11 eyes crime punishment and atonement. Book: Crime and Punishment. Added voice-over versions: Shoker & Nuriko, Oriko & FruKt and Snowly & Oni

Roman Artemiev

Crime and Punishment

Title: Buy the book "Crime and Punishment": feed_id: 5296 pattern_id: 2266 book_author: Artemyev Roman book_name: Crime and Punishment

Since the reign of Tsar Peter Alekseevich, Ivan, may he rest in heaven, has sworn off getting involved with bloodsuckers. They seem to look at you sympathetically in the face, smile, shake your hand, and then do such a dirty job that you just have time to run away. Lying creatures, rotten. So, if it weren’t for extreme need, the leader would not have approached Arman for the arrow’s flight.

His flock has lived in the vicinity of the city for the second century, and over the past time has grown to hundreds of heads. The Civil War did not in any way affect the life of the community, except that it allowed the creation of a separate settlement on the outskirts, without human supervision. Thanks to this, when collectivization broke out, Ivan, throwing stones, instantly appointed himself chairman of the newly created collective farm, which allowed him to survive the hard times. The pack endured the reign of King Joseph, strengthening the leader's reputation and providing plenty of gossip for the surrounding villages.

Ivan didn’t know how to live further. I didn't know yet. There were too many werewolves, the males fought among themselves more and more often, and it became increasingly difficult to hide from human authorities. I didn’t want to divide the flock; living together was more fun and satisfying. Look for another place, go beyond the Stone? This is also not a solution, newcomers are always in sight, and you don’t want to leave your habitable place. This means that magic is needed to cover up the traces left by stupidity or accident, because money alone is not enough. There will definitely be some unselfish enthusiast who, for the sheer love of truth alone, will bring to light all the secrets of the pack. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have connections among the authorities, but this is easier. All bosses love to hunt.

Previously, Chibisov helped in cases where the ritual magic of werewolves did not help. However, a month ago the magician left, drove off with his boy-girl, and Ivan did not trust the other city sorcerers. Either they are weak in that the flock needs bullshit, or they love money too much. He should have been on the safe side and talked to Arman. Moreover, time was running out.

So, you’re asking me to help convince the investigator of the innocence of a member of your pack,” the ghoul folded his fingers and looked over them at the leader. - And you want me to continue solving problems of this kind in the future. In return, you offer forceful support and undertake to save me from the attention of petty crime bosses. Have I stated everything correctly?

“Yeah,” Ivan nodded. - That's right. The children of the Wolf do not know how to cloud their brains, and the neighboring craftsmen come at you. You help me, I will help you.

Interesting offer. Unusual, I would say. You usually prefer to look elsewhere for support and don't get involved with children of the night.

Yes, because you don’t know what to expect from you. Look for yourself. When this perestroika began, almost every week some new dashing people came and offered “protection.” We immediately scared them away; they are still afraid to get involved. And for some reason you paid money to the gendarmes. What for?

Ivan, you are still listed in police reports as the head of an organized crime group. And until you get a new biography, they will keep an eye on you. The same applies to your entire pack. But no one knows about me, I’m a simple businessman, like there are many.

That's what I'm talking about. You are very cunning. That’s why you don’t know whether it’s worth doing business with you or not.

Yes, indeed,” Arman smiled. - OK then. Let's first try to do each other a couple of favors, and then we'll see. Spare me from Lekha Greyback, and I will deal with your matter. By the way, you have your own people in government, why don’t you want to act through them?

Yes, that brat that Miroslav killed turned out to be the son of some bigwig. When they hear the name of the victim, they don’t even want to take the money, but they send me out of the office.

The next meeting took place a day later, on a more serious matter. Both parties were satisfied with the result of the previous meeting and intended to continue mutually beneficial relations. Slowly, with caution, both predators were looking for a way not only to divide the territory, but also to jointly protect it from outside attacks. In this case, we were talking about the notorious Hunters' Guild. To be precise, about one of her overzealous members.

Can you imagine, this bitch locked my puppy in a cage. The bastard demanded that we give him a list with the names of our people at the mayor's office.

I sympathize with your grief. My chick also suffered just yesterday. They carried him out into the sun. Now the boy is treating his burns.

Kirill Miloslavsky got off to a too fast start and needed to be reined in. Both leaders sought to protect their young - the werewolf due to his instinctive attachment to babies, the vampire... It was difficult to say what the vampire was thinking about. Vyacheslav became Arman's third chick, which confirmed his position as the master of the city. Moreover, the blood-sucking community in the city included only six undead, so the threat to any of its members worried Armand. How he really felt about the younger chick, only he himself knew.

Wring his neck, and that’s all,” Ivan no longer spoke, but growled.

And start a war with the Guild? The first?

The werewolf snorted displeasedly. Indeed, I didn’t want to fight. But the leader could not leave the incident without consequences.

We need to do something that will greatly punish our overly active friend, but will not be perceived as a reason to start a war,” the vampire thought out loud. - Something unpleasant and not fatal. How to punish Kiryusha? Hm. Punish. Listen, Ivan, how do you like this option?

Lena put the bucket in the bathtub and began filling it with water. The black-haired girl didn’t particularly like her job, even if it gave her the opportunity to feed (and feed well) herself and Vaska. The downside was wearing a terrible leather uniform, which included chrome-plated leather boots, a stuffy face mask, and a thick vinyl corset with decorative inserts. In addition, few people reacted normally to the fact that their interlocutor was a “mistress” in a club for perverts. But the positive aspects of the chosen craft included the opportunity to give a hearty whipping to such men as the deputy regional prosecutor or the city vice-mayor.

The door slammed, thin arms hugged Lena's waist.

I finished today.

I have another VIP client. - Lena turned to her friend. Since her father drunkenly raped her for the first time at the age of fifteen, she has not voluntarily gone to bed with a man. - Just imagine, he has some problems with potency, and his friends decided to treat him in this way. Some luminary in Moscow advised them. So they pay crazy money for me to treat a client to the fullest extent, just so that he gets an erection.

I didn’t do anything with him! And she put her on a horse, and tied her up, and used whips of all types! Well, things are not going well! At first, the bastard generally kicked, screamed, and demanded to be let go, until I inserted a sliding gag into his mouth.

Wait. Won't he tell the cops? - my friend was alarmed.

The owners told me not to worry, everything would be fine. So, I couldn’t do anything until I tried scrolling. And things started going right away. In general, he licked my boots, and I gave him a little rest. I'll finish soon.

The mistress picked up a bucket of water and headed into a dark cell upholstered in soft fabric. Kicking the door open, she purred softly, professionally adding a clanging metallic edge to her voice. The male body suspended by the belts twitched, trying to free itself.

Mommy's boy has become quiet, he must have gotten sick. It’s okay, mommy will cure him soon. Mommy knows what to do, she will give him the biggest enema. Tell me, are you happy with how mommy takes care of you?

The man shook his head furiously.

So you didn’t appreciate your mistress’s good attitude? I'll have to teach you some obedience lessons, you nasty boy!

Three people gathered in Arman's mansion. The owner himself, who greeted the guests with a polite smile, the rather squinting leader of the werewolves and Andrei, bursting with anger. The head of the city hunters today received a tape recording the “torture” of his subordinate and demanded revenge.

I don’t understand why you’re dissatisfied, Andrey. The recording clearly shows how much pleasure Mr. Miloslavsky receives from the manipulations performed on him - after the vampire’s words, Ivan openly laughed.

He still can't come to his senses.

Just like my chick! - Armand’s outburst of rage took everyone present by surprise. - Consider that the bastard got off easy! I don’t care what you do: declare a hunt or complain to the Council, but I won’t allow you to offend my own people. Remember this, bloodhound!

If you want war, you will get war. - Ivan looked seriously. - We were not the first to start; the court of intermediaries will justify our actions.

By the way, - Arman entered again, - we spent a little money on the treatment of children who suffered at the hands of your barbarians. Therefore, we will have to reimburse ourselves by selling the recording you viewed. She will be in demand in certain circles.

Unless, of course, the Guild wants to buy the tape from us. For a reasonable price.

Armand thought melancholy, sitting in front of the fireplace. Positively, today is a good day. The alliance with werewolves grew stronger, and the guild received a slap on the nose. The hunters can't do anything, they have no room to maneuver. They will endure it and remember that they shouldn’t touch vampires. At the same time, the rest of the hidden brothers of the city will understand whose side is strong. Children of the night and descendants of the Wolf in one bundle - an ideal alliance.

Remembering Ivan, the vampire sighed quietly. There are no words, werewolves are useful, but they are difficult to control. They are rude.

In the world of Naruto, two years flew by unnoticed. Former newcomers joined the ranks of experienced shinobi at the rank of chunin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninjas of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of combat skill. Sakura became the assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to his expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that they are only using the other for the time being.

The brief respite ended, and events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife sown by the first Hokage are sprouting again. The mysterious Akatsuki leader has set in motion a plan for world domination. There is turmoil in the Sand Village and neighboring countries, old secrets are resurfacing everywhere, and it is clear that bills will have to be paid someday. The long-awaited continuation of the manga has breathed new life into the series and new hope into the hearts of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

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    © Hollow, World Art

    Added Episode 23β, which serves as an alternate ending and lead-up to the sequel in SG0.
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    © Hollow, World Art

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  • (23186)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be will be decided by roulette. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Judgment.

  • Series: 1-12 of 12 episodes, 25 min. + 6 Special, 3 min.

    Added voice-over versions: Shoker & Nuriko, Oriko & FruKt and Snowly & Oni

    Voiced by: Hamletka Cezarevna & 9th Unknown

    Based on the manga: Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka

    The title of the series is made up of the words dangan - “bullet” and rompa - “to refute, to win an argument.” The animators retained the graphical solution of the game, where the main character's insights are presented in the form of a bullet that breaks the opponents' false formations.

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    Genre: adventure, comedy, fantasy, parody

    Genre: action, adventure, comedy, romance, fantasy, ecchi

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    In addition to acting, Rina Grishina has been working at a dubbing studio since 2011. The characters in 28 foreign films speak in the voice of the actress. The girl participated in the dubbing of American, French, and English films, including “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn,” “Fright Night 3D,” “I Am Number Four,” “Paris at Any Cost,” “Boyhood.”

    In 2007, the Ren-TV channel premiered the serial crime thriller “Echoes from the Past” directed by Andrei Korshunov, in which the girl reincarnated as the heroine Svetlana. The main roles in the film were played by Ekaterina Strizhenova, Anatoly Bely and Evgeny Dyatlov. Before entering the theater, Rina Grishina also starred in the popular crime series “Foundry” and “Road Patrol”.

    In addition, Grishina has recently been realizing herself as an amateur musician: in the cover troupe “Sister Petra” she plays the double bass. One of the actress’s hobbies, jazz step, allows Rina to maintain a slender figure and straight posture, as can be seen in numerous photos from the microblog on Instagram. With a short height of 161 cm, Grishina’s weight is only 44 kg.

    Rina Grishina

    In 2015, a young St. Petersburg actress was invited to participate in the one-woman show “Love. Overheard", which was staged at the Fabrika TsTI by director E. Nenashev.

    Rina was born on August 16, 1987 in the town of Naro-Fominsk near Moscow, in the house of her mother’s parents. A few years later, the Grishin family moved to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where his father took up fishing. In this Far Eastern city, Rina studied at a ballet school for 10 years and cherished the dream of becoming a professional dancer. True, a broken leg and a year away from rehearsals put an end to this desire. The girl also managed to graduate from music school, where she was taught to play the piano and violin fluently.

    Rina Grishina in the film “New Old House”

    In 2016, Rina Grishina starred in a number of projects. In addition to the acclaimed TV series “Hotel Eleon”, the girl played the role of Elizaveta Zueva in the police serial film “Klim”. In the sports drama “Champions: Faster. Higher. Stronger” Rina Grishina, after the casting, received the role of a young gymnast. The film by Artem Aksenenko managed to collect $2.2 million at the Russian box office in a short period of time.

    Rina Grishina is a Russian actress who managed to have her say on the theater stage, on the set, and in a musical group. Viewers might remember her from the detective story “SOS”, the psychological drama “Games for Adult Children”, but her greatest fame came from her role as receptionist Svetlana Alekseeva in the sitcoms “Kitchen” and “Hotel Eleon”.

    In 2005, the actress ended up on the set of Stanislav Lebedev’s social drama “The Awakening,” about an orphan boy who lost his last loved one - his grandfather. A year later, the young actress was cast for the role of Empress Catherine in her youth to work in the documentary biographical film “Catherine the Great.”

    Rina Grishina does not like to talk about the events of her personal life. Judging by information from social networks, the actress is single as of August 2017 and spends all her free time either on the set or at theater rehearsals.

    In 2010, the NTV channel started showing the detective melodrama “Atonement,” in which the main roles went to Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Olga Filippova and Mikhail Dolginin. Rina Grishina played the small role of Vera in the film. In the same year, the girl took part in the filming of the series “PPS” about the work of the St. Petersburg police detachment, as well as in the crime films “Farewell, Makarov!” and “Streets of Broken Lanterns.”

    To date, Rina Grishina’s filmography already includes over 40 works. She starred a lot in both television series and feature films. The first film with her participation, the action movie “Called Baron,” was released back in 2001, that is, when she was a simple schoolgirl.

    It is not his own poverty, not the need and suffering of his sister and mother that torment Raskolnikov, but, so to speak, universal need, universal grief - and the grief of his sister and mother, and the grief of the ruined girl, and the sacrifice of Sonechka, and the tragedy of the Marmeladov family, hopeless, hopeless, eternal nonsense, the absurdity of existence, the horror and evil that reigns in the world, poverty, shame, vice, weakness and imperfection of man - all this wild “stupidity of creation,” as it will be said later in the drafts of “The Teenager.”

    The sun sets again, and its slanting rays illuminate Raskolnikov’s way of the cross - to the crossroads, again to Sennaya, where his crime was decided and where now, with tears, he falls to the ground desecrated by this crime.

    And even earlier, six months ago, former law student Raskolnikov wrote an article “On Crime.” In this article, Raskolnikov “examined the psychological state of the criminal throughout the entire course of the crime” and argued that it was very similar to a disease - clouding of the mind, decay of the will, randomness and illogicality of actions. In addition, in his article Raskolnikov hinted at the question of such a crime, which is “resolved according to conscience” and therefore, in fact, cannot be called a crime (the very fact of its commission is not accompanied, obviously, by illness). The point is, Raskolnikov later explains the idea of ​​his article, “that people, according to the law of nature, are generally divided into two categories: the lowest (ordinary), that is, so to speak, the material that serves solely for the generation of their own kind, and actually people, that is, those who have the gift or talent to say a new word in their midst.”

    And finally - a meeting with a drunken, dishonored girl on Konnogvardeisky Boulevard. And she is a victim of some unknown spontaneous laws: “This, they say, is how it should be. This percentage, they say, should go every year. somewhere to hell, it must be, so as to refresh the others and not disturb them.” Again - a frenzied “cry”, again - the utmost intensity of rebellious thought, a rebellion against what “science” calls the “laws” of existence. Let economists and statisticians calmly calculate this eternal percentage of those doomed to poverty, prostitution, and crime. Raskolnikov does not believe them, cannot accept the “percent”.

    Raskolnikov’s confession is a recognition of his own insolvency, his own insignificance: he turned out to be a “trembling creature.” But the idea, Raskolnikov believes, stands indestructible and unshakable.

    Moral law and objective reality in the novel F

    And only in the fact that he “couldn’t bear it” does Raskolnikov see his crime. But here is also his punishment: punishment in this horror of his unsuitability, inability to debunk the idea, punishment in this “murder” of the principle in himself (“he didn’t kill the old woman, but the principle killed”), punishment in the inability to be true to his ideal, in serious the torment of the borne one.

    But what does the old moneylender have to do with it? What is the connection between Raskolnikov’s rebellion and the murder of the vile old woman? Perhaps this connection is explained by the student’s reasoning about justice that Raskolnikov heard, and the whole difference between the student and Raskolnikov is only that Raskolnikov implements, so to speak, embodies the theory, goes to the end, restores justice? And, therefore, the murder is committed for a just purpose - to take money and benefit poor humanity with it?

    So, long ago the idea arose in Raskolnikov’s brain that in the name of a great idea, in the name of justice,” in the name of progress, blood in conscience could be justified, permitted, even necessary. A visit to the old woman only aggravates, as if spurring, Rodion’s thought, forcing it to beat and work with all the tension inherent in his consciousness.

    Already at the very beginning of the novel, on its first pages, we learn that Raskolnikov has “encroached” on some business, which is “a new step, a new word of his own,” that a month ago a “dream” was born in him, the realization of which he is now close.

    And another blow, another step towards rebellion - a letter from the mother about Dunechka, the sister “ascending Golgotha,” Dunechka, who will not give up her moral freedom for comfort out of personal gain alone. What is freedom given for? Raskolnikov feels that for his sake, for the sake of “priceless Rodya,” the ascent to Golgotha ​​is being undertaken, his life is being sacrificed. The image of Sonechka looms before him - a symbol of eternal sacrifice: “Sonechka, Sonechka Marmeladova, eternal Sonechka, while the world stands!”

    Raskolnikov needs his experiment precisely to test his ability to commit a crime, and not to test an idea that, as he is deeply convinced for the time being, is immutable and irrefutable. “His casuistry was sharpened like a razor, and he no longer found conscious objections in himself” - this is before the murder. But even then, no matter how many times he returned to his thoughts, no matter how strictly he judged his idea, his casuistry only became sharper and sharper, became more and more sophisticated. And, having already decided to give himself away, he says to his sister: “Never, never have I been stronger and more convinced than now!” And finally, in hard labor, in freedom, having subjected his “idea” to merciless moral analysis, he is unable to abandon it: the idea is irrefutable, his conscience is calm. Raskolnikov does not fully find conscious, logical refutations of his idea. For the completely objective features of the modern world are generalized by Raskolnikov, confident in the impossibility of changing anything: the infinity, inescapability of human suffering and the division of the world into the oppressed and the oppressors, the rulers and the ruled, the rapists and the raped, or, according to Raskolnikov, into “prophets” and “creatures.” trembling."

    In 1866, the novel “Crime and Punishment” was published - a novel about modern Russia, which has experienced an era of profound social changes and moral upheavals, an era of “decay”, a novel about a modern hero who has contained his own in his chest - so that “his chest will burst from agony " - all the suffering, pain, wounds of time.

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