Bonn soup for weight loss - a recipe for making fat-burning soup. Become slim with Bonn soup for weight loss Bonn soup for weight loss diet by day

Calorie content, preparation, harm and benefits of Bonn soup

Bonn soup has recently been considered one of the safest weekly diets. There are two reasons for this: high nutritional value and no need to fast. Using this method, without any special restrictions, you can lose up to seven to eight kg in seven days.

Calorie content and contraindications

As nutritionists note, Bonn soup has an average calorie content of 27 kcal/100 g. It has almost zero fat content, and a small amount of protein does not contribute to the build-up of unnecessary muscle mass. Bonn soup has a caloric content suitable for ensuring the vitality of the body only due to onions and white cabbage. Tomatoes, celery and peppers contain almost no calories, so they contribute to weight loss.

In addition, Bonn soup is indicated for vitamin deficiency in obese people suffering from liver and gallbladder dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis. This dish contains almost a complete set of microelements necessary for life: phosphorus, iodine, iron, potassium, sodium, B vitamins and others.

However, there are side effects of the method that are also good to know about. The diet is generally contraindicated for people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and for pregnant women, for whom Bonn soup is quite harmful. This diet can be used by nursing mothers, but we must remember that the dish has a strong diuretic effect.

How to cook

All ingredients for a dietary dish can be found in a vegetable shop and at reasonable prices. For those who prepare Bonn soup, the recipe will seem simple. For this you will need:

  • 5 fresh or canned tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • a small forkful of white cabbage;
  • 5 onions;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • a bunch of greens: broccoli, parsley, celery, onion.

To make the dish tasty, you can use low-fat broth made from lean meat as a base. To add a piquant spiciness, use dry garlic, cilantro, coriander - any natural spice will do. Chopped vegetables and spices are placed in hot broth and simmered over low heat until they become soft. It is important not to let the broth boil, carefully controlling the heat.

Bonn soup for weight loss can be eaten in unlimited quantities, eating a portion every time you feel hungry. In addition to soup, you can drink unsweetened coffee, tea, and compotes throughout the day. Consume fruits and vegetables during snack times. You should be careful with bananas - they are very high in calories. When on the fourth or fifth day the soup seems completely bland, you can eat one lean chicken breast steak, some boiled rice and a glass of milk with 0.5% fat. The only thing you have to forget about is wine, vodka and beer. Alcohol slows down metabolism and reduces the effect of fiber.

Bonn soup effect

A pleasant advantage of this diet is that Bonn soup shows not only external, but also internal results. Celery takes a long time to digest, so you will feel hungry less and less. A large amount of vitamins will have a good effect on your well-being. Digestion will improve, and most importantly, the needle on the scale will steadily creep down. At the same time, the diet provides long-term results. Weight loss occurs not due to loss of moisture, but due to the activation of the fat burning mechanism.

This method of losing weight effectively and painlessly fights obesity, which is why Bonn soup has the best reviews. This is the best way to lose weight for many women.

Margarita, 36 years old.

Before the Bonn soup I tried a strict diet - heaven and earth! The soup is delicious, you can eat as much as you like. Therefore, the week of the diet passes without much pain, and at night I don’t dream of containers with cakes and fried meat.

Elena, 27 years old.

A great way to quickly lose a few pounds before the holiday season! I was tormented by excess fat on my stomach, I ate Bonn soup - everything went away within a week. I walk now and boast about my renewed figure.

Ulyana, 31 years old.

I have long wanted to try some kind of plant-based diet. I prepared this soup. Of course, there is an effect, nothing can be said here. But celery, onions, herbs... I love to eat delicious food, so I’ll switch to some kefir-strawberry method of losing weight.

10 ways to cheat hunger while dieting

The hardest thing about dieting is the constant feeling of hunger. It is because of him that all our desperate efforts to lose weight come to nothing. How to cope with the painful desire to eat something? Read our rules!

Natalie Lissy

Bonn soup effectively breaks down fats and removes excess water, waste and toxins from the body.

If you suddenly don’t like this one, you can puree it with a blender, add a little tomato paste or spice. So, pull yourself together, tune in and you will lose for sure and for a long time.

You can eat Bonn soup not only for lunch, but at any time if you feel hungry. Want to speed up the process? Replace all your meals with soup!

Duration: 1 week (never exceed seven days). If you have any health problems, please consult your doctor first.


What do you need:

  • 5–6 tomatoes
  • 2–3 bell peppers
  • 5 onions
  • 1–1.5 kg white cabbage
  • 1 bunch of celery stalks (the whole secret of the soup is in it)
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • salt, curry, tabasco, pepper - to taste

How to prepare Bonn soup:

1. Chop all the vegetables randomly, add water and bring to a boil.

2. Reduce heat, cover with a lid and simmer until the vegetables are ready.

3. 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and chopped herbs. Salt the soup in a bowl before eating (there should be a minimum amount of salt!).

Bonn soup diet menu

Day 1 – vegetable

You can use any green vegetables

Breakfast– fresh cucumber salad with herbs and a pinch of sesame seeds

Dinner– a portion of Bonn soup, 2 tbsp. canned peas

Dinner– broccoli salad with spinach

200 g frozen broccoli, 100 g frozen green peas, 1 bunch of spinach, 1 small carrot, 2 tbsp. lemon juice

Steam broccoli and green peas. Cool, add spinach leaves, grated carrots and sprinkle with lemon juice

Day 2 – fruity

Any fruit except bananas

Breakfast– pear salad with plums

Salad recipe (for two servings): 2 pears, 6 large plums, 2–3 walnuts

Peel and pit the plums and pears, chop and mix. Chop the walnut kernels and sprinkle on top of the salad

Dinner– a portion of Bonn soup and 1 any fruit

Dinner– half a handful of fresh berries and a small bunch of grapes

Day 3 – fruit and vegetable

You can use any fruit except bananas and any non-starchy vegetables.

Breakfast– orange salad

Salad recipe (for two servings): 2 oranges, 1 pot of lettuce, 0.5 tsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, ground pepper - to taste

Peel the orange and cut into cubes. Wash the lettuce leaves, cut them and place them on a plate, lay out the orange slices. For the dressing, mix olive oil, lemon juice, ground pepper and season the salad.

Dinner– a portion of Bonn soup and 1 piece of fruit

Dinner– white cabbage salad with carrots and soy sauce

Day 4 – milky

You can have low fat fermented milk products

Breakfast– 100 g hard cheese with herbs, 1 glass of natural yogurt

Dinner– a portion of Bonn soup, 2–3 tbsp. cottage cheese

Dinner– milk jelly without sugar

Jelly recipe: 1 liter skim milk, 20 g potato starch, 200 ml cold water

Dissolve starch in cold water. Boil the milk, stirring continuously, pour in the starch diluted in water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Day 5 – meat

Can you eat lean meat?

Breakfast– boiled beef without salt with fresh cucumber and spinach leaves

Dinner– a portion of Bonn soup, green apple

Dinner– baked beef with leek

Beef recipe (serves two): 400 g lean beef, 1 leek, herbs, salt and pepper - to taste

Cut the meat into thin strips, add salt and pepper. Cut the leek into rings. Place a layer of onion in a baking sleeve, a layer of meat on top and bake in a preheated oven for about 1 hour at 180°C

Day 6 – carbohydrate

Breakfast– oatmeal without milk and sugar, tea with 1 tsp. honey


Dinner– carrot-apple salad

Salad recipe (for two servings): 1 large green apple, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, half a celery root, 3-4 tbsp. natural yogurt, 1–2 tbsp. lemon juice

Cut the apple, cucumber and tomato into cubes, grate the carrots and celery root. Mix all ingredients. For the dressing, mix yogurt with lemon juice and pour over the salad.

Day 7 – fish

Breakfast– hake with Brussels sprouts

Hake recipe (for two servings): 1 small hake, 300 g frozen Brussels sprouts, ground pepper, soy sauce and lemon juice - to taste

Cut the fish into portions, steam along with the cabbage until cooked, remove the bones from the fish and place on a plate. Sprinkle with soy sauce. Cut the Brussels sprouts in half and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Dinner– a portion of Bonn soup, 1 any fresh vegetable

Dinner– a handful of boiled shrimp, 50 g of hard cheese

You can repeat the diet a month later. Believe in yourself and everything will always work out for you!

The Bonn soup diet (Bonn diet) is quite popular all over the world. It is also considered one of the safest and easiest, although not everyone likes the soup itself. The name comes from the German city of Bonn. In fact, it is not known exactly how the soup is connected with this settlement, or whether it is connected at all, however, the name stuck and became popular. A diet based on fat-burning soup is safe for both the health and the emotional state of those losing weight. It will not allow you to suffer from a constant feeling of hunger, since the soup can be eaten in any quantity. He himself saturates well. In addition, there will be other foods in the diet that will make it easier to tolerate. But first you need to understand why Bonn soup itself is so good and how to prepare it.

What makes the Bonn soup diet effective for weight loss? This is explained by the unique recipe for the soup itself. Its calorie content is very low, because most of the ingredients are vegetables, which have negligible calories. The finished soup has fat-burning and diuretic properties, which helps effectively lose extra pounds, cleanse the body and get rid of edema. In addition, it satisfies perfectly, so you don’t have to suffer from constant hunger.

The diuretic effect of the soup will be quite strong, so ideally try to plan the diet for a period when you do not have important activities ahead of you.


Consider the recipe for Bonn soup for weight loss. For it you will need the following ingredients:

  • a bunch of parsley, dill and celery;
  • one green bell pepper;
  • 5 small onions;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • a small head of cabbage (white or Chinese);
  • 20 grams of chopped garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a teaspoon of ground ginger or curry;
  • a tablespoon of cumin.

Wash vegetables and herbs and chop finely. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and sauté onion, garlic, cumin and curry in it. At the same time, put a saucepan on the fire, pour two liters of water into it, and bring to a boil. After the water boils, pour all the chopped vegetables into it, add the fried onions with bay leaf and seasonings. The soup will be ready when the vegetables are soft enough. The soup can be consumed both hot and cold, adding dill and parsley to it.

There are other variations of the soup recipe. They differ mainly depending on the spices used. You can also sometimes prepare puree soup for variety using a blender.

For some reason, many people do not like the characteristic taste and aroma of celery, so they prepare soup without this component. Also, to improve the taste, it is sometimes replaced with parsnips.

Features of the Bonn soup diet

The Bonn soup diet allows you to consume the main dish, that is, our soup, in unlimited quantities. This will prevent you from feeling hungry. Judging by the reviews, seven days of such nutrition helps to get rid of 4-8 kilograms, as well as cleanse the body and improve its health.

Water regime is also very important when dieting. You need to drink as much clean water as possible - at least two liters a day. It is also allowed to drink tea and coffee without sugar, as well as natural fruit juices. However, the main role is given to the soup itself. You can eat it as much as you want, and at least three times a day. In addition to this diet menu, Bonn soup will include the following additional products:

  • Fruits other than bananas, cranberry juice without sugar.
  • Vegetables other than potatoes.
  • All greens and green vegetables except legumes. One day you can eat one boiled or baked potato.
  • Low-fat milk, a couple of bananas (one day).
  • Boiled chicken fillet, lean beef or fish.
  • Brown rice can be used to help you exit the diet correctly and safely.

Salt, sugar and alcohol are excluded during the diet!

It is worth considering that not everyone can use Bonn soup for weight loss as the basis of a diet. So, this is contraindicated for children, people under 18 years of age, and people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, the diet is suitable for everyone. It is not recommended to stick to such a menu for more than a week so that the body does not suffer.

In addition, before starting a diet, nutritionists advise consulting with a specialist. And if you like the taste of the soup, you can use it in the future outside of the diet - this is an excellent low-calorie dish that will be useful for those who want to keep in shape. The diet cannot be repeated more often than once every three months.

Bonn soup diet menu for 7 days

The Bonn soup diet menu is quite simple. You can consume the soup as soon as you want and as soon as you feel hungry. To avoid disappointment, experts recommend carrying soup with you in a thermos if you go to work or don’t have the opportunity to have lunch at home. The Bonn soup diet by day suggests the following menu:

  • First day. You need to eat soup, as well as fresh fruits other than melon, watermelon and bananas.
  • Second day. You can eat soup and green vegetables. You can also eat baked potatoes with sunflower or olive oil.
  • The third day. Soup, vegetables besides potatoes, fruits besides bananas.
  • Fourth day. Soup, three bananas and three glasses of low-fat milk.
  • Fifth day. Soup, half a kilo of baked or boiled lean meat or fish, 5-6 tomatoes.
  • Sixth day. Soup, boiled meat, green vegetables.
  • Seventh day. Soup, white, wild or brown boiled rice, fruit salad, vegetables.

You can improve the results of your diet if you combine it with physical activity. But keep in mind that at least 20 minutes should pass between activity and eating.

It is worth leaving the diet gradually. You can leave soup in your diet and gradually introduce new foods into your diet. During the first week after finishing the diet, you can replace one meal with life-burning Bonn soup.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

One of the advantages of this diet is that it is balanced, easily tolerated and gives good results. A varied diet allows the body not to experience discomfort from a lack of nutritional components, so you don’t have to worry about the deterioration of the condition of your hair, skin and nails.

The diet contains a lot of fruits and vegetables, which contain not only vitamins, but also dietary fiber that can normalize digestion and intestinal function. Therefore, you will not encounter the problem of constipation, which often accompanies those losing weight. In addition, fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste, improve its health, and improve metabolism.

If we talk about the disadvantages of the diet, it is worth highlighting that it does not contain fermented milk products that saturate the body with calcium and beneficial lactobacilli. Therefore, among the contraindications to the diet, dysbiosis stands out. You will also have to deal with the strong diuretic effect that accompanies the process of losing weight and cleansing the body. Since the body will lose a lot of fluid, there is a risk of dehydration. This is why drinking plenty of fluids is very important.

Thus, the Bonn soup diet, the recipe for which we already know, is a good way to lose weight, allowing you not to limit yourself in the quantities you eat. The diet is quite balanced and rational, therefore it is considered safe. But don't use it too often. Remember that the best way to keep yourself in shape is to constantly adhere to proper nutrition.

Hello! Almost every week I tell you about how to lose weight without harm to your health and nerves. Today's post is no exception. I will share with you something interesting and very effective - Bonn soup for weight loss. Read below and you will find out the recipe, how to prepare it, why it is healthy and how to eat it correctly to benefit from it.

Every time I write about some kind of diet or nutrition system, I always warn you against being too enthusiastic; a diet is always a strict restriction and a certain discomfort for the body, so it’s important here balance. However, all this does not apply to the daily nutrition system that I have prepared for you in this post.

I'll tell you how an ordinary dish can become a salvation before important events when you need to be in shape. His recipe is simple, and the effect is noticeable immediately. Let's get acquainted with miracle food.

Bonn soup (or BS for short) is a vegetable dish. It contains products that are easy to buy without hurting your wallet. Everything is simple and accessible:

  • Cabbage (any kind will do)
  • Carrot,
  • bell pepper,
  • Parsley,
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery (perhaps there may be difficulties with it, although now it can be found in supermarkets like “Family”).

You can also add natural spices, tomato paste and other herbs here.

As you can see, the list of ingredients is quite simple (the recipe is even simpler), what is the peculiarity of BS and why does it work (and what kind of results should you expect)?

Features and benefits

Now let's reveal all the cards and find out why the celery dish is so healthy, judging by the reviews on the Internet.

Calorie content

Due to the vegetables alone, the energy value of the dish is quite low. No more than 12 Kcal per 100 grams. That is, a full plate of hot broth will contain approximately 50 calories. You simply won’t eat more at a time (and even if you do, the amount of energy received will still be small).

This means you can eat as many plates as you like, satisfy your hunger at least every two hours and not be afraid to overeat. Since a calorie deficit is created, the sides and tummy will begin to disappear, and quite quickly. Look online for “before” and “after” photos.

There are many stories of women who achieved amazing results in seven days. Some were able to lose three or four kilograms, while others managed to lose to 10! The result is always individual and depends on various factors (with significant excess weight, kilos fall off more easily).

Of course, part of the lost kilos is water, which will later return (usually up to two kilos).

Most likely, another question is already arising in your mind: how don't die of hunger on a vegetable lean ration?

  1. Firstly, as mentioned above, you can eat it all day long. If you feel your stomach growling, grab a ladle.
  2. Secondly, although they contain only vegetables, they contain enough fiber, which satisfies hunger.
  3. Thirdly, the diet involves not only broth, but also other products that expand the daily menu and make it satisfying. The system is calculated strictly by day (details will be below).

Benefits from inside and outside

BS is a storehouse of various microelements that the body needs. This includes the already mentioned fiber, vitamins, and amino acids. They start metabolic processes and remove excess moisture. According to reviews, many people not only lost weight, but also noticed changes in their appearance: their skin condition became better, swelling and fatigue disappeared.

Easy to prepare

Even if you have never done anything more complicated than cooking store-bought dumplings in the kitchen, you will definitely be able to do it. Just 30 minutes, minimal effort and healthy Bonn soup for the whole day is ready.

First results

They will be visible almost immediately. The BS diet is designed for seven days, and already halfway through the period you will see pleasant changes. What’s especially nice is that you don’t have to sweat in the gym for them (in fact, it’s even prohibited, but I’ll talk about that below).

Cooking Bonn soup

Agree, simple broth provides nice bonuses. Now let's finally learn how to cook it. Additionally, I am attaching a video with the recipe.

Eat two ways, and both are simple:

  1. Traditional
  2. Using a blender.

So, let's take:

  • Three to four medium onions (onion variety can be any),
  • Four or five tomatoes
  • Two carrots
  • 400-500 grams of your favorite cabbage,
  • A couple of bell peppers (color doesn't matter)
  • Favorite greens (but parsley must be included, it is the key ingredient),
  • A bunch of celery (about it fat burning properties).

The last ingredient is specific and may not appeal to everyone. Just add less of it or eliminate it altogether.

Finely chop the vegetables and place in boiling unsalted water. Add your favorite natural seasonings (salt, spices). Cook everything for about 20 minutes over medium heat.

This option is conditional. You can easily vary the amount of ingredients. On the Internet you can also find an option in which, for example, onions, tomatoes and carrots are first fried in oil. But personally I am against this. Roasting kills the beneficial properties of foods and increases calories.

If you want to somehow drown out the aroma of celery, you can add a tablespoon of tomato paste ( see composition so that there is no sugar), curry or Tabasco sauce.

Bonn soup should be salted in a bowl and only a little bit. No other ingredients, such as sour cream or especially mayonnaise, can be put here.

The second option for those who like a more unusual presentation is to grind the boiled vegetables into puree using a blender. I recommend sprinkling fresh herbs on top. Unfortunately, you shouldn’t add cream, croutons or any seeds either.

Judging by the reviews, people like the second method. This makes regular vegetable soup look more appetizing.

You can eat the dish at least all day, at least once (I recommend at least a couple of plates a day). It's best to cook for the whole day. Then the dish will no longer be so flavorful.

As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. After just a couple of days, you will notice how the swelling goes away, the arrow on the scale moves downward. By the way, keep in mind that Bonn soup is a diuretic dish (thanks to parsley and celery).

Benefits, harms and warnings

Despite the simplicity and seemingly harmless nature of the dish, there are a number of restrictions, and I ask you to take them seriously.

  1. Firstly, you shouldn’t even try the dish on yourself if you have stomach, kidney or liver problems. Increased metabolism makes the latter work harder than usual. For diseases Gastrointestinal tract You should be careful about what you put into your mouth. Too much fiber can be bad for your well-being.
  2. Secondly, if you have allergy on one of the ingredients. Choose another option for losing weight. I have already written about various safe ways to lose weight. Scroll through past posts.
  3. Third, no BS if you pregnant or feed the baby. The soup, of course, is rich in vitamins, but they are not enough for an expectant or nursing mother. At a minimum, it lacks animal protein and healthy fats.
  4. Fourthly, you should not eat broth when anorexia.

Below are a few rules: you can eat soup at any time and in any quantity. BUT if you eat only BS, the diet should not last longer than seven days. Otherwise, you will simply deprive the body of important building blocks for normal functioning, and muscle tissue may also suffer.

It is not recommended to expose yourself to active physical activity during such a diet, otherwise you will not avoid overwork and exhaustion. The daily calorie intake will be low, which means energy will need to be conserved to maintain normal body function. The maximum you can afford is a short walk. No dumbbells or strength training.

Well, let’s briefly list all the pros and cons of the recipe so that you can understand whether the system is right for you or not.


  • Easy to cook
  • Inexpensive low-calorie menu option,
  • A gentle type of express diet,
  • There are no restrictions on the number of meals per day,
  • Has a good effect on the whole body,
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Faster and real results (from minus three kilograms in seven days or more).


  • Does not replace a nutritious diet
  • Suitable only as a temporary diet,
  • You may have an allergic reaction to some of the products,
  • There are restrictions due to health reasons.

Meal option for the week

As I said, you can create a nutrition system for yourself in which hunger will not occur, and excess weight will begin to decrease, and all this without physical effort or monotonous boring food.

Before we give you the list, let's make a couple of important clarifications. You can't drink for seven days alcohol, there is salty, fried, sweet, flour, fatty.

The only indulgences that can be made are to add natural spices to dishes (but the total amount of salt per day should be minimal), and eat a slice of dark chocolate in the morning.

You need to drink a lot of water and avoid drinks with sugar, milk/cream (even tea and coffee). That is, if you like coffee, then you will only have to drink it black.

You need to exit such a power system carefully and smoothly. Don't jump straight to buns and butter after seven days of fasting.


  • It will be a green day. Start your morning with clean water, then you can have tea/coffee, a plate of BS and vegetable salad (green vegetables) in any vegetable oil and without salt.
  • Lunch also includes Bonn soup, green pea salad and avocado.
  • You can have dinner with a couple of boiled potatoes with vegetables and herbs.
  • During breaks, drink plenty of water, snack on cucumbers, bell peppers, and avocado slices.


We add a couple of fruits to the menu of the previous day (with the exception of starchy and high-calorie ones).


We repeat Monday's diet.


Repeats Tuesday with only one exception. Here you can add a low-fat and unsweetened fermented milk product with the addition of cinnamon (yogurt, cottage cheese).


You can have some boiled meat, fresh vegetables (except potatoes) and soup.


The menu is exactly the same as the previous day.


But on the last day you can allow complex carbohydrates. One of the meals may consist of cereals rich in complex carbohydrates, for example, wild rice, bulgur, buckwheat. In addition, a couple of sour apples are allowed.


If you are having a hard time and are constantly hungry, try increasing your portion of soup or eating it more often. You can pour it to yourself throughout the day without restrictions (except you shouldn’t eat it right before bed). I think it's worth a try!

Do you think Bonn soup will really help you lose weight so quickly? Share your reviews, stories, recipes and success photos!

When planning to start fighting extra pounds, everyone thinks longingly about the monotonous and not always tasty menu that they will have to sit on until the scales show the cherished number. However, nutritionists are destroying this stereotype by offering low-calorie, but nutritious and tasty dishes. These include Bonn soup, which has recently been included in almost all ratings of the best fat burners and is included in a variety of weight loss programs. It’s worth trying at least to see from your own experience that the diet can be appetizing!

What kind of dish is this

Bonn soup is a low-calorie and nutritious vegetable first course. The classic recipe includes onions, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, celery and parsley. There are different variations with the replacement of some products with others, but this does not change the essence.

Considering its fat-burning properties and low calorie content, Bonn soup is actively included in the menu for weight loss and even created a separate diet in which it is the main dish. At the end of the day, it gives such amazing results that an entire nutrition system for weight loss began to be named after him.

No one can say how long Bonn soup has been used for weight loss. He has no author, no patent, and even in historical sources there is not a single mention of him. In this regard, there are quite a few hypotheses about its origin:

  • The city of Bonn, located in Germany, could become its homeland, but the Germans stubbornly reject their connection: there is no such soup on any national menu.
  • Bon, a Tibetan religious tradition that includes spiritual practices and rules for consuming certain foods, could offer the world a recipe for Bonn soup, if not for one “but”: monks from Tibet prefer to eat fresh vegetables rather than boil them.
  • Bon is one of the Japanese holidays, the menu of which could previously include such a dish, but now it is not in the national cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun.
  • Bon is a fairly common surname all over the world: who knows, maybe one of its bearers became the author of the dish, but his full name has sunk into oblivion.

So the question of the origin and homeland of the soup remains open to this day.

Mechanism of weight loss

It’s no surprise that Bonn soup is considered one of the best dishes for weight loss. Literally everything in it works for weight loss:

  • low calorie content: soup prepared according to the classic recipe contains only 27 kcal per 100 g;
  • the nutritional value of the vegetables included in its composition ensures long-term saturation;
  • onions, celery, pepper (main ingredients) are known fat burners;
  • acceleration of metabolism and a slight diuretic effect also play a role in weight loss;
  • the body is cleansed of waste and toxins, thanks to.

If you follow the rules of the Bonn soup diet, the weight loss results are impressive: from 3 to 8 kg per week. They depend on the chosen recipe, daily calorie intake and degree of physical activity.

Possible harm


Bonn soup can be eaten by absolutely everyone in small quantities. But if you decide to lose weight with its help, you will have to eat this dish several times a day for a whole week, while eliminating a number of foods from your diet. This type of fasting can lead to side effects and health complications. Therefore, there are contraindications for following such a diet:

  • dysbacteriosis (intestinal microflora suffers due to the lack of lactic acid products in the diet);
  • kidney disease (the diuretic effect can worsen their condition due to heavy loads);
  • stomach problems (pepper and onion irritate the mucous membrane);
  • eating disorders (an unbalanced diet leads to relapses);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to ingredients;
  • pregnancy (the lack of protein in the diet will have a bad effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus);
  • increased physical activity.

If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before losing weight to see if it will aggravate them. During lactation, the dish is not prohibited, however, regular consumption while limiting the daily calorie content of the rest of the diet will not give the young mother the supply of energy that she needs during such a difficult period.

Side effects

If at any point your health begins to deteriorate, you must stop the diet. Alarm bells from the body will tell you about this:

  • amenorrhea (due to a low-fat diet);
  • discomfort, pain in the abdomen, heartburn;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • swelling;
  • feeling of hunger (usually manifests itself 5-6 days after starting the diet, when the body fully adapts to the new diet);
  • loss of strength, decreased performance.

You cannot stop these symptoms with one-time actions (drinking painkillers or energy drinks); you need to intelligently approach the issue of creating a diet and try to avoid these troubles. If they still overtake you, the only way out is to stop losing weight.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • the diet involves a budget set of products that will not make a dent in your wallet;
  • does not disrupt the usual daily routine, since you can take the soup with you to work;
  • no unbearable feeling of hunger;
  • there are no strict frameworks, rules, conditions;
  • no age restrictions;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • there is a choice of recipes;
  • highly effective in terms of weight loss.


  • unbalanced diet;
  • limiting the period of weight loss - no more than 1 week;
  • monotony - gets boring quickly;
  • presence of contraindications and side effects;
  • not everyone likes it; some cannot stand its smell (quite pungent due to celery);
  • Not everyone likes daily cooking either, despite the simplicity of the recipes;
  • the daily caloric content of the diet is too low, which does not provide energy for the whole day;
  • the desired effect is not always achieved (this is due to the individual characteristics of the body);
  • weight loss results are not durable: lost weight quickly returns;
  • intense physical activity is not recommended due to the lack of protein products.

Diet features

Brief description of the diet. Type: low-calorie, fat-free, protein-free. Duration: 1 week. Results: from 3 to 8 kg. Difficulty: medium.

To lose weight, you need to properly organize the Bonn diet. Its main principles:

  • daily calorie content - no more than 1,000 kcal;
  • you can eat only Bonn soup 5 times a day, or 3 times, but include additional foods from the permitted list in your diet;
  • the main course has a diuretic effect, therefore, to maintain the water-salt balance, the daily intake of drinking water rises to 2.5 liters;
  • It is better to limit salt to a minimum;
  • You can't fry anything.

Authorized products:

  • tea, coffee (without milk, cream, sugar);
  • dark chocolate (no more than 2 pieces for lunch a couple of times a week);
  • vegetables: beans (preferably red), peas (not canned), cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes;
  • fruits (which ones you can eat while losing weight, and which ones are prohibited, read on);
  • greenery;
  • 1.5% milk (only 1 glass and only on the 4th day of weight loss);
  • chicken breast, boiled without salt and skin (250 g twice a week);
  • brown rice (only on the last day of the diet).


  • fatty meat, sausages, meat by-products;
  • fried food;
  • dairy products;
  • confectionery, bakery products, pastries, ice cream, cakes, pastries, sweets, sugar;
  • white rice, pasta, cereal;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • canned food, fast food, snacks;
  • fish, seafood;
  • vegetables: potatoes, beans, pumpkin, corn, zucchini;
  • bananas, grapes;
  • energy drinks, juices, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Sample menu for the week

This diet option is quite gentle, as it involves eating protein twice a week (chicken breast) and some carbohydrates (dark chocolate and rice).

If you are sure that you can withstand a more strict weight loss regimen, also eat Bonn soup for lunch and afternoon tea, excluding all additional permitted foods from the menu.

To diversify your diet and not break prematurely, use different recipes every day. In any case, it is recommended to eat only freshly cooked soup every day.

If the diet is too difficult for you, and you are sure that you cannot eat mainly soup for a whole week, use it differently:

  • For breakfast, drink a smoothie from the vegetables included in the soup recipe, for dinner - a salad from them, for lunch - the soup itself;
  • include it in other diets;
  • arrange fasting days on it ().

Intense and strength training is contraindicated; only light sets of exercises, exercises or short runs are left. To compensate for the lack of protein, you can add 1 tbsp to the soup for lunch. l. 10% sour cream, eat 1 hard-boiled egg for breakfast a couple of times a week.

entrance and exit

The Bonn diet does not guarantee permanent weight loss with long-term retention of results. However, you can take care of this yourself by organizing the correct way out of it:

  • 1 day after the diet - include a dairy product (milk, yogurt) for breakfast;
  • Day 2 - lean meat for lunch;
  • Day 3 - side dish for dinner;
  • Day 4 - low-fat fish, seafood;
  • Day 5 - a glass of wine;
  • Day 6 - oils;
  • Day 7 - complete transition to proper nutrition.

About making soup

The ingredients are interchangeable with minor reservations. Firstly, celery cannot be excluded from the recipe - it is it that provides the dish with fat-burning, metabolic and diuretic properties (we talk about its role in weight loss). Secondly, it should not contain high-calorie and starchy vegetables:

  • potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • squash;
  • zucchini;
  • corn;
  • pumpkins.

A controversial point is the inclusion of carrots: nutritionists warn that when cooked they have too high a glycemic index. However, it is a common ingredient in most recipes.

What else cannot be added:

  • flour for thickening;
  • cream;
  • starch;
  • bouillon cubes;
  • any broth.

Another controversial point is overcooking. On the one hand, the diet is low-fat and vegetable oil is on the list of prohibited foods. On the other hand, there are two reasons to still fry onions and carrots (if they are present in the recipe) in olive oil. Firstly, it will add flavor to the dish and help you last until the end of the diet without breakdown. Secondly, a little fat won’t hurt: it will save nerve cells from death and prevent the development of amenorrhea. But this must be done wisely: no more than 3 times a week, the oil should be in minimal quantity and of excellent quality.

What can be replaced with:

  • tomatoes - tomato paste or juice;
  • onion - asafoetida;
  • white cabbage - Chinese, kohlrabi, cauliflower;
  • pepper - artichokes;
  • celery - daikon, parsley root, parsnip;
  • parsley - dill, cilantro, basil.

What can be added additionally:

  • Bay leaf;
  • salt (in limited quantities);
  • black pepper (peas or ground);
  • favorite seasonings: a mixture of peppers, ginger, cumin, curry, coriander;
  • garlic;
  • Tabasco sauce;
  • (don't get carried away with it).

Before use, you can pour chopped fresh leaves of dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, and onion feathers into a plate.

To diversify your diet and enjoy the unusual taste of Bonn soup, grind it in a blender. Puree liquid dishes normalize digestion, promote weight loss and are the basis of various diets.

How to cook

Despite the abundance of recipes, there is a universal recipe for its preparation that is suitable for everyone.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash all vegetables and peel if necessary.
  2. You can cut them arbitrarily, but with one condition: the pieces should not be large. The smaller the size, the less stress on digestion.
  3. After shredding, add salt to the cabbage, no matter what variety you choose, and mash it firmly with your hands so that it releases juice.
  4. It is not necessary to blanch the tomatoes. It is better to crush them with a spoon or puree them in a blender.
  5. The pepper must be thoroughly cleaned of seeds and cores, otherwise they will add an unpleasant bitterness to the dish.
  6. From celery, take either the stem or the root. Parsley has only greens.
  7. All vegetables are thoroughly mixed in one large saucepan and filled with cold water.
  8. After boiling, the soup is cooked until the vegetables are completely cooked over low heat - this takes about half an hour.
  9. In 10 min. Before the end of cooking, you can add spices and salt.

Master this recipe and consider that you can easily ensure yourself delicious and nutritious weight loss.


  • Classical

Chop 6 onions, chop any type of cabbage (300 g), puree 6 tomatoes, cut 2 bell peppers into strips, randomly chop 150 g of celery stalk, at least 100 g of fresh leaves. Pour 3 liters of cold water over all this. Boil. Cook until done (about half an hour).

Note. You can prepare Bonn soup without tomatoes: they are either excluded from this recipe altogether or replaced with tomato juice.

  • With carrots (without celery)

Chop 6 onions, grate 4 carrots, puree 3 tomatoes, chop 3 green peppers, chop 200 g of white cabbage. Fry onions and carrots in good olive oil. Pour 2.5 liters of cold water. After boiling, cook for 15 to 30 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley and onion.

Note. Often in this recipe it is recommended to add 100 g of brown rice into the water at the very beginning of cooking along with the vegetables. A good help for a diet in the form of carbohydrates, but you shouldn’t get carried away. Use it for variety no more than 2 times a week.

  • Multicomponent

Grind 250 g of onions (choose ones that are not very bitter), 100 g of celery root; puree 100 g tomatoes; chop 70 g of cauliflower and white cabbage; grate 100 g carrots; put 50 g of bell pepper into strips. Lightly overcooking carrots and onions in good olive oil is allowed. Pour 3 liters of cold water. After boiling, reduce the heat, after 10 minutes add 2 crushed garlic cloves, 5 peas of black allspice (or regular) pepper, a pinch of ground red pepper and 2 bay leaves. After 5 minutes turn off. Garnish in portions with chopped fresh dill, parsley, and green onions.

  • In a slow cooker

Grind 150 g celery stalks, 1 onion. Chop 300 g cabbage. Grate 100 g carrots. Puree 3 tomatoes. Roughly chop 1 red pepper. Pour vegetables into the multicooker bowl and stir. Add 2 bay leaves, a few peas of black allspice, salt, chopped parsley (50 g). Pour 2.5 liters of hot water. Set the cooking time to 1 hour. Don’t rush to open the lid: let the soup sit for another half hour after turning it off.

  • With broccoli

Cut 5 onions into half rings, chop 150 g of white cabbage, cut 10 broccoli florets into halves, cut 100 g of bell pepper into strips, 100 g of celery stalks. Add a liter of tomato juice, the necessary spices and pour 2 liters of cold water, stir. After boiling, cook without a lid, without reducing heat, for 10 minutes, then simmer for the same amount of time under the lid on low heat. Before use, sprinkle with any chopped herbs.

  • With ginger

Bonn soup with enhanced fat-burning effect.

Grate 50 g of root, 100 g of celery root and 100 g of carrots. Chop 300 g of white cabbage and 2 green peppers into thin strips. Grind 100 g parsley and 100 g onions. Mix. Add 100 g of tomato paste, sprinkle with your favorite spices. Pour in 2.5 liters of water. After boiling, cook for 30-40 minutes (check the readiness of the celery root).

  • With egg

A recipe for those who cannot live without sports and who require daily protein intake.

Roughly chop 5 onions, 5 tomatoes, 3 stalks of celery, 100 g of any cabbage, 50 g of carrots. Mix, pour 2 liters of cold water. After boiling, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Add a pinch of black and white pepper and curry. Break 1 raw egg, mix thoroughly, turn off, keep covered for 5-7 minutes. Serve with Tabasco sauce.

Whatever recipe you choose, it will have the properties necessary for fast and effective weight loss. The main thing is to add some zest to the dish so that the monotonous diet does not become boring and does not provoke a breakdown. And then enjoyment of the taste, and at the end of the journey, the achieved results are guaranteed.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other soups for weight loss (the best recipes, cooking rules):

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