How common is implantation bleeding? Implantation bleeding is the first sign of pregnancy. Period, Miscarriage, or Implantation Bleeding: Important Differences

Pregnancy does not always proceed according to classical ideas. There are many nuances and features that can sometimes confuse a woman. It happens that pregnancy has occurred, and spotting during this period is interpreted as critical days. In fact, this is how implantation can occur on the day of your period. What it is? Are there any signs that can be used to distinguish such discharge from normal menstruation?

Read in this article

Implantation concept

Fertilization (fusion of sperm and egg) can occur anywhere in the internal genital organs, but most often it happens in the fallopian tube. After cell copulation, the developing embryo (during this period, from a histological point of view, is usually called a blastocyst) gradually moves into the uterine cavity, where the “soil” has already been prepared for it. By this time, under the influence of sex hormones, the endometrium grows. Figuratively speaking, its surface layer becomes loose and soft so that the blastocyst can attach to the wall of the uterus.

At the moment of “implementation,” the integrity of the walls of small vessels may be disrupted, which causes bleeding of varying degrees of intensity.

This is how implantation occurs before menstruation or a little later, it all depends on the woman’s regularity. The process of strengthening the developing embryo in the uterine wall occurs from 6 to 15 - 20 days after conception. Simple arithmetic shows that implantation can occur exactly on the day of the expected menstruation, which misleads a woman.

Signs of implantation bleeding

Implantation of an embryo and discharge, as during menstruation - this combination occurs in 1 out of 20-25 women. This can be observed with the threat of miscarriage, also with non-developing, and some other conditions. Therefore, if any bleeding appears against the background of other signs of pregnancy (positive test, nausea and vomiting, enlarged mammary glands, drowsiness, etc.), you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can establish the cause of this phenomenon and take the necessary measures to preserve the developing embryo without compromising the woman’s health.

Bloody discharge in 90% of cases of implantation bleeding occurs several days before the scheduled menstruation. But this is only true if a woman’s cycle is approaching 28 days.

If the period between critical days is longer, then the spot may appear a week or a week and a half earlier. Sometimes a woman normally has similar discharge on the eve of menstruation, but then it gradually turns into normal menstruation, as opposed to implantation.

In the case when the duration of a girl’s cycle is less than 26 days, then a similar daub may be observed. It is for these reasons that it is impossible to say exactly how many days before menstruation implantation occurs.

Nature of the discharge

As a result of the attachment of the developing embryo to the wall of the uterus, small vessels are destroyed, which causes bleeding. They can be bright pink, pale bloody, smearing dark brown.

Duration of discharge

In 90% of cases of pathology, the discharge lasts no more than one or two days. Sometimes at first they can be bright, and the next day they turn into brown smudges.

Number of allocations

If implantation occurs on the day of the expected menstruation, as a rule, based on the quantity, a woman may suspect a pathology. In most cases, the discharge is insignificant, sometimes it is just “strings of blood” or a single red spot on the underwear. That is why women do not always pay attention to such changes and do not turn to specialists in a timely manner. Copious discharge and clots are not typical for implantation bleeding.

Additional symptoms

The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling or aching nature indicates another pathology in most cases. When a woman’s menstruation has always been accompanied by discomfort and pain, then if implantation occurs during menstruation, there will be no such manifestations.

Also, if conception has occurred, after a few days the girl may be bothered by engorgement and an increase in the size of the mammary glands, and the nipples become sensitive. Sometimes nausea, changes in eating behavior, drowsiness and lethargy appear. All these are early signs of pregnancy, and, accordingly, the discharge is not menstruation, but the result of implantation.

Also, if the expectant mother keeps a chart, she will immediately notice a stable increase above 37 throughout the days. The pregnancy hormone progesterone is responsible for this.

Causes of discharge

After fertilization, the blastocyst seeks a place for attachment in order to further form the chorion, and then the placenta. Every month, the endometrium inside the uterine cavity prepares for the upcoming event. In cases where conception still does not occur, its upper layers peel off and come out along with menstrual blood.

When pregnancy has occurred, the endometrium, loose and full-blooded, is ready for implantation of the blastocyst and accepts it. The developing embryo secretes special enzymes that “dissolve” the attachment site deeper. As a result, the integrity of the vascular wall is compromised, mostly in the capillaries. As a result, a small amount of blood is released from the uterine cavity through the cervix to the outside.

How not to confuse it with menstruation

Can implantation coincide with menstruation? Yes, indeed, in most cases this process occurs several days before the expected critical days or exactly on schedule.

In order not to confuse menstruation and discharge associated with the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrial layer, you should be attentive to your own feelings. It is also recommended to keep a menstrual calendar, where each time the girl notes the days of sexual intercourse, the beginning and end of the cycle, as well as the nature and amount of discharge.

Some are interested in the question of whether implantation can occur after menstruation. Yes, if it happened on the eve of critical days. This can happen more often with a long or irregular cycle.

Then menstruation proceeds as usual, and a few days after it a slight discharge appears, which the woman may mistake for residue. She will find out about pregnancy directly by the delay next month. As a rule, in such cases there is always a difference in the timing of ultrasound and menstruation.

In any case, if you suspect pregnancy, you should do a test. But in such a short period of time it will very rarely show reliable results. Therefore, it is recommended to take it if in doubt. It gives reliable results within 10 days from the moment of conception.

Embryo implantation after menstruation or on the eve of it is a process of the physiological course of pregnancy. Normally, it should not be accompanied by any, especially bloody, discharge. However, in approximately 5 - 10% of women during this period, a dubious pink or brownish smudge appears, which cannot always be noticed, especially with an “imperfect” cycle. A timely contact with a specialist will help resolve all problems and controversial issues.

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    Bleeding during implantation is a physiological process in the body of a pregnant woman. How long does implantation bleeding last? What does it look like? When does implantation bleeding occur and can it be heavy? You will read about this and much more in our article.

    Signs of implantation bleeding

    As modern gynecological practice shows, bleeding during implantation occurs in approximately a third of all pregnant women and, in fact, acts as an indicator and early sign of the start of this process.

    According to confirmed medical data, the fertilized egg begins to move through the fallopian tube directly to the main organ, where it is fixed on the mucous membrane. It is at this moment that the trophoblast, which is the protective tissue of the zygote, damages the vessels of the uterus and forms the precondition for the appearance of bleeding.

    It should be borne in mind that most of the signs of such a physiological process are quite similar to classical menstruation.

    In some cases, the similarity of symptoms complicates the correct interpretation of the sign even for an experienced doctor, not to mention expectant mothers. Possible symptoms, signs and sensations of implantation bleeding:

    • Potential timing of formation. Implantation discharge forms between the 7th and 14th day after conception, and quite close to the time interval and expected onset of menstruation. Naturally, if more than one or several months have passed, then the chances of bleeding during implantation are close to zero;
    • Structural appearance of discharge. First of all, it is worth noting that the volumetric amount of discharge during implantation is usually lower than in the case of menstruation. Also, quite often it manifests itself only in the form of one bloody spot or later minor bleeding that lasts only a few hours and quickly stops. As practice shows, bloody discharge during implantation has a darker but clear shade, a spreading consistency, and does not have an unpleasant odor;
    • Pain syndrome. The physiological process is accompanied by only minor pain, which quickly disappears after the egg has fully implanted into the uterine mucosa. At the same time, increased pain in the abdominal area throughout the day is more indicative of the onset of normal menstruation or the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, and sometimes genitourinary pathologies;
    • Secondary signs. Implantation bleeding cannot be considered the main visual sign of pregnancy. It should be correlated with other symptoms, in particular the presence of early toxicosis, tenderness of the mammary glands, fatigue, frequent urges, and so on.

    Externally, as mentioned above, implantation secretions represent a rather meager volume corresponding to biological fluid, usually darker but uniform in color. Sometimes there is mucus in the discharge. What implantation bleeding looks like on a pad during pregnancy is shown in the photo:

    How to tell the difference between implantation bleeding and periods

    Menstruation, like bleeding during implantation, is a physiological process for a woman. However, if the former characterize the natural menstrual cycle, the latter are an early sign of pregnancy. The difference between menstruation and implantation bleeding is as follows:

    • Varying degrees of intensity. In the vast majority of cases, implantation discharge is quite scanty, its volume is several times less than during normal menstruation;
    • Shade and consistency. Menstrual discharge is more liquid and has variable shades, while there is almost always mucus in it, at the same time, implantation discharge is thick, there is little third-party substrate in it;
    • Time frame. Bleeding during implantation begins from 6 to 14 days after conception, and lasts several hours, up to a maximum of 1 day, while menstruation lasts up to 5 days;

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    • Other features. During implantation discharge, the structure of the secreted fluid is smearing, there is no unpleasant odor, no clots are formed, the color is darker, but has an immediate red or pink uniform tint in deeper tones;
    • Secondary symptoms. Pain during implantation is somewhat lower than during menstruation and it does not intensify, but rather quickly fades away. In addition, toxicosis, breast tenderness, fatigue and frequent urge to urinate can also be secondary symptoms and early signs of pregnancy.

    In some cases, women complain of excessive bleeding during implantation, which can be correlated with normal menstruation. Such a clinical picture is very unlikely and occurs only in isolated cases.

    Within the framework of general gynecological practice, a significant increase in the abundance of a physiological marker of early pregnancy indicates an erroneous diagnosis or the presence of a wide range of pathological circumstances, in particular chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, hormonal disorders, ectopic attachment of the zygote, and so on.

    Implantation bleeding on what day after conception and ovulation

    The time period for the formation of bleeding during implantation is quite close to regular menstruation, but still differs from them. How to correctly diagnose the presence of a corresponding physiological process as part of possible conception or ovulation:

    • After ovulation. The menstrual cycle individually for each woman can vary within certain limits, but remains stable in situations where the woman does not have serious chronic genitourinary diseases. When calculating an approximate cycle of 31 days, on average, on days 23-27 of the cycle after ovulation, implantation bleeding is possible, in a situation where conception has occurred and the fertilized egg has attached to the mucous membranes of the uterus.
    • After conception. Modern gynecologists also indicate the potential timing of bleeding during implantation after conception - usually this occurs 6-14 days from the date of fertilization of the egg. This is exactly how long it will take for the latter to cover the distance to the mucous membranes of the uterus from the corresponding tube.

    How many days does the process last and when to take a pregnancy test?

    There is no exact time frame for how many days implantation bleeding can last, since this process is individual and depends on a number of factors. As modern gynecological practice shows, on average it lasts from several hours to a maximum of 1 day, although in some cases, usually extremely rare, it reaches 2 days. When can you take a pregnancy test after implantation bleeding?

    Despite the fact that modern express systems are quite accurate, immediately after bleeding during implantation the chances of correct interpretation of the results are minimal.

    After direct attachment of the embryo in the uterine mucosa, the level of hCG hormone begins to increase, and significant diagnostic indicators of its increase are noticeable after at least 5-7 days. Accordingly, it is recommended to conduct testing no earlier than after 1 week. The optimal period can be considered a time frame of 2 weeks and beyond.

    Does this physiological process always occur?

    Implantation bleeding is a possible, although not guaranteed, marker of early pregnancy. According to global statistical medical studies, it manifests itself on average in a third of all women in an interesting position.

    The likelihood of this physiological process occurring directly depends on how quickly and in what specific location of the uterine mucosa the fertilized egg is implanted. If the latter does not enter the vascular structures, then the prerequisites for the development of bleeding are not formed.

    Implantation bleeding after IVF

    In general, bleeding during implantation after IVF corresponds to the classical physiological process of conception. It is observed on average in 30% of women, and the phenomenon occurs 9-12 days after direct embryo transfer. The discharge itself is very rarely abundant, has a smearing consistency, and has no unpleasant odor.

    Ectopic pregnancy and implantation bleeding

    Implantation discharge from an ectopic pregnancy may differ from normal conception. Let us recall that proper fertilization of eggs by sperm occurs directly in the fallopian tube, from where the formed zygote enters the uterine cavity and is fully attached to the mucous membranes of this organ.

    In an ectopic pregnancy, the latter does not reach the uterus directly, but is implanted in the tube or is pushed out in the opposite direction, becoming fixed in the ovaries or on the surrounding peritoneum.

    Since there are no adequate conditions for embryo development outside the uterine cavity, the structural villi of the chorion penetrate into the tissue of the organ and damage it, causing bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

    It should be understood that the presence of specific signs and symptoms during implantation during an ectopic pregnancy depends on the location of the zygote attachment.

    It can be tubal, ovarian, abdominal, and also located in the rudimentary horn of the uterus. At the same time, as practice shows, the intensity of ectopic bleeding during implantation is much higher.

    There is also a fairly pronounced pain syndrome that does not disappear for a long period of time. With rare exceptions, the fetus in an ectopic pregnancy is not viable, and during the growth process it often causes repeated bleeding, threatening the health and even the life of the woman.

    Implantation bleeding is a small bloody discharge that appears when the germ cell attaches to the lining of the uterus - the endometrium.

    Causes of implantation bleeding

    As you know, the onset of pregnancy is marked by the fusion of female and male reproductive cells and the formation of a single cell - the unborn child. A few days after conception, the blastocyst (this is what the embryo is called in the first days of pregnancy) travels from the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity. It is in the uterus that the embryo needs to attach in order to continue its development.

    The inner surface of the uterus is prepared to accept a new life: over the course of a month, the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, grows. It has a loose structure and is filled with blood, which means nutrients for the embryo.

    To gain a foothold inside the uterus, the blastocyst must destroy the top layer of the endometrium in order to penetrate the lining of the uterus. At the moment of cell penetration, small vessels are destroyed and small endometrial clots are released. For many women, the implantation process is accompanied by slight bleeding.

    The embryo needs to travel a long way from the fallopian tube to the uterus, and this journey takes several days. In general, we can say that implantation bleeding occurs from the 6th to the 12th day after conception. That is, implantation can occur on the days when you expect menstruation, or it can happen a little earlier.

    How to distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation?

    Is it possible to distinguish implantation bleeding from normal periods? We answer: yes, it is possible. An obstetrician-gynecologist can easily distinguish such bleeding from the onset of the next menstruation. And, in fact, many things look different in this case.

    Diagram of the passage of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity and its attachment.

    Here are the main characteristics of implantation bleeding:

    • spotting;
    • bleeding is not profuse;
    • the blood is thin and pinkish;
    • there may simply be a pinkish discharge streaked with blood;
    • lasts one day or just a few hours.

    Is it still possible to confuse implantation bleeding with menstruation? If you have an irregular cycle and you can't tell exactly what day your period might start, you may mistake the implantation of the embryo for the start of your period.

    If your cycle is regular, you keep a calendar of menstruation and mark the days when your “women’s days” begin, then you may notice that the moment of implantation occurred a little earlier than the planned critical days. This happens because many women experience this type of bleeding a little earlier in the schedule than their period. However, this rule is not the same for everyone.

    During menstruation, many women have a stomach ache, may feel unwell, feel nauseous and even vomit. When your period begins, you may experience bloating or intestinal upset. There are no such symptoms during implantation bleeding. The bleeding does not increase in severity, and there is practically no pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In addition, spotting goes away very quickly, and many women cannot understand what happened at all.

    If the attachment of a fertilized cell occurs just in time for the scheduled period, then it may be much more difficult for a woman to determine the cause of such bleeding. The fact is that bleeding of this type can be confused with the following conditions:

    • hormonal imbalance, causing periods to become scanty;
    • the beginning of menstruation (sometimes menstruation begins as light bleeding, and intensifies in the next two days);
    • failure of menstruation and the onset of ovulation (the release of a mature egg is also sometimes accompanied by slight bleeding).

    Features of bleeding at the time of implantation

    Not all women notice implantation bleeding. No girl would mistake the discharge of one or two drops of blood for any serious bleeding, or consider it an unusual condition. In addition, in some cases, the discharge during germ cell implantation has a brownish tint. Women with irregular cycles or scanty periods may mistake implantation bleeding for the start of menstruation and not realize they are pregnant at all.

    Not always, but implantation bleeding can be accompanied by nausea and a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen. Additionally, by the time implantation occurs, your body may already be releasing pregnancy hormones, causing breast tenderness. Therefore, some women mistake the implantation of the embryo for the beginning of menstruation, since they have signs of premenstrual syndrome.

    In any case, we will advise you to be patient and wait. If this is indeed implantation bleeding, then it will end soon, but the painful sensations in the chest and abdomen may not stop, and this is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon during pregnancy.

    It would also be a good idea to do a test after implantation bleeding. If you are pregnant, then there is a chance that you will see a faint second line, since, in fact, it is too early to take a pregnancy test.

    Also, you should pay attention to your basal temperature. On the day of your period, your temperature drops, and if you are pregnant, your basal temperature will remain the same even after implantation bleeding.

    Good luck and have an easy pregnancy.

    Implantation bleeding is the first sign of pregnancy. It is manifested by blood discharge of medium intensity. The process begins after the ovulation period after a few days. Women are interested in knowing how long implantation bleeding lasts. This is what needs to be sorted out.

    Dynamics of bleeding

    Implantation is the process during which the embryo is implanted in the uterus. After the egg is immersed in the uterus, enzymes begin to be released from the surface layer, promoting the melting of the surrounding tissue. The embryo attaches to the uterus. Blood appears due to damage to small vessels by enzymes.

    Implantation blood flow is not always noticeable. A woman recognizes the signs of pregnancy when it is noticeable. The most successful fertilization occurs during two days before or after the ovulation period.

    Its duration does not take much time. The embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus within 40 hours. Therefore, the duration of the implementation process does not exceed this period. Otherwise, blood leucorrhoea is forced to alert the woman. Consulting a doctor will help you find out the reasons. Pain is not felt during implantation. When pathology appears, the opposite happens.

    How many days does implantation bleeding last? The answer to this question will help distinguish between normal and pathological. Implantation blood flow normally proceeds from one to two hours to two days. If the period continues for a long time, this sign portends serious health problems. There may also be a possibility of miscarriage, only in the early stages, and hormonal imbalance. This follows through untimely onset of bleeding.

    Implantation discharge is characterized by scarcity and in many cases remains unnoticeable. It doesn't last long. Spotting during implantation begins very rarely, then there may be profuse leucorrhoea.

    Symptoms of implantation

    The blood flow is not characterized by pronounced symptoms. Therefore, you should navigate the period of its passage and menstruation. According to doctors, the symptoms of the leak are almost invisible. But still there are signs by which the difference is recognized.

    Implantation bleeding is characterized by:

    1. feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. It can be of an unobtrusive type, in which pain is not felt, and on the contrary, it causes strong pain and is clearly expressed. In the second case, there is no need to neglect medical assistance;
    2. basal temperature decreases slightly. This symptom needs to be identified in time, due to the fact that it quickly returns to normal;
    3. leucorrhoea appears in clots and droplets of blood. During implantation, blood is released in very small quantities;
    4. color. The discharge may be brown, pink, or sometimes scarlet;
    5. appearance of weakness. It occurs due to even the smallest blood loss.

    Is implantation always accompanied by bleeding? Engraftment of the egg is not always accompanied by leucorrhoea.

    It happens that the discharge appears in the form of bloody streaks in the mucus.

    Late implantation bleeding can be confused with periods. Brown discharge occurs during ectopic pregnancy, due to “aging” of the blood.

    Implantation or menstruation

    A woman should not confuse her period with implantation bleeding. This is the main danger. Blood flow caused by pathological processes requires emergency medical attention. To avoid unwanted situations, you need to be aware of what is happening in the body.

    The menstrual cycle ends with menstruation. According to the rules, they appear after 30 days. During this period, the fertilized egg separates and bleeding appears. Duration is 3 – 7 days. Bleeding occurs individually for each person: profusely or moderately. On the first day of menstruation there is always a small discharge, the intensity of which increases. During menstruation, your stomach, lower back, and head hurt, and your health worsens.

    After conception there are no periods. Engraftment occurs after the ovulation period after 6 days. It is easier for women with a regular cycle to distinguish the changes occurring in the body than for those whose cycle is disrupted. Then you should pay attention to the intensity and duration of the discharge.

    How to distinguish ovulation from implantation:

    • Ovulation begins on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the total cycle is 28 days;
    • when pregnancy occurs and menstruation is lost, there is no ovulation;
    • Implantation discharge begins on days 20-21 of the menstrual cycle. They are insignificant and sometimes not even noticed by the expectant mother;
    • Bleeding that occurs during pregnancy requires immediate gynecological care. The discharge is characterized by a brown bloody color.

    Sometimes early pregnancy is characterized by slight leucorrhoea. They occur due to the natural rejection of elements of the mucous membrane. Bleeding that occurs in the first month may last until the second trimester. Implantation requires specialist consultation. This is a reliable way to maintain pregnancy and identify any problems that have arisen.

    Implantation bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy. It does not appear in all women: only one in three out of ten are able to notice a discharge after egg implantation.

    Knowing the symptoms and differences between such bleeding and cyclic monthly discharge, you can identify pregnancy even before the delay.

    The main difference is the timing of the onset and duration of the discharge. If bleeding began a week before your period and lasted no more than two days, this is one of the sure signs of pregnancy. The duration of menstruation is much longer - from four to seven days.

    The second difference is the amount of blood released. With implantation bleeding, it is so slight that a woman may notice just one or two drops of blood in the form of a small speck.

    The third difference is the color of the bloody discharge. If the blood is light and not brown, this is one of the signs of pregnancy.

    The fourth difference is pain in the uterine area. With implantation bleeding there is practically no bleeding.

    Implantation bleeding has several significant differences from regular periods (menstruation). You need to pay attention to the following points:

    • timing of discharge relative to the normal menstrual schedule;
    • number of discharges;
    • color of blood during discharge;
    • presence or absence of pain in the lower abdomen;
    • duration of discharge.

    Main symptoms of bleeding

    Implantation bleeding, that is, associated with the implantation (introduction) of an embryo, is a sign of a normal pregnancy developing in the uterus.

    1. It has two main symptoms.
      The first is the period of discharge that began. It's quite easy to calculate. With a normal monthly cycle of 28 days (lunar cycle) or 30 days, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth or fifteenth day. This is the middle of the cycle. At this moment the probability of conception is highest. The journey of an egg fertilized by a sperm to the uterus takes from six to ten days.
    2. A woman should compare the day of her last sexual intercourse and the arrival of early regulations. If they began seven to five days before your period, then such discharge can be considered one of the signs of a developing pregnancy. They usually last only a few hours, up to a maximum of two days.

    The second symptom is scanty, droplet discharge of pinkish, slightly brownish, cream color. Less commonly, intense red discharge is observed, the color resembling regula. Their number is so small that one should not attach much importance to color. The only thing that matters is the amount of blood released.

    • The symptoms of normal attachment of the embryo to the uterus and associated implantation bleeding are not limited to this. What else you need to pay attention to:
    • slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen, slightly reminiscent of menstrual pain;
    • weakness, dizziness, the appearance of a sharp negative reaction to odors;
    • a tingling sensation in the area of ​​the uterus or chest associated with inflammation at the site of attachment of the embryo to the uterus.
    • The appearance of spotting three to two days before the scheduled date of the onset of menstruation is not a sign of implantation bleeding.

    Period symptoms

    Normal menstruation should be distinguished from implantation bleeding. Despite the similarity of individual symptoms, there are fundamental differences. You need to know exactly all the symptoms of menstruation in order to be able to distinguish them from the first sign of pregnancy.

    Regulus symptoms:

    • breast swelling, nipple soreness;
    • aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which usually disappears on the second day after the onset of menstruation;
    • the initial and final phases of menstruation are accompanied by scanty, spotting discharge, while from the second to the fourth or fifth day there is profuse bleeding;
    • bloating;
    • weight gain as a result of fluid retention in the body;
    • mood swings, irritability, depression, tearfulness or aggression;
    • the appearance of pimples on the face regardless of the woman’s age;
    • headache or migraine-like conditions, often localized in the back of the head, frontotemporal or orbital region;
    • frequent urge to urinate.

    It is important that the manifestation and severity of the described manifestations are individual in nature, associated with the characteristics of physiology.

    Menstruation can be almost painless in some women and painful in others, and can be more or less pronounced depending on age, the presence of an intrauterine contraceptive, health status, season, etc.

    Mechanism of implantation bleeding

    • What happens when discharge appears? The mechanism of implantation bleeding looks like this:
    • an egg fertilized naturally or artificially completes its journey through the fallopian tubes in the uterus;
    • the future embryo is attached (implanted) to the uterine endometrium;

    at the moment of attachment of the fertilized egg, the integrity of the endometrium is disrupted, damaging the blood vessels.

    The cause of implantation bleeding is damage to the blood vessels of the edematous endometrium, prepared for the implantation of an egg. It is not the egg itself that damages the endometrial vessels, but a special tissue, troboblast, that forms around it. As a result, a small amount of blood passes through the cervix into the vaginal area.

    The time to see a doctor depends on the severity of the manifestations, the presence of concomitant symptoms, and the amount of bleeding.

    If it is implantation, then it is an absolute norm and does not pose a danger to the health and life of a woman.

    To make sure that pregnancy has actually occurred, you can do a test for hCG - a special hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin. The method allows you to detect pregnancy without reference to the date of your period, on the sixth to tenth day after successful ovulation. However, in order to increase the reliability of diagnosis, hCG should be done three to five days after implantation bleeding. During this period, the concentration of the hormone will become higher.

    Early diagnosis is important if a woman does not plan to continue the pregnancy. With a desired, planned pregnancy, the expectant mother has the opportunity to pay attention to her health in a timely manner and register for pregnancy as early as possible. This is true for women who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time or have undergone IVF.

    Immediate consultation with a doctor is required if the bleeding is completely unrelated to the implantation of the embryo into the uterus. Copious, pronounced discharge that begins before the next period of pregnancy may be a symptom of a serious illness or pathology of pregnancy.

    • Vaginal bleeding that does not coincide with the symptoms of implantation and begins before menstruation requires immediate medical attention. The causes of pathological bleeding can be:
    • early miscarriages;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • endometriosis;
    • debut of sexually transmitted infection;
    • inflammation of the uterus or appendages;
    • vaginal injury after sexual intercourse;
    • hormonal disorders;

    the growth of a benign or non-benign tumor of internal organs.

    If a woman experiences pain for several days with a tendency to intensify, she should immediately go to the doctor, even if the bleeding is scanty.

    Particularly dangerous are conditions accompanied by fever, changes in the skin, and other symptoms.

    Implantation bleeding and periods share a number of common symptoms. Despite this, it is quite easy to distinguish them from each other. This allows you to have an accurate understanding of the processes occurring in the body and promptly respond to changes that are important for health.