What can post April 7th. Nutrition calendar for Lent by day: what is possible, what is not. What You Can and Can't Eat

In the old days, with the beginning of Lent, life in cities and villages literally froze - noisy Maslenitsa festivities ended, weddings were not played, they did not go to visit, they went to bed early.

This is not a diet!

For Orthodox believers, the main meaning of fasting is not to observe some gastronomic rules, but to purify the spirit. Moreover, refusing food is not an end in itself. This is a kind of support necessary for deep inner work. You should not go hungry while fasting. You need to eat your fill, but do not overeat. It is necessary to satisfy the feeling of hunger so that one can work spiritually and physically.

Possible and impossible

During fasting, believers refuse certain foods, the so-called fast food. It includes meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, strong alcohol.

In fasting, you can afford grain products (bread, cereals, cereal products), vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, honey, vegetable oils, spices. On certain days, it is allowed to drink red wine (no more than 1 glass) and eat fish and seafood.

Fasting may not be observed by pregnant women, nursing mothers, the sick and children under five years of age. Children older than five can be gradually accustomed to fasting, but without too strict restrictions. For example, they may abstain from animal food not throughout the entire fast, but only for a few days.

February 19 - 25

1st week is called Feodorova. At this time, it is customary to remember all the defenders of the Orthodox faith. The Church remembers the final victory of Orthodox dogma over heresy.

Clean Monday. The name Clean Monday comes from the desire to spend the first day of fasting clean. On Clean Monday, a very strict fast is observed. As far as possible, believers try to abstain from food, pray harder, fight sinful passions.

According to the Church charter, hot food without oil is allowed.

The monastic charter suggests eating hot food without oil.

Allowed food with vegetable oil. On this day, the Orthodox venerate Holy Martyr Theodore Tyron, who, in response to the compulsion of the Roman emperor to sacrifice to idols, continued to profess the Christian faith.

For disobedience to the emperor, Theodore was imprisoned and tortured.

However, he did not renounce the Christian faith and was burned.

The monastic charter allows food with vegetable oil.

The 2nd week of Great Lent is dedicated to commemoration Gregory Palamas. Saint Palamas, who lived in the 14th century, abandoned his court position and retired to the Athos Monastery to devote himself to the service of faith and preaching about the power of fasting and prayer.

The church charter prescribes dry eating. You can eat bread, vegetables, fruits.

The church allows hot food, boiled and baked dishes, but without vegetable oil.

You can eat hot food, but without vegetable oil.

Cook in a double boiler, bake, cook soups.

The charter prescribes dry eating. We'll have to limit ourselves to fresh vegetables, bread, fruits.

Parental Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead. On this day, the Church calls on everyone to unite in a memorial prayer. The fact is that, according to the rules, during fasting it is not supposed to arrange memorial services, magpies and funeral services. But so that the departed would not be left without prayer, the Church set aside special days for commemoration. On Parental Saturday, you need to visit the temple and, together with everyone, ask for repose for deceased relatives.

Hot food with vegetable oil is allowed, you can drink a little grape wine.

Memorial Day of Gregory Palamas. You can eat hot food with vegetable oil, drink wine.

March 5 - 11

The 3rd week of Great Lent is called the Adoration of the Cross. On the third Sunday of Lent in all churches, a cross decorated with flowers is taken out of the altar. Holy Cross reminds of suffering Jesus Christ and strengthens believers in continuing to fast.

Hot food without vegetable oil is allowed. Cook soups, bake and stew vegetables.

Xerophagy. The church allows you to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, bread. You can use pickles, soaked berries, fruits and vegetables, sauerkraut.

You can eat hot food without vegetable oil.

Hot food is allowed, you can flavor it with vegetable oil. According to tradition, on this day, relatives went to visit each other and treated themselves to kissel - berry or oatmeal.

parent saturday. As on the second Saturday of Great Lent, it is supposed to go to the temple and pray for the repose of deceased relatives. On Parental Saturday, hot food with vegetable oil is allowed, you can drink some grape wine. Wine can only be dry, without added sugar, no more than 200 g.

On this day, they visit temples to worship the Cross, consecrate the prosphyra, read the legends about the lives of the saints. Hot food with vegetable oil, wine is allowed.

March 12 - 18

The 4th week of Great Lent is called the Week Saint John of the Ladder. John wrapped his reflections on spirituality in a book that Christians consider a reliable ladder to the Heavenly gates. The book is called "The Ladder".

According to the charter, you can eat hot food without oil: soups, stewed vegetables, compotes and kissels.

The church charter prescribes dry eating. Only bread, vegetables and fruits are allowed.

The monastic charter allows hot food without vegetable oil.


parent saturday- day of commemoration of the dead. Despite the name Parental, Sabbath commemorations should not only refer to the deceased father and mother. On this day, all the departed are remembered.

Hot food with vegetable oil is allowed, you can drink a little grape wine. Wine can only be dry, without added sugar, no more than 1 glass (200 ml). It is better to dilute the wine with water.

Memorial Day of St. John of the Ladder. You can eat hot food with butter.

March 19 - 25

5th week of Great Lent is dedicated to venerable Mary of Egypt, this week is also called Laudable, since on Saturday a special prayer is read in the Church - Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos. On Wednesday, during the week of commendation, an all-night vigil with the canon is celebrated Andrew of Crete- Christian preacher. In the old days, girls considered it obligatory to endure this service, believing that Andrew of Crete would help them get suitors for their zeal.

The Church prescribes dry eating. Fresh and soaked vegetables and fruits are allowed. You can eat pickles, bread and dried fruits.

But you will have to refrain from hot food.

According to the church charter, you can eat hot food, but without vegetable oil. Prepare soups, compotes, jelly, stew and bake vegetables.

March 21 (Wednesday)

According to the charter, you can eat hot food without vegetable oil.

Xerophagy. You can not eat anything other than bread, vegetables, fruits.

Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday appeared in the 9th century in honor of the deliverance of Constantinople from the invaders. When crowds of pagan Persians moved to the Christian city, the Mother of God protected the city. In gratitude, in all the churches of Constantinople, in honor of the Mother of God, an all-night hymn of praise was offered up.

On this day, the church charter allows hot food seasoned with vegetable oil. You can drink some dry grape wine.

On this day, the Church remembers St. Mary of Egypt. Mary was a great sinner and then repented. On this day, you can eat hot food with butter and drink wine.

March 26 - April 1

The 6th week of Great Lent is dedicated to the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. People call it Palm Week. On this day, Jesus entered Jerusalem and revealed himself as the Messiah, and the believers greeted him with branches.

Xerophagy. Bread, vegetables, fruits

The church charter allows you to eat hot food without oil. Boil, stew vegetables, prepare jelly and compotes.

March 28 (Wednesday)

The Church prescribes dry eating. You can eat only fresh vegetables and fruits, bread. Do not neglect nuts, dried fruits, pickles.

The church permits eating hot food without oil.

The charter prescribes dry eating. You can eat vegetables and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment.

Lazarus Saturday. A few days after the death of Saint Lazarus, Jesus resurrected him. The news of the miracle spread throughout Judea, and it was after this that the Pharisees (at that time representatives of the most influential religious movement) decided to kill Jesus Christ. It is allowed to eat hot food with butter, fish caviar and a little wine. In the old days, bread was baked on Lazarus, in one of which a penny was invested. Who gets to be happy.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. In churches on this day, the rite of consecration of the willow is performed.

It is allowed to eat hot food, fish dishes and some wine.

April 2 - 8

The 7th week of Great Lent is called Passion Week in memory of the suffering that Jesus endured in the last days of his earthly life. All days this week are called Great. At this time, the whole life of Christ and all His teachings pass before the believers. This is the strictest week of fasting.

The church charter prescribes dry eating - fresh vegetables, fruits, pickles, bread are allowed.

The day when the Orthodox remember various parables of Jesus, his denunciation of the Pharisees, who cared more about the cleanliness of their bodies than about their souls. Dry eating is recommended.

On this day, Judas decided to betray Jesus Christ to the Jewish elders and received 30 pieces of silver for this. The monastic charter prescribed dry eating.

The people call Maundy Thursday Clean. On this day, it is supposed to clean the house, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes. The Church recommends dry eating.

On this day, Jesus was put on trial, torn to pieces, crucified and put to death on the cross. The church charter prescribes complete abstinence from food.

Annunciation. On this day to Virgin Mary appeared Archangel Gabriel with the good news that a son is to be born to Mary - Jesus Christ.

Usually it is allowed to eat fish on the Annunciation, but this year this day falls on Holy Saturday, so fish will have to be abandoned. However, some red wine is allowed.

Easter holiday. The end of Lent, you are allowed to eat any food.

Main products

Since Great Lent falls at the end of winter and spring, it is worth taking care that the body does not lack vitamins.

Vitamin C is especially important during this period. Pay attention to sauerkraut. According to the content of ascorbic acid, it is second only to rose hips. To make up for the lack of vitamin C, cabbage should be eaten every other day throughout the fast.

Do not forget about soaked apples, cucumbers and tomatoes - all pickled foods contain a large amount of probiotics, which are food for beneficial microflora.

During Lent, legumes and nuts must be present on your table. They will help fill the protein deficiency that occurs when you refuse meat and milk.

Do not bypass fresh vegetables - they will provide not only vitamins, but also valuable trace elements, and at the same time cleanse the intestines from the accumulated "garbage".

The body cannot do without unsaturated fatty acids. Some of them can be found in flaxseed oil (it is enough to take it 1 teaspoon per day). And the other part is found in fish and seafood. If you do not eat fish during the fasting period, take dietary supplements containing omega-3 acids.

But chasing multivitamin complexes during fasting is not worth it. The fact is that acidification of the body interferes with the absorption of vitamins, so it is better to take them after the body has been cleansed.

During fasting, you can eat cereals, bread, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, honey, sugar. On some days of Great Lent, it is allowed to add vegetable oil and spices to food, to cook fish dishes.
But meat, eggs, milk and dairy products are not suitable for a lean table.
Strong alcohol must also be abandoned for the entire period of fasting. The only thing you can afford is some red wine, but only on certain days.

On Monday, February 19, Lent began for the Orthodox. It will last 48 days and end on April 7, Saturday.

At this time, meat and all meat products, milk and dairy products, as well as eggs and dishes from them are prohibited. The use of sugar, salt, spices is limited. What you need to give up and what you can eat in Lent, he will tell.

Great Lent Rules

  • Before the beginning of the fast, it is imperative to ask for blessings from the clergyman, confess and take communion.
  • Do not allow loud conversations, foul language and conflicts.
  • You can’t harbor grievances, hold anger, don’t take revenge, don’t think about the bad. You also need to get rid of envy and not lie.
  • Help people. If you are asked for help, then do your best.
  • Try to avoid holidays. Don't have noisy parties.
  • During Great Lent, the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable, and smoking should also be avoided.
  • For all 48 days, it is necessary to adhere to a complete rejection of food of animal origin and meat.

What not to eat

The main prohibition during Lent is food of animal origin - meat, eggs, milk and dairy products. Also banned sweets, pastries, fast food and alcohol. On certain days, fish and seafood are allowed - on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, you can diversify the menu with fish dishes. We also note that on the first day of Lent, it is recommended to completely abstain from food.

What can you eat

Meals should be varied, but simple. Steamed or grilled dishes should be preferred, preferably without spices, sugar and salt. Traditionally, the diet is based on vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals. Boiled, baked, stewed vegetables, as well as legumes will replace food of animal origin, and cereals will be an excellent addition to the diet. It is worth considering that all cereals should be cooked in water, without adding oil. You can diversify the diet with the help of cereals, pickles, jams, mushrooms, dried fruits and nuts. At the same time, you should not overeat even with allowed foods - the church recommends maintaining moderation in everything.

Who can't fast

Before you decide to observe such a long abstinence from certain products, you must definitely consult a doctor, because for some, even with external health, there may be contraindications. So gastroenterologists do not recommend fasting people with chronic diseases: hypertension, heart failure, gastrointestinal problems (stomach ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis), renal failure, having oncological diseases.

Also exempt from fasting children because they need to eat properly and fully for full growth and development. Not recommended to fast adolescent children, because they are now going through puberty, when protein intake is needed. Also, now more than ever, they need minerals and vitamins that enter the body with protein products. You can not stick to the lenten menu people engaged in heavy physical labor or sports activities. Restrictions apply to future mothers when valuable vitamins, proteins, microelements are needed for the full formation of the baby. The same group includes breastfeeding mothers. Aged people they can fast at their own discretion: if they feel that such food suits them and does not cause an exacerbation of diseases, then there are no contraindications for them.

Calendar of Great Lent in 2018

February 19, Monday - strict fasting, complete abstinence from food.
February 20, Tuesday - bread and water are allowed.
February 21, Wednesday - dry food: raw food without oil is allowed.
February 22, Thursday - complete abstinence from food.
February 23, Friday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
February 24, Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
February 25, Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine is allowed.

February 26, Monday - dry food: raw food without oil is allowed.
February 27, Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
February 28, Wednesday - dry food: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 1, Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 2, Friday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 3, Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
March 4, Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine is allowed.

March 5, Monday - dry food: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 6, Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 7, Wednesday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 8, Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 9, Friday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 10, Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
March 11, Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine is allowed.

March 12, Monday - dry food: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 13, Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 14, Wednesday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 15, Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 16, Friday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 17, Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
March 18, Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine is allowed.

March 19, Monday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 20, Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 21, Wednesday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 22, Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 23, Friday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 24, Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
March 25, Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine is allowed.

March 26, Monday - dry food: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 27, Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 28, Wednesday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 29, Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
March 30, Friday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
March 31, Saturday - Lazarus Saturday. Hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
April 1, Sunday - Palm Sunday. Hot food with vegetable oil, wine, fish and seafood are allowed.

April 2, Monday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
April 3, Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
April 4, Wednesday - dry eating: raw food without oil is allowed.
April 5, Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
April 6, Friday - complete abstinence from food.
April 7, Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.
April 8, Sunday - Easter, the Bright Resurrection of Christ. End of Lent. Any food is allowed.

Lyubov Chigir

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The merry and beloved Shrovetide holiday ends with Forgiveness Sunday, followed by a seven-week fast that lasts until Easter - from March 11 to April 27, 2019. It is very important to know, in Great Lent, what you can eat every day.

Nutrition, which is provided for by church canons, helps to cleanse the body, renew it and establish the correct spiritual state of a person.

The Easter fast of 2019 provides for daily meals, the menu of which, despite strict restrictions, does not have a detrimental effect on the human body, but, on the contrary, helps to improve well-being, as well as to establish peace of mind.

Easter fast - food calendar by day

The most strict are the first and last weeks of fasting, when the amount of food consumed is minimized. Below is the menu to follow in first seven days after Forgiveness Sunday:

Tuesday 12 March 2019: It is forbidden to eat foods that have undergone heat treatment. As a rule, raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, dried fruits are eaten on this day.

Thursday 14 March 2019: it is forbidden to cook food in any way - it should be eaten exclusively in its natural form.

Saturday 16 March 2019: it is allowed to eat boiled foods, add vegetable oil to them, and also drink a small glass of wine.

Determining for yourself what you can eat in Lent 2019 by day, you should also pay attention to the menu last week before Easter:

Sunday 28 April 2019: the end of Great Lent, the bright holiday of Easter - it is allowed to eat anything you want, and in any quantities.

In weeks of less strict fasting than the first and last, namely from the second to the sixth (in 2019 from March 18 to April 21), the menu may be more varied, but it is mandatory to refuse meat and dairy products. At this time, the menu will look like this:

Monday Wednesday Friday: water, bread, vegetables and fruits, compotes.

Tuesday and Thursday: hot food cooked without vegetable oil.

Saturday and Sunday: food cooked in vegetable oil.

In addition, on the feasts of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 21, 2019), fish is allowed. And on Lazarus Saturday (April 20, 2019), fish caviar is allowed, but not the fish itself. However, it must be noted that when the Annunciation falls on Holy Week, even on this holiday the usual rules of fasting apply.

After graduation Shrovetide comes great post- a time of strict abstinence and prayer. Great Lent is designed to prepare believers for the main Christian holiday - Happy Easter.

When does Lent begin and end in 2018?

great post starts on Monday, February 19 and lasts until Saturday, April 7, inclusive. Easter,Holy Resurrection of Christ- comes April 8.

Meaning of Lent

Lent is not a diet. The main meaning of fasting is the purification of the soul through the imposition of restrictions on oneself. At the beginning of Great Lent, the great penitential canon of St. Andrew of Crete, which speaks of sin and God's forgiveness, which cleanses the soul and body of a person.

Great Lent Rules

In Great Lent, believers not only limit themselves to food, but also try not to be distracted by vain things, including various entertainments. It is appropriate to give up idle entertainment - watching entertainment TV programs, computer games, going to the movies for comedies, noisy gatherings in the company, etc.

At this time, meat and all meat products, milk and dairy products, as well as eggs and dishes from them are prohibited.

Limiting himself in food and entertainment, a true Christian should not be proud of this either in front of himself or - especially - in front of others, otherwise it makes fasting meaningless.

Who can't fast

If you are going to observe all the strictures (considerable) of Great Lent, it is better to first consult with a doctor and a priest. You should not be too zealous in fasting if you have chronic diseases - the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic organs, oncological, etc. Pregnancy, weight loss, anemia - conditions in which you also need to be careful, limiting yourself in food.

In no case should children be forced to give up dairy products - this can be dangerous, especially in spring. It is better to ask the child, for example, to voluntarily give up sweets. As for meat products for children, this issue can be left to the discretion of the parents - a temporary rejection of meat is not dangerous for health.

The Church officially gives relief in fasting to the sick, hard working, traveling - for them there is a permit for milk, and for some diseases even for meat or meat broths. For such permission, you can contact the priest.

Calendar of Great Lent in 2018

We offer the so-called monastic diet during Great Lent - it is the most strict and not mandatory for the laity. In fasting, you should eat more vegetables and fruits, legumes, potatoes, etc. You should also pay attention to cereals, lean soups, dried fruits, nuts, honey, kissels and fruit drinks, etc.

First Week of Great Lent February 19 - 25

Second Week of Great Lent February 26 - March 4

Third Week of Great Lent March 5 - 11

Fourth Week of Great Lent March 12 - 18

Fifth Week of Great Lent March 19 - 25

Sixth Week of Great Lent March 26 - April 1

March 31, 2018, Saturday - Lazarus Saturday. Hot food with vegetable oil, fish caviar, wine are allowed.

April 1, 2018, Sunday - Palm Sunday. Hot food with vegetable oil, fish and seafood, wine are allowed.

Holy Week April 2 - 8

April 8, 2018, Sunday - Easter, Holy Resurrection of Christ. End of Lent. Any food is allowed.

How to fast? What rules are important to follow? What can you eat in Lent? Sputnik Georgia tried to find answers to these questions, which you can find below.

How to fast properly

Of the four multi-day fasts established by the Orthodox Church, Great Lent is the most basic, long and strict. It consists of two parts and lasts a total of seven weeks.

The first part - the Holy Forty Day, was established by the Orthodox in memory of the forty-day fast of Jesus Christ in the wilderness and lasts six weeks. The second is Holy Week, the last week before Easter, during which they remember the last days of earthly life and the death of the Savior on the cross.

According to the church charter, in order to fast, the laity must receive the blessing of the confessor. Because before entering the fast, Christians must spiritually prepare, go through the sacrament of confession.

The clergy constantly remind that fasting is a time of prayer and repentance, and not a diet that limits the use of certain foods. Therefore, in Lent, the Orthodox need first of all to take care of the purification of the soul and thoughts in order to meet the Resurrection of Christ with a pure heart. And for this, it is necessary to pray daily and, if possible, attend church services throughout the seven weeks of Great Lent.

Believers who observe fasting are categorically not recommended to take part in all kinds of entertainment events these days. Throughout Great Lent, one cannot marry, let alone get married. Other celebrations should also be celebrated after the end of the fast. During this period, it is desirable to refrain from bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol.

The ministers of the church believe that a person, observing fasting and devoting more time to prayers, pushing everything unnecessary into the background, will be able to draw closer to God. The first and last weeks of fasting are the strictest, and the prayers are longer. Some believers, if they wish, take these days only water and bread.

According to church canons, on Clean Monday, the first day of Lent, and Good Friday (the last Friday before Easter), it is customary to completely refuse food.

What is possible, what is not

Refusal of certain products and physical cleansing is one of the important components of Great Lent. People who do not have health problems should first of all give up any food of animal origin during the fasting period. It includes all varieties of meat and poultry, eggs, animal fats, dairy products.

It is also forbidden to eat fish on these days, except for a couple of days. And also everything that contains elements of these products. The main foods that can be taken during fasting are cereals, fruits, vegetables.

According to church canons, it is necessary to draw up a menu for lenten cuisine according to the following principles:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating, that is, it is allowed to eat bread, fruits, vegetables;

Tuesday, Thursday - you can eat hot food of plant origin without oil;

Saturday, Sunday (except the final week of fasting) - vegetable food with vegetable oil is allowed.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Nikonets

Fish is allowed only on the feasts of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (April 7) and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday, which in 2019 falls on April 21.

On Good (Red) Friday, which falls on April 26 in 2019, you cannot eat until the shroud is taken out during the church service.

Previously, fasting was observed very strictly, especially in the first week and during the Passion Week. People abstained even from taking water until nine o'clock in the morning. The kings and nobles also fasted, like the common people, consuming only mushrooms and vegetables these days.

Seriously ill people, pregnant women, nursing mothers, military workers, workers engaged in heavy physical labor, as well as travelers and children under seven years of age are exempted from fasting. From the age of seven to 14, children can fast only on Wednesdays and Fridays. And after the age of 14, a teenager himself must choose whether to fast or not.

If you have health problems, before deciding to fast, you should definitely consult with your doctor about whether you can fast without harming your health.

During fasting, you need to refrain not only from fast food, but also from envy, anger, squabbles and scandals. Also on these days you need to do as many good deeds as possible, because without this fasting loses its meaning.

Priests believe that if a person becomes nervous and irritable due to the ban on certain foods, then it is better to stop fasting. Because this is not a diet, but a period of spiritual cleansing, which cannot be achieved by being constantly in an irritated state.

Rules and traditions

During the seven weeks during which Great Lent continues, believers must observe certain traditions and remember the most significant deeds of the saints.

In the first week, which is called Fedorov's week, the defenders of the Christian faith are commemorated. On Saturday, believers honor the memory of the martyr Theodore of Amasea, who, despite torture, refused to offer sacrifices to pagan gods.

The second week of Lent is held in commemoration of Gregory Palamas - the hereditary aristocrat at the age of twenty abandoned brilliant prospects and left the royal court of the rulers of Constantinople to spend his life as a hermit on Mount Athos in confinement in monasteries and go all the way to the rank of Archbishop of Thessaloniki, an Orthodox theologian, polemic and philosopher .

The third week of fasting is called the Adoration of the Cross. At this time, believers worship the Life-Giving Cross. The Church exposes the Cross in order to strengthen those who fast with a reminder of the sufferings and death of the Lord to continue the feat of fasting.

The fourth week of fasting is dedicated to the life of John of the Ladder, who at the age of sixteen went to the mountains of Sinai to become a monk. Subsequently, he lived as a hermit in the desert for another forty years, and then became the abbot of the monastery in Sinai. It was John who became the author of the Ladder - spiritual ascetic tablets, which are designed to help believers achieve spiritual perfection.

During Great Lent, during its first part, there are three parental Saturdays at once - the second, third and fourth weeks of Lent are set to commemorate the dead.

The fifth week of Lent is held in commemoration of the life and deeds of the patroness of all penitent sinners - Mary of Egypt. The life of Saint Mary, the great sinner, who was able to sincerely repent of her sins and spent many years in the wilderness in repentance, should convince everyone of the great mercy of God.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

On the sixth week (Sunday), the Orthodox celebrate the great twelfth feast - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. This holiday is also called Palm Sunday - the day when they remember the events when Jesus entered Jerusalem. At the All-Night Vigil, the blossoming branches of willow (vaya) or other plants are consecrated by sprinkling holy water, which are then distributed to the faithful. The day before, at Matins and Liturgy, the resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus Christ is remembered.

Palm Sunday ends Lent and Holy Week begins. Every day of this week is Great, as it was accompanied by the most important biblical events - the Last Supper, betrayal, judgment, Golgotha ​​and the miraculous Resurrection.

Therefore, fasting during the last week is tightened, especially on Red Friday - the day of the execution of Jesus. Great Saturday is the only Saturday throughout the year when strict fasting can be observed. Those people who are preparing for the sacrament should not drink or eat anything after eight o'clock in the evening. In the event that someone breaks the fast, he must repent and continue it, but not stop in any case.

In the last week of fasting, you need to repent of voluntary or involuntary sins, take communion and be cleansed of everything sinful, since during this week Jesus endured cruel torments for the sake of people.

This week, believers should protect themselves as much as possible from worldly fuss - do not watch television programs, do not listen to music, and stay at home as much as possible.


According to research, fasting is primarily good for health. During the adoption of lean food, the body is cleared of cholesterol, which reduces the number of cardiovascular diseases. Fasting also has a beneficial effect on other vital systems of the body, but only if you do it correctly. But if you violate the rules of fasting nutrition, you can harm your body.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

In any case, your diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary elements. Therefore, doctors advise thinking about the correct replacement of products.

For example, replace meat, poultry, fish, dairy products and eggs with legumes, nuts, seeds, various cereals and cereals, wholemeal flour products. This way you can compensate for the lack of protein in the diet.

Pasta and potatoes should be added to the lenten menu - they are excellent sources of energy, they will give you strength and vigor, return a good mood and joy of life.

Try to drink more liquids during this period - jelly, compotes, water, tea, and so on. It is desirable to eat in small portions several times a day.

Nevertheless, the main meaning of fasting remains in spiritual cleansing. A fasting person, refusing delicacies, mentally prepares himself for a meeting with God. This is the main essence and value of the post.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

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