 10... In a few days you will bring yourself to orgasm by massaging only the G-spot! And from now on you can enjoy it to the fullest!

2. Muscles

In addition to the inclusion of the G-spot for a squirting orgasm, we must remind the body of the movements that it makes during orgasm. They are very simple, you will be surprised - your body already does them perfectly!!!

The first movement (both during childbirth and during this orgasm) is the vagina opening. At the same time, she can suck in air with a sound - and many women are embarrassed by these “indecent” sounds. But there is nothing to be ashamed of - they are not talking about muscle flaccidity, but, on the contrary, that the muscles are toned and moving. And men have a great sense of where the air is coming from. So “sound” with pleasure!!!

It’s very simple to catch this movement: lie on your back, bend your knees, feet firmly on the floor, exhale and while holding your breath, lift your shoulders off the floor. And in this position, with your shoulders raised, try... relaxing your stomach! He will be able to relax on the sides, and the muscles in the middle “slide” will remain tense.

And at the same time, the vagina can make a characteristic sound, “sucking in” air (at the very beginning of training, slightly open it with your fingers - the air will immediately enter!). Isn't it easy? Train in the morning in bed 3-5 times. And after a while you will be able to do this with a smile on your face!

The second movement is even simpler - the muscles make a pushing movement (in childbirth this is pushing). To train these movements, buy double vaginal balls on a string (the simplest ones, without vibrations and pimples). With plenty of water-based lubricant, place them in the vagina with the thread facing out, sit with your hands on the floor behind you, bend your knees, place a clean sheet or towel between your legs and start pushing the balls out.

Push correctly, as during childbirth, not with your “face”, but with your diaphragm. To do this, inflate your stomach, exhale sharply and open the vagina outward, without squeezing it, but, on the contrary, relaxing it. And be sure to pull the string, telling your body what you want from it. The body is very smart, after a few workouts the first ball will pop out on its own, then the second, then they will begin to “fly” further and further - and the stronger the muscles make this movement, the tastier your orgasm! Do it for no more than 5 minutes, have fun. No hours of training needed!

And don’t be surprised when, during this exercise, a clear liquid begins to shoot out of the urethra - this is the same water that shoots out during orgasm. The body already in the exercise itself does the same thing as during orgasm!!!

3. Breathing

This orgasm requires an open, breathing body. If your mouth is closed and you breathe through your nose, the energy will not flow into the pelvis in sufficient quantities, there will be no energy in it - where will the orgasm come from?

Try to practice this breathing separately: lie on your back, relax, open your mouth and start breathing through your mouth, listening to your breathing, inhalation and exhalation. Imagine that the breath seems to massage you from the inside, “falls” into the pelvis and knocks on the pelvis from the inside, filling it with energy and warmth. Try this slow, relaxed breathing every day for 5-10 minutes and use it when massaging the G-spot.

Then you won’t want to breathe without this anymore!!! And so that one orgasm follows another - constant deep breathing through the mouth! This is the main secret!!!

So, after a few days you will have the activated G-spot in your arsenal, the vaginal muscles will easily open and push out, and you will breathe through your mouth with pleasure, filling your body with energy.

Now the only thing left to do is to put it all together and “turn on” the jet orgasm! Never practice this during sex - the best way to ruin sex is to practice something during sex. Sex is sex, training is training. When the body is ready, it will transfer everything into sex.

So, how to get a jet orgasm: give yourself 20-25 minutes every day for a week. In a warm, cozy environment, with your phone turned off, begin to breathe deeply and relaxed through your mouth, slowly caressing and warming your body. It will be good to put on warm socks and put a warm heating pad on the lower abdomen or under the sacrum for 5 minutes.

Start caressing the clitoris and G-spot (with your fingers or a vibrator), gradually paying more and more attention to the G-spot. Let the movements be soft at first, gradually becoming more noticeable. Do them as if you are lightly “knock” on the pubic bone in the G-spot area from the inside, increasing arousal. And the stronger it is, the deeper and more active your breathing becomes. And, when you feel that an orgasm is coming, a moment before it, open your vagina (air may be sucked in with a sound) - this will intensify the orgasm many times over, and during orgasm, begin to make pushing movements, as in exercises with balls (but without them).

And repeat this several more times over the course of a week or two. The body is wise, it will instantly grasp this natural movement and transfer it into sex itself.

And at some point you will become the happy owner of the sweetest of orgasms!!!

A very important point: while you are preparing your body for this orgasm, prepare the man for the fact that you may have one, what if the man is not familiar with him and will think that you peed yourself?

How can this be presented? As always, through praise. You can tell him: “Darling, I recently learned (from a friend, on a TV show, on the Internet) that experienced lovers experience women with jet orgasms. And the first feeling when this orgasm approaches is that I really want to pee. And can you imagine, my love, you and I very often have this feeling during sex. But I thought that I just wanted to write, and it turns out that you are such a great lover that you practically bring me to this orgasm, but I just don’t give myself the opportunity to get it.”

After such words, the man will no longer let you run away from this orgasm; he will look for information about it on the Internet.

Where should I send it? There is an excellent training video by Stefan Hemmon, “Mastery of the Female Orgasm”, freely available on the Internet - you can start with that; as well as articles on Wikipedia and many interesting forums about this orgasm on the Internet. The man will have something to do in the next month!

And most importantly, don’t turn this orgasm into a sport. Enjoy it, relax in it, open up as a Woman, feeling vulnerable in your beauty and trust as a flower. And from the bottom of your heart share this bliss with your Beloved.

I wish you sweet and exciting discoveries!

With love, Your Maria Shchitova © 2014"


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Sexual magnetism


1. Quick seduction of a person you already know or don’t know.

2. Instant identification of “one’s own” by temperament and quick acquaintance with him (possibly in a large group among strangers);

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Astral projection and out-of-body exits

In this training, I teach two vital “tools of perception” - “Inner (or Astral) Vision” (it is also often called vision through the “Third Eye”, or “Clairvoyance”. I say this because the “tool” is the same the same, and the method of training it is essentially based on the same principles;

About “Tibetan practices of expanding consciousness” - more details...

People always. They are trying to invent something incredible or ban it. One of the more mysterious things is squirting (female) orgasms. Often some difficulties are attributed here. Let's try to simplify. And at the same time, we will begin a series of articles about sex and relationships in a new style. Attention, it will be like an adult, 18+.

What is squirt? Usually this word refers to a situation when, during sex, fluid is released from a girl through the urinary canal. There is a lot of debate about what kind of liquid this is. In fact, orgasm is very common, especially when it happens for the first time. Then there are constant jokes about the need to dry a sofa, mattress, sheet or car seat. And a lot of talk about how cool it is.

So let's start with the fact itself. You need to achieve a pleasant release of liquid. As any observations made show, this liquid is in no way urine. You can follow the pattern that if a girl has just had a good pee and pee, it will be a bit difficult to squirt. Science has not yet fully suggested how and what, therefore, we will assume that liquid is released without urea in it. Close to neutral in smell and taste.

There is a lot of strange literature that gives some recommendations. But today there are many videos with this type of orgasm, where you can watch everything. The only question is the pressure, whether there will be a fountain and so many in a row, which is rather very, very rare. Therefore, let’s consider the most effective one that always works for any girl. Although no, rather only cute and pleasing ones.

What do you need to get started? Ideally, a girl who is really eager to learn and try, as well as trust and general relaxation. At the same time a comfortable place. Often this can be done either with your hands or, more traditionally, during sex. There's just a little bit left to do. Do. It is immediately worth noting that incredible descriptions and sensations are most likely so vivid due to their originality and unusualness. There's nothing too supernatural about it - it's just different. There is a small percentage of girls to whom this happens on its own. Consider a "for sure" style of leadership.

What do you need from a guy? A steady hand or a good erection, good physical fitness and the ability to last at least some significant time without ejaculating. Ideally, there is no need for condoms (another type of contraception). The scheme is very simple. The idea is that you need a fairly good arousal of the girl “before” and, accordingly, almost an excess of lubrication. The goal is to make the vaginal muscles contract. Usually this is achieved by arbitrary (in depth) powerful and short-lived movements, then at a light peak you need to completely remove the impact with your fingers (usually the middle and ring fingers) or the genital hook. Take it out, and most likely for a few seconds. Repeating over and over again, acting sharply and feeling the situation.

You need to methodically try to play so that it becomes very narrow. One of the magical actions is to “beat” the clitoris with your member during “removal” or simply touch it with your fingers. And so continue. Ideally, the girl lies on her back and at least her knees are raised up. At the most, the legs are thrown up almost to the head with the knees.

After the peak of tension is reached, you should abruptly, rather for a long time, enter and methodically rhythmically press exactly on the well-known G-spot, choosing the ideal pose for yourself. Moreover, each time it becomes more powerful and sharper, a little deeper and without stopping, thus touching the clitoris along the way. If it doesn’t work out the first time, then it’s worth repeating the maneuver to achieve maximum tension in the vaginal muscles. With experience, this skill can be developed very strongly and you can make a squirt literally in a minute or two from the very beginning. Of course, in each case there will also be some nuances, details that will be situationally useful somewhere.

Of course, if it has already worked out a couple of times, then everything will be easier with the same partner, and with others, if there is a need for it. Based on the collected statistics, the method always works for everyone. In most cases, guys have a penis that is bent upward, which makes it easy to put pressure on the G-spot. The better the position for pressure is chosen, the more effective it is. In general, this effect will depend little on the size of the genital organs, except in very rare cases. Moreover, the same can be done with your fingers.

Often people try to add some kind of activity to this activity. But this can be done almost always, there are no secrets. With good physical preparation, mood and desire, it is almost 100% effective. Is it worth doing this all the time and flooding all the mattresses with sofas? That’s a question. Often it happens “by chance” in those couples when the sizes of the genital organs match perfectly (often the penis is larger than average). It also happens when the girl is on top and controls the process.

If you don't succeed the first time, you should be patient. The only thing you definitely shouldn’t do is when the girl doesn’t want it and resists. Although, with very good physical indicators, this is not a hindrance, but it is worth showing reasonableness and not engaging in violence. Another point is that when squirting it is very easy to have a series of orgasms that... And a good squirt is a guarantee of orgasm, most likely more than one.

So, nothing mythical or... There may be situations when it will be possible to make a squirt without the direct impact described, but rather indirectly.

P.S. Most of the material is on the topic of hearing loss and tinnitus. How to improve your hearing, get objective improvement, correct your hearing, get rid of tinnitus.

The most vivid, intense and “palpable” female orgasm associated with ejaculation is called squirting. Of course, in this case, seminal fluid is not released, as in the “male” case. However, the experience of pleasure is accompanied by the release of a stream of clear, odorless, specific liquid ejected directly from the vagina.

Under seven questions

Squirting is a controversial and mysterious concept, since few women are lucky enough to achieve it, and men are even familiar with this phenomenon only from watching pornographic films. Moreover, the majority believes that this is a banal imitation, and at best, a stream of water, prepared in advance for filming, is released from the vagina.

Having heard enough of such assumptions, a woman may begin to feel embarrassed about the very fact of squirting, regarding it as an act of spontaneous urination. But in reality, everything is exactly the opposite.

Sexologists, relying on completely objective facts from human biology and physiology, claim that the walls of the female vagina have practically no sensitivity. This means that they are not an erogenous zone, the friction of which can lead to orgasm. Does this mean that a classic vaginal orgasm is impossible in principle? No. Every woman can experience it purely psychologically; in addition, the sexual pleasure of the fair half depends on many other factors.

Today, almost every adult knows what the “G spot” is. This is an area located at a depth of 5-7 cm from the entrance to the vagina, which includes many nerve endings.

Stimulation of this point leads to orgasm, in particular, squirting.

However, few men are sufficiently aware of the physiological features of the structure of the female genital organs, so not everyone can “find” it. And “find” alone is naturally not enough. It is important to know how and with what intensity the area should be stimulated so that your loved one reaches the peak of pleasure.

Paraurethral gland: the female “prostate”?

Did you realize that a woman's urethra can secrete more than just urine?

It turns out that orgasm with squirting has a very real and “down-to-earth” scientific explanation. The fact is that at the end of the female urethra there are special, specific glands that are practically not used by the body (do not confuse them with the Bartholin glands, which secrete a mucous secretion, or “lubricant” during sexual intercourse).

Skene's glands, which are also called paraurethral glands, are discharged into the urethra. With active and correct stimulation of the “G spot”, they secrete a liquid with an alkali, which, in terms of chemical properties, almost completely replicates male sperm.

Especially for skeptics, scientists conducted an experiment during which the “experimental subject” was injected with a contrast agent into the bladder. This was followed by stimulation of the “G spot”, which resulted in squirting.

At the same time, the separated secretion was absolutely transparent. Next, the voluntary subject was asked to urinate, and her urine had an intense bright hue, which meant the removal of the contrast agent. This means that the secret that is released during squirting has nothing to do with urine, as distrustful people believe.

Since we have understood the possibility of squirting from a “technical” point of view, it’s time to move on to practice! How can a girl achieve squirt, and even herself? Very simple! But for this it is important not to deviate from the intended path, and persistently comprehend the secrets of your own body. Alas, not everyone is even half aware of them. And this prevents most girls from leading a full and multifaceted intimate life.

Key Rules for Achieving Squirt

Understanding squirting, on the one hand, is not so difficult. However, there is an important condition - you must know your physiology perfectly and guide your partner in the “right direction”. Many ladies believe that the female orgasm is something like a “gift” or “special skill”, which is not given to everyone. But that's not true! You will have to work hard on your feelings, and believe me, these efforts will be fully rewarded.

How to achieve the coveted squirt yourself?

And remember: it’s easy for a girl to reach the finish line on her own.

If you are fundamentally determined to experience your first squirt with your partner, proceed according to the following scheme:

  • Ask him to determine the exact location of the "G-spot";
  • Point out to him how you feel at the moment;
  • Offer to stimulate the area with light massage, firm pressure, twitching, or circular movements of your fingers;
  • To achieve a particularly “pronounced” result, massage your clitoris yourself at the time of stimulation;
  • Try not to stop if you experience unknown, and to some extent “frightening” feelings - they bring you closer to the peak!

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