What not to do before donating blood: referral for analysis, preparation and rules for donation, compliance with the conditions for obtaining the correct result of blood tests. What you can and cannot eat before donating blood for testing

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    Did you know that in order to get reliable test results, you need to prepare for donating blood? Online laboratory Lab4U has written a comprehensive guide for you on how to donate blood.

    Do not forget: Taking blood tests requires compliance with the rules: the procedure must be carried out by qualified medical professionals who know all safety standards, and you must be at emotional and physical peace. Also, nowadays it is not customary to take blood from a vein with a syringe; for this there is a special system with vacuum tubes - a vacutainer. However, that's not all. The final conclusion can be influenced by your diet, habits and even workouts.

    Are you planning to donate blood soon? Check if there is a Lab4U online laboratory near you and pay up to 2 times less! Permanent discounts up to 50% on most necessary tests!


    Do's and Don'ts before

    Drink: Drink water in the usual amount, and for children you can even increase the portion a couple of hours before donating blood. This will reduce the viscosity of the blood and make the collection easier. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, alcohol affects the number of white blood cells and is eliminated from the body in only three days.

    Eat: Eat your last meal 8 hours before your test. It is best to have dinner and come to the laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach. You should especially avoid eating fatty foods, as they can lead to chylosis, which will make the sample completely unsuitable for research.

    Loads: It is advisable to avoid really hard workouts and a lot of stress the day before the blood test. A bathhouse is contraindicated, as is swimming in an ice hole; all this will affect the final results.

    Do's and don'ts before biochemical tests:

    Drink: Drink as usual, but make sure it is water and not soda or alcohol. It is advisable to eliminate coffee and tea one day before.

    Eat: Before a biochemical blood test, there are most restrictions on food. The day before donating blood, it is necessary to exclude from the menu fatty foods (it will affect the indicators), sweets in large quantities, even grapes (the biochemical complex includes measurement), purine-rich foods such as meat, liver, legumes (so as not to mislead the doctor with high uric acid level). It is necessary to take the test on an empty stomach; you can have your last meal 8 hours before the procedure.

    Medicines: All unnecessary medications must be eliminated the week before blood donation. But if you have medications prescribed by your doctor that cannot be canceled, do not be discouraged, indicate the names and dosages on the referral itself.

    Even if you were inattentive and had a heavy breakfast on the day of the test, don’t be upset. Instead of having to go and donate blood and pay for results that may be incorrect - Just 3 clicks and any of our medical centers will be waiting for you at a convenient time. And a 50% discount on all biochemical studies will relieve you of stress!

    Do's and don'ts before hormone tests:

    Drink: There are no water restrictions.

    Eat: Like all other tests, it is advisable to take hormones in the morning on an empty stomach. Eating a large breakfast may affect the readings or make the sample unusable for analysis.

    Loads: Human hormones react to physical activity and stress very noticeably. From training the day before, your production may change, stress affects cortisol levels and. Therefore, if you are donating blood for tests, we advise you to avoid nerves and fuss as much as possible on the morning of the test and the day before. In the case of tests for sex hormones, exclude training, baths, and try to sleep for a sufficient amount of time.

    Medicines: For analysis, it is better to exclude iodine preparations 2-3 days before donating blood; we recommend checking your multivitamins, they may contain iodine.

    Other: do not forget that women need to take tests for sex hormones on certain days of the cycle; it is usually recommended to take tests on days 3-5 or 19-21 of the menstrual cycle, depending on the purpose of the study, unless the attending doctor has prescribed other dates.

    Do's and don'ts before testing for infections: PCR and antibodies

    Tests for infections can be either the determination of antibodies in blood serum, in which case all general preparation rules apply to blood donation, or the determination of infections using the PCR method, the material for which is taken using a urogenital smear.

    Drink: There is no need to increase the amount of water you drink, drink as much as you feel thirsty. You should especially not drink alcohol before testing for infections; it can serve as a provocation.

    Eat: food has a lesser influence on the results of tests to detect infections. However, try to eat no later than 4-5 hours before donating blood and still avoid fatty foods.

    Loads: If you are donating blood, cancel your workout, bath, or sauna the day before the procedure. In the case of a urogenital smear, this is not so important.

    Medicines: You definitely risk getting an unreliable test result for infections if you start taking antibiotics before the test! Be careful, if treatment has already begun, identifying infections will be difficult! With the rest of the medications, everything is as usual - it is better to cancel it, if it is impossible to cancel it, indicate the names and doses on the directions.

    Other: A urogenital smear must be taken by a doctor, so do not forget to make an appointment for the procedure at a certain time in advance. Men are advised not to urinate for 1.5-2 hours before taking material from the urethra. It is unacceptable to take material from women during menstruation and within 3 days after their end.

    Tests for hormones and infections can be expensive, especially if you take more than one test, more than once. Lab4U offers you comprehensive examinations with a 50% discount.

    What and how can affect test results?

    Why do we insist so much on eliminating food and especially fatty foods before donating blood? If this rule is not followed, your sample may not be suitable for analysis due to chylosis. This is a condition when the content of triglycerides (fat particles) in the blood serum is exceeded, it becomes cloudy and cannot be examined.

    Alcohol affects so many blood parameters that it would be difficult to list them. This includes blood glucose, the content of red blood cells, the content of lactate in the blood, and uric acid. It’s best to just remember that 2-3 days before the test you should give up even low-alcohol drinks.

    Following these simple rules will help you make an accurate diagnosis and avoid repeated visits to the treatment room.

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    Donating blood for donation is a serious procedure, and in order for it to be done safely, a person must complete a number of measures. In addition to general recommendations, doctors advise the donor to adhere to a certain diet immediately before the procedure. A person who has decided to do a noble deed and donate his blood must accumulate strength and saturate the body with useful microelements as much as possible. It is recommended to begin preparing the body for the procedure a couple of days in advance, and it is during this period that, in addition to diet, you should completely abstain from alcohol and certain medications.


    When donating blood, the donor loses about four hundred milliliters of blood. This is a significant loss for the body, which will have to work at its limit for some time after the procedure. During this procedure, the donor's body releases about 72 grams of protein, up to 0.3 grams of iron and up to 4 grams of various mineral salts. In addition, the person donating blood loses up to 2 grams of fat and up to 350 milliliters of water. All these losses should pass painlessly for a person, so it is important to saturate the body as much as possible before donation.

    People who often become donors are less likely to suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Statistics show that the average donor lives five years longer.

    In addition, the quality of the blood must be high, and therefore some groups of foods that can negatively affect its main indicators should be excluded from the diet a couple of days before the procedure. On the day you donate blood, you must have a hearty breakfast and saturate your body with useful microelements. All restrictions that exist in the donor’s diet are short-term in nature and are aimed mainly at increasing the quality of blood parameters.

    A few days before donating blood, it is advisable to include foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates in the donor's diet. It is recommended to consume almost all fruits, with the exception of bananas, as well as vegetables. A person can eat bread, crackers, and cookies without restrictions, giving preference to those products that are made from wholemeal flour. There are no restrictions on boiled cereals, but it is better if they are cooked in water without adding fat, butter, or milk.

    Fish served boiled or steamed, as well as white meat, such as turkey, will have a beneficial effect on the donor’s body. It is allowed to use various types of jams and preserves. For drinks, it is better to drink mineral water, as well as all kinds of juices, fruit drinks, compotes, and, of course, sweet tea. The donor's diet should be varied and rich in vitamins.

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    Food restrictions

    Before donating blood, a person must exclude fatty and smoked, as well as spicy and fried foods from his diet. On the eve of the procedure, restrictions are introduced on the consumption of dairy and fermented milk products. In addition, you should completely avoid butter and eggs, chocolate and nuts. Bananas, avocados and all types of citrus fruits are prohibited.

    It is highly undesirable to drink sweet carbonated water, especially on the day of the procedure.. It is recommended to give up sausages and sausages, all kinds of semi-finished products. A complete ban is imposed on all types of alcoholic beverages. In addition, doctors recommend giving up smoking for a while. All these recommendations should be followed when donating blood for plasma.

    Photos of products that are best avoided

    On the day of blood donation

    A person should not donate blood on an empty stomach; on the contrary, a light breakfast is a prerequisite on the day of the procedure. Before going to the transfusion station, you can eat sweet porridge cooked in water, such as buckwheat, oatmeal or rice. It is recommended to add honey to it. In addition, the donor can be given fruits or dried fruits. It is also recommended to eat inedible dryers or crackers. Immediately before donating blood, you should drink a glass of sweet tea.

    After the procedure

    If a person is completely healthy, then after donating blood, his body is fully restored within a few hours. However, it is recommended to spend the whole day in a gentle restorative mode. You should eat tightly and regularly for two days after donation. It is advisable to include more fruits and vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates in your diet.

    Studies have shown that no more than 15% of the world's population can be blood donors, but there are ten times fewer real people who become donors.

    In the first hours after donation, you should drink as much fluid as possible. Pomegranate or cherry juices, sweet tea, and mineral water perfectly restore strength. Food should be rich in protein and iron, as well as calcium, which will help cover the body's plasma losses. Doctors advise eating chocolate and taking Hematogen within two days after donating blood.

    Donating blood for donation is a complex procedure, but if you follow all the above recommendations, it will pass without a trace for the body. Proper and balanced nutrition will help the donor quickly regain his strength and minimize all possible risks.

    Not everyone knows the answer to the question: is it possible to eat something before a general blood test?

    When issuing a referral for examination, the doctor will definitely warn the patient that such a test is taken on an empty stomach.

    Food can affect the composition of the blood, as a result, the results of the examination will be unreliable.

    A complete blood count is extremely important for the doctor. It is this type of examination that he will prescribe for the patient first. Clinical analysis is a long-standing and fairly routine one.

    Despite this, such diagnostics are very informative. After deciphering the examination, the doctor will be able to accurately examine the picture of the disease and indicate the correct course of therapeutic actions.

    Based on the laboratory technician’s conclusion, the following actions are available to the doctor:

    1. he will correctly assess the general condition of the patient;
    2. make a correct diagnosis;
    3. detects diseases that occur without symptoms;
    4. monitor the course of the disease;
    5. will monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

    Studying the composition of the blood allows you to determine the deviation of indicators from the norm. Each deviation may indicate certain health problems.

    So, high/low ESR means inflammatory processes are going on in the patient’s body, decreased hemoglobin level means anemia, increased glucose means the presence of diabetes mellitus.

    Blood for examination must be donated in the morning; you must not eat or drink anything before. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, the blood will change its composition and the results will be distorted.

    For example, after eating, leukocytosis will increase. On this basis, the doctor will assume that the patient has an infectious disease.

    Why should the test be done on an empty stomach?

    On the eve of the examination day, you should try to have dinner early. At least 7-8 hours should pass between the last meal and the analysis.

    In order for a blood test to show a reliable picture, you must adhere to some rules developed by doctors.

    A few days before the examination:

    • do not include very fatty and spicy foods in your diet;
    • abstain from sweets;
    • You can only drink purified water without gas and without dyes;
    • do not drink alcoholic beverages;
    • try not to smoke;
    • do not tolerate strong physical and mental stress;
    • do not visit the sauna or steam bath;
    • if the patient is taking medications, the doctor must be told about them.

    In addition to quenching thirst, it will be able to facilitate the procedure - the vessels and veins will be filled with blood, its flow will be more active. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are prohibited before blood collection.

    There are several important rules that should not be broken:

    • you should give up fasting or a protein diet that you follow for weight loss;
    • Do not overexert yourself physically or perform heavy, strength exercises;
    • It is important to maintain an even emotional state and avoid stressful situations;
    • before the examination you should not visit the steam room or sauna;
    • stop taking medications that affect blood composition;
    • the day before the analysis you cannot undergo an x-ray examination;
    • on the eve of blood sampling, cancel physiotherapeutic procedures;
    • The day before, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

    Alcohol can cause many reactions in the human blood. After taking it, uric acid and lactate increase, but glucose decreases.

    If you take the test with residual alcohol in your blood, the doctor will give incorrect results.

    If the doctor needs to know your hormone or sugar levels, the rules for preparing for the test may be different. Whether it is possible to eat or not before the examination is decided by the doctor individually.

    In some cases, he will insist that the patient does not eat before drawing blood; for other patients, breakfast must be mandatory.

    If the transcript must indicate the insulin level, then the patient must have breakfast. Eating should be done a couple of hours before the procedure.

    To diagnose the thyroid gland, the patient must abstain from foods that contain iodine.

    To determine blood cholesterol, you must not eat or drink anything other than water for at least 15 hours before the test.

    How to prepare for the analysis?

    In this case, the laboratory technician may not take the blood, so the patient will have to return to the laboratory again.

    Sometimes, for those who decided to eat and drink before the test, the doctor diagnosed diseases that they did not have.

    As a result of an incorrect diagnosis, patients were prescribed treatment and medications.

    A patient who ate fatty foods before the examination will have elevated cholesterol levels in their blood. Eating seafood will increase your protein levels.

    If you eat nuts or beer the day before testing, the result may show the presence of syphilis or hepatitis.

    There is a reason why a blood test is prescribed in the morning. This is necessary, since in the early morning there is an opportunity to trick the stomach a little - you can drink water. At this time, the examination will be most accurate.

    You should not deceive the laboratory assistant before the general analysis if you had to eat and drink in the morning. It is important for the specialist to tell the truth so that the examination results are accurate.

    For those who find it very difficult to survive without breakfast, it is recommended to take a sandwich with a piece of meat and vegetables to the laboratory.

    You can eat it only after blood has been drawn. A chocolate bar can also replace a sandwich - this way you can avoid dizziness.

    There is no need to prepare specially for a general blood test. The main rule is to do the examination on an empty stomach.

    But there are exceptions - patients suffering from pancreatitis and diabetes. They cannot remain without food for a long time. Before donating blood, such patients can eat and drink.

    In this case, breakfast should be light and neutral. You are allowed to eat any porridge, but you cannot add butter, honey, or sugar to it.

    Porridge can be replaced with a small sandwich containing only hard cheese. You are allowed to eat crackers with fresh cucumber or carrots, and drink weak tea without sugar.

    The consumption of sausages, smoked products, pickled or salted vegetables, canned food, and sweet dishes is prohibited. Chewing gum is prohibited as it contains a large amount of sugar.

    It is worth adhering to the established rules. Otherwise, when studying the blood formula, the doctor will suspect a disease that the patient actually does not have.

    Based on an incorrect diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed and medications will be prescribed. At best, the patient will be sent for examination again.

    When getting ready to go to the clinic in the morning, everyone wondered: is it possible to eat before donating blood?

    Of course, directly at the clinic itself, as a rule, they should ask whether we ate in the morning or not, but this does not always happen. Sometimes, when we come to the clinic for an appointment with a doctor and do not intend to take tests, we are put at a dead end and sent to donate blood. Justifying this by the fact that the necessary tests that the doctor needs do not depend on whether we ate in the morning or not. Therefore, there is confusion in the head and a complete misunderstanding of whether to eat before donating blood or not.

    And to prevent such confusion from happening, there are rules that must be followed before going to donate blood.

    1. Before taking the tests, you are allowed to drink a little water, without any kind of flavorings, dyes, and always plain, non-carbonated water.
    2. Two, preferably three days before the test, do not drink alcohol.
    3. Restrictions, oddly enough, also apply to physical exercise. All sorts of excessive loads can affect the results.
    4. You should avoid visiting bathhouses and saunas.
    5. When taking medications, you should consult your doctor to see if taking them affects the accuracy of the analysis.
    6. The last but important condition, which should not be neglected, is to get enough sleep and not to overexert yourself emotionally.
    7. Do not take blood thinning medications before the test. If you are planning to donate blood to a child, it is better that he is not hungry for a long time, give him plain water, and then give the child a banana or yogurt.

    Before your routine examination, you may be asked to take a complete blood test. And failure to comply with mandatory conditions, such as not chewing gum, not eating sweets, or drinking coffee, can falsely reveal a suspicion of diabetes.

    Many experts disagree on whether it is necessary to be hungry in the evening or whether it is enough not to eat two or three hours before donating blood.

    Remember, for an accurate analysis, you should donate blood on an empty stomach. This will help track changes in indicators and dynamics in the blood.

    And also follow the rules below:

    1. In the evening, no later than six, there should be a last meal.
    1. In the evening, do not eat anything fried, fatty or spicy.
    1. It is not allowed to eat sweets: chocolate, cake, sugar.
    1. It is advisable not to smoke before donating blood, or to do it two or three hours before. It is advisable to conduct studies, including repeated ones, in the same laboratory. This is important for the accuracy of the analysis, since clinics have different analyzers and different reagents and therefore there may be slight discrepancies in the indicators. If the doctor warned you in advance that you can eat before donating blood for the necessary test, then breakfast should be as light as possible. Meat and dairy products are not allowed, this includes butter.

    This test is mainly performed to diagnose and determine diabetes mellitus.

    1. The doctor referring you should tell you whether you should take this test on an empty stomach or not, since it is taken both on an empty stomach and after eating.
    1. You cannot drink tea, juice or coffee. This is equivalent to eating.
    1. In special cases, if you are checking the thyroid gland or any other hormones, the doctor must warn you which foods need to be excluded from the diet.

    What rules to follow when preparing for a biochemical blood test?

    The following preparation is carried out for passing biochemistry:

    1. Blood is donated exclusively on an empty stomach, so you need to eat ten hours before, and when checking for cholesterol, eat fourteen hours before.
    2. For about three days, physical activity is eliminated. Cardio, running and any overexertion.
    3. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited from consumption three days before the test.
    4. It is also necessary to get enough sleep and maintain emotional peace, and sit quietly just before blood sampling.
    5. Consult your doctor if you are taking medications. In some cases, you cannot take medications before donating blood.

    What to do and what are the rules if you want to become a blood donor

    Any capable person can be a donor, provided that he is at least 18 years old. You can become a donor if you have no medical contraindications and it is important that your desire is voluntary. Before donating, please provide the following information:

    1. Identity document.
    2. Information about surgical interventions and past infectious diseases is provided.
    3. And they undergo a medical examination. The donor must be healthy at the time of donating blood and not have any serious health problems in the past. This includes viral hepatitis, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, HIV, syphilis, sexually transmitted diseases, metabolic diseases. On the day of donation, a general blood test is checked, in which the doctor looks at the content of hemoglobin and platelets. The state establishes social guarantees for everyone who decides to donate blood.
      Employees are given a day off from work on the days of blood donation and medical examination. But if the donor decides to go to work, then the due day off is transferred to any day convenient for the donor or added to the vacation. On the day of blood donation, the donor who donated it free of charge is provided with free food at the expense of the organization collecting the blood. Or a fee for donating blood is determined from the subsistence level in the amount of 8 to 45% established at the time of blood donation. There is no need to be afraid to donate blood; all donor points are provided with disposable and sterile equipment, which makes blood donation safe.

    Experts say that in scientifically based doses, regular blood donation is even beneficial. After all, since ancient times, many diseases were treated with blood donations and bloodletting.

    Regular donors tolerate blood loss more easily. The body's protective compensatory mechanisms work faster during periods of stress.

    And 450 ml of blood is not critical blood loss. It will quickly recover within two hours and will be mobilized from the body.

    Donation also has a positive effect on a person’s emotional state, so most donors are active, cheerful people.

    Can a donor eat before donating blood?

    1. The most important rule is that you cannot donate blood on an empty stomach. Be sure to have breakfast.
    2. Avoid spicy, smoked, fatty and fried foods.
    3. You should not smoke for several hours before the procedure and after donating blood.
    4. It is imperative to get enough sleep and be rested. And to balance fluid in the body, you need to drink more water. Before the procedure, drink sweet tea with something sweet, a bun or cookies.

    What to do after donating blood.

    1. Take your time, run immediately, sit quietly for a while.
    2. Do not remove the patch or get it wet for several hours.
    3. Keep your arm bent at the elbow for about 15 minutes, this must be done to prevent bruising.
    4. It is better to wash the next day.
    5. And, of course, drink more water and stay healthy.

    Did this article help you?

    Donation is a good and very useful event, especially when it comes to donating blood free of charge. However, so that your efforts are not in vain, and the procedure is successful (quite often whole blood is rejected due to poor tests), you need to eat properly and balanced before the event.

    What can you eat before donating blood, and what can you eat? Is it necessary to constantly adhere to a diet in case of regular donation? Is it possible to smoke, drink coffee and water before donating blood? What are the general rules for preparing for an event? You will read about this and much more in our article.

    What can you eat before donating blood?

    List of permitted products:

    Among the additional features, one can note the need to prepare dishes from the above-mentioned products only by steaming or by boiling - baking, raw food, and especially frying are not suitable for these purposes.

    The nutrition plan itself is fractional, in small portions, but 5-7 times a day.

    Nutritionists do not give an exact period during which it is necessary to adhere to the mini-diet described above. Only the limiting lower line has been set at 1 day. As practice shows, in order to get good tests and successfully donate blood, you need to adhere to the designated diet plan for at least 3-4 days preceding the donation procedure.

    List of prohibited products before the procedure

    Before donating blood, you should not eat:

    • All types of fatty meat, especially pork;
    • Meat or fish by-products;
    • Fatty fish;
    • Fresh baked goods, especially puff pastries, fried pies;
    • Fast food in any form;
    • Rich soups and broths;
    • Canned food;
    • Marinades, pickles, sauces;

    It is also not recommended to introduce previously unfamiliar or very rarely used exotic foods into the diet., no matter how dietary and healthy it is. It is not advisable to eat large portions with significant time intervals between sittings. Sweets – in moderation and only simple ingredients, not cakes or cream-rich rolls.


    The consumption of liquids by the future donor deserves special attention. As practice shows, they affect test results no less strongly than food consumption.

    The list of permitted drinks that can be used for 3-4 days before donating blood includes:

    • Regular filtered or boiled water. It will not cause harm to the body, but it will not improve blood quality indicators either;
    • Tea. It is best not very strong - for example, green. Sugar can be added sparingly;
    • Compote. Any types of compotes made from dried fruits are suitable;

    You will be interested in:

    • Morse. In limited quantity and not very sour;
    • Mineral water. It is advisable to focus on standard types of these products and not choose medicinal ones, saturated with certain substances;
    • Juices. It is preferable to use fresh fruit and vegetable juices made with your own hands from non-acidic varieties of products.

    Prohibited drinks

    Meals on the day of blood donation

    How long should you not eat before donating blood? Under no circumstances should you go hungry before the donation procedure! You just need to adhere to a certain diet plan.

    Immediately before the blood donation procedure, you need to once again adjust your own nutrition. and strictly adhere to the recommendations of medical specialists. On the last day before the day of blood donation, in the evening, you must eat food strictly before 20 o'clock, using products prepared exclusively by cooking.

    The best option is a light lean salad and porridge with water. An alternative is a small piece of boiled veal fillet and vinaigrette.

    Get enough sleep (at least 8 hours without breaks). In the morning, have breakfast with tea with 2 tablespoons of sugar, a simple bun without filling (preferably yesterday's). As an addition - a glass of fresh apple (from non-acidic varieties of this fruit), 100 grams of “zoological” cookies and 1 cracker.

    You should not consume any other foods - the last 12 hours before the test are the most critical, so adhere to the designated diet plan as strictly as possible, both in terms of products and their volume, and in terms of timing.

    How to prepare for donating blood?

    In addition to a proper, strict and balanced diet, it is also necessary to adhere to a number of general recommendations that will help carry out the donation procedure simply, quickly and with a positive result.

    Rules for preparing for the donation procedure:

    Nutrition after the donation procedure

    After collecting 1 standard dose of whole blood in the amount of 450 milligrams, the complete process takes about 4 weeks. That is why a person involved in donation needs good nutrition.

    Main nutritional features:

    During this period, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of fast food, offal, sausage, marinades, pickles, sauces and dressings as much as possible.

    It is also worth adding to your diet dairy and fermented milk products (all types, including medium fat content), vegetables, fruits, herbs - potatoes, beets, pumpkin, spinach, peaches, broccoli, artichoke, apples, kiwi, ripe fresh tomatoes, citruses.

    In addition, it is advisable to consume nuts, dried fruits, pumpkin seeds and other products recommended by a nutritionist, endocrinologist, hematologist or therapist.

    What diet should you follow when donating blood on a regular basis?

    Are you planning to become a donor on a permanent basis? This requires not only desire, internal beliefs and capabilities, but also a change in lifestyle in the context of rationalizing one’s own diet and transferring it to a permanent basis.

    The best option for regular donation is diet No. 15 according to Pevzner. It is the softest among all options for therapeutic and rational nutrition and allows you to use a maximum of products with minor restrictions. There are relatively few of them - this is the exclusion from the diet of products based on refractory animal fats (for example, margarine, spread, fatty butter), fatty meats, as well as pepper and mustard. The rest of the food can be used as usual, naturally in moderation.

    The daily energy value according to diet No. 15 for an adult is about 2800 Kcal.

    Of these, up to 100 grams of proteins (60 percent of which are of animal origin and 40 of vegetable origin), the same amount of fat (70 percent of animal origin and 30 of vegetable origin), as well as up to 400 grams of carbohydrates (of which 300 grams are complex and only a quarter are simple).

    Eat right and your donor blood will always be perfect!

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