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In modern life, our eyes are daily subjected to intense stress due to the need to spend a lot of time at the computer for work or just for fun, spend hours on social networks, watch movies, or play. Such monotonous visual activity at close range leads to the appearance of myopia, impaired accommodation and the development of diseases, therefore, preserving vision and maintaining eye health should be taken care of in advance. Particularly useful is performing special exercises and taking vitamin complexes.

  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • B vitamins.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, or rather its aldehyde, is one of the structural components of the main visual pigment of the retina - rhodopsin, which is responsible for vision in low light conditions. Retinol deficiency in the body leads to impaired color perception, worse adaptation to darkness, decreased visibility and spatial orientation in poor lighting (“night blindness”), the appearance of dry eye syndrome, and inflammation of the conjunctiva. Among food products, it is present in large quantities in beef, poultry and pork liver, fish oil, butter, egg yolk, cream, and milk.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C strengthens capillary walls, participates in corneal regeneration processes, and slows down the onset of age-related vision impairment. It also reduces the risk of cataracts, which is accompanied by clouding of the lens and a significant weakening of visual acuity up to complete loss. With a lack of ascorbic acid, frequent hemorrhages in the conjunctiva and retina, the development of conjunctivitis, impaired blood circulation in the tissues of the eye, and decreased tone of the muscles that move the eyeball are possible.

There is a lot of vitamin C in fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs; rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, red bell peppers, sorrel, cabbage, and parsley are especially rich in it.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has pronounced antioxidant activity, slows down the aging process, protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, too bright light and other negative factors, prevents the development of age-related macular degeneration of the retina, glaucoma and cataracts. A lack of tocopherol in the body can lead to a burning sensation and dryness in the eyes.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, almonds, peanuts, eggs, liver, cereals and legumes, sea buckthorn, rowan.

B vitamins

B vitamins are extremely important for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. They support the connection between the visual system and the brain and are involved in metabolic processes. They are found in large quantities in yeast, wheat flour and bran products, legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds, offal, egg yolk, cheese, and milk.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) improves color and night vision, participates in the synthesis of visual pigment, which protects the retina from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet rays, increases the rate of regeneration of pupil cells, and is used for the prevention and treatment of dystrophic changes in the cornea, glaucoma and cataracts. Its deficiency leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), photophobia, increased lacrimation and eye fatigue, deterioration of night vision, and impaired color perception.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) participates in the propagation of nerve impulses from peripheral organs (eyes) to the brain, regulation of intraocular pressure, and is responsible for visual acuity. With its deficiency, pain and stinging in the eyes occurs, binocular vision is impaired, and the likelihood of developing glaucoma and degenerative changes increases.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) prevents eye fatigue, relieves excess tension, prevents inflammation of the optic nerve and mucous membrane of the eye.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is responsible for normal blood supply to eye tissues and the functioning of the optic nerve, prevents glaucoma, retinal detachment and natural age-related changes.

Other useful substances

In addition to vitamins, other substances also play an important role for the eyes, which are necessarily included in biologically active additives (BAA) and complexes for improving vision. These include carotenoids (provitamin A, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin), trace elements, anthocyanins.

Lutein and zeaxanthin

They have antioxidant activity and prevent various pathological changes, including age-related ones. They are not synthesized in the body, but come only from the outside, accumulate in the retina of the eye in the macula area and create a light filter that protects its pigment epithelium from the harmful effects of solar radiation and free radicals, increasing the cornea’s resistance to adverse factors. Their sources include spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, green peas, and leafy green vegetables.

Provitamin A

Increases clarity of vision, accelerates eye recovery after various types of injuries, improves the functions of the lens. It is found in large quantities in red and orange vegetables and fruits.

Among microelements, zinc, selenium, chromium and copper are of particular importance. They participate in the metabolism of eye tissue and their regeneration processes. Zinc and selenium ensure better absorption of vitamin A by the body, exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, and are used to treat macular degeneration of the retina and night blindness. Selenium is involved in the conversion of light signals into nerve impulses. A lack of zinc causes a disruption in the process of glucose absorption by lens cells and increases the likelihood of developing cataracts.


These are colored plant glycosides that have angioprotective and anti-inflammatory activity and inhibit the oxidative effect of free radicals. They have a complex positive effect on visual function, strengthen the walls of the retinal blood vessels, and protect against the development of glaucoma and retinopathy. They also help eliminate fatigue and eye strain and improve night vision. Their content is especially high in black currants and blueberries.

Indications for taking vitamins

The most suitable sources of vitamins for the body are food. However, in the modern world, almost no one monitors whether the amount of these compounds they take from food corresponds to the daily norm. In this case, specially developed eye complexes with a balanced composition will be useful. They are usually recommended to be taken every six months or year in the spring or fall.

Vitamins prescribed by an ophthalmologist can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. They are shown to the following categories of people:

  • having astigmatism, nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness;
  • those suffering from chronic diseases that lead to damage to the blood vessels of the fiber (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins and others);
  • those suffering from glaucoma or cataracts;

People who spend a lot of time at the computer or other activities that require long-term focusing of vision at close range (embroidery, knitting, needlework, reading, studying) should take vitamins.

Selection of vitamins

On pharmacy shelves you can find many medications and dietary supplements for the eyes. Vitamin complexes are available in various dosage forms: tablets, capsules, syrups, drops. The selection of a specific drug in each individual situation should be carried out by a doctor. Only he can adequately assess the functions of the visual apparatus, take into account the general condition of the body, the patient’s age and the presence of concomitant pathologies in which certain drugs may be contraindicated.

If you notice visual disturbances, discomfort or inflammation in the eye area, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. He will conduct a thorough diagnosis and, based on the identified problems, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s lifestyle and professional activities, he will select the best complex. To improve vision, in addition to vitamins, walks in the fresh air, good nutrition, and, in some cases, eye exercises will be beneficial.

When choosing vitamins, you should take into account that both their deficiency and excess are dangerous to health. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the amount of them entering the body as part of medications. It is not recommended to combine the use of several complexes at the same time, as this may cause an overdose of individual substances.

Vitamin complexes in the form of tablets and capsules

The complexes and dietary supplements for the eyes available in the pharmacy differ in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the necessary vitamins, minerals and other substances. The most well-known drugs include Complivit Ophthalmo, vitamins for the eyes Vitrum, Star Eyebright, Biorhythm vision 24 day/night, Blueberry Forte with lutein, Vitalux Plus, Okuwait Lutein, Lutein Complex, Strix Forte, Mirticam, Anthocyan Forte, Nutrof Total, vitamins for eye Doppelherz Active, Optics, Focus forte. The most effective of them, according to doctors and patients, will be described below.

Vitamins Vitrum

The Vitrum series drugs (Vitrum Vision and Vitrum Vision Forte) are prescribed as part of complex therapy for eye diseases and for their prevention, as well as to reduce the risk of age-related lens opacification and degeneration of the corpus luteum. These vitamins help people with deteriorating vision due to diabetes mellitus, visual fatigue, during the rehabilitation period after eye surgery, with myopia, worsening adaptation to darkness and twilight vision.

The compositions of the drugs are slightly different. Vitrum Vision Forte, unlike Vitrum Vision, contains selenium, vitamin B2, rutin and blueberry extract. However, it lacks β-carotene and copper. The lutein content in Vitrum Vision Forte is almost 2.5 times higher. The amount of vitamins E and C is more than three times higher in Vitrum Vision.

These complexes are approved for use from 12 years of age.

Complivit Oftalmo

The vitamin and mineral complex Complivit Ophthalmo has a positive effect on all tasks of the visual analyzer. It contains 9 vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12 and P), 3 minerals (Zn, Se, Cu), carotenoids, designed to replenish the deficiency of vitamins for the eyes, protecting them from negative environmental factors environment, accelerating regeneration processes, strengthening blood vessels. The drug can be used for preventive purposes for people constantly exposed to excessive visual stress, as well as in the complex treatment of various eye diseases accompanied by visual impairment.

You can take these vitamins from the age of 18.

Blueberry forte with lutein

Blueberry forte with lutein is a dietary supplement containing blueberry extract and lutein in combination with vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, P and zinc. This complex helps relieve eye fatigue during prolonged work, strengthens capillaries, increases the supply of nutrients, and protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation. It accelerates retinal regeneration processes, normalizes intraocular pressure and metabolism in eye tissues. Anthocyanins contained in blueberry fruit extract stimulate the synthesis of the visual pigment rhodopsin, which leads to improved vision in the dark.

Blueberries forte with lutein are approved for use by children over 12 years of age.

Okuwait lutein

Okuwait lutein is a complex biologically active agent with pronounced antioxidant activity. It contains vitamins C and E, trace elements zinc and selenium, lutein and zeaxanthin. The complex has a positive effect on the organ of vision and metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. It is used for degenerative diseases of the retina, myopia, deterioration of twilight vision, and age-related changes.

The drug Okuwait Lutein Forte is also produced with the same composition of components, but 2 times higher concentration. These vitamins are indicated for people with high eye strain associated with professional activities at the computer and in bright sunlight, and prolonged driving.

The complex can be given to children from 12 years of age.

Lutein complex

Lutein complex is a dietary supplement for the eyes, containing vitamins C, E, A, carotenoids lutein and β-carotene, minerals (Zn, Cu and Se), as well as taurine and blueberry extract. Such a diverse composition helps to increase vision sharpness, improve microcirculation, strengthen capillaries, and prevent destructive changes in eye tissues caused by natural aging of the body. It is used for prevention and as part of complex therapy for various eye pathologies (cataracts, glaucoma, twilight vision dysfunction, diabetic retinopathy and others).

For children over 7 years old, a special drug Lutein complex for children is produced. It helps prevent visual impairment in schoolchildren caused by eye strain due to studying or computer games.

Vitamin drops for eyes

The choice of drops with vitamins for the eyes is much smaller than tablets. Their advantage is that they have a local rather than systemic effect and get exactly where they are needed, while when taken orally, some vitamins may not “reach” the right place.

They are usually prescribed for medicinal purposes for keratitis, hemorrhages, damage to the eye mucosa, cataracts, retinal angiopathy and other problems. Drops containing vitamins that are often used in ophthalmological practice include Riboflavin, Vitafacol (analogue of Oftan Katahrom).


Riboflavin is an eye drop with a solution of vitamin B2. The drug helps improve the conduction of nerve impulses and exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for chronic eye fatigue, visual impairment, conjunctivitis, keratitis, to accelerate the healing of wounds that were caused by irritants, injuries or burns. Its use is often combined with other medicinal drops to enhance their effect and increase the duration of action.


Vitafacol eye drops are prescribed for the treatment of cataracts. They include cytochrome C, adenosine, vitamin PP or B3, and sodium succinate. The drug improves metabolism, cellular respiration and energy processes in the lens of the eye, slows down the rate of progression of the disease and is a means of preventing it. Used in combination with other drugs as an adjuvant, it helps cleanse the lens and eliminate dry eyes.

Why do people need vitamins for their eyes? To improve vision! After all, they, along with microelements, without any doubt, play a huge role in the proper functioning of this important organ for us.

Unfortunately, the lifestyle of a modern person, who sits at a computer, spends all his free time watching TV shows and spends little time in the fresh air, negatively affects eye health. That is why it is very important for everyone to pay attention to drugs that could eliminate the problem of vision impairment.

And, of course, here many of us are faced with a choice. What vitamins are best to purchase to maintain vision, since the pharmacological industry produces a huge range of these drugs? The answer to this question can be found in this article. It will also look at the best eye vitamins to improve vision, a list of the most popular drugs that the pharmaceutical industry offers us, as well as reviews from people who have taken them.

Selection of vitamins for the eyes

What are the best eye vitamins to buy to improve vision? When answering this question, it is necessary to clarify the opinion of ophthalmologists. Experts recommend that their patients who want to improve the quality of vision, as well as implement preventive measures that help prevent the occurrence of pathologies, approach this issue comprehensively. They advise using not only fortified preparations available in tablet form, but also eye drops. You need to replenish your reserves with elements useful for our body by paying attention to your diet. The daily menu should contain products that could improve the functioning of the organ of vision.

What has nature created for our eyes?

There are vitamins necessary for vision. Their deficiency in the body causes disruption of the functioning of the eyes. Every person who pays attention to their health should know what eye vitamins exist to improve vision.

The list of these beneficial substances consists of:

1. Vitamin A. Its deficiency impairs the clarity of vision. This becomes especially noticeable at night.

2. Vitamin C. This organic element promotes the supply of oxygen to the eye tissues. It participates in the processes of regeneration of corneal cells, reduces the likelihood of glaucoma and cataracts. In addition, vitamin C maintains normal tone of the eye muscles.

3. Vitamin B1. Its second name is thiamine. This is a vitamin that is good for vision. Its action normalizes intraocular pressure; it takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses to the eyes. Thiamine is also able to resist the development of pathologies such as glaucoma.

4. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). This organic element has a positive effect on the functioning of the pupils and strengthens the walls of the capillary vessels of the eye. Taking riboflavin helps prevent the occurrence of glaucoma and cataracts.

5. Vitamin B6. His work is aimed at improving the conductivity of nerve impulses and activating metabolic processes in the tissues of the eyes.

6. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Taking it helps strengthen the optic nerve and prevent such a negative process as fiber exfoliation.

7. Vitamin E is also included in this list. It is good for vision because it is a powerful antioxidant. This organic element protects cell membranes from free radicals and enhances rejuvenation processes in eye tissues.

Which of these lists are the best vitamins for the eyes? To improve vision, you will need their comprehensive intake. The more different nutrients your body receives, the greater the effect they will have on vision.

Let's look at the most popular complexes that are offered in our pharmacy chains.

Okuwait Forte

To slow down the aging process of the eyes and maintain their health, it is recommended to take complexes containing essential carotenoids, enzymes and antioxidants. For example, the biologically active food supplement Okuwait® Forte. Its components - lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc - help cope with eye fatigue, as well as prevent a decrease in visual acuity.


Judging by user reviews, these are wonderful eye vitamins for improving vision. The highly effective drug “Lutein-Complex” is available in tablet form. According to reviews of people who have taken this drug, it significantly increases visual acuity.

This wonderful complex contains vitamins C, E and A. Among its components that have a positive effect on vision are lutein and blueberry extract. The drug also contains various microelements.

According to ophthalmologists, this multivitamin especially helps those who experience severe eye strain. Patients who have been diagnosed with glaucoma, as well as cataracts or retinal dystrophy also speak well of the drug.


These are excellent eye vitamins for improving vision. Reviews from experts indicate the high effect that is achieved by taking this drug. A multivitamin remedy remarkably prevents age-related changes in the eyes, which can cause not only vision deterioration, but also its loss.

The drug "Optics" is available in tablet form. It contains vitamins, minerals, as well as carotenoids of plant origin (lutein and zajusanthin). The drug not only protects the eyes, but also replenishes the deficiency of organic substances in the body.

"Doppelherz Active" with blueberries and lutein

This ophthalmic drug is available in capsules. This multivitamin is a true source of vitamin A, lutein, anthocyanins and zinc. It also contains powder made from blueberries. The drug is intended to improve blood circulation in the eye tissues and provide them with adequate nutrition.

"Strix Forte"

These vitamins are also available in tablet form. They contain such valuable components as vitamins E and A, lutein and blueberry extract, selenium and zinc.

According to reviews from people who took it, this vitamin complex perfectly eliminates the discomfort in the visual organs that occurs when working for a long time at a computer or with a welding machine, as well as when frequently exposed to bright sun or artificial lighting.


This drug is produced by the domestic pharmacological industry in the form of capsules. It contains various components that are very beneficial for the eyes. These are vitamins such as B1, 2 and 6, as well as C, E and A. Among the active elements of the multivitamin product “Slezavit” are selenium and chromium, zeaxanthin and lutein.

Do These Eye Vitamins Help Improve Vision? Reviews from people who took them confirm the effect in preventing fatigue. This complex also helps maintain visual acuity.

"Focus Forte"

According to patient reviews, this multivitamin complex is especially good during periods when a person experiences high visual stress. In addition, the drug "Focus Forte" is recommended for prophylactic purposes. It is good for preventing visual problems. Taking this wonderful remedy is recommended for long-term exposure to bright sun and for retinal dystrophy. The drug contains beta-carotene, as well as lutein, vitamins A, C, E and B2, zeaxanthin, zinc, copper and selenium. These components of the ophthalmic product are designed to improve blood supply to the eye and restore vision after significant stress.

"Vitrum Vision"

This combination product, which is available in tablet form, contains vitamins C, E, B2, P, as well as beta-carotene, zinc oxide, lutein and selenium, zeaxanthin and blueberry extract. Reviews from patients who have taken this ophthalmic drug confirm its high effectiveness in solving problems with myopia, impaired twilight vision, retinal damage and diabetic retinopathy. The drug "Vitrum Vision" is also recommended for those who experience heavy visual stress.

"Blueberry Forte"

The active components of this drug stimulate and regenerate visual pigment. The result is increased visual acuity and the ability of the eyes to adapt to low light conditions. This effect is confirmed by numerous patient reviews.

When using the drug "Blueberry Forte", fatigue of the visual organs is eliminated and the retina is renewed. The product improves blood circulation in the eye tissues and normalizes intraocular pressure. Its formulation includes vitamins C, B1, 2 and 6, as well as blueberry extract, rutin and zinc lactate.


This is one of the most popular vitamin complexes for vision. Ophthalmologists recommend its use to those patients who have atherosclerotic vascular pathology or negative changes that have occurred in the retina. The drug "Aevit" includes vitamins A and E.

According to user reviews, when taking it, visual functions improve. The eyes begin to adapt faster during twilight. Taking Aevit capsules is a means of preventing diseases such as retinal dissection.

For young patients

The pharmaceutical industry produces special vision vitamins for children. They are especially recommended to be given in the autumn and winter periods. Vision vitamins for children contain all the substances necessary for the eyes. Moreover, they taste good. For the safety of children's health, you should adhere to the rules of administration and recommendations given by the ophthalmologist.

Polivit Baby is considered the best vitamin for the eyesight of newborns. This product is released in the form of drops. They can be added to food or drink.

For children over one year of age, ophthalmologists recommend a wider range of medications. Their list includes “Pikovit”, “Sana-Sop” and “Alphabet. Our Baby".

Those who are already four years old can be given Vita Bears, Classic and Multi Tabs. For older children, Vitrum Vision (after 12 years) and Alphabet Optikum (after 14 years) are recommended.

The form of release of these vitamin complexes for children may be different. The preparations are in the form of syrups and powders, capsules and gels, as well as drops intended for topical use. For children from 3 to 6 years old, products are available in the form of chewable tablets.

Eye drops

The release form of vitamin complexes for adults is not necessarily capsules or tablets. The pharmaceutical industry also produces drops. Eye vitamins for improving vision in this form also deserve many positive consumer reviews. The most popular is the drug "Taufon", which contains taurine. These eye drops are recommended in cases of damage to the mucous membranes and cornea, and for burns, including sunburn. According to consumer reviews, Taufon restores visual acuity, which becomes possible thanks to its ability to saturate the tissues of the visual organs with oxygen.

Riboflavin drops are also considered a good drug. They contain an aqueous solution of such an important vitamin for the eyes as B2, which provides excellent support for the functions of the visual organs.

Often, ophthalmologists recommend to their patients such products as Optikrom and Ifiral, Opatanol and Vizin. These drugs help cope with redness in the eyes, and also help eliminate conjunctivitis in its various forms.

Today, consumers are offered dozens of types of Japanese eye drops. They contain a variety of vitamins and amino acids, as well as other useful elements. According to consumer reviews, such drugs can quickly eliminate visual fatigue and give pleasant freshness to the eyes. Also, Japanese drops have proven to be highly effective in solving problems such as dryness and redness, irritation and inflammatory processes in the eyes.

Vitamins for myopia

Many people suffer from vision impairment. And if it is expressed in the progression of myopia, then you should pay attention to eye medications, the formulation of which contains lutein and zeoxanthin, lycopene and vitamins B, as well as C and A. What recommendations do ophthalmologists give in this case? The best vitamins for vision with myopia, according to experts, are “Slezavit” and “Aevit”, “Vitrum Vision” and “Focus Forte”, “Lutein Complex” and “Complivit Oftalmo”.

Those who look at a computer monitor for a long time need to take vitamin ophthalmic preparations with a wide range of action. These include “Vitrum Vision”, “Doppelhertz Active” with blueberries and lutein, “Focus Forte”. According to user reviews, drops from Japan are excellent for helping with prolonged eye strain.

Recommendations from ophthalmologists regarding the choice of vitamins are as follows: if you want to improve visual acuity, as well as take preventive measures against the occurrence of eye diseases, then it is important to take a comprehensive approach to solving this problem. It is recommended to use both fortified tablets and eye drops. Also supplement the supply of vitamins in the body by reviewing your diet and including those foods that improve the functioning of the organ of vision.

What are the best vitamins for vision?

Deficiency of certain types of vitamins leads to visual impairment. That is why it is important to know what vitamins are needed for eye health, as well as what foods contain them.

  • Vitamin A is essential for maintaining clear vision, especially in the evening.
  • Vitamin C is involved in the supply of oxygen to the eye tissues, promotes the regeneration of corneal cells, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma, and also maintains the tone of the eye muscles.
  • Vitamin B1 or thiamine normalizes intraocular pressure, participates in the conduction of nerve impulses to the organs of vision, and resists the development of glaucoma.
  • Vitamin B2 or riboflavin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pupil, strengthens the capillary network of the eye, and serves as a preventive measure against cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Vitamin B6 promotes the conduction of nerve impulses and participates in the metabolic processes of eye tissue.
  • Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin strengthens the optic nerve and resists retinal detachment.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant, protects cell membranes from free radicals, and promotes rejuvenation of eye tissue.

If we talk about which vitamins are best for the eyes, then it is worth noting that a complex of vitamins will bring maximum benefits to vision. The more varied the diet, the less likely it is to develop eye diseases. You can read in more detail about the role of vitamins in maintaining eye health, as well as which food products contain the maximum amount of them, in the article “What vitamins are needed for the eyes?” But if it is not possible to provide a complete vitamin diet with the entire set of necessary nutrients, it is important to take vitamin complexes that would compensate for their deficiency.

If you want to find the best vitamins for your eyes, you should read about the most popular vitamin complexes. The following is brief information about such pharmaceuticals; you can read a more detailed description of them with approximate prices by clicking on the link.

  • "Lutein-Complex"- is one of the highly effective drugs in tablets for increasing visual acuity. It contains vitamins A, E, C, blueberry extract, lutein, and microelements. Recommended for all those who experience severe strain on the eyes, as well as those who have been diagnosed with cataracts, retinal dystrophy, and glaucoma.
  • Fortified preparation "Optics"- a multivitamin product in the form of tablets, which included plant carotenoids (zaxanthine and lutein), minerals and vitamins. The drug provides antioxidant protection for the eyes and also replenishes substances the body lacks. It is recommended for use to prevent age-related changes in the eyes, which often lead to deterioration of vision and its complete loss.
  • "Doppelhertz Active for eyes with lutein and blueberries"- an ophthalmic drug in capsules, which is a source of lutein, vitamin A, zinc, anthocyanins. Contains blueberry fruit powder. Designed to nourish eye tissues and improve blood circulation.
  • Vitamins "Strix Forte" in tablets contain blueberry extract, lutein, vitamins A and E, as well as zinc and selenium. The drug eliminates discomfort in the eyes, which often occurs in people who spend a long time at the computer, as well as in people who work in the open sun, in artificial lighting conditions, or with a welding machine.
  • "Slezavit"- a domestically produced drug, the capsules of which contain a variety of components beneficial for eye health: vitamins A, E, C, B2, B6, B1, as well as lutein, zeaxanthin, chromium, selenium. It is recommended to use to prevent eye fatigue, as well as to prevent loss of vision.
  • The drug in capsules "Focus Forte" It is recommended to use during periods of high visual stress, to prevent disorders of the visual organ, as well as when working in bright lighting conditions, with prolonged exposure to the sun, and with degenerative changes in the retina.
  • "Vitrum Vision"- a multivitamin preparation in tablets, which included a number of vitamins and carotenoids (zeaxanthin and lutein). It is recommended to improve visual acuity, maintain eye health during periods of prolonged stress, prevent eye fatigue, and also to prevent age-related changes in the organ of vision.
  • "Blueberry Forte"- a biological supplement in tablets that includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin C, vitamin P (rutin) and lutein. The drug is recommended for use in cases of myopia and farsightedness; it helps stabilize the functioning of the lens.
  • "Mirtilene Forte"- an ophthalmic preparation in which dry blueberry extract was used as the main component. It is recommended to use for the prevention of eye diseases, including age-related ones. The action of the drug is aimed at improving the functions of the retina, as well as restoring its photoreceptors. The use of the drug improves visual acuity and supports visual functions in conditions of prolonged eye strain.
  • Vitamins "Aevit"- a popular drug in capsules containing vitamins A and E. Indications for use are congenital and acquired changes in the retina, atherosclerotic vascular pathologies. Helps prevent retinal melting.
  • "Star Eyebright"- an ophthalmic drug in capsules, which contains an extract of the herb eyebright, as well as vitamins A, B2, C, zinc and rutin (an additional source of flavonoids). Recommended for use by people of all ages to maintain visual functions.
  • “SuperOptic” capsules- a combined ophthalmic preparation in tablets containing a high concentration of lutein. The capsules also contain amino acids, vitamins A, E, C, group B, selenium, copper, manganese and zinc. It is recommended for use to maintain the tone of the eye muscles, improves visual acuity, eliminates eye fatigue, and also protects the lens and retina.
  • "Complivit Oftalmo"- an ophthalmic drug in tablets with a pronounced antioxidant effect. The tablets included multivitamins, minerals, and plant carotenoids. The components of the product reduce eye fatigue after prolonged exercise, increase clarity of vision, and also resist age-related changes in the eyes.

The ophthalmic drugs listed above are the best vitamins for the eyes, reviews of which are positive. So, for example, in one of the reviews it was noted that after a month of using one of the drugs described above, the child’s vision became better by half a diopter. To start using one of the ophthalmic agents, it is recommended to obtain a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Vitamin eye drops: which ones are better?

Among the range of eye drops, drops are in particular demand "Taufon" containing taurine. They are prescribed for damage to the cornea and mucous membranes, for burns of various types, including eye burns after exposure to the sun. The active ingredient in these drops is the amino acid taurine. The drug does not contain vitamins."Taufon" has a restorative effect on the eyes, saturates the eye tissues with oxygen.

Vitaminized eye drops include drops "Riboflavin", containing an aqueous solution of vitamin B2, which plays an important role in maintaining visual functions. Ophthalmologists also often recommend the following types of drops: “Ifiral”, “Opticrom”, “Vizin”, “Opatanol”. Such preparations are not fortified. They help cope with red eyes, help treat various types of conjunctivitis, and also have an antiallergic effect. Such drops can only eliminate the symptoms of eye diseases. They do not contain components that would nourish the eye tissues with useful substances.

However, if we talk about which vitamin drops for eyes are better, it is worth noting that today the highest quality and most effective are Japanese eye drops, which can be purchased without much effort in the country’s online stores.

Almost all of them (their variety includes dozens of species with a wide spectrum of action) contain a variety of vitamins, amino acids and other components that can instantly eliminate eye fatigue, give the eyes pleasant freshness (due to the presence of menthol), and have also proven their effectiveness in the treatment of inflammation of the eyes, discomfort, irritation, dryness, redness. Eye drops from Japan are a preventive measure against infectious and age-related eye diseases.
If you choose between vitamin preparations for the eyes in tablets and drops, it is important to consider the following: if you want to eliminate fatigue, irritation of the eyes, and their redness in the shortest possible time (when using Japanese drops, also provide vitamin nutrition to the eyes), eye drops will be more effective. But if you do not have vision problems and want to support visual functions as a preventive measure, understanding that the effect will not occur immediately, you should pay attention to vitamin preparations in tablets.
If we talk about which vitamins are the best for the eyes, then everyone makes their own decision after reading the instructions for the drug and learning about the components and indications of a particular product. Since the choice of such drugs is individual for everyone, it is recommended that before starting to use any drug, consult a treating ophthalmologist who is well aware of the problems of your eyes.

The best vitamins for eyes for myopia

If you are familiar with the problem of myopia firsthand, you need to pay attention to fortified preparations containing lutein, zeoxanthin, lycopene, as well as vitamins A, C and group B. For example, such drugs include “Aevit”, “Myrtilene forte” ", "Slezavit", "Focus Forte", "Blueberry Forte", "Vitrum Vision", "Complivit Oftalmo", "Lutein-Complex", "Strix Forte".
If you have to spend a long amount of time at the computer, then you should pay attention to ophthalmic medications, vitamin and mineral complexes, which have a wide spectrum of action. The best eye vitamins for those working at the computer - “Complivit Oftalmo”, “Vitrum Vision”, “Blueberry Forte”, “Star Eyebright”, “Myrtilene Forte”, “Slezavit”, “Focus Forte”, “Doppelhertz Active for eyes with lutein” and blueberries", "Lutein-Complex", "Strix Forte". Also, eye drops have a positive effect during long periods of visual stress, the most effective of which are eye drops from Japan.

As trivial as it may seem, we receive 90% of all information about the surrounding reality through vision. Any disturbances in the functioning of this sense and eyes deprive us of the most valuable thing - information.

In caring for vision, the primary role should be given to eye nutrition, that is, vitamins and microelements. It’s worth figuring out exactly how and where to get them.

Why and who needs vitamins to improve vision

Everyone, but first of all, it is important to take them to everyone who is at risk for vision.

These include:

  • People who constantly work at the computer.
  • Suffering from various visual impairments (astigmatism, myopia, glaucoma, farsightedness, cataracts, etc.)
  • In adulthood, especially if the visual load is high.
  • Suffering from diabetes mellitus (this disease affects the veins and arteries of the fundus of the eye).
  • Patients with varicose veins (vision problems are often caused by stagnation of blood in the veins that are in the fundus of the eye).
  • Children, especially elementary school students, because the load on the eyes at school increases greatly and does not correspond to the development of vision at this age.

It is best to take vitamin supplements in spring and autumn, when vitamin hunger becomes especially acute.

What vitamins do the eyes need: beneficial and side effects

Our eyes need two types of vitamins - fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Fat-soluble ones include:

Retinol (vitamin a). One of the components of the visual pigment rhodopsin, this vitamin plays a huge role in the visual process. This pigment is consumed when a light-sensitive cell (i.e. rod) is excited. That is why if there is not enough rhodopsin, this leads to a decrease in visual functions, for example, adaptation to darkness and decreased immunity, and this is fraught with barley and conjunctivitis.

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol– needed for the transfer and absorption of calcium necessary for muscle contraction. A lack of calciferol leads to myopia.

Vitamin E, also called tocopherol– is necessary for stabilizing cell membranes; its antioxidant properties are widely known, thanks to which eye tissue is protected from the harmful effects of bright light and ultraviolet radiation.

Water-soluble include:

Thiamine (vitamin B): needed for the transmission of nerve impulses in the optic nerves. It also promotes the formation of the enzyme cholinesterase, which reduces intraocular pressure. Without this enzyme, visual acuity decreases, intraocular pressure increases (this is the cause of glaucoma)

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)- also contains a visual pigment that protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation. A lack of this vitamin also leads to poor vision.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3): facilitates the course of glaucoma, and also regulates higher nervous activity and improves blood circulation in the eye.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): Relieves inflammation of the optic nerve and eye strain.

Cyanocobalamin (B12): has a positive effect on the optic nerve and its condition, prevents glaucoma. Saves from “aging eyes”

Vitamin C: needed for the blood vessels of the eyes, or rather to strengthen them.

Lutein. Refers to carotenoids. Among its unique properties is its resistance to light. Accumulating in the retina of the eye, it is able to create a light filter that protects the pigment epithelium from light rays, or rather, their harmful effects.

Lutein is also needed to inhibit free radicals in the pigment layer of the retina.

The human eye also needs elements such as zinc, selenium and copper.

List of eye vitamins

Eye vitamins are produced in the form of drops and syrups, but most often they are produced in the form of tablets. There are a lot of vitamin preparations for the eyes, but you can stop at the well-known and effective ones.

Dietary supplement with carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, copper, zinc, fish oil, vitamin E (more precisely alpha tocopherol acetate), EPA and DHA, etc.

It is prescribed for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, for older people to preserve and improve the health of their eyes, for dry eyes, after operations on the visual organs, to restore normal functioning of the retina after conjunctivitis, etc.

A drug based on blueberry extract. It also contains beta-carotene concentrate, lyophilized blueberry juice and excipients.

It also contains beta carotene, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins (E and C), etc. Prescribed for visual fatigue, age-related changes in the retina, for the treatment of myopia, primary glaucoma, for visual impairment associated with diabetes, after operations etc.

Adults, as well as adolescents over 14 years of age, are prescribed up to six tablets per day. Take with food.

Among the side effects, only allergies with individual intolerance are noted.

A drug with an antioxidant effect, which includes vitamins C and E, lutein, zinc, zeaxanthin and selenium.

Okuwait lutein forte improves the functional state of the visual organs and improves metabolic processes in them.

This is a dietary supplement for those who suffer from degenerative diseases of the retina, myopia, cataracts, twilight vision disorders and age-related changes in the tissues of the eye.


This medicine is homeopathic. It is based on blueberry extract.

Also included are eyebright, gelsemium and black cohosh. Available in the form of syrup. This is a drug with an antioxidant effect, which is prescribed both during constant eye strain and to improve the condition of the retina.

Take Mitrikam twice a day, one teaspoon.

The drug contains vitamins E, a and C, rutin, folic acid, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin.

Prescribed as a prophylactic for visual fatigue, age-related changes, and for the prevention of cataracts.

Among the side effects, allergies are sometimes observed.

Antioxidant drug. It contains blueberry anthocyanins, as well as red grape proanthocyanidins and black currant anthocyanins.

Prescribed for glaucoma, cataracts, increased eye strain, as well as diabetic vision impairment.

Take two tablets with food.

Contains lutein, blueberry extract, zeaxanthin, vitamins (C, B2, E, a), selenium, zinc and rutin.

Prescribed for visual impairment associated with diabetes, visual fatigue, myopia, after surgery, and for visual impairment in the dark.

Nutraceutical, which includes fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, red grape extract, etc.

Strengthens the vessels of the retina, protects it from free radicals, or rather, their negative effects.

This bioactive supplement contains: blueberry extract, lutein, zinc oxide, B vitamins.

The drug saves the eyes from fatigue, strengthens the capillaries, and nourishes the eyes with essential substances.

This complex includes substances such as lutein from the petals of marigold flowers, blueberry extract, macro- and microelements vitamins, as well as taurine.

Prescribed as a source of substances necessary to improve the functional condition of the eyes.

Instructions for use, price and reviews of vitamins:

Pro-Visio is an ophthalmic dietary vitamin supplement to improve vision.

It contains natural ingredients that help relieve fatigue and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The drug strengthens the eye capillaries and makes it possible to better navigate in the dark. Approved for use by patients with diabetes.

This dietary supplement helps reduce the likelihood of age-related changes in the eyes and preserve their function in the face of adverse effects. Pro-Visio is not a medicine and does not replace medications.

The lack of certain vitamins in the body provokes the occurrence of visual dysfunctions and diseases.

Lifestyle also has a detrimental effect on vision: working at a computer, insufficient or, on the contrary, too bright lighting, environmental factors also do not contribute to eye health.

Periodic intake of eye vitamins helps reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Corrective eye complex "Focus" replenishes the daily need for vitamins, is an excellent prevention of eye diseases, and helps improve vision. The composition was developed by specialists from the Institute of Eye Diseases named after. G. Helmholtz. You can read reviews about the drug Focus at the end of the article.

Vision is a process that plays a major role in human life.

With its help, we receive information about the objects around us, for example, the color of an object.

Sometimes vision can even save our lives. If for some reason it begins to decrease, the doctor may prescribe vitamins.

One of the popular vitamins is Glazorol. They are actively used in ophthalmology. Glazarol has a therapeutic effect at the cellular level. This allows you to prevent any complications associated with visual impairment.

In addition, the drug Glazorol helps prevent eye fatigue while maintaining visual acuity. How to take this medicine correctly? We'll look at it later in the article.

Attention! You can find a large number of reviews on various online forums. A general overview is provided at the end.

The eyes are an organ that we use throughout our lives. We all know that we receive about 90% of information through these organs.

But nevertheless, as a rule, deterioration of vision does not cause a person great concern, because... they take it for granted.

At the same time, if you take the necessary medications in a timely manner, it is possible to stop the process, and sometimes completely restore visual acuity.

When visiting a hospital, an ophthalmologist may prescribe the dietary supplement Normophtal. This is a drug that consists of amino acids. That is why it often improves the functioning of the cornea, as well as the retina. How to take this drug correctly?

The organs of vision are very vulnerable and often suffer from various lesions and diseases.

These ailments can significantly impair the functioning of the eyes.

To compensate for the lack of certain substances that are necessary for eye health, doctors prescribe various medications to their patients.

One of these drugs is Optix Forte. In this article we will look at it in detail.

Vizivit is a dietary supplement designed to improve vision.

Due to the fact that the composition includes herbal ingredients and vitamins, the product is completely harmless and is suitable for both children and elderly people, who especially often suffer from vision problems.

It is well suited for decreased visual acuity and in cases where the eyes get tired from constant stress and activities that require constant concentration.

Review of eye drops to improve vision, to strengthen the retina, after laser correction.

Important: Vision is one of the five most important senses. Therefore, vision must be protected and ophthalmic diseases should not be left to chance.

Modern ophthalmology successfully copes with many eye diseases. And, as you know, there are more than a dozen of them. Let's list the most common ones.

Diseases that impair visual acuity:

  • Myopia
  • Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism

Diseases that can lead to vision loss:

  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinal dystrophy
A person's vision affects the quality of his life

Important: The retina is the inner sensitive layer of the eye that perceives light. The light is then converted into nerve impulses and sent to the brain. Essentially, the retina is the main “tool” that provides vision.

Retinal disease

Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose retinal dysfunction. In the initial stages, retinal pathologies do not manifest themselves in any way. Those who are at risk need to undergo diagnostics and make sure that everything is fine with the retina. Risk groups include:

  1. People suffering from myopia
  2. Patients with diabetes
  3. Aged people

Important: It is extremely dangerous to prescribe drops on your own to treat, restore or strengthen the retina. Entrust this matter to the ophthalmologist observing you.

At retinal dystrophy An ophthalmologist may prescribe the following drops:

  • Emoxipin
  • Taufon
  • Aktipol

At retinal angiopathy:

  • Aisotin
  • Solcoseryl
  • Quinax
  • Emoxipin

Video: Retinal diseases

Taufon eye drops: how to use for visual impairment?

Taufon- transparent eye drops. The main active ingredient is taurine.

Taufon eye drops

Drops are used for retinal dystrophy, corneal injuries, cataracts, and as an additional treatment for open-angle glaucoma.

The drug has not been tested for safety when administered to children, so it is prescribed only to adults. Pregnancy is a contraindication for the use of Taufon drops.

Vitamin eye drops to improve vision with decreased

Useful vitamins for eye health:

  • Vitamins A and C
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Pyridoxine
  • Folic acid
  • Niacin

Vitamin drops need to be instilled in courses, not on an ongoing basis. Vitamin drops help relieve eye fatigue, prevent dystrophy and cataracts, and improve visual acuity.

Vitamin eye drops include:

  1. Visiomax
  2. Okovit
  3. Myrtilene forte
  4. Quinax
  5. Oculist
  6. Riboflavin

What vitamin drops are there for the eyes?

Vasoconstrictor eye drops for redness due to eyestrain

The most popular vasoconstrictor drugs for the eyes:

  • Visine
  • Naphthyzin
  • VizOptic
  • Polinadim

Remember that red eyes are not only caused by eye strain. Often the cause of redness is ophthalmological diseases or seasonal allergies to flowering.

To avoid worsening your eye health, consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Before examining the ophthalmologist, you can alleviate the condition with the help of vasoconstrictor drops.

Popular eye drops Vizin

Anti-fatigue eye drops to improve vision

The eyes of a modern person are subject to stress every day. This is facilitated by working at the computer and active use of gadgets. Contact lenses also contribute to eye fatigue. In ophthalmology, there is such a concept as “dry eye syndrome,” when discomfort, dryness, and burning appear in the eyes in the evening. In this case, it is worth purchasing moisturizing eye drops. For example:

  • Stillavit
  • Cationorm
  • View-Chest of drawers
  • Optiv
  • Natural tear

Eye drops for fatigue create a membrane that moisturizes the eyeball. Attention should be paid to the choice of drops when wearing contact lenses. Some medications can be instilled without removing the lenses. Others - only after removal.

Important: Many people mistakenly consider Visin to be drops for eye fatigue. Classic Visine is a vasoconstrictor drug that cannot be used continuously. Moisturizing drops to relieve fatigue and dryness are Visine pure tears.

Stillavit is one of the drugs for eye fatigue

Video: Eye inflammation

Eye drops to improve vision with cataracts

With cataracts, clouding occurs in the lens, which itself is transparent. A person with cataracts sees as if through a veil. This disease develops in most cases in older people, but sometimes it occurs due to injuries and can be congenital.

Important: The only way to treat cataracts is surgery. Cataracts cannot be cured with eye drops. Eye drops will only help slow down the process of cataract development.

To prevent complications after cataract surgery, the following drops are prescribed:

  • Diclofenac
  • Nevanak
  • Broxinac

The following medications are used to slow the development of cataracts:

  • Catalin
  • Quinax
  • Oftan Katahrom
  • Catarax

Cataracts in an elderly person

The best eye drops to improve and restore visual acuity: list

  • Reticulin
  • Stillavit
  • Zorro
  • Sante 40

Eye drops after laser correction: list

Important: Drops after laser correction can only be prescribed by a supervising doctor. You can replace the drug with an analogue only after consulting a doctor. The duration of use of the drops is also determined by the doctor.

After laser correction, two types of drops are prescribed:

  1. Anti-inflammatory
  2. Moisturizing

Anti-inflammatory drops, list:

  1. Tobradex
  2. Dexamethasone
  3. Maxitrol
  4. Maxidex
  5. Oftan Dexamethasone

Moisturizing drops, list:

  1. Systane
  2. Oksial
  3. Hilo-Chest
  4. Oftagel

Anti-inflammatory drops Tobradex

Eye drops to improve vision Oftan Katahrom: how to use for visual impairment?

  • Oftan Katahrom drops are indicated for cataracts. The drug stimulates metabolism in the tissues of the lens and has an antioxidant effect.
  • The drug should be instilled 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day for no longer than 15 days. An open bottle can be stored for 1 month.
  • Contraindications: age under 18 years, breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Important: Before using Oftan Katachrom drops, you must remove your contact lenses. After instillation, do not wear lenses for at least 15 minutes.

Oftan Katahrom for the treatment of cataracts

Irifrin eye drops: how to use for visual impairment?

Irifin- eye drops that help dilate the pupil.

Drops are used in vision diagnostics, before surgery, and in the treatment of iridocyclitis.

It is worth knowing that sometimes side effects occur, such as burning eyes, tearing, increased blood pressure.

Important: Irifin drops are contraindicated for elderly people.

This is what Irifin eye drops look like

Eye drops for vision prevention

Vitamin drops and drops to relieve fatigue are suitable for vision prevention.

The eyes of a modern person are exposed to a lot of stress every day, so moisturizing will not harm, but on the contrary, it will help maintain good vision.

A set of eye exercises, multivitamins to maintain vision, along with eye drops will help maintain normal vision.

Age-related vitamin eye drops for the elderly

Important: With age, 99% of people experience visual impairment. Elderly people often suffer from retinal dystrophy, senile cataracts, and glaucoma. Prevention will help prevent or delay ophthalmic diseases.

Eye drops for the elderly:

  1. Taufon
  2. Catarax
  3. Quinax
  4. Riboflavin

Older people need to keep their eyes healthy

What drops should I put in my eyes to improve my vision instantly?

If you have problems with your vision, you should understand that the drops will not improve your vision 100%, they will only help you a little.

These drops include:

  • Taufon
  • Sante 40
  • Zorro
  • Reticulin

Important: Each case is individual, so you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

Relaxing eye drops

To relax the eye muscles, drops are used in several cases:

  1. When diagnosing
  2. For the treatment of inflammatory processes
  3. Before surgery

Such drugs include:

  • Atropine
  • Midriacil
  • Cyclomed
  • Midroom

Pupil dilation after Atropine

Eye drops to improve vision for children and adolescents: list

Important: A child does not need to take drops to prevent vision without a doctor’s prescription.

Most eye drops have a general contraindication - children's age. To prevent vision, it is better to use a multivitamin complex.

If a child has an eye infection, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Sulfacyl sodium
  • Levomycetin
  • Phloxal
  • Albucid

The dosage and period of use are prescribed purely individually.

At the end, I would like to add a few words about the hygiene of using eye drops. It is unacceptable to use other people’s drops, just as you should not give your own drops to other people. Wash your hands thoroughly before instillation. It is advisable to instill heated drops, since cold ones are much less absorbed. To warm up, simply lower the bottle into a glass of warm water for a few seconds.

Video: How to instill eye drops?

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